Ezekiel 42:3
Ezekiel 42:3
Both in the section twenty cubits from the inner court and in the section opposite the pavement of the outer court, gallery faced gallery at the three levels.

One block of rooms overlooked the 35-foot width of the inner courtyard. Another block of rooms looked out onto the pavement of the outer courtyard. The two blocks were built three levels high and stood across from each other.

Facing the twenty cubits that belonged to the inner court, and facing the pavement that belonged to the outer court, was gallery against gallery in three stories.

Opposite the twenty cubits which belonged to the inner court, and opposite the pavement which belonged to the outer court, was gallery corresponding to gallery in three stories.

Over against the twenty cubits which were for the inner court, and over against the pavement which was for the utter court, was gallery against gallery in three stories.

Opposite the 35 foot space belonging to the inner court and opposite the paved surface belonging to the outer court, the structure rose gallery by gallery in three tiers.

Opposite the 20 cubits wide inner court, and opposite the paved area that comprised the outer court, there were three stories of galleries that faced each other.

Opposite the 35 feet that belonged to the inner court, and opposite the pavement which belonged to the outer court, gallery faced gallery in the three stories.

Opposite the inner courtyard was an area that was 35 feet wide, and opposite the pavement of the outer courtyard were corridors facing corridors on all three stories.

Over against the twenty cubits which were in the inner court, and over against the pavement which was in the outer court, were the chambers in three stories.

Opposite the twenty cubits which were for the inner court, and facing the pavement which was for the outer court, was gallery against gallery in three stories.

Over against the twenty cubits which were for the inner court, and over against the pavement which was for the utter court, was gallery against gallery in three stories.

Over against the twenty cubits which belonged to the inner court, and over against the pavement which belonged to the outer court, was gallery against gallery in the third story.

Over against the twenty cubits of the inner court, and over against the pavement of the outward court that was paved with stone, where there was a gallery joined to a triple gallery.

over against the twenty cubits that pertained to the inner court, and over against the pavement that pertained to the outer court; there was gallery against gallery in the third story;

Over against the twenty cubits which belonged to the inner court, and over against the pavement which belonged to the outer court, was gallery against gallery in the third story.

Over against the twenty cubits which were for the inner court, and over against the pavement which was for the outer court, was gallery against gallery in three stories.

Over against the twenty [cubits] which belonged to the inner court, and over against the pavement which belonged to the outer court, was gallery against gallery in the third story.

Over-against the twenty cubits that are to the inner court, and over-against the pavement that is to the outer court, is gallery over-against gallery, in the three storeys.

Ezekieli 42:3
Përballë oborrit të brendshëm prej njëzet kubitësh dhe përballë kalldrëmit të oborrit të jashtëm kishte një galeri mbi tjetrën me tre kate.

ﺣﺰﻗﻴﺎﻝ 42:3
تجاه العشرين التي للدار الداخلية وتجاه المجزع الذي للدار الخارجية اسطوانة تجاه اسطوانة في الطبقات الثلاث.

Dyr Heskiheel 42:3
Dös Gebäud gagrentzt an dönn zöhen Elln braitn Straif an n Innenhof und laag gögnüber n Pflaster von n Vorhof. Es war riesserfluerig anglögt, und zwaar in dreu Stokwercher.

Езекил 42:3
Срещу двадесетте [лакти], които принадлежаха на вътрешния двор, и срещу пода, който принадлежеше на външния двор, имаше галерия срещу галерия на третия етаж.

以 西 結 書 42:3
對 著 內 院 那 二 十 肘 寬 之 空 地 , 又 對 著 外 院 的 鋪 石 地 , 在 第 三 層 樓 上 有 樓 廊 對 著 樓 廊 。

对 着 内 院 那 二 十 肘 宽 之 空 地 , 又 对 着 外 院 的 铺 石 地 , 在 第 三 层 楼 上 有 楼 廊 对 着 楼 廊 。



Ezekiel 42:3
Nasuprot vratima unutrašnjeg predvorja i nasuprot pločniku vanjskoga predvorja bijahu hodnici jedan prema drugome na tri boja.

Ezechiele 42:3
Naproti síni vnitřní, kteráž měla dvadceti loket, a naproti dlážení, kteréž bylo v síni zevnitřní, byl palác naproti paláci třmi řady.

Ezekiel 42:3
Over for Portene, som hørte til den indre Forgaard, og over for Stenbroen, som hørte til den ydre Forgaard, var der Gang over for Gang i tre Stokværk.

Ezechiël 42:3
Tegenover de twintig ellen, die het binnenste voorhof had, en tegenover het plaveisel, dat het buitenste voorhof had, was galerij tegen galerij, in drie rijen.

יחזקאל 42:3
נֶ֣גֶד הָֽעֶשְׂרִ֗ים אֲשֶׁר֙ לֶחָצֵ֣ר הַפְּנִימִ֔י וְנֶ֣גֶד רִֽצְפָ֔ה אֲשֶׁ֖ר לֶחָצֵ֣ר הַחִֽיצֹונָ֑ה אַתִּ֥יק אֶל־פְּנֵֽי־אַתִּ֖יק בַּשְּׁלִשִֽׁים׃

ג נגד העשרים אשר לחצר הפנימי ונגד רצפה אשר לחצר החיצונה--אתיק אל פני אתיק בשלשים

נגד העשרים אשר לחצר הפנימי ונגד רצפה אשר לחצר החיצונה אתיק אל־פני־אתיק בשלשים׃

Ezékiel 42:3
A húsz [singnek] ellenében, mely a belsõ pitvarhoz tartozék, és a kõbõl rakott pádimentom ellenében, mely a külsõ udvarhoz tartozék, folyosó vala folyosó ellenében három sorban.

Jeĥezkel 42:3
Kontraux la dudek ulnoj de la interna korto kaj kontraux la pavimo de la ekstera korto estis galerio apud galerio trietagxe.

Niiden kahdenkymmenen kyynärän kohdalla sisimmäisessä kartanossa, ja permannon kohdalla äärimäisessä kartanossa, oli käytävä käytävää vastaan, aina kolmessa kerrassa.

Ézéchiel 42:3
vis-à-vis des vingt coudées qu'avait le parvis intérieur, et vis-à-vis du pavement qui était au parvis extérieur; il y avait galerie contre galerie, au troisième étage;

C'était vis-à-vis des vingt coudées du parvis intérieur, et vis-à-vis du pavé du parvis extérieur, là où se trouvaient les galeries des trois étages.

Le long de vingt [coudées] qui étaient du parvis intérieur, et le long du perron qui était du parvis de dehors, il y avait des chambres vis-à-vis des autres chambres, à trois étages.

Hesekiel 42:3
Zwanzig Ellen waren gegen dem innern Vorhof und gegen dem Pflaster im äußern Vorhof und dreißig Ellen von einer Ecke zur andern.

Gegenüber den zwanzig Ellen des innern Vorhofs und gegenüber dem Pflaster im äußern Vorhof war Umgang an Umgang dreifach.

Und gegenüber den Thüren, die zum inneren Vorhof führten, und gegenüber dem Steinpflaster des äußeren Vorhofs war ein Säulengang vor dem andern, so daß es im Ganzen drei Hallen waren.

Ezechiele 42:3
dirimpetto ai venti cubiti del cortile interno, e dirimpetto al lastrico del cortile esterno, dove si trovavano tre gallerie a tre piani.

dirimpetto a’ venti cubiti del cortile di dentro, ed al lastrico, ch’era nel cortile di fuori; un portico riscontrandosi con l’altro da tre parti.

Berbetulan dengan dua puluh hasta yang pada serambi dalam dan berbetulan dengan dasar pada sebelah serambi yang di luar; maka karangan penjuru adalah tentang dengan karangan penjuru, tiga persegi.

에스겔 42:3
그 방 삼층에 툇마루들이 있는데 한 방의 툇마루는 이십척 되는 안 뜰과 마주 대하였고 한 방의 툇마루는 바깥 뜰 박석 깔린 곳과 마주 대하였으며

Ezechiel 42:3
contra viginti cubitos atrii interioris et contra pavimentum stratum lapide atrii exterioris ubi erat porticus iuncta porticui triplici

Ezechielio knyga 42:3
Vidiniame kieme, prieš išorinio kiemo grindinį, buvo trijų aukštų stoginė.

Ezekiel 42:3
I te ritenga atu o nga whatianga e rua tekau o to roto marae, i te ritenga atu ano o te papa kohatu i to waho marae, ko tetahi ara e anga mai ana ki tetahi ara, i te toru o nga whakapaparanga.

Esekiel 42:3
Ut mot den tyve alen brede plass som hørte til den indre forgård, og ut mot stengulvet i den ytre forgård var det svalgang mot svalgang i tre stokkverk.

Ezequiel 42:3
Frente a los veinte codos del atrio interior, y frente al pavimento del atrio exterior, había una galería frente a la otra galería en los tres pisos.

Frente a los 10.5 metros del atrio interior, y frente al pavimento del atrio exterior, había una galería frente a la otra galería en los tres pisos.

Frente a los veinte codos que había en el atrio de adentro, y enfrente del enlosado que había en el atrio exterior, estaban las cámaras, las unas enfrente de las otras en tres pisos.

Frente á los veinte codos que había en el atrio de adentro, y enfrente del solado que había en al atrio exterior, estaban las cámaras, las unas enfrente de las otras en tres pisos.

Frente a los veinte codos que había en el atrio de adentro, y enfrente del solado que había en el atrio exterior, estaban las cámaras, unas enfrente de las otras en tres pisos.

Ezequiel 42:3
Tanto na seção que ficava a dez metros de distância do pátio interno quanto na seção oposta à calçada do pátio externo, tinha uma galeria junto a outra em três andares.

Em frente dos vinte côvados, que tinha o átrio interior, e em frente do pavimento que tinha o átrio exterior, havia galeria contra galeria em três andares.   

Ezechiel 42:3
În dreptul celor douăzeci de coţi ai curţii dinlăuntru, şi în dreptul caldarîmului curţii de afară, se aflau pridvoare lîngă pridvoare în catul al treilea.

Иезекииль 42:3
Напротив двадцати локтей внутреннего двора и напротив помоста, который на внешнем дворе, былигалерея против галереи в три яруса.

Напротив двадцати [локтей] внутреннего двора и напротив помоста, который на внешнем дворе, были галерея против галереи в три яруса.[]

Hesekiel 42:3
Ut emot den tjugu alnar breda platsen på den inre förgården och ut emot stengolvet på den yttre förgården lågo avsatserna på det ena husets framvägg mitt emot avsatserna på det andra husets framvägg, i tre våningar.

Ezekiel 42:3
Sa tapat ng dalawang pung siko na ukol sa lalong loob na looban, at sa tapat ng lapag na ukol sa looban sa labas ng bahay, ay galeria sa tapat ng galeria na tatlong grado.

เอเสเคียล 42:3
ติดต่อกับส่วนยี่สิบศอกซึ่งเป็นส่วนของลานชั้นใน หันหน้าเข้าสู่พื้นหินซึ่งเป็นส่วนของลานข้างนอก เป็นระเบียงซ้อนระเบียงสามชั้น

Hezekiel 42:3
İç avlunun yirmi arşınlık bölümüyle dış avlunun taş yoluna bakan üç katın koridorları karşı karşıyaydı.[]

EÂ-xeâ-chi-eân 42:3
Các phòng đối nhau, trên một bề dài hai mươi cu-đê, nơi hành lang trong, đối với nền lót đã của hành lang ngoài, tại đó có những nhà cầu ba tầng.

Ezekiel 42:2
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