Job 41:9
Job 41:9
Any hope of subduing it is false; the mere sight of it is overpowering.

No, it is useless to try to capture it. The hunter who attempts it will be knocked down.

Behold, the hope of a man is false; he is laid low even at the sight of him.

"Behold, your expectation is false; Will you be laid low even at the sight of him?

Behold, the hope of him is in vain: shall not one be cast down even at the sight of him?

Any hope of capturing him proves false. Does a person not collapse at the very sight of him?

"Look! Anyone's hope to capture him will prove itself false; anyone would be terrified just by looking at him.

See, his expectation is wrong, he is laid low even at the sight of it.

Certainly, any hope [of defeating it] is a false hope. Doesn't the sight of it overwhelm you?

Behold, your hope regarding him shall fail; for even at the sight of him they shall faint.

Behold, the hope of subduing him is in vain: shall one not be cast down even at the sight of him?

Behold, the hope of him is in vain: shall not one be cast down even at the sight of him?

Behold, the hope of him is in vain: Will not one be cast down even at the sight of him?

Behold his hope shall fail him, and in the sight of all he shall be cast down.

Lo, hope as to him is belied: is not one cast down even at the sight of him?

Behold, the hope of him is in vain: shall not one be cast down even at the sight of him?

Behold, the hope of him is in vain: shall not one be cast down even at the sight of him?

Behold, the hope of him is in vain. Won't one be cast down even at the sight of him?

Lo, the hope of him is found a liar, Also at his appearance is not one cast down?

Jobi 41:9
Ja, shpresa e atij që e sulmon është e rreme; mjafton ta shikosh dhe të zë tmerri.

ﺃﻳﻮﺏ 41:9
هوذا الرجاء به كاذب. ألا يكبّ ايضا برؤيته.

Dyr Hieb 41:9
Nän, vergiß s; dös pröbltst lieber nit! Brauchst n anschaugn grad, dann geet s dyrhin.

Йов 41:9
Ето, надеждата [да го хване] някой е празна; Даже от изгледа му не отпада ли човек?

約 伯 記 41:9
人 指 望 捉 拿 他 是 徒 然 的 ; 一 見 他 , 豈 不 喪 膽 麼 ?

人 指 望 捉 拿 他 是 徒 然 的 ; 一 见 他 , 岂 不 丧 胆 麽 ?



Job 41:9
Zalud je nadu u njega gojiti, na pogled njegov čovjek već pogiba.

Jobova 41:9

Job 41:9
Det Haab vilde blive til Skamme, alene ved Synet laa du der.

Job 41:9
Elk een zijner niezingen doet een licht schijnen; en zijn ogen zijn als de oogleden des dageraads.

איוב 41:9
הֵן־תֹּחַלְתֹּ֥ו נִכְזָ֑בָה הֲגַ֖ם אֶל־מַרְאָ֣יו יֻטָֽל׃

א הן-תחלתו נכזבה  הגם אל-מראיו יטל

הן־תחלתו נכזבה הגם אל־מראיו יטל׃

Jób 41:9
Ímé, az õ reménykedése csalárd; [puszta] látása is halálra ijeszt!

Ijob 41:9
Vidu, la espero cxiun trompos; Jam ekvidinte gxin, li falos.

JOB 41:9
(H 40:28) Katso, hänen toivonsa pettää hänen; sillä koska hän hänen näkee, mukeltaneeko hän pois?

Job 41:9
(41:1) Voici, on est déçu dans son attente; même à sa vue, n'est-on pas terrassé?

Voici, on est trompé dans son attente; A son seul aspect n'est-on pas terrassé?

Voilà, l'espérance qu'on avait de le prendre est frustrée; [et] ne sera-t-on pas même atterré par son regard?

Hiob 41:9
Siehe, seine Hoffnung wird ihm fehlen; und wenn er sein ansichtig wird, schwinget er sich dahin.

40:1 Siehe, die Hoffnung wird jedem fehlen; schon wenn er seiner ansichtig wird, stürzt er zu Boden.

Ja, seine Hoffnung ward betrogen; wird er doch schon bei seinem Anblick hingestreckt.

Giobbe 41:9
(H41-1) Ecco, fallace è la speranza di chi l’assale; basta scorgerlo e s’è atterrati.

Ecco, la speranza di pigliarlo è fallace; Anzi l’uomo non sarà egli atterrato, solo a vederlo?

AYUB 41:9
Bahwasanya harapnya akan putus, jikalau ia berbaring di hadapan mukanya sekalipun.

욥기 41:9
이에 데만 사람 엘리바스와 수아 사람 빌닷과 나아마 사람 소발이 가서 여호와께서 자기들에게 명하신 대로 행하니라 여호와께서 욥을 기쁘게 받으셨더라

Iob 41:9
(40-28) ecce spes eius frustrabitur eum et videntibus cunctis praecipitabitur

Jobo knyga 41:9
Tuščia viltis jį nugalėti, nes vien į jį pažvelgus, baimė ima.

Job 41:9
Nana, he hori kau te manako ki a ia: e kore ranei tetahi e hinga noa ki te kite kau atu i a ia?

Jobs 41:9
Nei, den som våger slikt, hans håp blir sveket; allerede ved synet av den styrter han til jorden.

Job 41:9
He aquí, falsa es tu esperanza; con sólo verlo serás derribado.

Falsa es tu esperanza; Con sólo verlo serás derribado.

He aquí que la esperanza acerca de él será burlada; porque aun a su sola vista se desmayarán.

He aquí que la esperanza acerca de él será burlada; Porque aun á su sola vista se desmayarán.

He aquí que tu esperanza acerca de él será burlada; porque aun a su sola vista se desmayarán.

Jó 41:9
É inútil querer capturá-lo! Será que não desmaiarás somente ao vê-lo?

Eis que é vã a esperança de apanhá-lo; pois não será um homem derrubado só ao vê-lo?   

Iov 41:9
Iată că eşti înşelat în aşteptarea ta de a -l prinde: numai să -l vezi, şi cazi la pămînt!

Иов 41:9
(41:1) Надежда тщетна: не упадешь ли от одного взгляда его?

(41-1) Надежда тщетна: не упадешь ли от одного взгляда его?[]

Job 41:9
Nej, den sådant vågar, hans hopp bliver sviket, han fälles till marken redan vid hans åsyn.

Job 41:9
Narito, ang pagasa riyan ay walang kabuluhan: hindi ba malulugmok ang sinoman makita lamang yaon?

โยบ 41:9
ดูเถิด ความหวังของคนที่อาจสู้มันนั้นก็เป็นของเปล่า เมื่อเห็นมันเข้าเท่านั้น จะไม่ล้มลงหรือ

Eyüp 41:9
Onu yakalamak için umutlanma,
Görünüşü bile insanın ödünü patlatır.[]

Gioùp 41:9
(40:28) Kìa, sự trông bắt nó được bèn mất hết; Chỉ thấy tướng dạng nó, người ta liền rụng rời đi.

Job 41:8
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