Numbers 31:19
Numbers 31:19
"Anyone who has killed someone or touched someone who was killed must stay outside the camp seven days. On the third and seventh days you must purify yourselves and your captives.

And all of you who have killed anyone or touched a dead body must stay outside the camp for seven days. You must purify yourselves and your captives on the third and seventh days.

Encamp outside the camp seven days. Whoever of you has killed any person and whoever has touched any slain, purify yourselves and your captives on the third day and on the seventh day.

"And you, camp outside the camp seven days; whoever has killed any person and whoever has touched any slain, purify yourselves, you and your captives, on the third day and on the seventh day.

And do ye abide without the camp seven days: whosoever hath killed any person, and whosoever hath touched any slain, purify both yourselves and your captives on the third day, and on the seventh day.

You are to remain outside the camp for seven days. All of you and your prisoners who have killed a person or touched the dead are to purify yourselves on the third day and the seventh day.

"Now you are to stay outside the camp for seven days, after which any of you who has killed a person or touched someone who was killed may purify yourselves on the third day. You and your captives will be pure on the seventh day.

"Any of you who has killed anyone or touched any of the dead, remain outside the camp for seven days; purify yourselves and your captives on the third day, and on the seventh day.

"Everyone who killed a person or touched a dead body must stay outside the camp seven days. You and your prisoners of war must use the ritual water on the third and seventh days in order to take away your sin.

And ye must abide outside the camp seven days; and whoever has killed any person and whoever has touched any dead body ye shall remove the sin from them on the third and on the seventh day, both of yourselves and of your captives.

And you must abide outside the camp seven days: whosoever has killed any person, and whosoever has touched any slain, purify both yourselves and your captives on the third day, and on the seventh day.

And do you abide without the camp seven days: whoever has killed any person, and whoever has touched any slain, purify both yourselves and your captives on the third day, and on the seventh day.

And encamp ye without the camp seven days: whosoever hath killed any person, and whosoever hath touched any slain, purify yourselves on the third day and on the seventh day, ye and your captives.

And stay without the camp seven days. He that hath killed a man, or touched one that is killed, shall be purified the third day and the seventh day.

And encamp outside the camp seven days; whoever hath killed a person, and whoever hath touched any slain; ye shall purify yourselves on the third day, and on the seventh day, you and your captives.

And encamp ye without the camp seven days: whosoever hath killed any person, and whosoever hath touched any slain, purify yourselves on the third day and on the seventh day, ye and your captives.

And do ye abide without the camp seven days: whoever hath killed any person, and whoever hath touched any slain, purify both yourselves and your captives on the third day, and on the seventh day.

"Encamp outside of the camp seven days: whoever has killed any person, and whoever has touched any slain, purify yourselves on the third day and on the seventh day, you and your captives.

'And ye, encamp ye at the outside of the camp seven days -- any who hath slain a person, and any who hath come against a pierced one, ye cleanse yourselves on the third day, and on the seventh day -- ye and your captives;

Numrat 31:19
Ju do të qëndroni jashtë kampit shtatë ditë; kushdo që ka vrarë dikë dhe kushdo që ka prekur një person të vrarë, do të pastrohet ditën e tretë dhe ditën e shtatë; ky rregull vlen si për ju ashtu dhe për robërit tuaj.

ﺍﻟﻌﺪﺩ 31:19
واما انتم فانزلوا خارج المحلّة سبعة ايام. وتطهّروا كل من قتل نفسا وكل من مسّ قتيلا في اليوم الثالث وفي السابع انتم وسبيكم.

De Zalrach 31:19
Wer aber öbbern umbrungen haat older an aynn Tootn ankemmen ist, mueß sibn Täg vür n Lager drausst bleibn. Eyn n drittn und sibtn Tag müesstß enk selbn und de Gfangnen entsündignen.

Числа 31:19
И вие останете вън от стана седем дена; вие и пленниците ви, всеки [от вас], който е убил човек, и който се е допрял до убит, очистете се на третия ден и на седмия ден;

民 數 記 31:19
你 們 要 在 營 外 駐 紮 七 日 ; 凡 殺 了 人 的 , 和 一 切 摸 了 被 殺 的 , 並 你 們 所 擄 來 的 人 口 , 第 三 日 , 第 七 日 , 都 要 潔 淨 自 己 ,

你 们 要 在 营 外 驻 扎 七 日 ; 凡 杀 了 人 的 , 和 一 切 摸 了 被 杀 的 , 并 你 们 所 掳 来 的 人 口 , 第 三 日 , 第 七 日 , 都 要 洁 净 自 己 ,



Numbers 31:19
Vi pak proboravite izvan tabora sedam dana; svi vi koji ste koga ubili i koji ste se ubijenoga dotakli. Čistite se i vi i vaši zarobljenici trećega i sedmoga dana;

Numeri 31:19
Vy pak zůstaňte vně za stany za sedm dní; všickni, kteřížkoli jste někoho zabili, aneb kteříž jste se zabitého dotkli, očištovati se budete dne třetího a dne sedmého, sebe i zajaté své.

4 Mosebog 31:19
Men selv skal I lejre eder uden for Lejren i syv Dage, enhver, som har dræbt nogen, og enhver, som har rørt ved en dræbt, og rense eder paa den tredje og den syvende Dag, baade I selv og eders Krigsfanger.

Numberi 31:19
En gijlieden, legert u buiten het leger zeven dagen; een ieder, die een mens gedood, en een ieder, die een verslagene zult aangeroerd hebben, zult u op den derden dag en op den zevenden dag ontzondigen, gij en uw gevangenen.

במדבר 31:19
וְאַתֶּ֗ם חֲנ֛וּ מִח֥וּץ לַֽמַּחֲנֶ֖ה שִׁבְעַ֣ת יָמִ֑ים כֹּל֩ הֹרֵ֨ג נֶ֜פֶשׁ וְכֹ֣ל ׀ נֹגֵ֣עַ בֶּֽחָלָ֗ל תִּֽתְחַטְּא֞וּ בַּיֹּ֤ום הַשְּׁלִישִׁי֙ וּבַיֹּ֣ום הַשְּׁבִיעִ֔י אַתֶּ֖ם וּשְׁבִיכֶֽם׃

יט ואתם חנו מחוץ למחנה--שבעת ימים  כל הרג נפש וכל נגע בחלל תתחטאו ביום השלישי וביום השביעי--אתם ושביכם

ואתם חנו מחוץ למחנה שבעת ימים כל הרג נפש וכל ׀ נגע בחלל תתחטאו ביום השלישי וביום השביעי אתם ושביכם׃

4 Mózes 31:19
Ti pedig maradjatok a táboron kivül hét napig; a ki megölt valakit, és a ki hullát érintett, mind tisztítsátok meg magatokat harmad és hetednapon, magatokat és foglyaitokat.

Moseo 4: Nombroj 31:19
Kaj vi restu ekster la tendaro dum sep tagoj; cxiu el vi kaj viaj kaptitoj, kiu mortigis homon, kaj cxiu, kiu ektusxis mortigiton, pekpurigu sin en la tria tago kaj en la sepa tago.

Ja pysykäät ulkona leiristä seitsemän päivää kaikki, jokainen, joka hengen tappanut on eli tapettuun sattunut, että te puhdistatte teitänne kolmantena ja seitsemäntenä päivänä, ynnä niiden kanssa, jotka te vangiksi otitte.

Nombres 31:19
Et vous, demeurez hors du camp, sept jours, quiconque aura tué un homme, et quiconque aura touché quelqu'un de tué; vous vous purifierez le troisième jour et le septième jour, vous et vos captifs.

Et vous, campez pendant sept jours hors du camp; tous ceux d'entre vous qui ont tué quelqu'un, et tous ceux qui ont touché un mort, se purifieront le troisième et le septième jour, eux et vos prisonniers.

Au reste, demeurez sept jours hors du camp. Quiconque tuera quelqu'un, et quiconque touchera quelqu'un qui aura été tué, se purifiera le troisième et le septième jour, tant vous que vos prisonniers.

4 Mose 31:19
Und lagert euch außer dem Lager sieben Tage, alle, die jemand erwürget oder die Erschlagenen angerühret haben, daß ihr euch entsündiget am dritten und siebenten Tage samt denen, die ihr gefangengenommen habt.

Und lagert euch draußen vor dem Lager sieben Tage, alle, die jemand erwürgt oder Erschlagene angerührt haben, daß ihr euch entsündigt am dritten und am siebenten Tage, samt denen, die ihr gefangen genommen habt. {~}

Ihr selbst aber müßt sieben Tage lang außerhalb des Lagers bleiben; ihr alle, die ihr Menschen getötet und Erschlagene berührt habt, müßt euch am dritten und am siebenten Tage entsündigen samt euren Gefangenen.

Numeri 31:19
E voi accampatevi per sette giorni fuori del campo; chiunque ha ucciso qualcuno e chiunque ha toccato una persona uccisa, si purifichi il terzo e il settimo giorno: e questo, tanto per voi quanto per i vostri prigionieri.

E voi, campeggiate per sette giorni fuor del campo. Ogni persona, così d’infra voi, come d’infra i vostri prigioni, che avrà ucciso alcuno, e avrà tocco alcuno ucciso, purifichisi al terzo, e al settimo giorno.

Maka akan kamu ini, hendaklah kamu tinggal di luar tempat tentara itu tujuh hari lamanya; barangsiapa telah membunuh orang dan barangsiapa telah menjamah orang yang dibunuh itu, hendaklah kamu menyucikan dirimu dari pada dosa pada hari yang ketiga dan pada hari yang ketujuhpun, baik kamu sendiri baik segala yang telah kamu tawani.

민수기 31:19
너희는 칠일동안 진 밖에 주둔하라 무릇 살인자나 죽임을 당한 시체를 만진 자나 제 삼일과 제 칠일에 몸을 깨끗케 하고 너희의 포로도 깨끗케 할 것이며

Numeri 31:19
et manete extra castra septem diebus qui occiderit hominem vel occisum tetigerit lustrabitur die tertio et septimo

Skaièiø knyga 31:19
Pasilikite už stovyklos septynias dienas. Kas užmušė žmogų ar užmuštąjį palietė, apsivalykite patys ir jūsų belaisviai trečią ir septintą dieną.

Numbers 31:19
Ko koutou hoki, me noho ki waho o te puni, kia whitu nga ra: ko nga tangata katoa i patu i te tangata, me nga mea katoa hoki i pa ki te tangata i patua, me pure koutou i a koutou, me a koutou whakarau i te toru o nga ra, i te whitu hoki o nga ra.

4 Mosebok 31:19
Og så skal I holde eder utenfor leiren i syv dager! Enhver av eder som har slått nogen ihjel, og enhver som har rørt ved en som er slått ihjel, skal rense sig på den tredje og på den syvende dag - både I og eders fanger .

Números 31:19
Y vosotros, acampad fuera del campamento por siete días; todo el que haya matado a una persona y todo el que haya tocado a un muerto, purificaos, vosotros y vuestros cautivos, al tercero y al séptimo día.

"Y ustedes, acampen fuera del campamento por siete días; todo el que haya matado a una persona y todo el que haya tocado a un muerto, purifíquense, ustedes y sus cautivos, al tercero y al séptimo día.

Y vosotros quedaos fuera del campamento siete días: y todos los que hubieren matado persona, y cualquiera que hubiere tocado muerto, os purificaréis al tercero y al séptimo día, vosotros y vuestros cautivos.

Y vosotros quedaos fuera del campo siete días: y todos los que hubieren matado persona, y cualquiera que hubiere tocado muerto, os purificaréis al tercero y al séptimo día, vosotros y vuestros cautivos.

Y vosotros quedaos fuera del campamento siete días; y todos los que hubieren matado persona, y cualquiera que hubiere tocado muerto, os expiaréis al tercero y al séptimo día, vosotros y vuestros cautivos.

Números 31:19
Quanto a vós, entretanto, acampai durante sete dias fora do arraial, todos vós que tendes matado alguém ou tocado um cadáver, tereis que vos purificar no terceiro dia e no sétimo dia, vós e vossos cativos;

Acampai-vos por sete dias fora do arraial; todos vós, tanto o que tiver matado alguma pessoa, como o que tiver tocado algum morto, ao terceiro dia e ao sétimo dia purificai-vos, a vós e aos vossos cativos.   

Numeri 31:19
Iar voi, tăbărîţi şapte zile afară din tabără; toţi aceia dintre voi cari au ucis pe cineva, şi toţi cei ce s'au atins de vre un mort, să se cureţe a treia şi a şaptea zi, ei şi cei prinşi de voi.

Числа 31:19
и пробудьте вне стана семь дней; всякий, убивший человека и прикоснувшийся к убитому, очиститесь в третий день и в седьмой день, вы и пленные ваши;

и пробудьте вне стана семь дней; всякий, убивший человека и прикоснувшийся к убитому, очиститесь в третий день и в седьмой день, вы и пленные ваши;[]

4 Mosebok 31:19
Själva skolen I nu lägra eder utanför lägret, i sju dagar. Var och en av eder som har dräpt någon människa, och var och en som har kommit vid någon slagen skall rena sig på tredje dagen och på sjunde dagen -- såväl I själva som edra fångar.

Numbers 31:19
At matira kayo sa labas ng kampamento na pitong araw: sinoman sa inyo na nakamatay ng sinomang tao, at sinoman sa inyo na nakahipo ng anomang pinatay, ay maglilinis kayo sa ikatlong araw at sa ikapitong araw, kayo at ang inyong mga bihag.

กันดารวิถี 31:19
จงอยู่ภายนอกค่ายเจ็ดวัน ท่านผู้ใดที่ได้ฆ่าคน และท่านผู้ใดที่ได้แตะต้องผู้ที่ถูกฆ่า จงชำระตัวและเชลยของตัวในวันที่สามและวันที่เจ็ด

Çölde Sayım 31:19
‹‹Aranızda birini öldüren ya da öldürülen birine dokunan herkes yedi gün ordugahın dışında kalsın. Üçüncü ve yedinci gün kendinizi de tutsaklarınızı da günahtan arındıracaksınız.[]

Daân-soá Kyù 31:19
Còn về phần các ngươi, hãy đóng trại ngoài trại quân trong bảy ngày. Ai có giết một người và có đụng đến một xác chết, thì ai đó cùng kẻ bị bắt, phải dọn cho mình được sạch ngày thứ ba và ngày thứ bảy.

Numbers 31:18
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