2 Peter 1:4
2 Peter 1:4
Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.

And because of his glory and excellence, he has given us great and precious promises. These are the promises that enable you to share his divine nature and escape the world's corruption caused by human desires.

by which he has granted to us his precious and very great promises, so that through them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped from the corruption that is in the world because of sinful desire.

For by these He has granted to us His precious and magnificent promises, so that by them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world by lust.

Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.

By these He has given us very great and precious promises, so that through them you may share in the divine nature, escaping the corruption that is in the world because of evil desires.

Through these he has given us his precious and wonderful promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, seeing that you have escaped the corruption that is in the world caused by evil desires.

Through these things he has bestowed on us his precious and most magnificent promises, so that by means of what was promised you may become partakers of the divine nature, after escaping the worldly corruption that is produced by evil desire.

Who has granted you by these great and precious declarations to be sharers of the divine nature, when you flee from the corruption of desires which are in the world.

Through his glory and integrity he has given us his promises that are of the highest value. Through these promises you will share in the divine nature because you have escaped the corruption that sinful desires cause in the world.

whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises, that by these ye might be made participants of the divine nature, having fled the corruption that is in the world through lust.

By which are given unto us exceedingly great and precious promises: that by these you might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.

Whereby are given to us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these you might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.

whereby he hath granted unto us his precious and exceeding great promises; that through these ye may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped from the corruption that is in that world by lust.

By whom he hath given us most great and precious promises: that by these you may be made partakers of the divine nature: flying the corruption of that concupiscence which is in the world.

through which he has given to us the greatest and precious promises, that through these ye may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.

whereby he hath granted unto us his precious and exceeding great promises; that through these ye may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped from the corruption that is in the world by lust.

Whereby are given to us exceeding great and precious promises; that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.

It is by means of these that He has granted us His precious and wondrous promises, in order that through them you may, one and all, become sharers in the very nature of God, having completely escaped the corruption which exists in the world through earthly cravings.

by which he has granted to us his precious and exceedingly great promises; that through these you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped from the corruption that is in the world by lust.

through which to us the most great and precious promises have been given, that through these ye may become partakers of a divine nature, having escaped from the corruption in the world in desires.

2 Pjetrit 1:4
me anë të të cilave na u dhuruan premtimet e çmueshme dhe shumë të mëdha, që nëpërmjet tyre të bëheni pjestarë të natyrës hyjnore, duke i shpëtuar prishjes që është në botë për shkak të lakmisë.

ﺑﻄﺮﺱ ﺍﻟﺜﺎﻧﻴﺔ 1:4
اللذين بهما قد وهب لنا المواعيد العظمى والثمينة لكي تصيروا بها شركاء الطبيعة الالهية هاربين من الفساد الذي في العالم بالشهوة.

2 ՊԵՏՐՈՍ 1:4
Ասոնցմով ամենամեծ ու պատուական խոստումներ պարգեւուած են մեզի, որպէսզի անոնցմով հաղորդակցիք աստուածային բնութեան՝ փախչելով ապականութենէն, որ ցանկութենէն յառաջացած է աշխարհի մէջ:

2 S. Pierrisec. 1:4
Ceinéz promes handiac eta preciosoac eman içan baitzaizquigu, heçaz natura diuinoan participant eguin çaiteztençát, munduan guthiciamenduz den corruptionetic.

Dyr Peeters B 1:4
Dyrmit haat yr üns de kostbarstn, de allergroesstn Gaabn gschenkt, wie yr s üns verhaissn haat, dyrmitß yn dönn Verderbn durch de Begirdn in dyr Welt entfliehtß und an n göttlichn Wösn tailhaftig werdtß.

2 Петрово 1:4
чрез които се подариха скъпоценните нам и твърде големи обещания, за да станете чрез тях участници на божественото естество, като сте избягали от произлязлото от страстите разтление в света;

彼 得 後 書 1:4
因 此 , 他 已 將 又 寶 貴 又 極 大 的 應 許 賜 給 我 們 , 叫 我 們 既 脫 離 世 上 從 情 慾 來 的 敗 壞 , 就 得 與 神 的 性 情 有 分 。

因 此 , 他 已 将 又 宝 贵 又 极 大 的 应 许 赐 给 我 们 , 叫 我 们 既 脱 离 世 上 从 情 欲 来 的 败 坏 , 就 得 与 神 的 性 情 有 分 。





Druga Petrova poslanica 1:4
Time smo obdareni dragocjenim, najvećim obećanjima da po njima postanete zajedničari božanske naravi umakavši pokvarenosti koja je u svijetu zbog požude.

Druhá Petrův 1:4
Odkudžto veliká nám a drahá zaslíbení dána jsou, tak abyste skrze ně Božského přirození účastníci učiněni byli, utekše porušení toho, kteréž jest na světě v žádostech zlých.

2 Peter 1:4
hvorved han har skænket os de største og dyrebare Forjættelser, for at I ved disse skulle faa Del i guddommelig Natur, naar I undfly Fordærvelsen i Verden, som har sin Grund i Begær,

2 Petrus 1:4
Door welke ons de grootste en dierbare beloften geschonken zijn, opdat gij door dezelve der goddelijke natuur deelachtig zoudt worden, nadat gij ontvloden zijt het verderf, dat in de wereld is door de begeerlijkheid.

δι’ ὧν τὰ τίμια καὶ μέγιστα ἡμῖν ἐπαγγέλματα δεδώρηται, ἵνα διὰ τούτων γένησθε θείας κοινωνοὶ φύσεως, ἀποφυγόντες τῆς ἐν τῷ κόσμῳ ἐν ἐπιθυμίᾳ φθορᾶς.

δι' ὧν τὰ τίμια καὶ μέγιστα ἡμῖν ἐπαγγέλματα δεδώρηται, ἵνα διὰ τούτων γένησθε θείας κοινωνοὶ φύσεως, ἀποφυγόντες τῆς ἐν τῷ κόσμῳ ἐν ἐπιθυμίᾳ φθορᾶς.

δι' ὧν τὰ τίμια καὶ μέγιστα ἡμῖν ἐπαγγέλματα δεδώρηται, ἵνα διὰ τούτων γένησθε θείας κοινωνοὶ φύσεως, ἀποφυγόντες τῆς ἐν τῷ κόσμῳ ἐν ἐπιθυμίᾳ φθορᾶς.

δι’ ὧν τὰ τίμια ἡμῖν καὶ μέγιστα ἐπαγγέλματα δεδώρηται, ἵνα διὰ τούτων γένησθε θείας κοινωνοὶ φύσεως, ἀποφυγόντες τῆς ἐν κόσμῳ ἐν ἐπιθυμίᾳ φθορᾶς.

δι’ ὧν τὰ τίμια ἡμῖν καὶ μέγιστα ἐπαγγέλματα δεδώρηται, ἵνα διὰ τούτων γένησθε θείας κοινωνοὶ φύσεως ἀποφυγόντες τῆς ἐν κόσμῳ ἐν ἐπιθυμίᾳ φθορᾶς.

διά ὅς ὁ τίμιος ἡμᾶς καί μέγας ἐπάγγελμα δωρέομαι ἵνα διά οὗτος γίνομαι θεῖος κοινωνός φύσις ἀποφεύγω ὁ ἐν ὁ κόσμος ἐν ἐπιθυμία φθορά

δι’ ὧν τὰ μέγιστα ἡμῖν καὶ τίμια ἐπαγγέλματα δεδώρηται, ἵνα διὰ τούτων γένησθε θείας κοινωνοὶ φύσεως, ἀποφυγόντες τῆς ἐν κόσμῳ ἐν ἐπιθυμίᾳ φθορᾶς.

δι' ὧν τὰ μέγιστα ἡμῖν καὶ τίμια ἐπαγγέλματα δεδώρηται ἵνα διὰ τούτων γένησθε θείας κοινωνοὶ φύσεως ἀποφυγόντες τῆς ἐν κόσμῳ ἐν ἐπιθυμίᾳ φθορᾶς

δι ων τα τιμια και μεγιστα ημιν επαγγελματα δεδωρηται ινα δια τουτων γενησθε θειας κοινωνοι φυσεως αποφυγοντες της εν τω κοσμω εν επιθυμια φθορας

δι ων τα τιμια ημιν και μεγιστα επαγγελματα δεδωρηται ινα δια τουτων γενησθε θειας κοινωνοι φυσεως αποφυγοντες της εν τω κοσμω εν επιθυμια φθορας

δι ων τα μεγιστα ημιν και τιμια επαγγελματα δεδωρηται ινα δια τουτων γενησθε θειας κοινωνοι φυσεως αποφυγοντες της εν κοσμω εν επιθυμια φθορας

δι ων τα μεγιστα ημιν και τιμια επαγγελματα δεδωρηται, ινα δια τουτων γενησθε θειας κοινωνοι φυσεως, αποφυγοντες της εν κοσμω εν επιθυμια φθορας.

δι ων τα τιμια ημιν και μεγιστα επαγγελματα δεδωρηται ινα δια τουτων γενησθε θειας κοινωνοι φυσεως αποφυγοντες της εν κοσμω εν επιθυμια φθορας

δι ων τα τιμια και μεγιστα ημιν επαγγελματα δεδωρηται ινα δια τουτων γενησθε θειας κοινωνοι φυσεως αποφυγοντες της εν τω κοσμω εν επιθυμια φθορας

di’ hōn ta timia kai megista hēmin epangelmata dedōrētai, hina dia toutōn genēsthe theias koinōnoi physeōs, apophygontes tēs en tō kosmō en epithymia phthoras.

di’ hon ta timia kai megista hemin epangelmata dedoretai, hina dia touton genesthe theias koinonoi physeos, apophygontes tes en to kosmo en epithymia phthoras.

di' hōn ta timia kai megista hēmin epangelmata dedōrētai, hina dia toutōn genēsthe theias koinōnoi physeōs, apophygontes tēs en tō kosmō en epithymia phthoras.

di' hon ta timia kai megista hemin epangelmata dedoretai, hina dia touton genesthe theias koinonoi physeos, apophygontes tes en to kosmo en epithymia phthoras.

di ōn ta timia ēmin kai megista epangelmata dedōrētai ina dia toutōn genēsthe theias koinōnoi phuseōs apophugontes tēs en tō kosmō en epithumia phthoras

di On ta timia Emin kai megista epangelmata dedOrEtai ina dia toutOn genEsthe theias koinOnoi phuseOs apophugontes tEs en tO kosmO en epithumia phthoras

di ōn ta timia ēmin kai megista epangelmata dedōrētai ina dia toutōn genēsthe theias koinōnoi phuseōs apophugontes tēs en kosmō en epithumia phthoras

di On ta timia Emin kai megista epangelmata dedOrEtai ina dia toutOn genEsthe theias koinOnoi phuseOs apophugontes tEs en kosmO en epithumia phthoras

di ōn ta megista ēmin kai timia epangelmata dedōrētai ina dia toutōn genēsthe theias koinōnoi phuseōs apophugontes tēs en kosmō en epithumia phthoras

di On ta megista Emin kai timia epangelmata dedOrEtai ina dia toutOn genEsthe theias koinOnoi phuseOs apophugontes tEs en kosmO en epithumia phthoras

di ōn ta megista ēmin kai timia epangelmata dedōrētai ina dia toutōn genēsthe theias koinōnoi phuseōs apophugontes tēs en kosmō en epithumia phthoras

di On ta megista Emin kai timia epangelmata dedOrEtai ina dia toutOn genEsthe theias koinOnoi phuseOs apophugontes tEs en kosmO en epithumia phthoras

di ōn ta timia kai megista ēmin epangelmata dedōrētai ina dia toutōn genēsthe theias koinōnoi phuseōs apophugontes tēs en tō kosmō en epithumia phthoras

di On ta timia kai megista Emin epangelmata dedOrEtai ina dia toutOn genEsthe theias koinOnoi phuseOs apophugontes tEs en tO kosmO en epithumia phthoras

di ōn ta timia kai megista ēmin epangelmata dedōrētai ina dia toutōn genēsthe theias koinōnoi phuseōs apophugontes tēs en tō kosmō en epithumia phthoras

di On ta timia kai megista Emin epangelmata dedOrEtai ina dia toutOn genEsthe theias koinOnoi phuseOs apophugontes tEs en tO kosmO en epithumia phthoras

2 Péter 1:4
A melyek által igen nagy és becses ígéretekkel ajándékozott meg bennünket; hogy azok által isteni természet részeseivé legyetek, kikerülvén a romlottságot, a mely a kívánságban van e világon.

De Petro 2 1:4
per kiuj li donacis al ni la promesojn karegajn kaj tre grandajn; por ke per ili vi farigxu partoprenantoj en Dia naturo, forsavigxinte el la putreco, kiu estas en la mondo per voluptemo.

Ensimmäinen Johanneksen kirje 1:4
Joidenka kautta meille ne suurimmat ja kalliit lupaukset lahjoitetut ovat, että te niiden kautta Jumalan luonnosta osalliseksi tulisitte, jos te katoovaisen maailman himon vältätte.

2 Pierre 1:4
par lesquelles il nous a donné les très-grandes et précieuses promesses, afin que par elles vous participiez de la nature divine, ayant échappé à la corruption qui est dans le monde par la convoitise...;

lesquelles nous assurent de sa part les plus grandes et les plus précieuses promesses, afin que par elles vous deveniez participants de la nature divine, en fuyant la corruption qui existe dans le monde par la convoitise,

Par lesquelles nous sont données les grandes et précieuses promesses, afin que par elles vous soyez faits participants de la nature divine, étant échappés de la corruption qui règne dans le monde par la convoitise;

2 Petrus 1:4
durch welche uns die teuren und allergrößten Verheißungen geschenket sind, nämlich daß ihr durch dasselbige teilhaftig werdet der göttlichen Natur, so ihr fliehet die vergängliche Lust der Welt:

durch welche uns die teuren und allergrößten Verheißungen geschenkt sind, nämlich, daß ihr dadurch teilhaftig werdet der göttlichen Natur, so ihr fliehet die vergängliche Lust der Welt;

wodurch uns die größten kostbaren Verheißungen geschenkt sind, damit ihr dadurch an der göttlichen Natur Anteil habet, entronnen dem Lustverderben in der Welt;

2 Pietro 1:4
per le quali Egli ci ha largito le sue preziose e grandissime promesse onde per loro mezzo voi foste fatti partecipi della natura divina dopo esser fuggiti dalla corruzione che è nel mondo per via della concupiscenza,

per le quali ci son donate le preziose e grandissime promesse; acciocchè per esse voi siate fatti partecipi della natura divina, essendo fuggiti dalla corruzione in concupiscenza, che è nel mondo;

2 PET 1:4
maka dengan jalan itu sudah dikaruniakan-Nya kepada kita segala perjanjian yang indah-indah dan yang terlebih besar itu, supaya dengan dia itu kamu ada bahagian di dalam sifat ilahi sambil melepaskan diri daripada keadaan yang akan binasa yang ada di dalam dunia oleh sebab hawa nafsu.

2 Peter 1:4
Yis-sent daɣen i ɣ-d-tețțunefkent lemɛahdat yesɛan azal d ameqqran, iwakken s tmanegt-agi-ines akk-d ṛṛeḥma-s, aț-țekkim di lecɣal n Sidi Ṛebbi, aț-țbeɛdem ɣef ṭṭmeɛ ițțawin ɣer lefsad n ddunit.

베드로후서 1:4
이로써 그 보배롭고 지극히 큰 약속을 우리에게 주사 이 약속으로 말미암아 너희로 정욕을 인하여 세상에서 썩어질 것을 피하여 신의 성품에 참예하는 자가 되게 하려 하셨으니

II Petri 1:4
per quae maxima et pretiosa nobis promissa donavit ut per haec efficiamini divinae consortes naturae fugientes eius quae in mundo est concupiscentiae corruptionem

Pētera 2 vēstule 1:4
Dāvinādams mums ļoti lielus un dārgus apsolījumus, lai jūs caur tiem kļūtu dievišķās dabas līdzdalībnieki, bēgdami no kārības posta, kas valda pasaulē.

Antrasis Petro laiðkas 1:4
Drauge Jis davė mums be galo didžius bei brangius pažadus, kad per juos taptume dieviškosios prigimties dalininkais, ištrūkę iš sugedimo, kuris sklinda pasaulyje geiduliais.

2 Peter 1:4
Na enei hoki i riro mai ai i a tatou nga kupu whakaari, he mea nui whakaharahara, he mea utu nui; ma enei hoki koutou ka whiwhi ai ki te ahua Atua, i a koutou ka mawhiti nei i te pirau i te ao, ara i to te hiahia.

2 Peters 1:4
og derved har gitt oss de største og dyreste løfter, forat I ved dem skulde få del i guddommelig natur, idet I flyr bort fra fordervelsen i verden, som kommer av lysten,

2 Pedro 1:4
por medio de las cuales nos ha concedido sus preciosas y maravillosas promesas, a fin de que por ellas lleguéis a ser partícipes de la naturaleza divina, habiendo escapado de la corrupción que hay en el mundo por causa de la concupiscencia.

Por ellas El nos ha concedido Sus preciosas y maravillosas promesas, a fin de que ustedes lleguen a ser partícipes de la naturaleza divina, habiendo escapado de la corrupción que hay en el mundo por causa de los malos deseos.

por medio de las cuales nos ha dado preciosas y grandísimas promesas, para que por ellas fuésemos hechos participantes de la naturaleza divina, habiendo huido de la corrupción que hay en el mundo por la concupiscencia.

Por las cuales nos son dadas preciosas y grandísimas promesas, para que por ellas fueseis hechos participantes de la naturaleza divina, habiendo huído de la corrupción que está en el mundo por concupiscencia.

por las cuales nos son dadas preciosas y grandísimas promesas, para que por ellas fueseis hechos participantes de la naturaleza divina, habiendo huido de la corrupción que está en el mundo por la concupiscencia.

2 Pedro 1:4
pelas quais nos tem outorgado suas preciosas e grandiosas promessas, para que por elas vos torneis co-participantes da natureza divina, livrando-vos da corrupção das paixões que há no mundo.

pelas quais ele nos tem dado as suas preciosas e grandíssimas promessas, para que por elas vos torneis participantes da natureza divina, havendo escapado da corrupção, que pela concupiscência há no mundo.   

2 Petru 1:4
prin cari El ne -a dat făgăduinţele Lui nespus de mari şi scumpe, ca prin ele să vă faceţi părtaşi firii dumnezeieşti, după ce aţi fugit de stricăciunea, care este în lume prin pofte.

2-e Петра 1:4
которыми дарованы нам великие и драгоценные обетования, дабы вы через них соделались причастниками Божеского естества, удалившись от господствующего в мире растления похотью:

которыми дарованы нам великие и драгоценные обетования, дабы вы через них соделались причастниками Божеского естества, удалившись от господствующего в мире растления похотью:

2 Peter 1:4
Niisha uunt asa tura tujinkiachu asa ni chichamen suramsaitji. Nu chichamsha ti kakarmaiti tura ti penkeraiti. Nu chichamjai atumsha Atumφ ayashi yajauch wakerana Nuyß uwemprarum, Yusai Pßchitkia ßtinian suramsaitrume.

2 Petrusbrevet 1:4
Genom dem har han ock skänkt oss sina dyrbara och mycket stora löften, för att I skolen, i kraft av dem, bliva delaktiga av gudomlig natur och undkomma den förgängelse som i följd av den onda begärelsen råder i världen.

2 Petro 1:4
Kwa namna hiyo ametujalia zawadi kuu na za thamani ambazo alituahidia, ili kwa zawadi hizo mpate kuziepa kabisa tamaa mbaya zilizomo duniani, na mpate kuishiriki hali yake ya kimungu.

2 Pedro 1:4
Na dahil dito ay ipinagkaloob niya sa atin ang kaniyang mahahalaga at napakadakilang pangako; upang sa pamamagitan ng mga ito ay makabahagi kayo sa kabanalang mula sa Dios, yamang nakatanan sa kabulukang nasa sanglibutan dahil sa masamang pita.

2 เปโตร 1:4
ด้วยเหตุเหล่านี้พระองค์จึงได้ทรงประทานพระสัญญาอันประเสริฐและใหญ่ยิ่งแก่เรา เพื่อว่าด้วยพระสัญญาเหล่านี้ ท่านทั้งหลายจะพ้นจากความเสื่อมโทรมที่มีอยู่ในโลกนี้เพราะตัณหา และจะได้รับส่วนในสภาพของพระองค์

2 Petrus 1:4
Onun yüceliği ve erdemi sayesinde bize çok büyük ve değerli vaatler verildi. Öyle ki, dünyada kötü arzuların yol açtığı yozlaşmadan kurtulmuş olarak, bu vaatler aracılığıyla tanrısal özyapıya ortak olasınız.

2 Петрово 1:4
чим найбільші і дорогі обітницї даровані нам, щоб через них були ви спільниками Божої природи, ухиляючись від тлїнного хотіння, що в сьвітї,

2 Peter 1:4
Ngkai kabohe tuwu' -na pai' kalompe' nono-na toe, nawai' -tamo rasi' -rasi' to uma mowo kalompe' -na pai' to bohe lia to najanci-mitaka. Patuju-na mpowai' -koi rasi' toe, bona ma'ala-koi mpo'uhi kehi Alata'ala, pai' neo' -pi mpotuku' kahinaa to dada'a. Kahinaa to dada'a toe mpokero katuwu' -ra tauna to uma mpo'incai Alata'ala.

2 Phi-e-rô 1:4
và bởi vinh hiển nhơn đức ấy, Ngài lại ban lời hứa rất quí rất lớn cho chúng ta, hầu cho nhờ đó anh em được lánh khỏi sự hư nát của thế gian bởi tư dục đến, mà trở nên người dự phần bổn tánh Ðức Chúa Trời.

2 Peter 1:3
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