1 Timothy 5:23
1 Timothy 5:23
Stop drinking only water, and use a little wine because of your stomach and your frequent illnesses.

Don't drink only water. You ought to drink a little wine for the sake of your stomach because you are sick so often.

(No longer drink only water, but use a little wine for the sake of your stomach and your frequent ailments.)

No longer drink water exclusively, but use a little wine for the sake of your stomach and your frequent ailments.

Drink no longer water, but use a little wine for thy stomach's sake and thine often infirmities.

Don't continue drinking only water, but use a little wine because of your stomach and your frequent illnesses.

Stop drinking only water, but use a little wine for your stomach because of your frequent illnesses.

(Stop drinking just water, but use a little wine for your digestion and your frequent illnesses.)

Do not drink water from now on, but drink a little wine because of your stomach and because of your chronic illness.

Stop drinking only water. Instead, drink a little wine for your stomach because you are frequently sick.

Drink no longer water, but use a little wine for thy stomach's sake and thine often infirmities.

Drink no longer water only, but use a little wine for your stomach's sake and your frequent illnesses.

Drink no longer water, but use a little wine for your stomach's sake and your often infirmities.

Be no longer a drinker of water, but use a little wine for thy stomach's sake and thine often infirmities.

Do not still drink water, but use a little wine for thy stomach's sake, and thy frequent infirmities.

Drink no longer only water, but use a little wine on account of thy stomach and thy frequent illnesses.

Be no longer a drinker of water, but use a little wine for thy stomach's sake and thine often infirmities.

Drink no longer water, but use a little wine for thy stomach's sake, and thy frequent infirmities.

Be no longer a drinker of water only, but use a little wine for your stomach's sake and your frequent infirmities.

no longer be drinking water, but a little wine be using, because of thy stomach and of thine often infirmities;

1 Timoteut 5:23
Mos pi më ujë, por përdor pak verë për stomakun tënd dhe për sëmundjet e tua të shpeshta.

ﺍﻻﻭﻝ ﺗﻴﻤﻮﺛﺎﻭﺱ 5:23
لا تكن في ما بعد شراب ماء بل استعمل خمرا قليلا من اجل معدتك واسقامك الكثيرة

Այլեւս միայն ջուր մի՛ խմեր, հապա քիչ մըն ալ գինի գործածէ՝ ստամոքսիդ ու յաճախադէպ հիւանդութիւններուդ համար:

1 Timotheogana. 5:23
Hemendic harát ezteçála vric edan, baina mahatsarno gutibatez vsat eçac, eure estomacagatic, eta eure eritassun vssuacgatic.

Dyr Timyteus A 5:23
Und non öbbs: Trink nit allweil grad ayn Wasser, sundern aau ayn Weeng aynn Wein, wost ys doch mit n Magn haast und allweil wider krank bist.

1 Тимотей 5:23
Не пий вече [само] вода, но употребявай малко вино за стомаха си и за честите си боледувания.

提 摩 太 前 書 5:23
因 你 胃 口 不 清 , 屢 次 患 病 , 再 不 要 照 常 喝 水 , 可 以 稍 微 用 點 酒 。

因 你 胃 口 不 清 , 屡 次 患 病 , 再 不 要 照 常 喝 水 , 可 以 稍 微 用 点 酒 。





Prva poslanica Timoteju 5:23
Ne pij više samo vode, nego uzimaj malo vina poradi želuca i čestih svojih slabosti.

První Timoteovi 5:23
Nepij již více vody, ale vína skrovně užívej, pro svůj žaludek a časté nemoci své.

1 Timoteus 5:23
Drik ikke længere bare Vand, men nyd lidt Vin for din Mave og dine jævnlige Svagheder.

1 Timotheüs 5:23
Drink niet langer water alleen, maar gebruik een weinig wijn, om uw maag en uw menigvuldige zwakheden.

Μηκέτι ὑδροπότει, ἀλλὰ οἴνῳ ὀλίγῳ χρῶ διὰ τὸν στόμαχον καὶ τὰς πυκνάς σου ἀσθενείας.

Μηκέτι ὑδροπότει, ἀλλὰ οἴνῳ ὀλίγῳ χρῶ διὰ τὸν στόμαχον καὶ τὰς πυκνάς σου ἀσθενείας.

Μηκέτι ὑδροπότει, ἀλλὰ οἴνῳ ὀλίγῳ χρῶ διὰ τὸν στόμαχον καὶ τὰς πυκνάς σου ἀσθενείας.

Μηκέτι ὑδροπότει, ἀλλ’ οἴνῳ ὀλίγῳ χρῶ, διὰ τὸν στόμαχόν σου καὶ τὰς πυκνάς σου ἀσθενείας.

Μηκέτι ὑδροπότει, ἀλλ’ οἴνῳ ὀλίγῳ χρῶ διὰ τὸν στόμαχόν σου καὶ τὰς πυκνάς σου ἀσθενείας.

μηκέτι ὑδροποτέω ἀλλά οἶνος ὀλίγος χράομαι διά ὁ στόμαχος καί ὁ πυκνός σύ ἀσθένεια

μηκέτι ὑδροπότει, ἀλλ’ οἴνῳ ὀλίγῳ χρῶ, διὰ τὸν στόμαχον σοῦ καὶ τὰς πυκνάς σου ἀσθενείας.

Μηκέτι ὑδροπότει ἀλλ' οἴνῳ ὀλίγῳ χρῶ διὰ τὸν στόμαχον σου καὶ τὰς πυκνάς σοῦ ἀσθενείας

μηκετι υδροποτει αλλα οινω ολιγω χρω δια τον στομαχον και τας πυκνας σου ασθενειας

μηκετι υδροποτει αλλα οινω ολιγω χρω δια τον στομαχον και τας πυκνας σου ασθενειας

μηκετι υδροποτει αλλ οινω ολιγω χρω δια τον στομαχον σου και τας πυκνας σου ασθενειας

μηκετι υδροποτει, αλλ οινω ολιγω χρω, δια τον στομαχον σου και τας πυκνας σου ασθενειας.

μηκετι υδροποτει αλλ οινω ολιγω χρω δια τον στομαχον σου και τας πυκνας σου ασθενειας

μηκετι υδροποτει αλλα οινω ολιγω χρω δια τον στομαχον και τας πυκνας σου ασθενειας

Mēketi hydropotei, alla oinō oligō chrō dia ton stomachon kai tas pyknas sou astheneias.

Meketi hydropotei, alla oino oligo chro dia ton stomachon kai tas pyknas sou astheneias.

Mēketi hydropotei, alla oinō oligō chrō dia ton stomachon kai tas pyknas sou astheneias.

Meketi hydropotei, alla oino oligo chro dia ton stomachon kai tas pyknas sou astheneias.

mēketi udropotei alla oinō oligō chrō dia ton stomachon kai tas puknas sou astheneias

mEketi udropotei alla oinO oligO chrO dia ton stomachon kai tas puknas sou astheneias

mēketi udropotei all oinō oligō chrō dia ton stomachon sou kai tas puknas sou astheneias

mEketi udropotei all oinO oligO chrO dia ton stomachon sou kai tas puknas sou astheneias

mēketi udropotei all oinō oligō chrō dia ton stomachon sou kai tas puknas sou astheneias

mEketi udropotei all oinO oligO chrO dia ton stomachon sou kai tas puknas sou astheneias

mēketi udropotei all oinō oligō chrō dia ton stomachon sou kai tas puknas sou astheneias

mEketi udropotei all oinO oligO chrO dia ton stomachon sou kai tas puknas sou astheneias

mēketi udropotei alla oinō oligō chrō dia ton stomachon kai tas puknas sou astheneias

mEketi udropotei alla oinO oligO chrO dia ton stomachon kai tas puknas sou astheneias

mēketi udropotei alla oinō oligō chrō dia ton stomachon kai tas puknas sou astheneias

mEketi udropotei alla oinO oligO chrO dia ton stomachon kai tas puknas sou astheneias

1 Timóteushoz 5:23
Ne légy tovább vízivó, hanem élj egy kevés borral, gyomrodra és gyakori gyengélkedésedre való tekintetbõl.

Al Timoteo 1 5:23
Ne plu estu akvotrinkanto, sed uzu iom da vino pro la stomako kaj viaj oftaj malfortoj.

Ensimmäinen kirje Timoteukselle 5:23
Älä silleen vettä juo, vaan nautitse jotakin viinaa sydämes tähden ja ettäs myös usein sairastat.

1 Timothée 5:23
Ne bois plus de l'eau seulement, mais use d'un peu de vin, à cause de ton estomac et de tes fréquentes indispositions.

Ne continue pas à ne boire que de l'eau; mais fais usage d'un peu de vin, à cause de ton estomac et de tes fréquentes indispositions.

Ne bois plus uniquement de l'eau, mais use d'un peu de vin à cause de ton estomac, et des maladies que tu as souvent.

1 Timotheus 5:23
Trinke nicht mehr Wasser, sondern brauche ein wenig Wein um deines Magens willen, und daß du oft krank bist.

Trinke nicht mehr Wasser, sondern auch ein wenig Wein um deines Magens willen und weil du oft krank bist.

Trinke nicht mehr bloß Wasser, sondern nimm etwas Wein um deines Magens willen und deiner häufigen Krankheiten.

1 Timoteo 5:23
Non continuare a bere acqua soltanto, ma prendi un poco di vino a motivo del tuo stomaco e delle tue frequenti infermità.

Non usar più per l’innanzi acqua sola nel tuo bere, ma usa un poco di vino, per lo tuo stomaco, e per le frequenti tue infermità.

1 TIM 5:23
Jangan engkau minum air sahaja, melainkan minumlah anggur sedikit, karena perutmu dan kelemahanmu yang berulang-ulang itu.

1 Timothy 5:23
?ef ddemma n weqṛaḥ n tɛebbuṭ-ik i k-issefcalen, ur tess ara kan aman lameɛna sew ciṭṭuḥ n ccṛab.

디모데전서 5:23
이제부터는 물만 마시지 말고 네 비위와 자주 나는 병을 인하여 포도주를 조금씩 쓰라

I Timotheum 5:23
noli adhuc aquam bibere sed vino modico utere propter stomachum tuum et frequentes tuas infirmitates

Timotejam 1 5:23
Nedzer vairs ūdeni vien, bet lieto mazliet vīna tava kuņģa un biežo slimību dēļ!

Pirmasis laiðkas Timotiejui 5:23
Negerk vien gryno vandens, bet vartok truputį vyno dėl savo skrandžio ir dažnų negalavimų.

1 Timothy 5:23
Kati tou inu wai; engari hei te waina mau, kia iti, hei mea mo tou puku, mo ou mate e honohono na.

1 Timoteus 5:23
Drikk ikke lenger bare vann, men nyt litt vin for din mave og dine jevnlige sykdommer.

1 Timoteo 5:23
Ya no bebas agua sola, sino usa un poco de vino por causa de tu estómago y de tus frecuentes enfermedades.

Ya no bebas agua sola, sino usa un poco de vino por causa de tu estómago y de tus frecuentes enfermedades.

Ya no bebas agua, sino usa de un poco de vino por causa de tu estómago y de tus frecuentes enfermedades.

No bebas de aquí adelante agua, sino usa de un poco de vino por causa del estómago, y de tus continuas enfermedades.

No bebas de aquí adelante agua, sino usa de un poco de vino por causa del estómago, y de tus continuas enfermedades.

1 timóteo 5:23
Por causa do teu estômago e das tuas frequentes enfermidades, não bebas somente água, mas também um pouco de vinho.

Não bebas mais água só, mas usa um pouco de vinho, por causa do teu estômago e das tuas freqüentes enfermidades.   

1 Timotei 5:23
Să nu mai bei numai apă, ci să iei şi cîte puţin vin, din pricina stomahului tău, şi din pricina deselor tale îmbolnăviri.

1-е Тимофею 5:23
Впредь пей не одну воду, но употребляй немного вина, ради желудка твоего и частых твоих недугов.

Впредь пей не [одну] воду, но употребляй немного вина, ради желудка твоего и частых твоих недугов.

1 Timothy 5:23
Wakemjai jau asam aya Θntsak ·mutsuk Karφa ishichik pachimpram umarta.

1 Timotheosbrevet 5:23
Drick nu icke längre allenast vatten, utan bruka något litet vin för din mages skull, eftersom du så ofta lider av svaghet.

1 Timotheo 5:23
Usinywe maji tu, bali unywe divai kidogo kwa ajili ya tumbo lako, kwani unaugua mara kwa mara.

1 Kay Timoteo 5:23
Huwag kang iinom pa ng tubig lamang, kundi gumamit ka ng kaunting alak dahil sa iyong sikmura at sa iyong madalas na pagkakasakit.

1 ทิโมธี 5:23
อย่าดื่มแต่น้ำอีกต่อไป แต่จงใช้น้ำองุ่นบ้างเล็กน้อย เพื่อประโยชน์แก่กระเพาะอาหารของท่านและโรคที่บังเกิดแก่ท่านเนืองๆ

1 Timoteos 5:23
Artık yalnız su içmekten vazgeç; miden ve sık sık baş gösteren rahatsızlıkların için biraz da şarap iç.

1 Тимотей 5:23
Вже не пий водв, а потроху вина приймай, ради жолудка твого і частих твоїх недугів.

1 Timothy 5:23
Neo' -ko nginu ue nonto-wadi. Agina nugaloi anggur hangkedi', apa' mpo'ingai' ta'i-nu to jolia peda'.

1 Ti-moâ-theâ 5:23
Ðừng chỉ uống nước luôn; nhưng phải uống một ít rượu, vì cớ tì vị con, và con hay khó ở.

1 Timothy 5:22
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