1 Timothy 1:11
1 Timothy 1:11
that conforms to the gospel concerning the glory of the blessed God, which he entrusted to me.

that comes from the glorious Good News entrusted to me by our blessed God.

in accordance with the gospel of the glory of the blessed God with which I have been entrusted.

according to the glorious gospel of the blessed God, with which I have been entrusted.

According to the glorious gospel of the blessed God, which was committed to my trust.

based on the glorious gospel of the blessed God, which was entrusted to me.

that agrees with the glorious gospel of the blessed God, which he entrusted to me.

This accords with the glorious gospel of the blessed God that was entrusted to me.

Of The Good News of the glory of the Blessed God, with which I have been entrusted.

Moses' Teachings were intended to be used in agreement with the Good News that contains the glory of the blessed God. I was entrusted with that Good News.

according to the gospel of the glory of the blessed God, which was committed to my trust.

According to the glorious gospel of the blessed God, which was committed to my trust.

According to the glorious gospel of the blessed God, which was committed to my trust.

according to the gospel of the glory of the blessed God, which was committed to my trust.

Which is according to the gospel of the glory of the blessed God, which hath been committed to my trust.

according to the glad tidings of the glory of the blessed God, with which I have been entrusted.

according to the gospel of the glory of the blessed God, which was committed to my trust.

According to the glorious gospel of the blessed God, which was committed to my trust.

and is not in accordance with the Good News of the blessed God with which I have been entrusted.

according to the Good News of the glory of the blessed God, which was committed to my trust.

according to the good news of the glory of the blessed God, with which I was entrusted.

1 Timoteut 1:11
sipas ungjillit të lavdisë të të lumit Perëndi, që më është besuar.

ﺍﻻﻭﻝ ﺗﻴﻤﻮﺛﺎﻭﺱ 1:11
حسب انجيل مجد الله المبارك الذي اؤتمنت انا عليه.

համաձայն երանելի Աստուծոյ փառաւոր աւետարանին՝ որ վստահուեցաւ ինծի:

1 Timotheogana. 1:11
Cein doctrina baita Iainco benedicatuaren Euangelio gloriazco niri cargutan eman içan çaitadanaren araura.

Dyr Timyteus A 1:11
Und dö ist anglögt in dyr Guetmaer von n saelign Got seinn Rued, dö was mir antraut ist.

1 Тимотей 1:11
според славното благовестие на блажения Бог, което ми биде поверено.

提 摩 太 前 書 1:11
這 是 照 著 可 稱 頌 之 神 交 託 我 榮 耀 福 音 說 的 。

这 是 照 着 可 称 颂 之 神 交 托 我 荣 耀 福 音 说 的 。





Prva poslanica Timoteju 1:11
po evanđelju Slave blaženoga Boga koje je meni povjereno.

První Timoteovi 1:11
Jenž jest podle slavného evangelium blahoslaveného Boha, kteréžto mně svěřeno jest.

1 Timoteus 1:11
efter den salige Guds Herligheds Evangelium, som er blevet mig betroet.

1 Timotheüs 1:11
Naar het Evangelie der heerlijkheid des zaligen Gods, dat mij toebetrouwd is.

κατὰ τὸ εὐαγγέλιον τῆς δόξης τοῦ μακαρίου Θεοῦ, ὃ ἐπιστεύθην ἐγώ.

κατὰ τὸ εὐαγγέλιον τῆς δόξης τοῦ μακαρίου θεοῦ, ὃ ἐπιστεύθην ἐγώ.

κατὰ τὸ εὐαγγέλιον τῆς δόξης τοῦ μακαρίου θεοῦ, ὃ ἐπιστεύθην ἐγώ.

κατὰ τὸ εὐαγγέλιον τῆς δόξης τοῦ μακαρίου θεοῦ, ὃ ἐπιστεύθην ἐγώ.

κατὰ τὸ εὐαγγέλιον τῆς δόξης τοῦ μακαρίου Θεοῦ, ὃ ἐπιστεύθην ἐγώ.

κατά ὁ εὐαγγέλιον ὁ δόξα ὁ μακάριος θεός ὅς πιστεύω ἐγώ

κατὰ τὸ εὐαγγέλιον τῆς δόξης τοῦ μακαρίου Θεοῦ, ὃ ἐπιστεύθην ἐγώ.

κατὰ τὸ εὐαγγέλιον τῆς δόξης τοῦ μακαρίου θεοῦ ὃ ἐπιστεύθην ἐγώ

κατα το ευαγγελιον της δοξης του μακαριου θεου ο επιστευθην εγω

κατα το ευαγγελιον της δοξης του μακαριου θεου ο επιστευθην εγω

κατα το ευαγγελιον της δοξης του μακαριου θεου ο επιστευθην εγω

κατα το ευαγγελιον της δοξης του μακαριου Θεου, ο επιστευθην εγω.

κατα το ευαγγελιον της δοξης του μακαριου θεου ο επιστευθην εγω

κατα το ευαγγελιον της δοξης του μακαριου θεου ο επιστευθην εγω

kata to euangelion tēs doxēs tou makariou Theou, ho episteuthēn egō.

kata to euangelion tes doxes tou makariou Theou, ho episteuthen ego.

kata to euangelion tēs doxēs tou makariou theou, ho episteuthēn egō.

kata to euangelion tes doxes tou makariou theou, ho episteuthen ego.

kata to euangelion tēs doxēs tou makariou theou o episteuthēn egō

kata to euangelion tEs doxEs tou makariou theou o episteuthEn egO

kata to euangelion tēs doxēs tou makariou theou o episteuthēn egō

kata to euangelion tEs doxEs tou makariou theou o episteuthEn egO

kata to euangelion tēs doxēs tou makariou theou o episteuthēn egō

kata to euangelion tEs doxEs tou makariou theou o episteuthEn egO

kata to euangelion tēs doxēs tou makariou theou o episteuthēn egō

kata to euangelion tEs doxEs tou makariou theou o episteuthEn egO

kata to euangelion tēs doxēs tou makariou theou o episteuthēn egō

kata to euangelion tEs doxEs tou makariou theou o episteuthEn egO

kata to euangelion tēs doxēs tou makariou theou o episteuthēn egō

kata to euangelion tEs doxEs tou makariou theou o episteuthEn egO

1 Timóteushoz 1:11
A boldog Isten dicsõségének evangyélioma szerint, mely reám bízatott.

Al Timoteo 1 1:11
laux la konfidita al mi evangelio de la gloro de la benata Dio.

Ensimmäinen kirje Timoteukselle 1:11
Autuaan Jumalan kunniallisen evankeliumin jälkeen, joka minulle uskottu on.

1 Timothée 1:11
suivant l'évangile de la gloire du Dieu bienheureux, qui m'a été confié.

conformément à l'Evangile de la gloire du Dieu bienheureux, Evangile qui m'a été confié.

Suivant l'Evangile de la gloire de Dieu bienheureux, lequel [Evangile] m'a été commis.

1 Timotheus 1:11
nach dem herrlichen Evangelium des seligen Gottes, welches mir vertrauet ist.

nach dem herrlichen Evangelium des seligen Gottes, welches mir anvertrauet ist.

nach dem Evangelium der Herrlichkeit des seligen Gottes mit dem ich beauftragt ward.

1 Timoteo 1:11
secondo l’evangelo della gloria del beato Iddio, che m’è stato affidato.

secondo l’evangelo della gloria del beato Iddio, il qual m’è stato fidato.

1 TIM 1:11
menurut seperti bunyi Injil yang memberitakan kemuliaan Allah yang terpuji, maka itulah yang diamanatkan kepadaku.

1 Timothy 1:11
Akka i gella di lexbaṛ n lxiṛ i yi-d-ițțunefken, i d-isbegginen tamanegt n Sidi Ṛebbi ameɣlal.

디모데전서 1:11
이 교훈은 내게 맡기신 바 복되신 하나님의 영광의 복음을 좇음이니라

I Timotheum 1:11
quae est secundum evangelium gloriae beati Dei quod creditum est mihi

Timotejam 1 1:11
Kas ietverta svētā Dieva godības evaņģēlijā, kas man uzticēts.

Pirmasis laiðkas Timotiejui 1:11
pagal palaimintojo Dievo šlovingąją Evangeliją, kuri man yra patikėta.

1 Timothy 1:11
Rite tonu tenei ki te rongopai o te kororia o te Atua hari, ki te mea kua tukua mai nei ki ahau.

1 Timoteus 1:11
efter evangeliet om den salige Guds herlighet, det som er mig betrodd.

1 Timoteo 1:11
según el glorioso evangelio del Dios bendito, que me ha sido encomendado.

según el glorioso evangelio del Dios bendito, que me ha sido encomendado.

según el glorioso evangelio del Dios bendito, que a mí me ha sido encomendado.

Según el evangelio de la gloria del Dios bendito, el cual á mí me ha sido encargado.

conforme al Evangelio de la gloria del Dios bienaventurado, el cual a mí me ha sido encargado.

1 timóteo 1:11
Esta sã doutrina encontra-se no glorioso Evangelho que me foi outorgado, a saber, o Evangelho do Deus bendito! A eficácia da graça de Deus

segundo o evangelho da glória do Deus bendito, que me foi confiado.   

1 Timotei 1:11
potrivit cu Evanghelia slavei fericitului Dumnezeu care mi -a fost încredinţată mie.

1-е Тимофею 1:11
по славному благовестию блаженного Бога, которое мне вверено.

по славному благовестию блаженного Бога, которое мне вверено.

1 Timothy 1:11
N·nisan tawai ti shiir uwempratin chicham Yus suramsamajnia nu. Nu chichamnaka etserkatniun Yus pΘnker asa tsankatrukuiti.

1 Timotheosbrevet 1:11
detta i enlighet med det evangelium om den salige Gudens härlighet, varmed jag har blivit betrodd.

1 Timotheo 1:11
Mafundisho hayo hupatikana katika Habari Njema ambayo mimi nimekabidhiwa niihubiri, Habari Njema ya Mungu mtukufu na mwenye heri.

1 Kay Timoteo 1:11
Ayon sa evangelio ng kaluwalhatian ng mapagpalang Dios, na ipinagkatiwala sa akin.

1 ทิโมธี 1:11
ตามที่มีอยู่ในข่าวประเสริฐอันมีสง่าราศีของพระเจ้าผู้เสวยสุข คือข่าวประเสริฐที่ได้ทรงมอบไว้กับข้าพเจ้านั้น

1 Timoteos 1:11
Mübarek Tanrının bana emanet edilen yüce Müjdesine göre bu böyledir.

1 Тимотей 1:11
по славному благовістю блаженного Бога, котре менї звірено.

1 Timothy 1:11
Tudui' to makono toe tarua' hi rala Kareba Lompe' to ngkai Alata'ala to bohe tuwu' -na pai' to natao ra'une'. Kareba Lompe' toe, napopokoloi-ka aku' -mi bona kupalele.

1 Ti-moâ-theâ 1:11
Ấy đó là điều đạo Tin Lành vinh hiển của Ðức Chúa Trời hạnh phước dạy dỗ, mà sự truyền đạo đó đã giao phó cho ta.

1 Timothy 1:10
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