1 Corinthians 1:17
1 Corinthians 1:17
For Christ did not send me to baptize, but to preach the gospel--not with wisdom and eloquence, lest the cross of Christ be emptied of its power.

For Christ didn't send me to baptize, but to preach the Good News--and not with clever speech, for fear that the cross of Christ would lose its power.

For Christ did not send me to baptize but to preach the gospel, and not with words of eloquent wisdom, lest the cross of Christ be emptied of its power.

For Christ did not send me to baptize, but to preach the gospel, not in cleverness of speech, so that the cross of Christ would not be made void.

For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel: not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect.

For Christ did not send me to baptize, but to evangelize--not with clever words, so that the cross of Christ will not be emptied of its effect.

For the Messiah did not send me to baptize but to preach the gospel, not with eloquent wisdom, so the cross of the Messiah won't be emptied of its power.

For Christ did not send me to baptize, but to preach the gospel--and not with clever speech, so that the cross of Christ would not become useless.

For The Messiah sent me not to baptize, but to preach The Good News, not in wisdom of words, lest the crucifixion of The Messiah would be rejected.

Christ didn't send me to baptize. Instead, he sent me to spread the Good News. I didn't use intellectual arguments. That would have made the cross of Christ lose its meaning.

For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel, not with wisdom of words, lest the cross {Gr. stauros – stake} of Christ should be made void.

For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel: not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of no effect.

For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel: not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect.

For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel: not in wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made void.

For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel: not in wisdom of speech, lest the cross of Christ should be made void.

For Christ has not sent me to baptise, but to preach glad tidings; not in wisdom of word, that the cross of the Christ may not be made vain.

For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel: not in wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made void.

For Christ hath not sent me to baptize, but to preach the gospel: not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of no effect.

Christ did not send me to baptize, but to proclaim the Good News; and not in merely wise words--lest the Cross of Christ should be deprived of its power.

For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the Good News--not in wisdom of words, so that the cross of Christ wouldn't be made void.

For Christ did not send me to baptize, but -- to proclaim good news; not in wisdom of discourse, that the cross of the Christ may not be made of none effect;

1 e Korintasve 1:17
Sepse Krishti nuk më dërgoi të pagëzoj, por të predikoj ungjillin, jo me dituri fjale, që kryqi i Krishtit të mos dalë i kotë.

ﻛﻮﺭﻧﺜﻮﺱ ﺍﻻﻭﻝ 1:17
لان المسيح لم يرسلني لاعمد بل لابشر. لا بحكمة كلام لئلا يتعطل صليب المسيح.

Որովհետեւ Քրիստոս ղրկեց զիս ո՛չ թէ մկրտելու, հապա աւետարանելու. բայց ո՛չ խօսքերու իմաստութեամբ, որպէսզի Քրիստոսի խաչը ընդունայն չըլլայ:

1 Corinthianoetara. 1:17
Ecen eznau igorri Christec batheyatzera, baina euangelizatzera: ez hitzezco çuhurtziatan, Christen crutzea ezdeusetara eztadinçát.

De Krenter A 1:17
Dyr Heiland haat mi schließlich nit zo n Taauffen gschickt, sundern däß i de Frooe Botschaft kündd, aber nit recht hoohgstochen, weil dann s Kreuz von n Kristn um sein Kraft kaem.

1 Коринтяни 1:17
Защото Христос не ме е пратил да кръщавам, но да проповядвам благовестието; не с мъдри думи, да не се лиши Христовия кръст от [значението] си.

歌 林 多 前 書 1:17
基 督 差 遣 我 , 原 不 是 為 施 洗 , 乃 是 為 傳 福 音 , 並 不 用 智 慧 的 言 語 , 免 得 基 督 的 十 字 架 落 了 空 。

基 督 差 遣 我 , 原 不 是 为 施 洗 , 乃 是 为 传 福 音 , 并 不 用 智 慧 的 言 语 , 免 得 基 督 的 十 字 架 落 了 空 。





Prva poslanica Korinæanima 1:17
Jer ne posla me Krist krstiti, nego navješćivati evanđelje, i to ne mudrošću besjede, da se ne obeskrijepi križ Kristov.

První Korintským 1:17
Nebo neposlal mne Kristus křtíti, ale evangelium kázati, ne v moudrosti řeči, aby nebyl vyprázdněn kříž Kristův.

1 Korinterne 1:17
Thi Kristus sendte mig ikke for at døbe, men for at forkynde Evangeliet, ikke med vise Ord, for at Kristi Kors ikke skulde tabe sin Kraft.

1 Corinthiërs 1:17
Want Christus heeft mij niet gezonden, om te dopen, maar om het Evangelie te verkondigen; niet met wijsheid van woorden, opdat het kruis van Christus niet verijdeld worde.

οὐ γὰρ ἀπέστειλέν με Χριστὸς βαπτίζειν ἀλλὰ εὐαγγελίζεσθαι, οὐκ ἐν σοφίᾳ λόγου, ἵνα μὴ κενωθῇ ὁ σταυρὸς τοῦ Χριστοῦ.

οὐ γὰρ ἀπέστειλέν με Χριστὸς βαπτίζειν ἀλλὰ εὐαγγελίζεσθαι, οὐκ ἐν σοφίᾳ λόγου, ἵνα μὴ κενωθῇ ὁ σταυρὸς τοῦ χριστοῦ.

οὐ γὰρ ἀπέστειλέν με Χριστὸς βαπτίζειν ἀλλὰ εὐαγγελίζεσθαι, οὐκ ἐν σοφίᾳ λόγου, ἵνα μὴ κενωθῇ ὁ σταυρὸς τοῦ χριστοῦ.

Οὐ γὰρ ἀπέστειλέν με χριστὸς βαπτίζειν, ἀλλ’ εὐαγγελίζεσθαι· οὐκ ἐν σοφίᾳ λόγου, ἵνα μὴ κενωθῇ ὁ σταυρὸς τοῦ χριστοῦ.

οὐ γὰρ ἀπέστειλέ με Χριστὸς βαπτίζειν, ἀλλ’ εὐαγγελίζεσθαι, οὐκ ἐν σοφίᾳ λόγου, ἵνα μὴ κενωθῇ ὁ σταυρὸς τοῦ Χριστοῦ.

οὐ γὰρ ἀπέστειλέν με Χριστὸς βαπτίζειν ἀλλὰ εὐαγγελίζεσθαι, οὐκ ἐν σοφίᾳ λόγου, ἵνα μὴ κενωθῇ ὁ σταυρὸς τοῦ Χριστοῦ.

οὐ γὰρ ἀπέστειλέ με Χριστὸς βαπτίζειν, ἀλλ’ εὐαγγελίζεσθαι· οὐκ ἐν σοφίᾳ λόγου, ἵνα μὴ κενωθῇ ὁ σταυρὸς τοῦ Χριστοῦ.

οὐ γὰρ ἀπέστειλέν με Χριστὸς βαπτίζειν ἀλλ' εὐαγγελίζεσθαι οὐκ ἐν σοφίᾳ λόγου ἵνα μὴ κενωθῇ ὁ σταυρὸς τοῦ Χριστοῦ

ου γαρ απεστειλεν με χριστος βαπτιζειν αλλα ευαγγελιζεσθαι ουκ εν σοφια λογου ινα μη κενωθη ο σταυρος του χριστου

ου γαρ απεστειλεν με χριστος βαπτιζειν αλλα ευαγγελιζεσθαι ουκ εν σοφια λογου ινα μη κενωθη ο σταυρος του χριστου

ου γαρ απεστειλεν με χριστος βαπτιζειν αλλ ευαγγελιζεσθαι ουκ εν σοφια λογου ινα μη κενωθη ο σταυρος του χριστου

ου γαρ απεστειλε με Χριστος βαπτιζειν, αλλ ευαγγελιζεσθαι· ουκ εν σοφια λογου, ινα μη κενωθη ο σταυρος του Χριστου.

ου γαρ απεστειλεν με χριστος βαπτιζειν αλλ ευαγγελιζεσθαι ουκ εν σοφια λογου ινα μη κενωθη ο σταυρος του χριστου

ου γαρ απεστειλεν με χριστος βαπτιζειν αλλα ευαγγελιζεσθαι ουκ εν σοφια λογου ινα μη κενωθη ο σταυρος του χριστου

ou gar apesteilen me Christos baptizein alla euangelizesthai, ouk en sophia logou, hina mē kenōthē ho stauros tou Christou.

ou gar apesteilen me Christos baptizein alla euangelizesthai, ouk en sophia logou, hina me kenothe ho stauros tou Christou.

ou gar apesteilen me Christos baptizein alla euangelizesthai, ouk en sophia logou, hina mē kenōthē ho stauros tou christou.

ou gar apesteilen me Christos baptizein alla euangelizesthai, ouk en sophia logou, hina me kenothe ho stauros tou christou.

ou gar apesteilen me christos baptizein alla euangelizesthai ouk en sophia logou ina mē kenōthē o stauros tou christou

ou gar apesteilen me christos baptizein alla euangelizesthai ouk en sophia logou ina mE kenOthE o stauros tou christou

ou gar apesteilen me christos baptizein all euangelizesthai ouk en sophia logou ina mē kenōthē o stauros tou christou

ou gar apesteilen me christos baptizein all euangelizesthai ouk en sophia logou ina mE kenOthE o stauros tou christou

ou gar apesteilen me christos baptizein all euangelizesthai ouk en sophia logou ina mē kenōthē o stauros tou christou

ou gar apesteilen me christos baptizein all euangelizesthai ouk en sophia logou ina mE kenOthE o stauros tou christou

ou gar apesteilen me christos baptizein all euangelizesthai ouk en sophia logou ina mē kenōthē o stauros tou christou

ou gar apesteilen me christos baptizein all euangelizesthai ouk en sophia logou ina mE kenOthE o stauros tou christou

ou gar apesteilen me christos baptizein alla euangelizesthai ouk en sophia logou ina mē kenōthē o stauros tou christou

ou gar apesteilen me christos baptizein alla euangelizesthai ouk en sophia logou ina mE kenOthE o stauros tou christou

ou gar apesteilen me christos baptizein alla euangelizesthai ouk en sophia logou ina mē kenōthē o stauros tou christou

ou gar apesteilen me christos baptizein alla euangelizesthai ouk en sophia logou ina mE kenOthE o stauros tou christou

1 Korintusi 1:17
Mert nem azért küldött engem a Krisztus, hogy kereszteljek, hanem hogy az evangyéliomot hirdessem; de nem szólásban való bölcseséggel, hogy a Krisztus keresztje hiábavaló ne legyen.

Al la korintanoj 1 1:17
CXar Kristo sendis min, ne por bapti, sed por prediki la evangelion; ne en sagxeco de vortoj, por ke la kruco de Kristo ne vantigxu.

Ensimmäinen kirje korinttilaisille 1:17
Sillä ei Kristus minua lähettänyt kastamaan, vaan evankeliumia saarnaamaan, ei sanan viisaudella, ettei Kristuksen risti turhaan menisi.

1 Corinthiens 1:17
Car Christ ne m'a pas envoyé baptiser, mais évangéliser, non point avec sagesse de parole, afin que la croix du Christ ne soit pas rendue vaine;

Ce n'est pas pour baptiser que Christ m'a envoyé, c'est pour annoncer l'Evangile, et cela sans la sagesse du langage, afin que la croix de Christ ne soit pas rendue vaine.

Car Christ ne m'a pas envoyé pour baptiser, mais pour évangéliser, non point avec les discours de la sagesse [humaine], afin que la croix de Christ ne soit point anéantie.

1 Korinther 1:17
Denn Christus hat mich nicht gesandt zu taufen, sondern das Evangelium zu predigen, nicht mit klugen Worten, auf daß nicht das Kreuz Christi zunichte werde.

Denn Christus hat mich nicht gesandt, zu taufen, sondern das Evangelium zu predigen, nicht mit klugen Worten, auf daß nicht das Kreuz Christi zunichte werde.

Denn Christus hat mich nicht ausgesandt zu taufen, sondern das Evangelium zu verkünden, nicht in Wortweisheit, damit nicht das Kreuz Christi hohl werde.

1 Corinzi 1:17
Perché Cristo non mi ha mandato a battezzare ma ad evangelizzare; non con sapienza di parola, affinché la croce di Cristo non sia resa vana.

PERCIOCCHÈ Cristo non mi ha mandato per battezzare, ma per evangelizzare; non in sapienza di parlare, acciocchè la croce di Cristo non sia resa vana.

1 KOR 1:17
Karena Kristus menyuruh aku bukannya akan membaptiskan orang, melainkan akan memberitakan kabar kesukaan, bukannya dengan hikmat perkataan, supaya jangan salib Kristus itu menjadi sia-sia.

1 Corinthians 1:17
Lmasiḥ ur iyi-d-iceggeɛ ara iwakken ad sɣeḍseɣ meɛna iceggeɛ iyi-d ad beccṛeɣ lexbaṛ n lxiṛ ; mačči s yimeslayen i d-yekkan si lefhama n wemdan iwakken ur tekkseɣ ara lqima i lmut n Lmasiḥ ɣef wumidag.

고린도전서 1:17
그리스도께서 나를 보내심은 세례를 주게 하려 하심이 아니요 오직 복음을 전케 하려 하심이니 말의 지혜로 하지 아니함은 그리스도의 십자가가 헛되지 않게 하려 함이라

I Corinthios 1:17
non enim misit me Christus baptizare sed evangelizare non in sapientia verbi ut non evacuetur crux Christi

Korintiešiem 1 1:17
Jo Kristus mani nav sūtījis kristīt, bet sludināt evaņģēliju, ne pārgudriem vārdiem, lai Kristus krusts nezaudētu savu ietekmi.

Pirmasis laiðkas korintieèiams 1:17
Kristus nesiuntė manęs krikštyti, bet Evangelijos skelbti,­ne žodžių išmintimi, kad Kristaus kryžius netaptų bereikšmis.

1 Corinthians 1:17
Kihai hoki ahau i tonoa e te Karaiti ki te iriiri, engari ki te kauwhau i te rongopai: ehara i te mea i runga i te mohio ki nga kupu, kei whakakahoretia te ripeka o te Karaiti.

1 Korintierne 1:17
For Kristus har ikke utsendt mig for å døpe, men for å forkynne evangeliet, ikke med vise ord, for at Kristi kors ikke skulde tape sin kraft.

1 Corintios 1:17
Pues Cristo no me envió a bautizar, sino a predicar el evangelio, no con palabras elocuentes, para que no se haga vana la cruz de Cristo.

Pues Cristo no me envió a bautizar, sino a predicar el evangelio (anunciar las buenas nuevas), no con palabras elocuentes, para que no se haga vana la cruz de Cristo.

Porque no me envió Cristo a bautizar, sino a predicar el evangelio; no con sabiduría de palabras, para que no se haga vana la cruz de Cristo.

Porque no me envió Cristo á bautizar, sino á predicar el evangelio: no en sabiduría de palabras, porque no sea hecha vana la cruz de Cristo.

Porque no me envió Cristo a bautizar, sino a predicar el Evangelio; no en sabiduría de palabras, para que no sea hecha vana el madero del Cristo.

1 Coríntios 1:17
Porquanto Cristo não me enviou para batizar, mas para proclamar o Evangelho; não por meio de palavras de sabedoria humana, para que a cruz de Cristo não seja esvaziada. Palavra da cruz, poder de Deus

Porque Cristo não me enviou para batizar, mas para pregar o evangelho; não em sabedoria de palavras, para não se tornar vã a cruz de Cristo.   

1 Corinteni 1:17
De fapt, Hristos m'a trimes nu să botez, ci să propovăduiesc Evanghelia: nu cu înţelepciunea vorbirii, ca nu cumva crucea lui Hristos să fie făcută zadarnică.

1-е Коринфянам 1:17
Ибо Христос послал меня не крестить, а благовествовать, не в премудрости слова, чтобы не упразднить креста Христова.

Ибо Христос послал меня не крестить, а благовествовать, не в премудрости слова, чтобы не упразднить креста Христова.

1 Corinthians 1:17
Kristu imiakrattia tusa akuptukchamai antsu uwempratin chichaman etserkat tusa akuptukmai. Tura ti neka chichainia N·nisan chichaatsjai shuar wi shiir chichaamun Enentßimprarain tusan. Antsu Y·pichuch chichaajai Kristu Kr·snum jakamuk paant Atφ tusan.

1 Korinthierbrevet 1:17
Ty Kristus har icke sänt mig till att döpa, utan till att förkunna evangelium, och detta icke med en visdom som består i ord, för att Kristi kors icke skall berövas sin kraft.

1 Wakorintho 1:17
Kristo hakunituma kubatiza, bali kuhubiri Habari Njema; tena, niihubiri bila kutegemea maarifa ya hotuba za watu kusudi nguvu ya kifo cha Kristo msalabani isibatilishwe.

1 Mga Taga-Corinto 1:17
Sapagka't hindi ako sinugo ni Cristo upang bumautismo, kundi upang mangaral ng evangelio: hindi sa karunungan ng mga salita baka mawalan ng kabuluhan ang krus ni Cristo.

1 โครินธ์ 1:17
เพราะว่าพระคริสต์มิได้ทรงใช้ข้าพเจ้าไปเพื่อให้เขารับบัพติศมา แต่เพื่อให้ประกาศข่าวประเสริฐ แต่มิใช่ด้วยชั้นเชิงฉลาดในการพูด เกรงว่าเรื่องกางเขนของพระคริสต์จะหมดฤทธิ์เดช

1 Korintliler 1:17
Çünkü Mesih beni vaftiz etmeye değil, Mesihin çarmıhtaki ölümü boşa gitmesin diye, bilgece sözlere dayanmaksızın Müjdeyi yaymaya gönderdi.

1 Коринтяни 1:17
Не послав бо мене Христос хрестити, а благовістити, не в премудрости слова, щоб не опустїв хрест Христів.

1 Corinthians 1:17
Kristus mpajadi' -a suro-na, uma bona mponiu' tauna. Nasuro-a mpokeni Kareba Lompe'. Ane kuparata Kareba Lompe' toe, uma kupake' kapantea-ku moto mololita. Nee-neo' mpai' tauna mpangala' -a muntu' ngkai kapantea-ku, pai' uma ra'incai baraka' kamate-na Kristus hi kaju parika'.

1 Coâ-rinh-toâ 1:17
Thật vậy, Ðấng Christ đã sai tôi, chẳng phải để làm phép báp-tem đâu, nhưng để rao giảng Tin Lành, và chẳng dùng sự khôn khéo mà giảng, kẻo thập tự giá của Ðấng Christ ra vô ích.

1 Corinthians 1:16
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