Numbers 31:18
Numbers 31:18
but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.

Only the young girls who are virgins may live; you may keep them for yourselves.

But all the young girls who have not known man by lying with him keep alive for yourselves.

"But all the girls who have not known man intimately, spare for yourselves.

But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.

but keep alive for yourselves all the young females who have not had sexual relations."

You are to allow the young women who haven't yet had sexual relations with a man to live for yourselves."

But all the young women who have not had sexual intercourse with a man will be yours.

But save for yourselves every girl who has never gone to bed with a man.

But all the female children that have not known a man by lying with him keep alive for yourselves.

But all the young girls, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.

But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.

But all the women-children, that have not known man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.

But the girls, and all the women that are virgins save for yourselves:

but all the children among the women that have not known lying with a man, keep alive for yourselves.

But all the women children, that have not known man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.

But all the female children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.

But all the girls, who have not known man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.

and all the infants among the women, who have not known the lying of a male, ye have kept alive for yourselves.

Numrat 31:18
por ruajini të gjalla për vete të gjitha vajzat që nuk kanë pasur marrëdhënie seksuale me burra.

ﺍﻟﻌﺪﺩ 31:18
لكن جميع الاطفال من النساء اللواتي لم يعرفن مضاجعة ذكر ابقوهنّ لكم حيّات.

De Zalrach 31:18
Aber allsand Dirndln und Junggfrauenn laasstß für enk eyn n Löbn!

Числа 31:18
А всичките момичета, които не са познали мъж, които не са лежали с такъв, оставете живи за себе си.

民 數 記 31:18
但 女 孩 子 中 , 凡 沒 有 出 嫁 的 , 你 們 都 可 以 存 留 他 的 活 命 。

但 女 孩 子 中 , 凡 没 有 出 嫁 的 , 你 们 都 可 以 存 留 他 的 活 命 。



Numbers 31:18
A sve mlade djevojke koje nisu poznale muškarca ostavite na životu za se.

Numeri 31:18
Všecky pak panny, kteréž nepoznaly muže, zachovejte sobě živé.

4 Mosebog 31:18
men alle Piger, der ikke har haft Samleje med Mænd, skal I lade i Live og beholde,

Numberi 31:18
Doch al de kinderen van vrouwelijk geslacht, die de bijligging des mans niet bekend hebben, laat voor ulieden leven.

במדבר 31:18
וְכֹל֙ הַטַּ֣ף בַּנָּשִׁ֔ים אֲשֶׁ֥ר לֹא־יָדְע֖וּ מִשְׁכַּ֣ב זָכָ֑ר הַחֲי֖וּ לָכֶֽם׃

יח וכל הטף בנשים אשר לא ידעו משכב זכר--החיו לכם

וכל הטף בנשים אשר לא־ידעו משכב זכר החיו לכם׃

4 Mózes 31:18
Minden leánygyermeket pedig, a kik nem háltak férfiúval, tartsatok életben magatoknak.

Moseo 4: Nombroj 31:18
Sed cxiun infanon virinseksan, kiu ne ekkonis kusxejon de viro, lasu viva por vi.

Mutta lapsista kaikki vaimonpuoli, jotka ei ole miestä tunteneet eikä maanneet miehen tykönä, sallikaat elää teidän edessänne.

Nombres 31:18
et vous laisserez en vie, pour vous, tous les enfants, les jeunes filles qui n'ont pas eu compagnie d'homme.

mais laissez en vie pour vous toutes les filles qui n'ont point connu la couche d'un homme.

Mais vous garderez en vie toutes les jeunes filles qui n'ont point eu compagnie d'homme.

4 Mose 31:18
aber alle Kinder, die Weibsbilde sind und nicht Männer erkannt noch beigelegen haben, die lasset für euch leben.

aber alle Kinder, die weiblich sind und nicht Männer erkannt haben, die laßt für euch leben.

Dagegen alle Kinder weiblichen Geschlechts, denen noch kein Mann beigelegen hat, laßt für euch am Leben.

Numeri 31:18
ma tutte le fanciulle che non hanno avuto relazioni carnali con uomini, serbatele in vita per voi.

E serbatevi in vita tutte le femmine che son di piccola età, le quali non hanno conosciuto carnalmente uomo.

Tetapi segala yang perempuan di antara anak-anak dan segala perempuan yang belum tahu bersetubuh dengan orang laki-laki itu hendaklah kamu hidupi bagi dirimu.

민수기 31:18
남자와 동침하지 아니하여 사내를 알지 못하는 여자들은 다 너희를 위하여 살려둘 것이니라

Numeri 31:18
puellas autem et omnes feminas virgines reservate vobis

Skaièiø knyga 31:18
Mergaites, kurios nėra pažinusios vyro, pasilaikykite sau.

Numbers 31:18
Ko nga kohungahunga wahine katoa ia, kahore nei i mohio, i takoto ki te tane, whakaorangia ma koutou.

4 Mosebok 31:18
Men alle unge piker som ikke har hatt samleie med menn, skal I la leve, og de skal høre eder til.

Números 31:18
Pero a todas las jóvenes que no hayan conocido varón acostándose con él, las dejaréis con vida para vosotros.

"Pero a todas las jóvenes que no hayan conocido varón acostándose con él, las dejarán con vida para ustedes.

Y todas las niñas entre las mujeres, que no hayan conocido ayuntamiento de varón, os reservaréis vivas.

Y todas las niñas entre las mujeres, que no hayan conocido ayuntamiento de varón, os reservaréis vivas.

Pero a todas las niñas entre las mujeres, que no hayan conocido ayuntamiento de varón, os guardaréis vivas.

Números 31:18
Não conserveis com vida senão as meninas e as moças virgens; elas vos pertencem.

Mas todas as meninas, que não conheceram homem, deitando-se com ele, deixai-as viver para vós.   

Numeri 31:18
dar lăsaţi cu viaţă pentru voi toţi pruncii de parte femeiască şi pe toate fetele cari n'au cunoscut împreunarea cu un bărbat.

Числа 31:18
а всех детей женского пола, которые не познали мужеского ложа, оставьте в живых для себя;

а всех детей женского пола, которые не познали мужеского ложа, оставьте в живых для себя;[]

4 Mosebok 31:18
Men alla flickebarn som icke hava haft med mankön att skaffa, dem mån I låta leva för eder räkning.

Numbers 31:18
Nguni't ang lahat ng batang babae na hindi pa nasisipingan ng lalake ay buhayin ninyo upang mapasa inyo.

กันดารวิถี 31:18

Çölde Sayım 31:18
Yalnız erkekle yatmamış genç kızları kendiniz için sağ bırakın.[]

Daân-soá Kyù 31:18
nhưng hãy để sống cho các ngươi hết thảy con gái chưa hề kết bạn cùng người nam.

Numbers 31:17
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