1 Peter 3:1
1 Peter 3:1
Wives, in the same way submit yourselves to your own husbands so that, if any of them do not believe the word, they may be won over without words by the behavior of their wives,

In the same way, you wives must accept the authority of your husbands. Then, even if some refuse to obey the Good News, your godly lives will speak to them without any words. They will be won over

Likewise, wives, be subject to your own husbands, so that even if some do not obey the word, they may be won without a word by the conduct of their wives,

In the same way, you wives, be submissive to your own husbands so that even if any of them are disobedient to the word, they may be won without a word by the behavior of their wives,

Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives;

In the same way, wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands so that, even if some disobey the Christian message, they may be won over without a message by the way their wives live

In a similar way, you wives must submit yourselves to your husbands so that, even if some of them refuse to obey the word, they may be won over without a word through your conduct as wives

In the same way, wives, be subject to your own husbands. Then, even if some are disobedient to the word, they will be won over without a word by the way you live,

In this way, also, you women, submit to your husbands, that you may win without labor those who do not obey the word by your beautiful way of life,

Wives, in a similar way, place yourselves under your husbands' authority. Some husbands may not obey God's word. Their wives could win these men [for Christ] by the way they live without saying anything.

Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands, so that also those who do not obey the Word, may be won without a word by the conversation of their wives,

Likewise, you wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conduct of the wives;

Likewise, you wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives;

In like manner, ye wives, be in subjection to your won husbands; that, even if any obey not the word, they may without the word be gained by the behavior of their wives;

In like manner also let wives be subject to their husbands: that if any believe not the word, they may be won without the word, by the conversation of the wives.

Likewise, wives, be subject to your own husbands, that, even if any are disobedient to the word, they may be gained without the word by the conversation of the wives,

In like manner, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, even if any obey not the word, they may without the word be gained by the behaviour of their wives;

Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the deportment of the wives;

Married women, in the same way, be submissive to your husbands, so that even if some of them disbelieve the Message, they may, apart from the Message, be won over by the daily life of their wives, after watching your daily life--

In the same way, wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; so that, even if any don't obey the Word, they may be won by the behavior of their wives without a word;

In like manner, the wives, be ye subject to your own husbands, that even if certain are disobedient to the word, through the conversation of the wives, without the word, they may be won,

1 Pjetrit 3:1
Gjithashtu dhe ju, gra, nënshtrojuni burrave tuaj, që, edhe nëse disa nuk i binden fjalës, të fitohen pa fjalë, nga sjellja e grave të tyre,

ﺑﻄﺮﺱ ﺍﻻﻭﻝ 3:1
كذلكنّ ايتها النساء كنّ خاضعات لرجالكنّ حتى وان كان البعض لا يطيعون الكلمة يربحون بسيرة النساء بدون كلمة

1 ՊԵՏՐՈՍ 3:1
Նմանապէս դո՛ւք, կինե՛ր, հպատակեցէ՛ք ձեր ամուսիններուն, որպէսզի եթէ նոյնիսկ ոմանք չանսան խօսքին, շահուին առանց խօսքի՝ կիներուն վարքով,

1 S. Pierrisec. 3:1
Halaber emazteac suiet diraden bere senharrén, baldineta batzu hitzaren desobedient badirade, emaztén conuersationeaz hitza gabe irabaz ditecençat,

Dyr Peeters A 3:1
Und grad yso solltß enk ös Weiber yn enkerne Mänder unterorddnen, dyrmit s meinetwögn als Nichtkristner durch enkern Wandl aane vil Worter gwunnen werdnd,

1 Петрово 3:1
Подобно и вие, жени, покорявайте се на мъжете си, така щото, даже ако някои [от тях] не се покоряват на словото, да се придобият без словото, чрез обходата на жените си,

彼 得 前 書 3:1
你 們 作 妻 子 的 要 順 服 自 己 的 丈 夫 ; 這 樣 , 若 有 不 信 從 道 理 的 丈 夫 , 他 們 雖 然 不 聽 道 , 也 可 以 因 妻 子 的 品 行 被 感 化 過 來 ;

你 们 作 妻 子 的 要 顺 服 自 己 的 丈 夫 ; 这 样 , 若 有 不 信 从 道 理 的 丈 夫 , 他 们 虽 然 不 听 道 , 也 可 以 因 妻 子 的 品 行 被 感 化 过 来 ;





Prva Petrova poslanica 3:1
Tako i vi, žene, pokoravajte se svojim muževima: ako su neki od njih možda neposlušni Riječi, da i bez riječi budu pridobiveni življenjem vas žena,

První Petrův 3:1
Též podobně i ženy buďte poddané mužům svým, aby, byť pak kteří i nevěřili slovu, skrze zbožné obcování žen bez slova získáni byli,

1 Peter 3:1
Ligesaa, I Hustruer! underordner eder under eders egne Mænd, for at, selv om nogle ere genstridige imod Ordet, de kunne vindes uden Ord ved Hustruernes Vandel,

1 Petrus 3:1
Desgelijks gij vrouwen, zijt uw eigenen mannen onderdanig; opdat ook, zo enigen den Woorde ongehoorzaam zijn, zij door den wandel der vrouwen zonder Woord mogen gewonnen worden;

Ὁμοίως γυναῖκες, ὑποτασσόμεναι τοῖς ἰδίοις ἀνδράσιν, ἵνα καὶ εἴ τινες ἀπειθοῦσιν τῷ λόγῳ, διὰ τῆς τῶν γυναικῶν ἀναστροφῆς ἄνευ λόγου κερδηθήσονται,

Ὁμοίως γυναῖκες ὑποτασσόμεναι τοῖς ἰδίοις ἀνδράσιν, ἵνα εἴ τινες ἀπειθοῦσιν τῷ λόγῳ διὰ τῆς τῶν γυναικῶν ἀναστροφῆς ἄνευ λόγου κερδηθήσονται

Ὁμοίως [αἱ] γυναῖκες ὑποτασσόμεναι τοῖς ἰδίοις ἀνδράσιν, ἵνα [καὶ] εἴ τινες ἀπειθοῦσιν τῷ λόγῳ διὰ τῆς τῶν γυναικῶν ἀναστροφῆς ἄνευ λόγου κερδηθήσονται

Ὁμοίως, αἱ γυναῖκες, ὑποτασσόμεναι τοῖς ἰδίοις ἀνδράσιν, ἵνα, καὶ εἴ τινες ἀπειθοῦσιν τῷ λόγῳ, διὰ τῆς τῶν γυναικῶν ἀναστροφῆς ἄνευ λόγου κερδηθήσονται,

Ὁμοίως αἱ γυναῖκες ὑποτασσόμεναι τοῖς ἰδίοις ἀνδράσιν, ἵνα καὶ εἴ τινες ἀπειθοῦσι τῷ λόγῳ, διὰ τῆς τῶν γυναικῶν ἀναστροφῆς ἄνευ λόγου κερδηθήσονται,

ὁμοίως γυνή ὑποτάσσω ὁ ἴδιος ἀνήρ ἵνα καί εἰ τὶς ἀπειθέω ὁ λόγος διά ὁ ὁ γυνή ἀναστροφή ἄνευ λόγος κερδαίνω

Ὁμοίως, αἱ γυναῖκες ὑποτασσόμεναι τοῖς ἰδίοις ἀνδράσιν, ἵνα καὶ εἴ τινες ἀπειθοῦσι τῷ λόγῳ, διὰ τῆς τῶν γυναικῶν ἀναστροφῆς ἄνευ λόγου κερδηθήσωνται

Ὁμοίως αἱ γυναῖκες ὑποτασσόμεναι τοῖς ἰδίοις ἀνδράσιν ἵνα καὶ εἴ τινες ἀπειθοῦσιν τῷ λόγῳ διὰ τῆς τῶν γυναικῶν ἀναστροφῆς ἄνευ λόγου κερδηθήσωνται

ομοιως γυναικες υποτασσομεναι τοις ιδιοις ανδρασιν ινα ει τινες απειθουσιν τω λογω δια της των γυναικων αναστροφης ανευ λογου κερδηθησονται

ομοιως γυναικες υποτασσομεναι τοις ιδιοις ανδρασιν ινα και ει τινες απειθουσιν τω λογω δια της των γυναικων αναστροφης ανευ λογου κερδηθησονται

ομοιως αι γυναικες υποτασσομεναι τοις ιδιοις ανδρασιν ινα και ει τινες απειθουσιν τω λογω δια της των γυναικων αναστροφης ανευ λογου κερδηθησωνται

Ομοιως, αι γυναικες υποτασσομεναι τοις ιδιοις ανδρασιν, ινα και ει τινες απειθουσι τω λογω, δια της των γυναικων αναστροφης ανευ λογου κερδηθησωνται

ομοιως αι γυναικες υποτασσομεναι τοις ιδιοις ανδρασιν ινα και ει τινες απειθουσιν τω λογω δια της των γυναικων αναστροφης ανευ λογου κερδηθησονται

ομοιως {VAR2: [αι] } γυναικες υποτασσομεναι τοις ιδιοις ανδρασιν ινα {VAR2: και } ει τινες απειθουσιν τω λογω δια της των γυναικων αναστροφης ανευ λογου κερδηθησονται

Homoiōs gynaikes, hypotassomenai tois idiois andrasin, hina kai ei tines apeithousin tō logō, dia tēs tōn gynaikōn anastrophēs aneu logou kerdēthēsontai,

Homoios gynaikes, hypotassomenai tois idiois andrasin, hina kai ei tines apeithousin to logo, dia tes ton gynaikon anastrophes aneu logou kerdethesontai,

Homoiōs gynaikes hypotassomenai tois idiois andrasin, hina ei tines apeithousin tō logō dia tēs tōn gynaikōn anastrophēs aneu logou kerdēthēsontai

Homoios gynaikes hypotassomenai tois idiois andrasin, hina ei tines apeithousin to logo dia tes ton gynaikon anastrophes aneu logou kerdethesontai

omoiōs gunaikes upotassomenai tois idiois andrasin ina kai ei tines apeithousin tō logō dia tēs tōn gunaikōn anastrophēs aneu logou kerdēthēsontai

omoiOs gunaikes upotassomenai tois idiois andrasin ina kai ei tines apeithousin tO logO dia tEs tOn gunaikOn anastrophEs aneu logou kerdEthEsontai

omoiōs ai gunaikes upotassomenai tois idiois andrasin ina kai ei tines apeithousin tō logō dia tēs tōn gunaikōn anastrophēs aneu logou kerdēthēsontai

omoiOs ai gunaikes upotassomenai tois idiois andrasin ina kai ei tines apeithousin tO logO dia tEs tOn gunaikOn anastrophEs aneu logou kerdEthEsontai

omoiōs ai gunaikes upotassomenai tois idiois andrasin ina kai ei tines apeithousin tō logō dia tēs tōn gunaikōn anastrophēs aneu logou kerdēthēsōntai

omoiOs ai gunaikes upotassomenai tois idiois andrasin ina kai ei tines apeithousin tO logO dia tEs tOn gunaikOn anastrophEs aneu logou kerdEthEsOntai

omoiōs ai gunaikes upotassomenai tois idiois andrasin ina kai ei tines apeithousin tō logō dia tēs tōn gunaikōn anastrophēs aneu logou kerdēthēsōntai

omoiOs ai gunaikes upotassomenai tois idiois andrasin ina kai ei tines apeithousin tO logO dia tEs tOn gunaikOn anastrophEs aneu logou kerdEthEsOntai

omoiōs gunaikes upotassomenai tois idiois andrasin ina ei tines apeithousin tō logō dia tēs tōn gunaikōn anastrophēs aneu logou kerdēthēsontai

omoiOs gunaikes upotassomenai tois idiois andrasin ina ei tines apeithousin tO logO dia tEs tOn gunaikOn anastrophEs aneu logou kerdEthEsontai

omoiōs {UBS4: [ai] } gunaikes upotassomenai tois idiois andrasin ina {UBS4: kai } ei tines apeithousin tō logō dia tēs tōn gunaikōn anastrophēs aneu logou kerdēthēsontai

omoiOs {UBS4: [ai]} gunaikes upotassomenai tois idiois andrasin ina {UBS4: kai} ei tines apeithousin tO logO dia tEs tOn gunaikOn anastrophEs aneu logou kerdEthEsontai

1 Péter 3:1
Hasonlóképen az asszonyok engedelmeskedjenek az õ férjöknek, hogy ha némelyek nem engedelmeskednének is az ígének, feleségük magaviselete által íge nélkül is megnyeressenek;

De Petro 1 3:1
Tiel same, edzinoj, submetu vin al viaj propraj edzoj; por ke, ecx se iuj ne obeas al la vorto, ili sen la vorto estu gajnitaj per la konduto de siaj edzinoj,

Toinen Pietarin kirje 3:1
Niin olkaan vaimot myös miehillensä alamaiset, että nekin, jotka ei sanaa usko, vaimoin tavoista ilman sanaa voitetuksi tulisivat,

1 Pierre 3:1
Pareillement, vous, femmes, soyez soumises à vos propres maris, afin que, si même il y en a qui n'obéissent pas à la parole, ils soient gagnés sans la parole par la conduite de leurs femmes,

Femmes, soyez de même soumises à vos maris, afin que, si quelques-uns n'obéissent point à la parole, ils soient gagnés sans parole par la conduite de leurs femmes,

Que les femmes aussi soient soumises à leurs maris, afin que même s'il y en a qui n'obéissent point à la parole, ils soient gagnés sans la parole, par la conduite de [leurs] femmes;

1 Petrus 3:1
Desselbigengleichen sollen die Weiber ihren Männern untertan sein, auf daß auch die, so nicht glauben an das Wort, durch der Weiber Wandel ohne Wort gewonnen werden,

Desgleichen sollen die Weiber ihren Männern untertan sein, auf daß auch die, so nicht glauben an das Wort, durch der Weiber Wandel ohne Wort gewonnen werden,

Ebenso die Frauen, unterthan ihren Männer! damit, wenn welche dem Worte nicht glauben, sie durch den Wandel der Frauen ohne Wort gewonnen werden,

1 Pietro 3:1
Parimente voi, mogli, siate soggette ai vostri mariti, affinché se anche ve ne sono che non ubbidiscono alla Parola, siano guadagnati senza parola dalla condotta delle loro mogli,

PARIMENTE sieno le mogli soggette a’ lor mariti; acciocchè, se pur ve ne sono alcuni che non ubbidiscono alla parola, sieno, per la condotta delle mogli, guadagnati senza parola;

1 PET 3:1
Demikian juga kamu, hai segala isteri orang, hendaklah kamu tunduk kepada suamimu sendiri sahaja, supaya jikalau ada yang melawan firman itu, boleh dialahkan oleh kelakuan isterinya, dengan tiada sepatah kata,

1 Peter 3:1
Kunemti daɣen a tilawin ḍuɛemt irgazen-nkunt, iwakken ɣas ma llan kra n yergazen ur uminen ara s wawal n Sidi Ṛebbi, s tikli ilhan n tilawin-nsen,

베드로전서 3:1
아내 된 자들아 ! 이와 같이 자기 남편에게 순복하라 이는 혹 도를 순종치 않는 자라도 말로 말미암지 않고 그 아내의 행위로 말미암아 구원을 얻게 하려 함이니

I Petri 3:1
similiter mulieres subditae suis viris ut et si qui non credunt verbo per mulierum conversationem sine verbo lucri fiant

Pētera 1 vēstule 3:1
Tāpat arī, sievas, paklausiet saviem vīriem, lai arī tie, kas netic vārdam, pateicoties sievas dzīvei, tiktu iegūti bez sludināšanas,

Pirmasis Petro laiðkas 3:1
Jūs, žmonos, būkite klusnios savo vyrams, kad tie, kurie neklauso žodžio, ir be žodžio būtų laimėti savo žmonų elgesiu,

1 Peter 3:1
Waihoki e nga wahine, kia ngohengohe ki a koutou tane ake; a ki te turi etahi ki te kupu, na, i kore i te kupu, ko te whakahaere a nga wahine hei mea e riro mai ai ratou;

1 Peters 3:1
Likeså I hustruer: Underordne eder under eders egne menn, så endog de som er vantro mot ordet, kan bli vunnet uten ord ved sine hustruers ferd,

1 Pedro 3:1
Asimismo vosotras, mujeres, estad sujetas a vuestros maridos, de modo que si algunos de ellos son desobedientes a la palabra, puedan ser ganados sin palabra alguna por la conducta de sus mujeres

Asimismo ustedes, mujeres, estén sujetas a sus maridos, de modo que si algunos de ellos son desobedientes a la palabra, puedan ser ganados sin palabra alguna por la conducta de sus mujeres

Asimismo vosotras, esposas, sujetaos a vuestros propios maridos; para que también los que no creen a la palabra, sean ganados sin palabra por la conducta de sus esposas,

ASIMISMO vosotras, mujeres, sed sujetas á vuestros maridos; para que también los que no creen á la palabra, sean ganados sin palabra por la conversación de sus mujeres,

Asimismo vosotras, mujeres, sed sujetas a vuestros maridos; para que también los que no creen a la Palabra, sean ganados sin palabra por la conversación de sus mujeres,

1 Pedro 3:1
Da mesma maneira, esposas, cada uma de vós, seja submissa a vosso próprio marido, com o propósito de que, se alguns deles ainda são contra a Palavra, sejam convertidos sem admoestações, mas pelo procedimento de sua esposa,

Semelhantemente vós, mulheres, sede submissas a vossos maridos; para que também, se alguns deles não obedecem à palavra, sejam ganhos sem palavra pelo procedimento de suas mulheres,   

1 Petru 3:1
Tot astfel, nevestelor, fiţi supuse şi voi bărbaţilor voştri; pentruca, dacă unii nu ascultă Cuvîntul, să fie cîştigaţi fără cuvînt, prin purtarea nevestelor lor,

1-e Петра 3:1
Также и вы, жены, повинуйтесь своим мужьям, чтобы теиз них, которые не покоряются слову, житием жен своих без слова приобретаемы были,

Также и вы, жены, повинуйтесь своим мужьям, чтобы те из них, которые не покоряются слову, житием жен своих без слова приобретаемы были,

1 Peter 3:1

1 Petrusbrevet 3:1
Sammalunda, i hustrur, underordnen eder edra män, för att också de män, som till äventyrs icke hörsamma ordet; må genom sina hustrurs vandel bliva vunna utan ord,

1 Petro 3:1
Nanyi wake, jiwekeni chini ya mamlaka ya waume zenu, ili kama wako waume wowote wasioamini neno la Mungu, wapate kuamini kwa kuuona mwenendo wenu. Haitakuwa lazima kwenu kusema neno,

1 Pedro 3:1
Gayon din naman, kayong mga asawang babae, pasakop kayo sa inyong sarisariling asawa; upang, kung ang ilan ay hindi tumalima sa salita, ay mangahikayat ng walang salita sa pamamagitan ng ugali ng kanikaniyang asawang babae;

1 เปโตร 3:1
ฝ่ายท่านทั้งหลายที่เป็นภรรยาก็เช่นกัน จงเชื่อฟังสามีของท่าน เพื่อว่าแม้สามีบางคนจะไม่เชื่อฟังพระวจนะ แต่ความประพฤติของภรรยาก็อาจจะจูงใจเขาได้ด้วยโดยไม่ต้องใช้พระวจนะนั้น

1 Petrus 3:1
Bunun gibi, ey kadınlar, siz de kocalarınıza bağımlı olun. Öyle ki, kimileri Tanrı sözüne inanmasa bile, Tanrı korkusuna dayanan temiz yaşayışınızı görerek söze gerek kalmadan karılarının yaşayışıyla kazanılsınlar.

1 Петрово 3:1
Також і жінки, корітесь своїм чоловікам, щоб і ті, що не корять ся слову, життєм жінок без слова була з'єднані,

1 Peter 3:1
Wae wo'o koi' tobine, mengkoru-koi hi tomane-ni, bona ane ria-ra tomane-ni to uma mepangala' hi Lolita Alata'ala, kehi-ni toe-mi mpobalii' -ra jadi' mepangala'. Uma mingki' ni'uli' -raka napa-napa,

1 Phi-e-rô 3:1
Hỡi người làm vợ, hãy phục chồng mình, hầu cho nếu có người chồng nào không vâng theo Ðạo, dẫu chẳng lấy lời khuyên bảo, chỉ bởi cách ăn ở của vợ, cũng đủ hóa theo,

1 Peter 2:25
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