Numbers 26:62
Numbers 26:62
All the male Levites a month old or more numbered 23,000. They were not counted along with the other Israelites because they received no inheritance among them.

The men from the Levite clans who were one month old or older numbered 23,000. But the Levites were not included in the registration of the rest of the people of Israel because they were not given an allotment of land when it was divided among the Israelites.

And those listed were 23,000, every male from a month old and upward. For they were not listed among the people of Israel, because there was no inheritance given to them among the people of Israel.

Those who were numbered of them were 23,000, every male from a month old and upward, for they were not numbered among the sons of Israel since no inheritance was given to them among the sons of Israel.

And those that were numbered of them were twenty and three thousand, all males from a month old and upward: for they were not numbered among the children of Israel, because there was no inheritance given them among the children of Israel.

Those registered were 23,000, every male one month old or more; they were not registered among the other Israelites, because no inheritance was given to them among the Israelites.

All of those individuals numbered 23,000. No male from the age of a month and above was numbered among the Israelis because no inheritance was to be assigned to them among the Israelis.

Those of them who were numbered were 23,000, all males from a month old and upward, for they were not numbered among the Israelites; no inheritance was given to them among the Israelites.

The total number of all the [Levite] males at least one month old was 23,000. They were not counted along with the other Israelites, because they were given no land of their own.

And those that were numbered of them were twenty-three thousand, all males from a month old and upward; for they were not numbered among the sons of Israel because no inheritance was to be given them among the sons of Israel.

And those that were numbered of them were twenty and three thousand, all males from a month old and upward: for they were not numbered among the children of Israel, because there was no inheritance given them among the children of Israel.

And those that were numbered of them were twenty and three thousand, all males from a month old and upward: for they were not numbered among the children of Israel, because there was no inheritance given them among the children of Israel.

And they that were numbered of them were twenty and three thousand, every male from a month old and upward: for they were not numbered among the children of Israel, because there was no inheritance given them among the children of Israel.

And all that were numbered, were twenty-three thousand males from one month old and upward: for they were not reckoned up among the children of Israel, neither was a possession given to them with the rest.

And those that were numbered of the Levites were twenty-three thousand, all males from a month old and upward; for they were not numbered among the children of Israel, because there was no inheritance given them among the children of Israel.

And they that were numbered of them were twenty and three thousand, every male from a month old and upward: for they were not numbered among the children of Israel, because there was no inheritance given them among the children of Israel.

And those that were numbered of them were twenty and three thousand, all males from a month old and upward: for they were not numbered among the children of Israel, because there was no inheritance given them among the children of Israel.

Those who were numbered of them were twenty-three thousand, every male from a month old and upward: for they were not numbered among the children of Israel, because there was no inheritance given them among the children of Israel.

And their numbered ones are three and twenty thousand, every male from a son of a month and upwards, for they have not numbered themselves in the midst of the sons of Israel; for an inheritance hath not been given to them in the midst of the sons of Israel.

Numrat 26:62
Ata që u regjistruan në radhët e tyre qenë njëzet e tre mijë veta; të gjithë ishin meshkuj me moshë një muajsh e lart. Ata nuk u regjistruan bashkë me bijtë e tjerë të Izraelit, sepse atyre nuk iu dha asnjë trashëgimi midis bijve të Izraelit.

ﺍﻟﻌﺪﺩ 26:62
وكان المعدودون منهم ثلاثة وعشرين الفا كل ذكر من ابن شهر فصاعدا. لانهم لم يعدّوا بين بني اسرائيل اذ لم يعط لهم نصيب بين بني اسرائيل

De Zalrach 26:62
Bei de Brender wurdnd 23000 Mann zölt; daa gerfasst myn aber allsand Mannen und Buebn von ainn Maanet an. Sö wurdnd aau nit mit de andern Isryheeler zammgrechnet, weil ien ja kain Örbbsiz nit zuekaam.

Числа 26:62
А преброените от [левийците] бяха двадесет и три хиляди, всичките мъжки от един месец и нагоре; те не бяха преброени между израилтяните, понеже на тях не се даде наследство между израилтяните.

民 數 記 26:62
利 未 人 中 , 凡 一 個 月 以 外 、 被 數 的 男 丁 , 共 有 二 萬 三 千 。 他 們 本 來 沒 有 數 在 以 色 列 人 中 ; 因 為 在 以 色 列 人 中 , 沒 有 分 給 他 們 產 業 。

利 未 人 中 , 凡 一 个 月 以 外 、 被 数 的 男 丁 , 共 有 二 万 三 千 。 他 们 本 来 没 有 数 在 以 色 列 人 中 ; 因 为 在 以 色 列 人 中 , 没 有 分 给 他 们 产 业 。



Numbers 26:62
Svih je popisanih muškaraca od jednog mjeseca pa naviše bilo dvadeset i tri tisuće. Oni nisu bili popisani s Izraelcima i nije im bila dodijeljena baština među Izraelcima.

Numeri 26:62
I bylo jich načteno třimecítma tisíců, všech pohlaví mužského zstáří měsíce jednoho a výše; nebo nebyli počteni mezi syny Izraelskými, proto že jim nebylo dáno dědictví mezi syny Izraelskými.

4 Mosebog 26:62
De af dem, der mønstredes, udgjorde 23 000, alle af Mandkøn fra en Maaned og opefter. De mønstredes nemlig ikke sammen med de andre Israeliter, da der ikke var givet dem nogen Arvelod blandt Israeliterne.

Numberi 26:62
En hun getelden waren drie en twintig duizend, al wat mannelijk is, van een maand oud en daarboven; want dezen werden niet geteld onder de kinderen Israels, omdat hun geen erfenis gegeven werd onder de kinderen Israels.

במדבר 26:62
וַיִּהְי֣וּ פְקֻדֵיהֶ֗ם שְׁלֹשָׁ֤ה וְעֶשְׂרִים֙ אֶ֔לֶף כָּל־זָכָ֖ר מִבֶּן־חֹ֣דֶשׁ וָמָ֑עְלָה כִּ֣י ׀ לֹ֣א הָתְפָּקְד֗וּ בְּתֹוךְ֙ בְּנֵ֣י יִשְׂרָאֵ֔ל כִּ֠י לֹא־נִתַּ֤ן לָהֶם֙ נַחֲלָ֔ה בְּתֹ֖וךְ בְּנֵ֥י יִשְׂרָאֵֽל׃

סב ויהיו פקדיהם שלשה ועשרים אלף--כל זכר מבן חדש ומעלה  כי לא התפקדו בתוך בני ישראל כי לא נתן להם נחלה בתוך בני ישראל

ויהיו פקדיהם שלשה ועשרים אלף כל־זכר מבן־חדש ומעלה כי ׀ לא התפקדו בתוך בני ישראל כי לא־נתן להם נחלה בתוך בני ישראל׃

4 Mózes 26:62
És vala azoknak száma: huszonhárom ezer, mind férfiak, egy hónapostól fogva és feljebb; mert nem voltak beszámlálva az Izráel fiai közé, mivel nem adatott nékik örökség Izráel fiai között.

Moseo 4: Nombroj 26:62
Kaj la nombro de iliaj kalkulitoj estis dudek tri mil, cxiuj virseksuloj en la agxo de pli ol unu monato; cxar ili ne estis kalkulitaj kune kun la Izraelidoj, cxar al ili ne estis donita posedajxo inter la Izraelidoj.

Ja heidän lukunsa oli kolmekolmattakymmentä tuhatta, kaikki miehenpuoli, kuukauden vanha ja sen ylitse, jotka ei olleet luetut Israelin lasten sekaan; sillä ei heille annettu perimistä Israelin lasten seassa.

Nombres 26:62
-Et les dénombrés des Lévites furent vingt trois mille, tous les mâles, depuis l'âge d'un mois et au-dessus; car ils ne furent pas dénombrés avec les fils d'Israël, parce qu'on ne leur donna pas d'héritage parmi les fils d'Israël.

Ceux dont on fit le dénombrement, tous les mâles depuis l'âge d'un mois et au-dessus, furent vingt-trois mille. Ils ne furent pas compris dans le dénombrement des enfants d'Israël, parce qu'il ne leur fut point donné de possession au milieu des enfants d'Israël.

Et tous les dénombrés des Lévites furent vingt-trois mille, tous mâles, depuis l'âge d'un mois, et au dessus, qui ne furent point dénombrés avec les [autres] enfants d'Israël, car on ne leur donna point d'héritage entre les enfants d'Israël.

4 Mose 26:62
Und ihre Summa war dreiundzwanzigtausend, alle Männlein, von einem Monden an und drüber. Denn sie wurden nicht gezählet unter die Kinder Israel; denn man gab ihnen kein Erbe unter den Kindern Israel.

Und ihre Summe war dreiundzwanzigtausend, alles Mannsbilder, von einem Monat und darüber. Denn sie wurden nicht gezählt unter die Kinder Israel; denn man gab ihnen kein Erbe unter den Kindern Israel.

Es beliefen sich aber die aus ihnen Gemusterten auf 23000, alles, was männlich war, von einem Monat an und darüber. Denn sie waren nicht mit den übrigen Israeliten gemustert worden, weil ihnen kein Erbbesitz unter den Israeliten verliehen wurde.

Numeri 26:62
Quelli de’ quali si fece il censimento furono ventitremila: tutti maschi, dell’età da un mese in su. Non furon compresi nel censimento dei figliuoli d’Israele perché non fu loro data alcuna proprietà tra i figliuoli d’Israele.

E gli annoverati d’infra i Leviti furono ventitremila, tutti maschi, dall’età d’un mese in su; conciossiachè non fossero annoverati fra’ figliuoli d’Israele; perciocchè non era lor data eredità fra’ figliuoli d’Israele.

Maka jumlah segala orangnya yang terbilang itu dua puluh tiga ribu, semuanya orang laki-laki yang umur sebulan atau lebih; maka tiada dibilang akan mereka itu bersama-sama dengan segala bani Israel, sebab kepada mereka itu tiada diberikan pusaka di antara segala bani Israel.

민수기 26:62
레위인의 일개월 이상으로 계수함을 입은 모든 남자가 이만 삼천명이었더라 그들은 이스라엘 자손 중 계수에 들지 아니하였으니 이는 이스라엘 자손 중에서 그들에게 준 기업이 없음이었더라

Numeri 26:62
fueruntque omnes qui numerati sunt viginti tria milia generis masculini ab uno mense et supra quia non sunt recensiti inter filios Israhel nec eis cum ceteris data possessio

Skaièiø knyga 26:62
Visų Levio giminės suskaitytų vyrų, vieno mėnesio amžiaus ir vyresnių, buvo dvidešimt trys tūkstančiai. Jie nebuvo suskaityti kartu su izraelitais, nes jiems nebuvo duota dalis tarp Izraelio vaikų.

Numbers 26:62
A, taua ake o ratou, e rau tekau ma toru mano, nga tane katoa, kotahi nei te marama, maha ake ranei: kihai hoki ratou i taua i roto i nga tama o Iharaira; no te mea kihai tetahi kainga tupu i homai ki a ratou i roto i nga tama a Iharaira.

4 Mosebok 26:62
Og de av levittene som blev mønstret, var tre og tyve tusen, alt mannkjønn blandt dem fra den som var en måned gammel og opover; de blev ikke mønstret sammen med de andre Israels barn, fordi det ikke var gitt dem arv blandt Israels barn.

Números 26:62
Y los contados de los levitas fueron veintitrés mil, todo varón de un mes en adelante. Pues no fueron contados entre los hijos de Israel, ya que ninguna heredad les fue dada entre los hijos de Israel.

Los contados de los Levitas fueron 23,000, todo varón de un mes en adelante. Porque no fueron contados entre los Israelitas, ya que ninguna heredad les fue dada entre los Israelitas.

Y los contados de los levitas fueron veintitrés mil, todos varones de un mes para arriba: porque no fueron contados entre los hijos de Israel, por cuanto no les había de ser dada heredad entre los hijos de Israel.

Y los contados de los Levitas fueron veinte y tres mil, todos varones de un mes arriba: porque no fueron contados entre los hijos de Israel, por cuanto no les había de ser dada heredad entre los hijos de Israel.

Y los contados de los levitas fueron veintitrés mil, todos varones de un mes arriba; porque no fueron contados entre los hijos de Israel, por cuanto no les había de ser dada heredad entre los hijos de Israel.

Números 26:62
Ao todo foram recenseados 23. homens, da idade de um mês para cima. Pois não haviam sido recenseados com os filhos de Israel, não tendo recebido herança no meio deles.

E os que foram deles contados eram vinte e três mil, todos os homens da idade de um mês para cima; porque não foram contados entre os filhos de Israel, porquanto não lhes foi dada herança entre os filhos de Israel.   

Numeri 26:62
Cei ieşiţi la numărătoare, toţi bărbaţii dela vîrsta de o lună în sus, au fost de douăzeci şi trei de mii. Ei n'au fost cuprinşi în numărătoarea copiilor lui Israel, pentrucă nu li s'a dat moştenire în mijlocul copiilor lui Israel.

Числа 26:62
И было исчислено двадцать три тысячи всех мужеского пола, от одного месяца и выше; ибо они не были исчислены вместе с сынами Израилевыми, потому что не дано им удела среди сынов Израилевых.

И было исчислено двадцать три тысячи всех мужеского пола, от одного месяца и выше; ибо они не были исчислены вместе с сынами Израилевыми, потому что не дано им удела среди сынов Израилевых.[]

4 Mosebok 26:62
Och de av dem som inmönstrades utgjorde tjugutre tusen, alla av mankön som voro en månad gamla eller därutöver. De hade nämligen icke blivit inmönstrade bland Israels barn, eftersom icke någon arvedel var given åt dem bland Israels barn.

Numbers 26:62
At yaong nangabilang sa kanila ay dalawang pu't tatlong libo, lahat ng lalake mula sa isang buwang gulang na patanda: sapagka't sila'y hindi nangabilang sa mga anak ni Israel, sapagka't sila'y hindi binigyan ng mana sa gitna ng mga anak ni Israel.

กันดารวิถี 26:62
และจำนวนของเขาเป็นสองหมื่นสามพันคน เป็นผู้ชายทุกคนอายุตั้งแต่หนึ่งเดือนขึ้นไป เพราะเขามิได้นับรวมไว้ในคนอิสราเอล เพราะไม่มีมรดกให้แก่เขาท่ามกลางคนอิสราเอล

Çölde Sayım 26:62
Levililerden sayılan bir aylık ve daha yukarı yaştaki bütün erkekler 23 000 kişiydi. Bunlar öbür İsraillilerle birlikte sayılmadılar. Çünkü öbür İsrailliler arasında onlara pay verilmemişti.[]

Daân-soá Kyù 26:62
Những nam đinh mà người ta tu bộ từ một tháng sắp lên, cộng được hai mươi ba ngàn; vì người Lê-vi không được kể vào số tu bộ của dân Y-sơ-ra-ên, bởi người Lê-vi không được phần sản nghiệp giữa dân Y-sơ-ra-ên.

Numbers 26:61
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