Ecclesiastes 6:3
Ecclesiastes 6:3
A man may have a hundred children and live many years; yet no matter how long he lives, if he cannot enjoy his prosperity and does not receive proper burial, I say that a stillborn child is better off than he.

A man might have a hundred children and live to be very old. But if he finds no satisfaction in life and doesn't even get a decent burial, it would have been better for him to be born dead.

If a man fathers a hundred children and lives many years, so that the days of his years are many, but his soul is not satisfied with life’s good things, and he also has no burial, I say that a stillborn child is better off than he.

If a man fathers a hundred children and lives many years, however many they be, but his soul is not satisfied with good things and he does not even have a proper burial, then I say, "Better the miscarriage than he,

If a man beget an hundred children, and live many years, so that the days of his years be many, and his soul be not filled with good, and also that he have no burial; I say, that an untimely birth is better than he.

A man may father a hundred children and live many years. No matter how long he lives, if he is not satisfied by good things and does not even have a proper burial, I say that a stillborn child is better off than he.

A man might father a hundred children, and live for many years, so that the length of his life is long—but if his life does not overflow with goodness, and he doesn't receive a proper burial, I maintain that stillborn children are better off than he is,

Even if a man fathers a hundred children and lives many years--even if he lives a long, long time, but cannot enjoy his prosperity--even if he were to live forever--I would say, "A stillborn child is better off than he is!"

Suppose a rich person wasn't satisfied with good things [while he was alive] and didn't even get an honorable burial [after he died]. Suppose he had a hundred children and lived for many years. No matter how long he would have lived, it [still] would have been better for him to have been born dead.

If a man begets a hundred sons and lives many years so that the days of his years are many, if his soul is not filled with good and also that he have no burial; I say that an aborted birth is better than he.

If a man begets a hundred children, and lives many years, so that the days of his years are many, and his soul is not filled with good, and also that he has no burial; I say, that a stillborn birth is better than he.

If a man beget an hundred children, and live many years, so that the days of his years be many, and his soul be not filled with good, and also that he have no burial; I say, that an untimely birth is better than he.

If a man beget a hundred children, and live many years, so that the days of his years are many, but his soul be not filled with good, and moreover he have no burial; I say, that an untimely birth is better than he:

If a man beget a hundred children, and live many years, and attain to a great age, and his soul make no use of the goods of his substance, and he be without burial: of this man I pronounce, that the untimely born is better than he.

If a man beget a hundred sons, and live many years, so that the days of his years be many, but his soul be not filled with good, and also he have no burial, I say an untimely birth is better than he.

If a man beget an hundred children and live many years, so that the days of his years be many, but his soul be not filled with good, and moreover he have no burial; I say, that an untimely birth is better than he:

If a man begetteth a hundred children, and liveth many years, so that the days of his years are many, and his soul is not filled with good, and also that he hath no burial; I say, that an untimely birth is better than he.

If a man fathers a hundred children, and lives many years, so that the days of his years are many, but his soul is not filled with good, and moreover he has no burial; I say, that a stillborn child is better than he:

If a man doth beget a hundred, and live many years, and is great, because they are the days of his years, and his soul is not satisfied from the goodness, and also he hath not had a grave, I have said, 'Better than he is the untimely birth.'

Predikuesi 6:3
Në qoftë se dikujt i lindin njëqind bij dhe jeton shumë vite dhe të shumta janë ditët e viteve të tij, por shpirti i tij nuk ngopet me të mira dhe nuk ka as varr unë them se një dështim është më i lumtur se ai;

ﺍﻟﺠﺎﻣﻌﺔ 6:3
ان ولد انسان مئة وعاش سنين كثيرة حتى تصير ايام سنيه كثيرة ولم تشبع نفسه من الخير وليس له ايضا دفن فاقول ان السقط خير منه.

Dyr Prödiger 6:3
Daa kan ayn Man hundert Sün habn und unsättig lang löbn; aber wenn yr nix haat von seinn aignen Gerstl und öbby nit aynmaal anständig eingrabn werd, naacherd ist ayn tootgeborns Kindl bösser dran wie er.

Еклесиаст 6:3
Ако роди човек сто чада, И живее много години, Така щото дните на годините му да станат много, А душата му [да] не се насити с благо, И още той не приема [прилично] погребение,- Казвам, че пометничето е по-щастливо от него;

傳 道 書 6:3
人 若 生 一 百 個 兒 子 , 活 許 多 歲 數 , 以 致 他 的 年 日 甚 多 , 心 裡 卻 不 得 滿 享 福 樂 , 又 不 得 埋 葬 ; 據 我 說 , 那 不 到 期 而 落 的 胎 比 他 倒 好 。

人 若 生 一 百 个 儿 子 , 活 许 多 岁 数 , 以 致 他 的 年 日 甚 多 , 心 里 却 不 得 满 享 福 乐 , 又 不 得 埋 葬 ; 据 我 说 , 那 不 到 期 而 落 的 胎 比 他 倒 好 。



Ecclesiastes 6:3
I velim: bolje je nedonošče od onoga koji bi rodio stotinu djece i živio mnogo godina, a sam se ne bi naužio dobra niti bi imao pogreba;

Kazatel 6:3
Zplodil-li by kdo sto synů, a byl by živ mnoho let, jakkoli rozmnoženi jsou dnové let jeho, nebyl-li život jeho nasycen dobrými věcmi, a neměl by ani pohřbu, pravím, že šťastnější jest nedochůdče nežli on.

Prædikeren 6:3
Om en Mand avler hundrede Børn og lever mange Aar, saa hans Levetid bliver lang, men hans Sjæl ikke mættes af Goder, saa siger jeg dog, at et utidigt Foster er bedre faren end han;

Prediker 6:3
Indien een man honderd kinderen gewon, en vele jaren leefde, zodat de dagen zijner jaren veel waren, doch zijn ziel niet verzadigd werd van het goed, en hij ook geen begrafenis had; ik zeg, dat een misdracht beter is dan hij.

קהלת 6:3
אִם־יֹולִ֣יד אִ֣ישׁ מֵאָ֡ה וְשָׁנִים֩ רַבֹּ֨ות יִֽחְיֶ֜ה וְרַ֣ב ׀ שֶׁיִּהְי֣וּ יְמֵֽי־שָׁנָ֗יו וְנַפְשֹׁו֙ לֹא־תִשְׂבַּ֣ע מִן־הַטֹּובָ֔ה וְגַם־קְבוּרָ֖ה לֹא־הָ֣יְתָה לֹּ֑ו אָמַ֕רְתִּי טֹ֥וב מִמֶּ֖נּוּ הַנָּֽפֶל׃

ג אם יוליד איש מאה ושנים רבות יחיה ורב שיהיו ימי שניו ונפשו לא תשבע מן הטובה וגם קבורה לא היתה לו--אמרתי טוב ממנו הנפל

אם־יוליד איש מאה ושנים רבות יחיה ורב ׀ שיהיו ימי־שניו ונפשו לא־תשבע מן־הטובה וגם־קבורה לא־היתה לו אמרתי טוב ממנו הנפל׃

Prédikátor 6:3
Ha száz gyermeket szül is valaki, és sok esztendeig él, úgy hogy az õ esztendeinek napja sok, de az õ lelke a jóval meg nem elégszik, és nem lesz temetése néki: azt mondom, hogy jobb annál az idétlen gyermek,

La predikanto 6:3
Se iu homo naskigus cent infanojn kaj vivus multajn jarojn kaj atingus profundan agxon, sed lia animo ne gxuus sate la havon, kaj ecx bonan enterigon li ne havus-tiam mi dirus:Pli felicxa ol li estas abortito.

Vaikka syntyisi miehelle sata lasta ja hän eläisi vuosia paljon ja paljot olisivat hänen vuottensa päivät, mutta hän ei saisi tyydyttää omaa haluaan omaisuudellansa eikä saisi edes hautaustakaan, niin minä sanon, että keskoinen olisi onnellisempi kuin hän.

Ecclésiaste 6:3
Si un homme engendre cent fils, et qu'il vive beaucoup d'années, et que les jours de ses années soient en grand nombre, et que son âme ne soit pas rassasiée de bien, et aussi qu'il n'ait pas de sépulture, je dis que mieux vaut un avorton que lui;

Quand un homme aurait cent fils, vivrait un grand nombre d'années, et que les jours de ses années se multiplieraient, si son âme ne s'est point rassasiée de bonheur, et si de plus il n'a point de sépulture, je dis qu'un avorton est plus heureux que lui.

Quand un homme en aurait engendré cent, et qu'il aurait vécu plusieurs années, en sorte que les jours de ses années se soient fort multipliés, cependant si son âme ne s'est point rassasiée de bien, et même s'il n'a point eu de sépulture, je dis qu'un avorton vaut mieux que lui.

Prediger 6:3
Wenn er gleich hundert Kinder zeugete und hätte so langes Leben, daß er viel Jahre überlebete, und seine Seele sättigte sich des Guts nicht und bliebe ohne Grab, von dem spreche ich, daß eine unzeitige Geburt besser sei denn er.

Wenn einer gleich hundert Kinder zeugte und hätte langes Leben, daß er viele Jahre überlebte, und seine Seele sättigte sich des Guten nicht und bliebe ohne Grab, von dem spreche ich, daß eine unzeitige Geburt besser sei denn er.

Wenn einer hundert Kinder zeugte und viele Jahre lebte und seiner Lebenstage viele wären, er sich aber nicht an dem Guten sättigte, und ihm auch kein Begräbnis zu teil würde, so sage ich: glücklicher als er ist die Fehlgeburt.

Ecclesiaste 6:3
Se uno generasse cento figliuoli, vivesse molti anni sì che i giorni de’ suoi anni si moltiplicassero, se l’anima sua non si sazia di beni ed ei non ha sepoltura, io dico che un aborto è più felice di lui;

Avvegnachè alcuno generi cento figliuoli, e viva molti anni, talchè il tempo della sua vita sia grande, se l’anima sua non è saziata di bene, e se non ha pur sepoltura, io dico che la condizione di un abortivo è migliore che la sua.

Jikalau kiranya seorang beranak seratus dan hidup beberapa berapa tahun lamanya, sehingga panjanglah sangat umur hidupnya sekalipun, tetapi tiada puas hatinya dengan barang yang baik dan lagi tiada ia dikuburkan dengan sepertinya, niscaya kataku kelak bahwa baiklah anak gugur dari pada orang yang begitu.

전도서 6:3
사람이 비록 일백 자녀를 낳고 또 장수하여 사는 날이 많을지라도 그 심령에 낙이 족하지 못하고 또 그 몸이 매장되지 못하면 나는 이르기를 낙태된 자가 저보다 낫다 하노니

Ecclesiastes 6:3
si genuerit quispiam centum et vixerit multos annos et plures dies aetatis habuerit et anima illius non utatur bonis substantiae suae sepulturaque careat de hoc ego pronuntio quod melior illo sit abortivus

Koheleto knyga 6:3
Jei žmogui gimtų šimtas vaikų ir jis gyventų daug metų, bet jo siela nepasitenkintų gėrybėmis ir jis neturėtų net kapo, tai negyvas gimęs kūdikis yra laimingesnis už jį.

Ecclesiastes 6:3
Ki te kotahi rau nga tamariki a tetahi tangata, a he maha nga tau e ora ai ia, maha atu nga ra o ona tau, a kahore tona wairua i ngata i te pai, kahore hoki ia e whai tanumanga; e mea ana ahau tera noa atu te pai o te materoto i a ia.

Predikerens 6:3
Om en mann får hundre barn og lever i mange år, så tallet på hans levedager blir stort, men hans sjel ikke mettes av det gode, og han heller ikke får nogen jordeferd, da sier jeg: Et ufullbåret foster er bedre faren enn han.

Eclesiastés 6:3
Si un hombre engendra cien hijos y vive muchos años, por muchos que sean sus años, si su alma no se ha saciado de cosas buenas, y tampoco halla sepultura, entonces digo: Mejor es el abortivo que él,

Si un hombre engendra cien hijos y vive muchos años, por muchos que sean sus años, si su alma no se ha saciado de cosas buenas, y tampoco halla sepultura, entonces digo: "Mejor es el abortivo que él,

Si el hombre engendrare cien hijos, y viviere muchos años, y los días de su edad fueren numerosos; si su alma no se sació del bien, y también careció de sepultura, yo digo que el abortivo es mejor que él.

Si el hombre engendrare ciento, y viviere muchos años, y los días de su edad fueren numerosos; si su alma no se hartó del bien, y también careció de sepultura, yo digo que el abortivo es mejor que él.

Si el hombre engendrare cien hijos , y viviere muchos años, y los días de su edad fueren numerosos; si su alma no se sació del bien, y también careció de sepultura, yo digo que el abortivo es mejor que él.

Eclesiastes 6:3
Um homem pode ser pai de cem filhos e viver muitos anos. Contudo, se não aproveitar os bons momentos da vida, afirmo que uma criança que nasce morta nem mesmo recebe um enterro decente é mais feliz do que ele.

Se o homem gerar cem filhos, e viver muitos anos, de modo que os dias da sua vida sejam muitos, porém se a sua alma não se fartar do bem, e além disso não tiver sepultura, digo que um aborto é melhor do que ele;   

Ecclesiast 6:3
Chiar dacă un om ar avea o sută de copii, şi ar trăi mulţi ani, -oricît de mult i s'ar mări numărul zilelor anilor lui, dar dacă nu i se satură sufletul de bunătăţile agonisite de el, şi dacă nici de înmormîntare n'are parte, eu zic că o stărpitură este mai fericită decît el.

Екклесиаст 6:3
Если бы какой человек родил сто детей , и прожил многие годы, и еще умножились дни жизни его, но душа его не наслаждалась бы добром и не было бы ему и погребения, то я сказал бы: выкидыш счастливее его,

Если бы какой человек родил сто [детей], и прожил многие годы, и еще умножились дни жизни его, но душа его не наслаждалась бы добром и не было бы ему и погребения, то я сказал бы: выкидыш счастливее его,[]

Predikaren 6:3
Om en man än finge hundra barn och finge leva i många år, ja, om hans livsdagar bleve än så många, men hans själ icke finge njuta sig mätt av hans goda, och om han så bleve utan begravning, då säger jag: lyckligare än han är ett ofullgånget foster.

Ecclesiastes 6:3
Kung ang isang tao ay magkaanak ng isang daan, at mabuhay na maraming taon, na anopa't ang mga kaarawan ng kaniyang mga taon ay dumami, nguni't ang kaniyang kaluluwa ay hindi mabusog ng mabuti, at bukod dito ay wala siyang pangpalibing; aking sinasabing maigi ang isang naagas kay sa kaniya:

ปัญญาจารย์ 6:3
แม้ว่ามนุษย์คนใดมีบุตรสักร้อยคน และมีอายุอยู่หลายปี จนปีเดือนของเขาก็มากมาย แต่จิตใจของเขาหาได้อิ่มด้วยของดีไม่ ยิ่งกว่านั้นอีก เขาไม่มีงานฝังศพของตนด้วย ข้าพเจ้าว่าบุตรที่เกิดมาแท้งเสียยังดีกว่าคนนั้น

Vaiz 6:3
Bir adam yüz çocuk babası olup uzun yıllar yaşamış, ama uzun ömrüne karşılık, zenginliğin tadını çıkaramamış, bir mezara bile gömülmemişse, düşük çocuk ondan iyidir derim.[]

Truyeàân Ñaïo 6:3
Nếu một người sanh trăm con trai, và sống nhiều năm cho đến cao niên trường thọ, mà lòng chẳng được hưởng phước, và chết chẳng được chôn; ta nói đứa con sảo còn hơn người ấy;

Ecclesiastes 6:2
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