Job 40:2
Job 40:2
"Will the one who contends with the Almighty correct him? Let him who accuses God answer him!"

"Do you still want to argue with the Almighty? You are God's critic, but do you have the answers?"

“Shall a faultfinder contend with the Almighty? He who argues with God, let him answer it.”

"Will the faultfinder contend with the Almighty? Let him who reproves God answer it."

Shall he that contendeth with the Almighty instruct him? he that reproveth God, let him answer it.

Will the one who contends with the Almighty correct Him? Let him who argues with God give an answer.

"Should the one who is fighting the Almighty find fault with him? Let God's accuser answer."

"Will the one who contends with the Almighty correct him? Let the person who accuses God give him an answer!"

"Will the person who finds fault with the Almighty correct him? Will the person who argues with God answer him?"

Shall he that contends with the Almighty instruct him? Let him that disputes with God answer this.

Shall he that contends with the Almighty instruct him? he that reproves God, let him answer it.

Shall he that contends with the Almighty instruct him? he that reproves God, let him answer it.

Shall he that cavilleth contend with the Almighty? He that argueth with God, let him answer it.

Shall he that contendeth with God be so easily silenced? surely he that reproveth God, ought to answer him.

Shall he that will contend with the Almighty instruct him? he that reproveth +God, let him answer it.

Shall he that cavilleth contend with the Almighty? he that argueth with God, let him answer it.

Shall he that contendeth with the Almighty instruct him? he that reproveth God, let him answer it.

"Shall he who argues contend with the Almighty? He who argues with God, let him answer it."

Is the striver with the Mighty instructed? The reprover of God, let him answer it.

Jobi 40:2
Ai që kundërshton të Plotfuqishmin, a dëshiron vallë ta korrigjojë? Ai që qorton Perëndinë, t'i përgjigjet kësaj pyetjeje.

ﺃﻳﻮﺏ 40:2
هل يخاصم القدير موبّخه ام المحاجّ الله يجاوبه

Dyr Hieb 40:2
"Was ist ietz? Mechst ietz mit mir rechtn? Ietz haast gnueg glöstert; i will s wissn!"

Йов 40:2
Тоя, който е изобличил Всемогъщият, ще ли се бори с Него? Тоя, който се препира с Бога, нека отговори на [всичко] това.

約 伯 記 40:2
強 辯 的 豈 可 與 全 能 者 爭 論 麼 ? 與 神 辯 駁 的 可 以 回 答 這 些 罷 !

强 辩 的 岂 可 与 全 能 者 争 论 麽 ? 与 神 辩 驳 的 可 以 回 答 这 些 罢 !



Job 40:2
Zar će se s Jakim preti još kudilac? Tužitelj Božji nek' sam odgovori!

Jobova 40:2
Přepaš nyní jako muž bedra svá, a nač se tebe tázati budu, oznam mi.

Job 40:2
Vil den trættekære tvistes med den Almægtige? Han, som revser Gud, han svare herpaa!

Job 40:2
Gord nu als een man uw lenden; Ik zal u vragen, en onderricht Mij.

איוב 40:2
הֲ֭רֹב עִם־שַׁדַּ֣י יִסֹּ֑ור מֹוכִ֖יחַ אֱלֹ֣והַּ יַעֲנֶֽנָּה׃ פ

ב הרב עם-שדי יסור  מוכיח אלוה יעננה

הרב עם־שדי יסור מוכיח אלוה יעננה׃ פ

Jób 40:2
Nosza! övezd fel, mint férfi, derekadat; én kérdezlek, te pedig taníts engem!

Ijob 40:2
CXu povas blasfemanto disputi kun la Plejpotenculo? La mallauxdanto de Dio tion respondu.

JOB 40:2
(H 39:35) Joka riitelee Kaikkivaltiaan kanssa, eikö hänen pitäis sitä vahvistaman? ja se joka nuhtelee Jumalaa, eikö hänen pitäis vastaaman?

Job 40:2
(39:35) Celui qui conteste avec le Tout-puissant l'instruira-t-il? Celui qui reprend +Dieu, qu'il réponde à cela!

Celui qui dispute contre le Tout-Puissant est-il convaincu? Celui qui conteste avec Dieu a-t-il une réplique à faire?

Celui qui conteste avec le Tout-puissant, lui apprendra-t-il quelque chose? Que celui qui dispute avec Dieu, réponde à ceci.

Hiob 40:2
Wer mit dem Allmächtigen hadern will, soll's ihm der nicht beibringen? Und wer Gott tadelt, soll's der nicht verantworten?

Will mit dem Allmächtigen rechten der Haderer? Wer Gott tadelt, soll's der nicht verantworten?

Hadern mit dem Allmächtigen will der Tadler? Der Ankläger Gottes antworte darauf!

Giobbe 40:2
Il censore dell’Onnipotente vuole ancora contendere con lui? Colui che censura Iddio ha egli una risposta a tutto questo?

(H39-35) Colui che litiga con l’Onnipotente lo correggerà egli? Colui che arguisce Iddio risponda a questo.

AYUB 40:2
Adapun akan berbantah-bantah dengan Yang Mahakuasa, bolehkah ia itu membenarkan hal dirimu? Hendaklah orang yang menyalahkan Allah itu, memberi jawab akan segala pertanyaan ini.

욥기 40:2
줄로 그 코를 꿸 수 있겠느냐 ? 갈고리로 그 아가미를 꿸 수 있겠느냐 ?

Iob 40:2
(39-32) numquid qui contendit cum Deo tam facile conquiescit utique qui arguit Deum debet respondere ei

Jobo knyga 40:2
“Ar tas, kuris ginčijasi su Visagaliu, pamokys Jį? Teatsako tas, kuris priekaištauja Dievui”.

Job 40:2
E tohe ana ranei ki te Kaha Rawa te tangata whakatohutohu? Ma te tangata e whakatupehupehu ana ki te Atua, mana e korero mai.

Jobs 40:2
Vil du som klandrer den Allmektige, vil du trette med ham? Du som laster Gud, må svare på dette!

Job 40:2
¿Podrá el que censura contender con el Todopoderoso? El que reprende a Dios, responda a esto.

"¿Podrá el que censura discutir con el Todopoderoso (Shaddai)? El que reprende a Dios, responda a esto."

¿Es sabiduría contender con el Omnipotente? El que disputa con Dios, responda a esto.

(H39-35) ¿Es sabiduría contender con el Omnipotente? El que disputa con Dios, responda á esto.

¿Es por ventura sabiduría contender con el Omnipotente? El que disputa con Dios, responda a esto.

Jó 40:2
“Porventura aquele que contende com Shaddai, o Todo-Poderoso, terá argumentos para contestá-lo? Que responda, pois, a Deus aquele que o censura!”

Contenderá contra o Todo-Poderoso o censurador? Quem assim argúi a Deus, responda a estas coisas.   

Iov 40:2
,,Eşti încredinţat acum tu, care vorbeşti împotriva Celui Atotputernic? Tu care mustri pe Dumnezeu, mai ai vreun răspuns de dat?``

Иов 40:2
(39:32) будет ли состязающийся со Вседержителем еще учить? Обличающий Бога пусть отвечает Ему.

(39-32) будет ли состязающийся со Вседержителем еще учить? Обличающий Бога пусть отвечает Ему.[]

Job 40:2
Vill du tvista med den Allsmäktige, du mästare? Svara då, du som så klagar på Gud!

Job 40:2
Magmamatapang ba siya na makipagtalo sa Makapangyarihan sa lahat? Siyang nakikipagkatuwiranan sa Dios, ay sagutin niya ito.

โยบ 40:2
คนมักติจะโต้แย้งกับองค์ผู้ทรงมหิทธิฤทธิ์หรือ เขาผู้โต้แย้งกับพระเจ้า ขอให้เขาตอบหน่อยเถอะ

Eyüp 40:2
‹‹Her Şeye Gücü Yetenle çatışan Onu yola getirebilir mi?
Tanrıyı suçlayan yanıtlasın.››[]

Gioùp 40:2
(39:35) Kẻ bắt bẻ Ðấng Toàn năng há sẽ tranh luận cùng Ngài sao? Kẻ cãi luận cùng Ðức Chúa Trời, hãy đáp điều đó đi!

Job 40:1
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