Joshua 19:47
Joshua 19:47
(When the territory of the Danites was lost to them, they went up and attacked Leshem, took it, put it to the sword and occupied it. They settled in Leshem and named it Dan after their ancestor.)

But the tribe of Dan had trouble taking possession of their land, so they attacked the town of Laish. They captured it, slaughtered its people, and settled there. They renamed the town Dan after their ancestor.

When the territory of the people of Dan was lost to them, the people of Dan went up and fought against Leshem, and after capturing it and striking it with the sword they took possession of it and settled in it, calling Leshem, Dan, after the name of Dan their ancestor.

The territory of the sons of Dan proceeded beyond them; for the sons of Dan went up and fought with Leshem and captured it. Then they struck it with the edge of the sword and possessed it and settled in it; and they called Leshem Dan after the name of Dan their father.

And the coast of the children of Dan went out too little for them: therefore the children of Dan went up to fight against Leshem, and took it, and smote it with the edge of the sword, and possessed it, and dwelt therein, and called Leshem, Dan, after the name of Dan their father.

When the territory of the Danites slipped out of their control, they went up and fought against Leshem, captured it, and struck it down with the sword. So they took possession of it, lived there, and renamed Leshem after their ancestor Dan.

Later, when the descendants of Dan lost their territory, they went up and attacked Leshem. After they captured it and executed its inhabitants, they took possession of it and settled there, renaming the city of Leshem to Dan in memory of their ancestor Dan.

(The Danites failed to conquer their territory, so they went up and fought with Leshem and captured it. They put the sword to it, took possession of it, and lived in it. They renamed it Dan after their ancestor.)

The border of Dan extended beyond them. Dan's descendants went up and attacked Leshem, captured it, and killed everyone there. They took it, settled there, and renamed the city Dan after their ancestor Dan.

And the border of the sons of Dan went out too little for them; therefore, the sons of Dan went up to fight against Leshem and took it and smote it with the edge of the sword and possessed it and dwelt therein and called Leshem, Dan, after the name of Dan their father.

And the border of the children of Dan went out beyond these: therefore the children of Dan went up to fight against Leshem, and took it, and struck it with the edge of the sword, and possessed it, and dwelt therein, and called Leshem, Dan, after the name of Dan their father.

And the coast of the children of Dan went out too little for them: therefore the children of Dan went up to fight against Leshem, and took it, and smote it with the edge of the sword, and possessed it, and dwelled therein, and called Leshem, Dan, after the name of Dan their father.

And the border of the children of Dan went out beyond them; for the children of Dan went up and fought against Leshem, and took it, and smote it with the edge of the sword, and possessed it, and dwelt therein, and called Leshem, Dan, after the name of Dan their father.

And is terminated there. And the children of Dan went up and fought against Lesem, and took it: and they put it to the sword, and possessed it, and dwelt in it, calling the name of it Lesem Dan, by the name of Dan their father.

And the border of the children of Dan ended with these; and the children of Dan went up and fought against Leshem, and took it, and smote it with the edge of the sword, and took possession of it, and dwelt in it, and called Leshem, Dan, after the name of Dan their father.

And the border of the children of Dan went out beyond them: for the children of Dan went up and fought against Leshem, and took it, and smote it with the edge of the sword, and possessed it, and dwelt therein, and called Leshem, Dan, after the name of Dan their father.

And the border of the children of Dan, went out too little for them: therefore the children of Dan went up to fight against Leshem, and took it, and smote it with the edge of the sword, and possessed it, and dwelt in it, and called Leshem, Dan, after the name of Dan their father.

The border of the children of Dan went out beyond them; for the children of Dan went up and fought against Leshem, and took it, and struck it with the edge of the sword, and possessed it, and lived therein, and called Leshem, Dan, after the name of Dan their father.

And the border of the sons of Dan goeth out from them, and the sons of Dan go up and fight with Leshem, and capture it, and smite it by the mouth of the sword, and possess it, and dwell in it, and call Leshem, Dan, according to the name of Dan their father.

Jozueu 19:47
Por territori i bijve të Danit u shtri matanë këtyre kufijve, sepse bijtë e Danit shkuan për të luftuar kundër Leshemit; e pushtuan dhe vranë me shpatë banorët e tij; kështu e pushtuan, u vendosën aty dhe i vunë emrin Dan, nga emri i atit të tyre.

ﻳﺸﻮﻉ 19:47
وخرج تخم بني دان منهم وصعد بنو دان وحاربوا لشم واخذوها وضربوها بحد السيف وملكوها وسكنوها ودعو لشم دان كاسم دان ابيهم.

Dyr Josen 19:47
Aber daadl kunntnd si de Däner nicht durchsötzn. Drum zognd s auf Leschem aufhin und überfielnd s und gerobernd s. Sö brangend d Einwoner um s Löbn und gsidlnd si selbn dort an. Leschem gataauffend s auf Dänn um, naach ienern Stammvatern Dänn.

Исус Навиев 19:47
А пределът на данците не им стигаше; за това данците отидоха и воюваха против Лесем, и като го превзеха и го поразиха с острото на ножа, взеха го за притежание и заселиха се в него; и Лесем наименуваха Дан, по името на праотца си Дан.

約 書 亞 記 19:47
但 人 的 地 界 越 過 原 得 的 地 界 ; 因 為 但 人 上 去 攻 取 利 善 , 用 刀 擊 殺 城 中 的 人 , 得 了 那 城 , 住 在 其 中 , 以 他 們 先 祖 但 的 名 將 利 善 改 名 為 但 。

但 人 的 地 界 越 过 原 得 的 地 界 ; 因 为 但 人 上 去 攻 取 利 善 , 用 刀 击 杀 城 中 的 人 , 得 了 那 城 , 住 在 其 中 , 以 他 们 先 祖 但 的 名 将 利 善 改 名 为 但 。



Joshua 19:47
Ali područje sinova Danovih bilo je za njih pretijesno; zato udare Danovi sinovi na Lešem, osvoje ga i sve pobiju oštricom mača; zaposjednu grad, nastane se u njemu i Lešem prozovu Dan, po imenu Dana, oca svoga.

Jozue 19:47
Přišlo pak pomezí synům Dan příliš malé. Protož vstoupili synové Dan, a bojovali proti Lesen, a dobyvše ho, pobili obyvatele ostrostí meče, a vzavše je v dědictví, bydlili tam, a přezděli Lesenu Dan, vedlé jména Dan otce svého.

Josua 19:47
Men Daniternes Omraade blev dem for trangt; derfor drog Daniterne op og angreb Lesjem, indtog det og slog det med Sværdet; derpaa tog de det i Besiddelse og bosatte sig der og gav Lesjem Navnet Dan efter deres Stamfader Dan.

Jozua 19:47
Doch de landpale der kinderen van Dan was hun klein uitgekomen; daarom togen de kinderen van Dan op, en krijgden tegen Lesem, en namen haar in, en sloegen haar met de scherpte des zwaards, en erfden haar, en woonden daarin; en zij noemden Lesem, Dan, naar den naam van hun vader Dan.

יהושע 19:47
וַיֵּצֵ֥א גְבוּל־בְּנֵי־דָ֖ן מֵהֶ֑ם וַיַּעֲל֣וּ בְנֵֽי־דָ֠ן וַיִּלָּחֲמ֨וּ עִם־לֶ֜שֶׁם וַיִּלְכְּד֥וּ אֹותָ֣הּ ׀ וַיַּכּ֧וּ אֹותָ֣הּ לְפִי־חֶ֗רֶב וַיִּֽרְשׁ֤וּ אֹותָהּ֙ וַיֵּ֣שְׁבוּ בָ֔הּ וַיִּקְרְא֤וּ לְלֶ֙שֶׁם֙ דָּ֔ן כְּשֵׁ֖ם דָּ֥ן אֲבִיהֶֽם׃

מז ויצא גבול בני דן מהם ויעלו בני דן וילחמו עם לשם וילכדו אותה ויכו אותה לפי חרב וירשו אותה וישבו בה ויקראו ללשם דן כשם דן אביהם

ויצא גבול־בני־דן מהם ויעלו בני־דן וילחמו עם־לשם וילכדו אותה ׀ ויכו אותה לפי־חרב וירשו אותה וישבו בה ויקראו ללשם דן כשם דן אביהם׃

Józsué 19:47
De tovább méne ezeknél a Dán fiainak határa. Felmenének ugyanis a Dán fiai, és hadakozának Lesem ellen, és el is foglalák azt, és veték azt fegyver élére, és birtokba vevék azt, és lakozának benne, és nevezék Lesemet Dánnak, az õ atyjoknak Dánnak nevére.

Josuo 19:47
Kaj tie finigxas la limo de la Danidoj. Kaj la Danidoj iris kaj militis kontraux Lesxem, kaj prenis gxin kaj batis gxin per glavo, kaj ekposedis gxin kaj enlogxigxis en gxi, kaj donis al Lesxem la nomon Dan, laux la nomo de Dan, ilia patro.

JOOSUA 19:47
Ja siellä loppuu Danin lasten raja. Ja Danin lapset nousivat ja sotivat Lesemiä vastaan, ja voittivat sen ja löivät sen miekan terällä, omistivat sen ja asuivat siinä, ja kutsuivat Lesemin Daniksi, isänsä Danin nimeltä.

Josué 19:47
Et la frontière des fils de Dan se terminait par elles. Et les fils de Dan montèrent et combattirent contre Léshem, et la prirent, et la frappèrent par le tranchant de l'épée, et en prirent possession et y habitèrent; et il appelèrent Léshem, Dan, du nom de Dan, leur père.

Le territoire des fils de Dan s'étendait hors de chez eux. Les fils de Dan montèrent et combattirent contre Léschem; ils s'en emparèrent et la frappèrent du tranchant de l'épée; ils en prirent possession, s'y établirent, et l'appelèrent Dan, du nom de Dan, leur père.

Or la contrée qui était échue aux enfants de Dan, était [trop petite] pour eux; c'est pourquoi les enfants de Dan montèrent, et combattirent contre Lesem, et la prirent, et la frappèrent au tranchant de l'épée, et la possédèrent, et y habitèrent; et ils appelèrent Lesem, Dan, du nom de Dan leur père.

Josua 19:47
Und an denselben endet sich die Grenze der Kinder Dan. Und die Kinder Dan zogen hinauf und stritten wider Lesem und gewannen und schlugen sie mit der Schärfe des Schwerts; und nahmen sie ein und wohneten drinnen; und nannten sie Dan nach ihres Vaters Namen.

Und an demselben endet das Gebiet der Kinder Dan. Und die Kinder Dan zogen hinauf und stritten wider Lesem und gewannen und schlugen es mit der Schärfe des Schwerts und nahmen es ein und wohnten darin und nannten es Dan nach ihres Vaters Namen. {~} {~} {~}

So ging das Gebiet der Daniten für sie verloren. Da zogen die Daniten hin und kämpften mit Lesem, eroberten es und bezwangen es in blutigem Kampfe; sodann nahmen sie es in Besitz und ließen sich darin nieder und nannten Lesem Dan nach dem Namen ihres Ahnherrn Dan.

Giosué 19:47
Or il territorio de’ figliuoli di Dan s’estese più lungi, poiché i figliuoli di Dan salirono a combattere contro Lescem; la presero e la misero a fil di spada; ne presero possesso, vi si stabilirono, e la chiamaron Lescem Dan, dal nome di Dan loro padre.

Ora, a’ figliuoli di Dan scaddero i confini troppo piccoli per loro; e però salirono, e combatterono Lesem, e la presero, e la misero a fil di spada, e la possedettero, e abitarono in essa, e le posero nome Dan, del nome di Dan, lor padre.

YOSUA 19:47
Dan lagi perhinggaan tanah bani Dan berjengkau lebih jauh karena bani Dan itu berangkat lalu berperang dengan Lesem, dialahkannya akan dia, diparangnya dengan mata pedang dan diambilnya akan dirinya, lalu duduk di dalamnya, maka Lesem itu dinamainya Dan menurut nama bapanya yang bernama Dan.

여호수아 19:47
그런데 단 자손의 지경이 더욱 확장되었으니 이는 단 자손이 올라가서 레센을 쳐서 취하여 칼날로 치고 그것을 얻어 거기 거하였음이라 그 조상 단의 이름을 따라서 레센을 단이라 하였더라

Iosue 19:47
et ipso fine concluditur ascenderuntque filii Dan et pugnaverunt contra Lesem ceperuntque eam et percusserunt in ore gladii ac possederunt et habitaverunt in ea vocantes nomen eius Lesemdan ex nomine Dan patris sui

Jozuës knyga 19:47
Dano giminės gautas paveldėjimas buvo per mažas, todėl jie nužygiavę kariavo su Lešemu ir jį užėmė. Gyventojus išžudę, apsigyveno jame. Lešemo pavadinimą pakeitė Danu, pagal savo tėvą Daną.

Joshua 19:47
A i puta atu te rohe o nga tama a Rana ki ko atu i a ratou: no te mea i haere nga tama a Rana ki runga, a i whawhai ki Reheme, a riro ana a reira i a ratou, a patua iho a reira ki te mata o te hoari, na tangohia ana a reira e ratou, a nohoia iho, a huaina iho a Reheme ko Rana, ko te ingoa o to ratou papa o Rana.

Josvas 19:47
Men Dans barns land blev for trangt for dem, og Dans barn drog op og førte krig mot Lesem; de inntok det og slo det med sverdets egg og tok det i eie og bodde der, og de kalte Lesem Dan efter sin stamfar Dan.

Josué 19:47
Pero el territorio de los hijos de Dan continuaba más allá de éstas; porque los hijos de Dan subieron y lucharon contra Lesem y la capturaron. Y la hirieron a filo de espada, la poseyeron y se establecieron en ella; y a Lesem la llamaron Dan, según el nombre de Dan su padre.

Pero el territorio de los hijos de Dan continuaba más allá de éstas. Porque los hijos de Dan subieron y lucharon contra Lesem y la capturaron. La hirieron a filo de espada, la poseyeron y se establecieron (habitaron) en ella; y a Lesem la llamaron Dan, según el nombre de Dan su padre.

Y les faltó territorio a los hijos de Dan; y subieron los hijos de Dan y combatieron a Lesem, y tomándola la hirieron a filo de espada, y la poseyeron, y habitaron en ella; y llamaron a Lesem, Dan, del nombre de Dan su padre.

Y faltóles término á los hijos de Dan; y subieron los hijos de Dan y combatieron á Lesem, y tomándola metiéronla á filo de espada, y la poseyeron, y habitaron en ella; y llamaron á Lesem, Dan, del nombre de Dan su padre.

Y les faltó término a los hijos de Dan; y subieron los hijos de Dan y combatieron a Lesem, y tomándola metiéronla a filo de espada, y la poseyeron, y habitaron en ella; y llamaron a Lesem, Dan, del nombre de Dan su padre.

Josué 19:47
Mas a tribo de Dã teve dificuldade para tomar posse das suas terras. E, por este motivo, atacaram-na ao fio da espada e a tomaram. Estabeleceram-se em Lesém e lhe deram o nome de Dã, por causa do seu antepassado.

Saiu, porém, pequena o território dos filhos de Dã; pelo que os filhos de Dã subiram, pelejaram contra Lesem e a tomaram; feriram-na ao fio da espada, tomaram posse dela e habitaram-na; e a Lesem chamaram Dã, conforme o nome de Dã, seu pai.   

Iosua 19:47
Ţinutul fiilor lui Dan se întindea şi în afară de acestea. Fiii lui Dan s'au suit şi s'au luptat împotriva lui Leşem; au pus mîna pe el şi l-au trecut prin ascuţişul săbiei; au pus stăpînire pe el, s'au aşezat în el şi l-au numit Dan, după numele tatălui lor Dan.

Иисус Навин 19:47
И сыны Дановы пошли войною на Ласем и взялиего, и поразили его мечом, и получили его в наследие, ипоселились в нем, и назвали Ласем Даном по имени Дана, отца своего.

И сыны Дановы пошли войною на Ласем и взяли его, и поразили его мечом, и получили его в наследие, и поселились в нем, и назвали Ласем Даном по имени Дана, отца своего.[]

Josuaé 19:47
(Men när sedan Dans barns område gick förlorat för dem, drogo Dans barn upp och belägrade Lesem och intogo det och slogo dess invånare med svärdsegg; och sedan de så hade tagit det i besittning, bosatte de sig där och kallade Lesem för Dan, efter Dans, sin faders, namn.)

Joshua 19:47
At ang hangganan ng mga anak ni Dan ay palabas sa dako roon ng mga yaon; sapagka't ang mga anak ni Dan ay sumampa at bumaka laban sa Lesem, at sinakop at sinugatan ng talim ng tabak, at inari at tumahan doon, at tinawag ang Lesem, na Dan, ayon sa pangalan ni Dan, na kanilang ama.

โยชูวา 19:47
อาณาเขตคนดานน้อยไปสำหรับพวกเขา คนดานจึงขึ้นไปสู้รบกับเมืองเลเชม เมื่อยึดได้ก็ประหารเสียด้วยคมดาบ จึงยึดครองที่ดินและตั้งอยู่ที่นั่น เรียกเมืองเลเชมว่าดาน ตามชื่อของดานบรรพบุรุษของตน

Yeşu 19:47
Topraklarını yitiren Danoğulları gidip Leşeme saldırdılar. Kenti alıp halkını kılıçtan geçirdikten sonra tümüyle işgal ederek oraya yerleştiler. Ataları Danın anısına buraya Dan adını verdiler.[]

Gioâ-sueâ 19:47
Vả, địa phận của người Ðan là ra ngoài nơi mình; vì người Ðan đi lên đánh chiếm lấy Lê-sem, rồi dùng lưỡi gươm diệt nó. Người Ðan chiếm lấy nó làm sản nghiệp ở tại đó, và lấy tên Ðan, tổ phụ mình, đặt cho Lê-sem.

Joshua 19:46
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