Mark 8:19
Mark 8:19
When I broke the five loaves for the five thousand, how many basketfuls of pieces did you pick up?" "Twelve," they replied.

When I fed the 5,000 with five loaves of bread, how many baskets of leftovers did you pick up afterward?" "Twelve," they said.

When I broke the five loaves for the five thousand, how many baskets full of broken pieces did you take up?” They said to him, “Twelve.”

when I broke the five loaves for the five thousand, how many baskets full of broken pieces you picked up?" They said to Him, "Twelve."

When I brake the five loaves among five thousand, how many baskets full of fragments took ye up? They say unto him, Twelve.

When I broke the five loaves for the 5,000, how many baskets full of pieces of bread did you collect?"" Twelve," they told Him.

When I broke the five loaves for the 5,000, how many baskets did you fill with leftover pieces?" They told him, "Twelve."

When I broke the five loaves for the five thousand, how many baskets full of pieces did you pick up?" They replied, "Twelve."

“When I broke those five loaves for the 5000, after they were filled, how many baskets of fragments did you take up?” They said to him, “Twelve.”

When I broke the five loaves for the five thousand, how many baskets did you fill with leftover pieces?" They told him, "Twelve."

When I broke the five loaves among five thousand, how many baskets full of fragments took ye up? They said unto him, Twelve.

When I broke the five loaves among five thousand, how many baskets full of fragments took you up? They said unto him, Twelve.

When I broke the five loaves among five thousand, how many baskets full of fragments took you up? They say to him, Twelve.

When I brake the five loaves among the five thousand, how many baskets full of broken pieces took ye up? They say unto him, Twelve.

When I broke the five loaves among five thousand, how many baskets full of fragments took you up? They say to him, Twelve.

When I broke the five loaves for the five thousand, how many hand-baskets full of fragments took ye up? They say to him, Twelve.

When I brake the five loaves among the five thousand, how many baskets full of broken pieces took ye up? They say unto him, Twelve.

When I divided the five loaves among five thousand, how many baskets full of fragments took ye up? They say to him, Twelve.

When I broke up the five loaves for the 5,000 men, how many baskets did you carry away full of broken portions?" "Twelve," they said.

When I broke the five loaves among the five thousand, how many baskets full of broken pieces did you take up?" They told him, "Twelve."

When the five loaves I did brake to the five thousand, how many hand-baskets full of broken pieces took ye up?' they say to him, 'Twelve.'

Marku 8:19
Kur ndava të pesë bukët për të pesë mijtë, sa kosha plot me copa mblodhët?''. Ata thanë: ''Dymbëdhjetë''.

ﻣﺮﻗﺲ 8:19
حين كسّرت الارغفة الخمسة للخمسة الآلاف كم قفة مملوءة كسرا رفعتم. قالوا له اثنتي عشرة.

Երբ հինգ նկանակները կտրեցի հինգ հազարին, բեկորներով լեցուն քանի՞ կողով վերցուցիք»: Ըսին անոր. «Տասներկու»:

Euangelioa S. Marc-en araura. 8:19
Borz oguiac hautsi nerauztenean borz milla guiçoney cembat sasqui çathiz beteric altchatu centuzten? Diotsate, Hamabi.

Dyr Marx 8:19
Wie i de fümf Laib Broot für de Fümftauset braach, wievil Kerb mit Stückln habtß n daa aufgsammlt?" Sö gantwortnd iem: "Zwölfe."

Марко 8:19
Когато разчупих петте хляба на петте хиляди души, колко кошове пълни с къшеи дигнахте? Казват Му: Дванадесет.

馬 可 福 音 8:19
我 擘 開 那 五 個 餅 分 給 五 千 人 , 你 們 收 拾 的 零 碎 裝 滿 了 多 少 籃 子 呢 ? 他 們 說 : 十 二 個 。

我 擘 开 那 五 个 饼 分 给 五 千 人 , 你 们 收 拾 的 零 碎 装 满 了 多 少 篮 子 呢 ? 他 们 说 : 十 二 个 。





Evanðelje po Marku 8:19
Kad sam ono razlomio pet kruhova na pet tisuća, koliko punih košara ulomaka odnijeste? Kažu mu: Dvanaest.

Marek 8:19
Že jsem pět chlebů lámal mezi pět tisíců? A kolik jste plných košů drobtů sebrali? Řekli jemu: Dvanácte.

Markus 8:19
Da jeg brød de fem Brød til de fem Tusinde, hvor mange Kurve fulde af Stykker toge I da op?« De sige til ham: »Tolv.«

Markus 8:19
En gedenkt gij niet, toen Ik de vijf broden brak onder de vijf duizend mannen, hoeveel volle korven met brokken gij opnaamt? Zij zeiden Hem: Twaalf.

ὅτε τοὺς πέντε ἄρτους ἔκλασα εἰς τοὺς πεντακισχιλίους, πόσους κοφίνους κλασμάτων πλήρεις ἤρατε; λέγουσιν αὐτῷ Δώδεκα.

ὅτε τοὺς πέντε ἄρτους ἔκλασα εἰς τοὺς πεντακισχιλίους, πόσους κοφίνους κλασμάτων πλήρεις ἤρατε; λέγουσιν αὐτῷ Δώδεκα.

ὅτε τοὺς πέντε ἄρτους ἔκλασα εἰς τοὺς πεντακισχιλίους, πόσους κοφίνους κλασμάτων πλήρεις ἤρατε; λέγουσιν αὐτῷ Δώδεκα.

Ὅτε τοὺς πέντε ἄρτους ἔκλασα εἰς τοὺς πεντακισχιλίους, πόσους κοφίνους πλήρεις κλασμάτων ἤρατε; Λέγουσιν αὐτῷ, Δώδεκα.

ὅτε τοὺς πέντε ἄρτους ἔκλασα εἰς τοὺς πεντακισχιλίους, καὶ πόσους κοφίνους κλασμάτων πλήρεις ἤρατε; λέγουσιν αὐτῷ· Δώδεκα.

ὅτε τοὺς πέντε ἄρτους ἔκλασα εἰς τοὺς πεντακισχιλίους, καὶ πόσους κοφίνους κλασμάτων πλήρεις ἤρατε; λέγουσιν αὐτῷ· δώδεκα.

ὅτε τοὺς πέντε ἄρτους ἔκλασα εἰς τοὺς πεντακισχιλίους, πόσους κοφίνους πλήρεις κλασμάτων ἤρατε; λέγουσιν αὐτῷ, Δώδεκα.

ὅτε τοὺς πέντε ἄρτους ἔκλασα εἰς τοὺς πεντακισχιλίους πόσους κοφίνους πλήρεις κλασμάτων ἤρατε λέγουσιν αὐτῷ Δώδεκα

οτε τους πεντε αρτους εκλασα εις τους πεντακισχιλιους ποσους κοφινους κλασματων πληρεις ηρατε λεγουσιν αυτω δωδεκα

οτε τους πεντε αρτους εκλασα εις τους πεντακισχιλιους και ποσους κοφινους κλασματων πληρεις ηρατε λεγουσιν αυτω δωδεκα

οτε τους πεντε αρτους εκλασα εις τους πεντακισχιλιους ποσους κοφινους πληρεις κλασματων ηρατε λεγουσιν αυτω δωδεκα

οτε τους πεντε αρτους εκλασα εις τους πεντακισχιλιους, ποσους κοφινους πληρεις κλασματων ηρατε; λεγουσιν αυτω, Δωδεκα.

οτε τους πεντε αρτους εκλασα εις τους πεντακισχιλιους ποσους κοφινους πληρεις κλασματων ηρατε λεγουσιν αυτω δωδεκα

οτε τους πεντε αρτους εκλασα εις τους πεντακισχιλιους ποσους κοφινους κλασματων πληρεις ηρατε λεγουσιν αυτω δωδεκα

hote tous pente artous eklasa eis tous pentakischilious, posous kophinous klasmatōn plēreis ērate? legousin autō Dōdeka.

hote tous pente artous eklasa eis tous pentakischilious, posous kophinous klasmaton plereis erate? legousin auto Dodeka.

hote tous pente artous eklasa eis tous pentakischilious, posous kophinous klasmatōn plēreis ērate? legousin autō Dōdeka.

hote tous pente artous eklasa eis tous pentakischilious, posous kophinous klasmaton plereis erate? legousin auto Dodeka.

ote tous pente artous eklasa eis tous pentakischilious kai posous kophinous klasmatōn plēreis ērate legousin autō dōdeka

ote tous pente artous eklasa eis tous pentakischilious kai posous kophinous klasmatOn plEreis Erate legousin autO dOdeka

ote tous pente artous eklasa eis tous pentakischilious posous kophinous plēreis klasmatōn ērate legousin autō dōdeka

ote tous pente artous eklasa eis tous pentakischilious posous kophinous plEreis klasmatOn Erate legousin autO dOdeka

ote tous pente artous eklasa eis tous pentakischilious posous kophinous plēreis klasmatōn ērate legousin autō dōdeka

ote tous pente artous eklasa eis tous pentakischilious posous kophinous plEreis klasmatOn Erate legousin autO dOdeka

ote tous pente artous eklasa eis tous pentakischilious posous kophinous plēreis klasmatōn ērate legousin autō dōdeka

ote tous pente artous eklasa eis tous pentakischilious posous kophinous plEreis klasmatOn Erate legousin autO dOdeka

ote tous pente artous eklasa eis tous pentakischilious posous kophinous klasmatōn plēreis ērate legousin autō dōdeka

ote tous pente artous eklasa eis tous pentakischilious posous kophinous klasmatOn plEreis Erate legousin autO dOdeka

ote tous pente artous eklasa eis tous pentakischilious posous kophinous klasmatōn plēreis ērate legousin autō dōdeka

ote tous pente artous eklasa eis tous pentakischilious posous kophinous klasmatOn plEreis Erate legousin autO dOdeka

Márk 8:19
Mikor az öt kenyeret megszegtem az ötezernek, hány kosarat hoztatok el darabokkal tele? Mondának néki: Tizenkettõt.

La evangelio laŭ Marko 8:19
Kiam mi dispecigis la kvin panojn por la kvin mil, kiom da korboj da fragmentoj vi kolektis? Ili respondis al li:Dek du.

Evankeliumi Markuksen mukaan 8:19
Kuin minä viisi leipää mursin viidelletuhannelle, kuinka monta täysinäistä koria te tähteitä korjasitte? He sanoivat: kaksitoistakymmentä.

Marc 8:19
Quand je rompis les cinq pains aux cinq mille, combien recueillîtes-vous de paniers pleins de morceaux? Ils lui disent: douze.

Quand j'ai rompu les cinq pains pour les cinq mille hommes, combien de paniers pleins de morceaux avez-vous emportés? Douze, lui répondirent-ils.

Quand je distribuai les cinq pains aux cinq mille hommes, combien recueillîtes-vous de corbeilles pleines des pièces qu'il y eut de reste? ils lui dirent : douze.

Markus 8:19
da ich fünf Brote brach unter fünftausend, wieviel Körbe voll Brocken hubet ihr da auf? Sie sprachen: Zwölf.

da ich fünf Brote brach unter fünftausend: wie viel Körbe voll Brocken hobt ihr da auf? Sie sprachen: Zwölf.

da ich die fünf Brote gebrochen habe für die Fünftausend: wie viel Körbe voll Brocken habt ihr da aufgehoben? sie sagen zu ihm: zwölf.

Marco 8:19
Quand’io spezzai i cinque pani per i cinquemila, quante ceste piene di pezzi levaste? Essi dissero: Dodici.

Quando io distribuii que’ cinque pani fra que’ cinquemila uomini, quanti corbelli pieni di pezzi ne levaste? Essi dissero: Dodici.

tatkala Aku pecahkan roti yang lima ketul di antara lima ribu orang itu, berapa bakul sisa roti kamu angkat?" Maka kata mereka itu kepada-Nya, "Dua belas bakul."

Mark 8:19
Ur tecfim ara mi bḍiɣ xemsa teḥbulin-nni n weɣṛum i xemsa alaf n yergazen, acḥal n iḍellaɛen n tsigar i tjemɛem ? Rran-as : Tnac iḍellaɛen.

마가복음 8:19
내가 떡 다섯 개를 오천 명에게 떼어 줄 때에 조각 몇 바구니를 거두었더냐 ?' 가로되 `열 둘이니이다'

Marcus 8:19
quando quinque panes fregi in quinque milia et quot cofinos fragmentorum plenos sustulistis dicunt ei duodecim

Sv. Marks 8:19
Kad es piecas maizes lauzu pieciem tūkstošiem, cik grozu jūs savācāt pilnus druskām? Tie Viņam saka: Divpadsmit.

Evangelija pagal Morkø 8:19
jog penkis kepalus Aš sulaužiau penkiems tūkstančiams? O kiek pilnų pintinių trupinių pririnkote?” Jie atsakė: “Dvylika”.

Mark 8:19
I ahau i whawhati i nga taro e rima ma nga mano e rima, e hia nga kete ki o nga whatiwhatinga i kohia e koutou? Ka mea ratou ki a ia, Kotahi tekau ma rua.

Markus 8:19
da jeg brøt de fem brød til de fem tusen, hvor mange kurver fulle av stykker I da tok op? De sa til ham: Tolv.

Marcos 8:19
cuando partí los cinco panes entre los cinco mil? ¿Cuántas cestas llenas de pedazos recogisteis? Y ellos le dijeron: Doce.

cuando partí los cinco panes entre los cinco mil? ¿Cuántas cestas llenas de pedazos recogieron?" "Doce," Le respondieron.

Cuando partí los cinco panes entre cinco mil, ¿cuántos canastos llenos de los pedazos alzasteis? Y le dijeron: Doce.

Cuando partí los cinco panes entre cinco mil, ¿cuántas espuertas llenas de los pedazos alzasteis? Y ellos dijeron: Doce.

Cuando partí los cinco panes entre cinco mil, ¿cuántas canastas llenas de los pedazos alzasteis? Y ellos dijeron: Doce.

Marcos 8:19
Quando dividi os cinco pães para os cinco mil homens, de quantos cestos cheios de pedaços que sobraram recolhestes? E, afirmaram-lhe: ‘Doze!’

Quando parti os cinco pães para os cinco mil, quantos cestos cheios de pedaços levantastes? Responderam-lhe: Doze.   

Marcu 8:19
Cînd am frînt cele cinci pîni la cei cinci mii de bărbaţi, cîte coşuri pline cu fărămituri aţi ridicat?`` ,,Douăsprezece``, I-au răspuns ei.

От Марка 8:19
Когда Я пять хлебов преломил для пяти тысяч человек , сколько полных коробов набрали вы кусков? Говорят Ему:двенадцать.

Когда Я пять хлебов преломил для пяти тысяч [человек], сколько полных коробов набрали вы кусков? Говорят Ему: двенадцать.

Mark 8:19
Nekaatarum, nuik, senku tantan P·uran senku mir aishmankan ayurachmakaj. ┐Tura ampirma Urutmß chankinnium chumpiamarum?" Tφmiayi. Niisha tiarmiayi "Tuse chankinnium chumpiamji."

Markus 8:19
Och kommen I icke ihåg huru många korgar fulla av stycken I samladen upp, när jag bröt de fem bröden åt de fem tusen?» De svarade honom: »Tolv.»

Marko 8:19
wakati ule nilipoimega ile mikate mitano na kuwapa watu elfu tano? Mlikusanya vikapu vingapi vya mabaki ya makombo?" Wakamjibu, "Kumi na viwili."

Marcos 8:19
Nang aking pagputolputulin ang limang tinapay sa limang libong lalake, ilang bakol na puno ng mga pinagputolputol ang inyong binuhat? Sinabi nila sa kaniya, Labingdalawa.

มาระโก 8:19
เมื่อเราหักขนมปังห้าก้อนให้แก่คนห้าพันคนนั้น ท่านทั้งหลายเก็บเศษที่เหลือนั้นได้กี่กระบุง" เขาทูลตอบพระองค์ว่า "ได้สิบสองกระบุง"

Markos 8:19

Марко 8:19
Як пять хлїбів ламав я на пять тисяч, скільки кошиків повних ламаного назбирали ви? Кажуть Йому: Дванайцять.

Mark 8:19
roti to lima meha' kupihe-pihe kupokoni' -raka tauna to lima ncobu? Hangkuja luncu-pi toro-na to nirumpu?" Ra'uli' ana'guru-na: "Hampulu' roluncu."

Maùc 8:19
Khi ta bẻ năm cái bánh cho năm ngàn người, các ngươi thâu được mấy giỏ đầy bánh vụn? Thưa: Mười hai giỏ.

Mark 8:18
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