Luke 13:1
Luke 13:1
Now there were some present at that time who told Jesus about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mixed with their sacrifices.

About this time Jesus was informed that Pilate had murdered some people from Galilee as they were offering sacrifices at the Temple.

There were some present at that very time who told him about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices.

Now on the same occasion there were some present who reported to Him about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mixed with their sacrifices.

There were present at that season some that told him of the Galilaeans, whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices.

At that time, some people came and reported to Him about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mixed with their sacrifices.

At that time, some people who were there told Jesus about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mixed with their sacrifices.

Now there were some present on that occasion who told him about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mixed with their sacrifices.

At that time some people came and told him about those Galileans whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices.

At that time some people reported to Jesus about some Galileans whom Pilate had executed while they were sacrificing animals.

There were present at the same time some that told him of the Galilaeans whose blood Pilate had mingled with his sacrifices.

There were present at that time some that told him of the Galileans, whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices.

There were present at that season some that told him of the Galilaeans, whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices.

Now there were some present at that very season who told him of the Galilaeans, whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices.

AND there were present, at that very time, some that told him of the Galileans, whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices.

Now at the same time there were present some who told him of the Galileans whose blood Pilate mingled with that of their sacrifices.

Now there were some present at that very season which told him of the Galilaeans, whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices.

There were present at that season some that told him of the Galileans, whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices.

Just at that time people came to tell Him about the Galilaeans whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices.

Now there were some present at the same time who told him about the Galileans, whose blood Pilate had mixed with their sacrifices.

And there were present certain at that time, telling him about the Galileans, whose blood Pilate did mingle with their sacrifices;

Luka 13:1
Pikërisht në atë kohë ishin aty disa që i treguan për ata Galileasve, gjakun e të cilëve Pilati e kishte përzier me flijimet e tyre.

ﻟﻮﻗﺎ 13:1
وكان حاضرا في ذلك الوقت قوم يخبرونه عن الجليليين الذين خلط بيلاطس دمهم بذبائحهم.

Այդ ատեն ներկայ եղողներէն ոմանք պատմեցին անոր այն Գալիլեացիներուն մասին, որոնց արիւնը Պիղատոս խառնեց իրենց զոհերուն հետ:

Euangelioa S. Luc-en araura.  13:1
Eta baciraden batzu dembora hartan berean hari contatzen ceraucatenic Galileanoéz, ceinén odola Pilatec nahassi vkan baitzuen hayén sacrificioequin.

Dyr Laux 13:1
Dyrselbn kaamend ayn Öttlych Leut gan n Iesenn und gabrichtnd iem dös von dene Gälauer, wo dyr Plätt umbringen laassn hiet, wie s grad ienerne Opfertierer abstaachend.

Лука 13:1
В същото време присъствуваха някои, които известиха на [Исуса] за галилеяните, чиято кръв Пилат смесил с жертвите им.

路 加 福 音 13:1
正 當 那 時 , 有 人 將 彼 拉 多 使 加 利 利 人 的 血 攙 雜 在 他 們 祭 物 中 的 事 告 訴 耶 穌 。

正 当 那 时 , 有 人 将 彼 拉 多 使 加 利 利 人 的 血 搀 杂 在 他 们 祭 物 中 的 事 告 诉 耶 稣 。





Evanðelje po Luki 13:1
Upravo u taj čas dođoše neki te mu javiše što se dogodilo s Galilejcima kojih je krv Pilat pomiješao s krvlju njihovih žrtava.

Lukáš 13:1
Byli pak tu přítomní času toho někteří, vypravujíce jemu o Galilejských, kterýchžto krev Pilát smísil s obětmi jejich.

Lukas 13:1
Men paa den samme Tid var der nogle til Stede, som fortalte ham om de Galilæere, hvis Blod Pilatus havde blandet med deres Ofre.

Lukas 13:1
En er waren te dierzelfder tijd enigen tegenwoordig, die Hem boodschapten van de Galileers, welker bloed Pilatus met hun offeranden gemengd had.

Παρῆσαν δέ τινες ἐν αὐτῷ τῷ καιρῷ ἀπαγγέλλοντες αὐτῷ περὶ τῶν Γαλιλαίων ὧν τὸ αἷμα Πειλᾶτος ἔμιξεν μετὰ τῶν θυσιῶν αὐτῶν.

Παρῆσαν δέ τινες ἐν αὐτῷ τῷ καιρῷ ἀπαγγέλλοντες αὐτῷ περὶ τῶν Γαλιλαίων ὧν τὸ αἷμα Πειλᾶτος ἔμιξεν μετὰ τῶν θυσιῶν αὐτῶν.

Παρῆσαν δέ τινες ἐν αὐτῷ τῷ καιρῷ ἀπαγγέλλοντες αὐτῷ περὶ τῶν Γαλιλαίων ὧν τὸ αἷμα Πειλᾶτος / Πιλᾶτος ἔμιξεν μετὰ τῶν θυσιῶν αὐτῶν.

Παρῆσαν δέ τινες ἐν αὐτῷ τῷ καιρῷ ἀπαγγέλλοντες αὐτῷ περὶ τῶν Γαλιλαίων, ὧν τὸ αἷμα Πιλάτος ἔμιξεν μετὰ τῶν θυσιῶν αὐτῶν.

Παρῆσαν δέ τινες ἐν αὐτῷ τῷ καιρῷ ἀπαγγέλλοντες αὐτῷ περὶ τῶν Γαλιλαίων, ὧν τὸ αἷμα Πιλᾶτος ἔμιξε μετὰ τῶν θυσιῶν αὐτῶν.

Παρῆσαν δέ τινες ἐν αὐτῷ τῷ καιρῷ ἀπαγγέλλοντες αὐτῷ περὶ τῶν Γαλιλαίων ὧν τὸ αἷμα Πειλᾶτος ἔμιξεν μετὰ τῶν θυσιῶν αὐτῶν.

Παρῆσαν δέ τινες ἐν αὐτῷ τῷ καιρῷ ἀπαγγέλλοντες αὐτῷ περὶ τῶν Γαλιλαίων, ὧν τὸ αἷμα Πιλᾶτος ἔμιξε μετὰ τῶν θυσιῶν αὐτῶν.

Παρῆσαν δέ τινες ἐν αὐτῷ τῷ καιρῷ ἀπαγγέλλοντες αὐτῷ περὶ τῶν Γαλιλαίων ὧν τὸ αἷμα Πιλᾶτος ἔμιξεν μετὰ τῶν θυσιῶν αὐτῶν

παρησαν δε τινες εν αυτω τω καιρω απαγγελλοντες αυτω περι των γαλιλαιων ων το αιμα πιλατος εμιξεν μετα των θυσιων αυτων

παρησαν δε τινες εν αυτω τω καιρω απαγγελλοντες αυτω περι των γαλιλαιων ων το αιμα πειλατος εμιξεν μετα των θυσιων αυτων

παρησαν δε τινες εν αυτω τω καιρω απαγγελλοντες αυτω περι των γαλιλαιων ων το αιμα πιλατος εμιξεν μετα των θυσιων αυτων

Παρησαν δε τινες εν αυτω τω καιρω απαγγελλοντες αυτω περι των Γαλιλαιων, ων το αιμα Πιλατος εμιξε μετα των θυσιων αυτων.

παρησαν δε τινες εν αυτω τω καιρω απαγγελλοντες αυτω περι των γαλιλαιων ων το αιμα πιλατος εμιξεν μετα των θυσιων αυτων

παρησαν δε τινες εν αυτω τω καιρω απαγγελλοντες αυτω περι των γαλιλαιων ων το αιμα πιλατος εμιξεν μετα των θυσιων αυτων

Parēsan de tines en autō tō kairō apangellontes autō peri tōn Galilaiōn hōn to haima Peilatos emixen meta tōn thysiōn autōn.

Paresan de tines en auto to kairo apangellontes auto peri ton Galilaion hon to haima Peilatos emixen meta ton thysion auton.

Parēsan de tines en autō tō kairō apangellontes autō peri tōn Galilaiōn hōn to haima Peilatos emixen meta tōn thysiōn autōn.

Paresan de tines en auto to kairo apangellontes auto peri ton Galilaion hon to haima Peilatos emixen meta ton thysion auton.

parēsan de tines en autō tō kairō apangellontes autō peri tōn galilaiōn ōn to aima peilatos emixen meta tōn thusiōn autōn

parEsan de tines en autO tO kairO apangellontes autO peri tOn galilaiOn On to aima peilatos emixen meta tOn thusiOn autOn

parēsan de tines en autō tō kairō apangellontes autō peri tōn galilaiōn ōn to aima pilatos emixen meta tōn thusiōn autōn

parEsan de tines en autO tO kairO apangellontes autO peri tOn galilaiOn On to aima pilatos emixen meta tOn thusiOn autOn

parēsan de tines en autō tō kairō apangellontes autō peri tōn galilaiōn ōn to aima pilatos emixen meta tōn thusiōn autōn

parEsan de tines en autO tO kairO apangellontes autO peri tOn galilaiOn On to aima pilatos emixen meta tOn thusiOn autOn

parēsan de tines en autō tō kairō apangellontes autō peri tōn galilaiōn ōn to aima pilatos emixen meta tōn thusiōn autōn

parEsan de tines en autO tO kairO apangellontes autO peri tOn galilaiOn On to aima pilatos emixen meta tOn thusiOn autOn

parēsan de tines en autō tō kairō apangellontes autō peri tōn galilaiōn ōn to aima pilatos emixen meta tōn thusiōn autōn

parEsan de tines en autO tO kairO apangellontes autO peri tOn galilaiOn On to aima pilatos emixen meta tOn thusiOn autOn

parēsan de tines en autō tō kairō apangellontes autō peri tōn galilaiōn ōn to aima pilatos emixen meta tōn thusiōn autōn

parEsan de tines en autO tO kairO apangellontes autO peri tOn galilaiOn On to aima pilatos emixen meta tOn thusiOn autOn

Lukács 13:1
Jövének pedig ugyanazon idõben némelyek, kik néki hírt mondának a Galileabeliek felõl, kiknek vérét Pilátus az õ áldozatukkal elegyítette.

La evangelio laŭ Luko 13:1
Kaj cxeestis en tiu sama tempo iuj, kiuj rakontis al li pri tiuj Galileanoj, kies sangon Pilato miksis kun iliaj oferajxoj.

Evankeliumi Luukkaan mukaan 13:1
Ja olivat muutamat sillä ajalla siinä, jotka ilmoittivat hänelle Galilealaisista, joiden veren Pilatus oli heidän uhriensa kanssa sekoittanut.

Luc 13:1
Or en ce même temps, quelques-uns se trouvaient là présents, qui lui racontèrent ce qui s'était passé touchant les Galiléens dont Pilate avait mêlé le sang avec leurs sacrifices.

En ce même temps, quelques personnes qui se trouvaient là racontaient à Jésus ce qui était arrivé à des Galiléens dont Pilate avait mêlé le sang avec celui de leurs sacrifices.

En ce même temps quelques-uns qui se trouvaient là présents, lui racontèrent [ce qui s'était passé] touchant les Galiléens, desquels Pilate avait mêlé le sang avec leurs sacrifices.

Lukas 13:1
Es waren aber zu derselbigen Zeit etliche dabei, die verkündigten ihm von den Galiläern, welcher Blut Pilatus samt ihrem Opfer vermischt hatte.

Es waren aber zu der Zeit etliche dabei, die verkündigten ihm von den Galiläern, deren Blut Pilatus mit ihrem Opfer vermischt hatte.

Es trafen aber zu eben der Zeit etliche ein, die ihm die Nachricht brachten von den Galiläern, deren Blut Pilatus mit ihren Opfern mischte.

Luca 13:1
In quello stesso tempo vennero alcuni a riferirgli il fatto dei Galilei il cui sangue Pilato aveva mescolato coi loro sacrifici.

IN quello stesso tempo furono quivi alcuni, i quali gli fecer rapporto de’ Galilei, il cui sangue Pilato avea mescolato co’ lor sacrificii.

LUKAS 13:1
Pada masa itu juga ada beberapa orang yang memberitahu kepada Yesus dari hal orang Galilea, yang darahnya dicampurkan oleh Pilatus dengan korban mereka itu.

Luke 13:1
Di lweqt-nni, kra n yemdanen usan-d a s-ḥkun i Sidna Ɛisa ɣef kra n yergazen n tmurt n Jlili i genɣa Bilaṭus, d wamek issexleḍ dammen-nsen d idammen n iseflawen nsen.

누가복음 13:1
그때 마침 두어 사람이 와서 빌라도가 어떤 갈릴리 사람들의 피를 저희의 제물에 섞은 일로 예수께 고하니

Lucas 13:1
aderant autem quidam ipso in tempore nuntiantes illi de Galilaeis quorum sanguinem Pilatus miscuit cum sacrificiis eorum

Sv. Lūkass 13:1
Bet tanī pat laikā atnāca daži un ziņoja Viņam par galilejiešiem, kuru asinis Pilāts sajauca ar to upuriem.

Evangelija pagal Lukà 13:1
Tuo pačiu metu atėjo keli žmonės ir papasakojo Jam apie galilėjiečius, kurių kraują Pilotas sumaišė su jų aukomis.

Luke 13:1
Na i reira etahi i taua wa nana i korero ki a ia nga tangata o Kariri, i whakaranua nei o ratou toto e Pirato ki a ratou patunga tapu.

Lukas 13:1
På samme tid kom nogen og fortalte ham om de galileere hvis blod Pilatus hadde blandet med deres offer.

Lucas 13:1
En esa misma ocasión había allí algunos que le contaron acerca de los galileos cuya sangre Pilato había mezclado con la de sus sacrificios.

En esa misma ocasión había allí algunos que contaron a Jesús acerca de los Galileos cuya sangre Pilato había mezclado con la de sus sacrificios.

En este mismo tiempo estaban allí unos que le contaban acerca de los galileos, cuya sangre Pilato había mezclado con sus sacrificios.

Y EN este mismo tiempo estaban allí unos que le contaban acerca de los Galileos, cuya sangre Pilato había mezclado con sus sacrificios.

Y en este mismo tiempo estaban allí unos que le contaban acerca de los galileos, cuya sangre Pilato había mezclado con sus sacrificios.

Lucas 13:1
Naquela mesma época, alguns dos que estavam presentes foram dizer a Jesus que Pilatos havia misturado o sangue de alguns galileus com os próprios sacrifícios que ofereciam.

Ora, naquele mesmo tempo estavam presentes alguns que lhe falavam dos galileus cujo sangue Pilatos misturara com os sacrifícios deles.   

Luca 13:1
În vremea aceea au venit unii, şi au istorisit lui Isus ce se întîmplase unor Galileeni, al căror sînge îl amestecase Pilat cu jertfele lor.

От Луки 13:1
В это время пришли некоторые и рассказали Ему о Галилеянах, которых кровь Пилат смешал с жертвами их.

В это время пришли некоторые и рассказали Ему о Галилеянах, которых кровь Пилат смешал с жертвами их.

Luke 13:1
Nu tsawantin Chφcham ujaktai tusar Jesusan tariarmiayi. KarirΘa nunkanam Israer-shuar ni waakarin Mßawar Yus susatai tusar pujuiniai, Piratu niin maa, nuna numpen waaka numpejai pachimpramun ujakarmiayi.

Lukas 13:1
Vid samma tid kommo några och berättade för honom om de galiléer vilkas blod Pilatus hade blandat med deras offer.

Luka 13:1
Wakati huo watu fulani walikuja, wakamweleza Yesu juu ya watu wa Galilaya ambao Pilato alikuwa amewaua wakati walipokuwa wanachinja wanyama wao wa tambiko.

Lucas 13:1
Nang panahon ding ngang yaon ay nangaroon ang ilan, na nagsipagsabi sa kaniya tungkol sa mga Galileo, na ang dugo ng mga ito'y inihalo ni Pilato sa mga hain nila.

ลูกา 13:1
ขณะนั้น มีบางคนอยู่ที่นั่นเล่าเรื่องชาวกาลิลี ซึ่งปีลาตเอาโลหิตของเขาระคนกับเครื่องบูชาของเขา ให้พระองค์ฟัง

Luka 13:1
O sırada bazı kişiler gelip İsaya bir haber getirdiler. Pilatusun nasıl bazı Celilelileri öldürüp kanlarını kendi kestikleri kurbanların kanına kattığını anlattılar.

Лука 13:1
Нагодили ся ж деякі того часу, оповідуючи Йому про Галилейців, котрих кров Пилат змішав з жертвами їх.

Luke 13:1
Nto'u toe wo'o-hawo, ria tauna mpololitai Yesus, mpololita ba hangkuja dua to Galilea to rapatehi ntuku' hawa' Pilatus bula-ra mpotonu pepue' -ra hi Pue' Ala.

Lu-ca 13:1
Cũng lúc ấy, có mấy người ở đó thuật cho Ðức Chúa Jêsus nghe về việc Phi-lát giết mấy người Ga-li-lê, lấy huyết trộn lộn với của lễ họ.

Luke 12:59
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