Job 37:20
Job 37:20
Should he be told that I want to speak? Would anyone ask to be swallowed up?

Should God be notified that I want to speak? Can people even speak when they are confused?

Shall it be told him that I would speak? Did a man ever wish that he would be swallowed up?

"Shall it be told Him that I would speak? Or should a man say that he would be swallowed up?

Shall it be told him that I speak? if a man speak, surely he shall be swallowed up.

Should He be told that I want to speak? Can a man speak when he is confused?

Has it been relayed to God that I want to talk? Can a person speak when he is confused?"

Should he be informed that I want to speak? If a man speaks, surely he would be swallowed up!

Should he be told that I want to speak? Can a person speak when he is confused?

Shall it be told him when I speak? When someone is swallowed up shall it be told him?

Shall it be told him that I speak? if a man speaks, surely he shall be swallowed up.

Shall it be told him that I speak? if a man speak, surely he shall be swallowed up.

Shall it be told him that I would speak? Or should a man wish that he were swallowed up?

Who shall tell him the things I speak? even if a man shall speak, he shall be swallowed up.

Shall it be told him if I would speak? if a man so say, surely he shall be swallowed up.

Shall it be told him that I would speak? or should a man wish that he were swallowed up?

Shall it be told him that I speak? If a man shall speak, surely he will be swallowed up.

Shall it be told him that I would speak? Or should a man wish that he were swallowed up?

Is it declared to Him that I speak? If a man hath spoken, surely he is swallowed up.

Jobi 37:20
A mund t'i thuhet vallë se unë dua të flas? Në rast se një njeri duhet të fliste, do të shkatërrohej me siguri.

ﺃﻳﻮﺏ 37:20
هل يقص عليه كلامي اذا تكلمت. هل ينطق الانسان لكي يبتلع.

Dyr Hieb 37:20
Sollnd üns mir vürhindröngen: 'Herrgot, laaß mi hin!'? Löbnsmüed sein myr nit!

Йов 37:20
Ще Му се извести ли, че желая да говоря, [Като зная че], ако продума човек непременно ще бъде погълнат?

約 伯 記 37:20
人 豈 可 說 : 我 願 與 他 說 話 ? 豈 有 人 自 願 滅 亡 麼 ?

人 岂 可 说 : 我 愿 与 他 说 话 ? 岂 有 人 自 愿 灭 亡 麽 ?



Job 37:20
Zar ćeš mu reći: 'Hoću govoriti'? Ili na propast vlastitu pristati?

Jobova 37:20
Ano nyní nemohou patřiti lidé na světlo, když jest jasné na oblacích, když je vítr prochází a vyčišťuje,

Job 37:20
Meldes det ham, at jeg taler? Siger en Mand, at han er fra Samling?

Job 37:20
Zal het Hem verteld worden, als ik zo zou spreken? Denkt iemand dat, gewisselijk, hij zal verslonden worden.

איוב 37:20
הַֽיְסֻפַּר־לֹ֖ו כִּ֣י אֲדַבֵּ֑ר אִֽם־אָ֥מַר אִ֝֗ישׁ כִּ֣י יְבֻלָּֽע׃

כ היספר-לו כי אדבר  אם-אמר איש כי יבלע

היספר־לו כי אדבר אם־אמר איש כי יבלע׃

Jób 37:20
Néha nem látják a napot, bár az égen ragyog; de szél fut át [rajta] és kiderül.

Ijob 37:20
CXu estos rakontita al Li tio, kion mi parolas? Se iu parolos, li pereos.

JOB 37:20
Kuka luettelee hänelle, mitä minä puhun? jos joku puhuu, niin hän niellään.

Job 37:20
Lui racontera-t-on que je parle? Si quelqu'un lui parle, il sera sûrement englouti.

Lui annoncera-t-on que je parlerai? Mais quel est l'homme qui désire sa perte?

Lui racontera-t-on quand j'aurai parlé? S'il y a un homme qui en parle, certainement il en sera englouti.

Hiob 37:20
Wer wird ihm erzählen, daß ich rede? So jemand redet, der wird verschlungen.

Wer wird ihm erzählen, daß ich wolle reden? So jemand redet, der wird verschlungen.

Soll ihm gemeldet werden, daß ich reden will? oder hat je ein Mensch gefordert, daß er vernichtet werde?

Giobbe 37:20
Gli si annunzierà forse ch’io voglio parlare? Ma chi mai può bramare d’essere inghiottito?

Gli sarebbe egli rapportato quando io avessi parlato? Se vi fosse alcuno che ne parlasse, certo egli sarebbe abissato.

AYUB 37:20
Bagaimana dimaklumkan kepadanya jikalau aku hendak berkata-kata, maka jikalau orang hendak berkata-kata sekalipun, niscaya perkataannya tertelan dalam kerongkongannya.

욥기 37:20
네가 능히 그 지경으로 인도할 수 있느냐 ? 그 집의 길을 아느냐 ?

Iob 37:20
quis narrabit ei quae loquor etiam si locutus fuerit homo devorabitur

Jobo knyga 37:20
Ar bus Jam pranešta, ką kalbu? Jei žmogus kalbėtų, jis būtų prarytas.

Job 37:20
E korerotia ranei ki a ia kei te mea ahau ki te korero? Kia hiahia ranei te tangata kia horomia ia?

Jobs 37:20
Skal det fortelles ham at jeg vil tale med ham? Har nogen sagt at han ønsker sin egen undergang?

Job 37:20
¿Habrá que contarle que yo quiero hablar? ¿O debe un hombre decir que quiere ser tragado?

¿Habrá que contarle que yo quiero hablar? ¿O debe un hombre decir que quiere ser tragado?

¿Será preciso contarle cuando yo hablare? Por más que el hombre razone, quedará como abismado.

¿Será preciso contarle cuando yo hablaré? Por más que el hombre razone, quedará como abismado.

¿Por ventura cuando yo hablare le será contado? ¿Cuando alguno se anegare le será dicho?

Jó 37:20
Eu não ousaria discutir com Deus, porquanto isso seria pedir que ele me destruísse.

Contar-lhe-ia alguém que eu quero falar. Ou desejaria um homem ser devorado?   

Iov 37:20
Cine -I va da de veste că Îi voi vorbi? Dar care este omul care-şi doreşte pierderea?

Иов 37:20
Будет ли возвещено Ему, что я говорю? Сказал ли кто, что сказанное доносится Ему?

Будет ли возвещено Ему, что я говорю? Сказал ли кто, что сказанное доносится Ему?[]

Job 37:20
Ej må det bebådas honom att jag vill tala. Månne någon begär sitt eget fördärv?

Job 37:20
Sasaysayin ba sa kaniya na ako'y magsasalita? O iisipin ba ng isang tao na siya'y sasakmalin.

โยบ 37:20
จะทูลพระองค์ได้ไหมว่า ข้าพเจ้าอยากจะทูล ถ้าผู้ใดทูล เขาจะต้องถูกกลืนไปหมดเป็นแน่

Eyüp 37:20
Konuşmak istediğim Ona söylenebilir mi?
Kimse yutulmak ister mi?[]

Gioùp 37:20
Người ta há sẽ thuật với Ðức Chúa Trời rằng tôi muốn thưa với Ngài sao? Nếu ai nói với Ngài, quả hẳn sẽ bị nuốt đi.

Job 37:19
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