John 5:15
John 5:15
The man went away and told the Jewish leaders that it was Jesus who had made him well.

Then the man went and told the Jewish leaders that it was Jesus who had healed him.

The man went away and told the Jews that it was Jesus who had healed him.

The man went away, and told the Jews that it was Jesus who had made him well.

The man departed, and told the Jews that it was Jesus, which had made him whole.

The man went and reported to the Jews that it was Jesus who had made him well.

The man went off and told the Jewish leaders that it was Jesus who had made him well.

The man went away and informed the Jewish leaders that Jesus was the one who had made him well.

And that man departed and said to the Jews that Yeshua was the one who had healed him.

The man went back to the Jews and told them that Jesus was the man who had made him well.

The man departed and told the Jews that it was Jesus who had made him whole.

The man departed, and told the Jews that it was Jesus, who had made him whole.

The man departed, and told the Jews that it was Jesus, which had made him whole.

The man went away, and told the Jews that it was Jesus who had made him whole.

The man went his way, and told the Jews, that it was Jesus who had made him whole.

The man went away and told the Jews that it was Jesus who had made him well.

The man went away, and told the Jews that it was Jesus which had made him whole.

The man departed, and told the Jews that it was Jesus who had healed him.

The man went and told the Jews that it was Jesus who had restored him to health;

The man went away, and told the Jews that it was Jesus who had made him well.

The man went away, and told the Jews that it is Jesus who made him whole,

Gjoni 5:15
Ai njeri shkoi dhe u tregoi Judenjve se Jezusi ishte ai që e shëroi.

ﻳﻮﺣﻨﺎ 5:15
فمضى الانسان واخبر اليهود ان يسوع هو الذي ابرأه.

Մարդը գնաց ու հաղորդեց Հրեաներուն թէ Յիսո՛ւս էր՝ որ բժշկեց զինք:

Euangelioa S. Ioannen araura.  5:15
Ioan cedin guicon haur, eta conta ciecén Iuduey ecen Iesus cela hura sendatu vkan çuena.

Dyr Johanns 5:15
Der Man gverzölt s glei yn de Judn, däß n dyr +Iesen gsund gmacht hiet.

Йоан 5:15
Човекът отиде и извести на юдеите, че Исус е, Който го изцели.

約 翰 福 音 5:15
那 人 就 去 告 訴 猶 太 人 , 使 他 痊 愈 的 是 耶 穌 。

那 人 就 去 告 诉 犹 太 人 , 使 他 痊 愈 的 是 耶 稣 。





Evanðelje po Ivanu 5:15
Čovjek ode i javi Židovima da je Isus onaj koji ga je ozdravio.

Jan 5:15
Odšel ten člověk, a pověděl Židům, že by Ježíš byl ten, kterýž ho zdravého učinil.

Johannes 5:15
Manden gik bort og sagde til Jøderne, at det var Jesus, som havde gjort ham rask.

Johannes 5:15
De mens ging heen, en boodschapte den Joden, dat het Jezus was, Die hem gezond gemaakt had.

ἀπῆλθεν ὁ ἄνθρωπος καὶ εἶπεν τοῖς Ἰουδαίοις ὅτι Ἰησοῦς ἐστιν ὁ ποιήσας αὐτὸν ὑγιῆ.

ἀπῆλθεν ὁ ἄνθρωπος καὶ εἶπεν τοῖς Ἰουδαίοις ὅτι Ἰησοῦς ἐστὶν ὁ ποιήσας αὐτὸν ὑγιῆ.

ἀπῆλθεν ὁ ἄνθρωπος καὶ εἶπεν / ἀνήγγειλεν τοῖς Ἰουδαίοις ὅτι Ἰησοῦς ἐστὶν ὁ ποιήσας αὐτὸν ὑγιῆ.

Ἀπῆλθεν ὁ ἄνθρωπος, καὶ ἀνήγγειλεν τοῖς Ἰουδαίοις ὅτι Ἰησοῦς ἐστιν ὁ ποιήσας αὐτὸν ὑγιῆ.

ἀπῆλθεν ὁ ἄνθρωπος καὶ ἀνήγγειλε τοῖς Ἰουδαίοις ὅτι Ἰησοῦς ἐστιν ὁ ποιήσας αὐτὸν ὑγιῆ.

ἀπῆλθεν ὁ ἄνθρωπος καὶ εἶπεν τοῖς Ἰουδαίοις ὅτι Ἰησοῦς ἐστιν ὁ ποιήσας αὐτὸν ὑγιῆ.

ἀπῆλθεν ὁ ἄνθρωπος, καὶ ἀνήγγειλε τοῖς Ἰουδαίοις ὅτι Ἰησοῦς ἐστιν ὁ ποιήσας αὐτὸν ὑγιῆ.

ἀπῆλθεν ὁ ἄνθρωπος καὶ ἀνήγγειλεν τοῖς Ἰουδαίοις ὅτι Ἰησοῦς ἐστιν ὁ ποιήσας αὐτὸν ὑγιῆ

απηλθεν ο ανθρωπος και ειπεν τοις ιουδαιοις οτι ιησους εστιν ο ποιησας αυτον υγιη

απηλθεν ο ανθρωπος και ειπεν τοις ιουδαιοις οτι ιησους εστιν ο ποιησας αυτον υγιη

απηλθεν ο ανθρωπος και ανηγγειλεν τοις ιουδαιοις οτι ιησους εστιν ο ποιησας αυτον υγιη

απηλθεν ο ανθρωπος, και ανηγγειλε τοις Ιουδαιοις οτι Ιησους εστιν ο ποιησας αυτον υγιη.

απηλθεν ο ανθρωπος και ανηγγειλεν τοις ιουδαιοις οτι ιησους εστιν ο ποιησας αυτον υγιη

απηλθεν ο ανθρωπος και {VAR1: ειπεν } {VAR2: ανηγγειλεν } τοις ιουδαιοις οτι ιησους εστιν ο ποιησας αυτον υγιη

apēlthen ho anthrōpos kai eipen tois Ioudaiois hoti Iēsous estin ho poiēsas auton hygiē.

apelthen ho anthropos kai eipen tois Ioudaiois hoti Iesous estin ho poiesas auton hygie.

apēlthen ho anthrōpos kai eipen tois Ioudaiois hoti Iēsous estin ho poiēsas auton hygiē.

apelthen ho anthropos kai eipen tois Ioudaiois hoti Iesous estin ho poiesas auton hygie.

apēlthen o anthrōpos kai eipen tois ioudaiois oti iēsous estin o poiēsas auton ugiē

apElthen o anthrOpos kai eipen tois ioudaiois oti iEsous estin o poiEsas auton ugiE

apēlthen o anthrōpos kai anēngeilen tois ioudaiois oti iēsous estin o poiēsas auton ugiē

apElthen o anthrOpos kai anEngeilen tois ioudaiois oti iEsous estin o poiEsas auton ugiE

apēlthen o anthrōpos kai anēngeilen tois ioudaiois oti iēsous estin o poiēsas auton ugiē

apElthen o anthrOpos kai anEngeilen tois ioudaiois oti iEsous estin o poiEsas auton ugiE

apēlthen o anthrōpos kai anēngeilen tois ioudaiois oti iēsous estin o poiēsas auton ugiē

apElthen o anthrOpos kai anEngeilen tois ioudaiois oti iEsous estin o poiEsas auton ugiE

apēlthen o anthrōpos kai eipen tois ioudaiois oti iēsous estin o poiēsas auton ugiē

apElthen o anthrOpos kai eipen tois ioudaiois oti iEsous estin o poiEsas auton ugiE

apēlthen o anthrōpos kai {WH: eipen } {UBS4: anēngeilen } tois ioudaiois oti iēsous estin o poiēsas auton ugiē

apElthen o anthrOpos kai {WH: eipen} {UBS4: anEngeilen} tois ioudaiois oti iEsous estin o poiEsas auton ugiE

János 5:15
Elméne az az ember, és hírül adá a zsidóknak, hogy Jézus az, a ki õt meggyógyította.

La evangelio laŭ Johano 5:15
La viro foriris, kaj diris al la Judoj, ke Jesuo estas tiu, kiu lin sanigis.

Evankeliumi Johanneksen mukaan 5:15
Niin se ihminen meni pois ja ilmoitti Juudalaisille, että Jesus oli se, joka hänen parantanut oli.

Jean 5:15
L'homme s'en alla et annonça aux Juifs que c'était Jésus qui l'avait guéri.

Cet homme s'en alla, et annonça aux Juifs que c'était Jésus qui l'avait guéri.

Cet homme s'en alla, et rapporta aux Juifs que c'était Jésus qui l'avait guéri.

Johannes 5:15
Der Mensch ging hin und verkündigte es den Juden, es sei Jesus, der ihn gesund gemacht habe.

Der Mensch ging hin und verkündete es den Juden, es sei Jesus, der ihn gesund gemacht habe.

Der Mensch gieng weg und sagte den Juden, daß es Jesus sei, der ihn gesund gemacht.

Giovanni 5:15
Quell’uomo se ne andò, e disse ai Giudei che Gesù era quel che l’avea risanato.

Quell’uomo se ne andò, e rapportò ai Giudei che Gesù era quel che l’avea sanato.

Maka pergilah orang itu serta mengabarkan kepada orang Yahudi, bahwa yang menyembuhkan dia itu Yesus.

John 5:15
Argaz-nni iṛuḥ ad ixebbeṛ lecyux n wat Isṛail belli d Sidna Ɛisa i t-yesseḥlan.

요한복음 5:15
그 사람이 유대인들에게 가서 자기를 고친 이는 예수라 하니라

Ioannes 5:15
abiit ille homo et nuntiavit Iudaeis quia Iesus esset qui fecit eum sanum

Sv. Jānis 5:15
Tas cilvēks aizgāja un paziņoja jūdiem, ka Jēzus ir tas, kas viņu izdziedināja.

Evangelija pagal Jonà 5:15
Žmogus nuėjo ir pranešė žydams, kad jį išgydė Jėzus.

John 5:15
Haere ana taua tangata, korero ana ki nga Hurai, na Ihu ia i whakaora.

Johannes 5:15
Mannen gikk bort, og fortalte jødene at det var Jesus som hadde gjort ham frisk.

Juan 5:15
El hombre se fue, y dijo a los judíos que Jesús era el que lo había sanado.

El hombre se fue, y dijo a los Judíos que Jesús era el que lo había sanado.

El hombre se fue, y dio aviso a los judíos, que Jesús era el que le había sanado.

El se fué, y dió aviso á los Judíos, que Jesús era el que le había sanado.

El se fue, y dio aviso a los judíos, que Jesús era el que le había sanado.

João 5:15
O homem partiu e disse aos judeus que fora Jesus quem o havia curado. Honra o Pai e o Filho

Retirou-se, então, o homem, e contou aos judeus que era Jesus quem o curara.   

Ioan 5:15
Omul acela s'a dus, şi a spus Iudeilor că Isus este Acela care -l făcuse sănătos.

От Иоанна 5:15
Человек сей пошел и объявил Иудеям, что исцеливший его есть Иисус.

Человек сей пошел и объявил Иудеям, что исцеливший его есть Иисус.

John 5:15
Nuinkia aishman Jesus niin Tsußrman Nekßa Israer-shuaran ujakmiayi.

Johannes 5:15
Mannen gick då bort och omtalade för judarna, att det var Jesus som hade gjort honom frisk.

Yohana 5:15
Huyo mtu akaenda, akawaambia viongozi wa Wayahudi kwamba Yesu ndiye aliyemponya.

Juan 5:15
Umalis ang tao, at sinaysay sa mga Judio na si Jesus ang sa kaniya'y nagpagaling.

ยอห์น 5:15
ชายคนนั้นก็ได้ออกไปและบอกพวกยิวว่า ท่านที่ได้รักษาเขาให้หายโรคนั้นคือพระเยซู

Yuhanna 5:15
Adam gidip Yahudi yetkililere kendisini iyileştirenin İsa olduğunu bildirdi.

Йоан 5:15
Пійшов чоловік, та й сповістив Жидів, що се Ісус, що оздоровив його.

John 5:15
Ngkai ree, hilou-imi tauna toei mpohirua' -raka topoparenta to Yahudi, na'uli' -raka Kayesus-na to mpaka'uri' -i.

Giaêng 5:15
Người đó đi nói với các người Giu-đa rằng ấy là Ðức Chúa Jêsus đã chữa lành cho mình.

John 5:14
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