1 Corinthians 1:16
1 Corinthians 1:16
(Yes, I also baptized the household of Stephanas; beyond that, I don't remember if I baptized anyone else.)

(Oh yes, I also baptized the household of Stephanas, but I don't remember baptizing anyone else.)

(I did baptize also the household of Stephanas. Beyond that, I do not know whether I baptized anyone else.)

Now I did baptize also the household of Stephanas; beyond that, I do not know whether I baptized any other.

And I baptized also the household of Stephanas: besides, I know not whether I baptized any other.

I did, in fact, baptize the household of Stephanas; beyond that, I don't know if I baptized anyone else.

(Oh yes, I also baptized the family of Stephanas. Beyond that, I'm not sure whether I baptized anyone else.)

(I also baptized the household of Stephanus. Otherwise, I do not remember whether I baptized anyone else.)

But I baptized also the household of Estephana, but otherwise I do not know if I baptized any others.

I also baptized Stephanas and his family. Beyond that, I'm not sure whether I baptized anyone else.

And I baptized also the household of Stephanas; besides, I know not whether I baptized any other.

And I baptized also the household of Stephanas: besides, I know not whether I baptized any other.

And I baptized also the household of Stephanas: besides, I know not whether I baptized any other.

And I baptized also the household of Stephanas: besides, I know not whether I baptized any other.

And I baptized also the household of Stephanus; besides, I know not whether I baptized any other.

Yes, I baptised also the house of Stephanas; for the rest I know not if I have baptised any other.

And I baptized also the household of Stephanas: besides, I know not whether I baptized any other.

And I baptized also the household of Stephanas; besides, I know not whether I baptized any other.

I did, however, baptize Stephanas' household also: but I do not think that I baptized any one else.

(I also baptized the household of Stephanas; besides them, I don't know whether I baptized any other.)

and I did baptize also Stephanas' household -- further, I have not known if I did baptize any other.

1 e Korintasve 1:16
Unë pagëzova edhe familjen e Stefanës; përveç tyre nuk di të kem pagëzuar ndonjë tjetër.

ﻛﻮﺭﻧﺜﻮﺱ ﺍﻻﻭﻝ 1:16
وعمدت ايضا بيت استفانوس. عدا ذلك لست اعلم هل عمدت احدا آخر.

Ստեփանասի ընտանիքն ալ մկրտեցի: Չեմ գիտեր ամե՛նեւին՝ թէ ա՛լ ուրիշ մէկը մկրտեցի:

1 Corinthianoetara. 1:16
Batheiatu vkan dut Estebenen familia-ere: gaineracoz eztaquit berceric batre batheyatu vkan dudanez.

De Krenter A 1:16
Haltauf, yn n Stöffynäss sein Heiwisch haan i aau non taaufft. Ob s sünst aau non öbber war, waiß i niemer.

1 Коринтяни 1:16
Кръстих още и Стефаниновия дом; освен [тия], не помня да съм кръстил някой друг.

歌 林 多 前 書 1:16
我 也 給 司 提 反 家 施 過 洗 , 此 外 給 別 人 施 洗 沒 有 , 我 卻 記 不 清 。

我 也 给 司 提 反 家 施 过 洗 , 此 外 给 别 人 施 洗 没 有 , 我 却 记 不 清 。





Prva poslanica Korinæanima 1:16
A da, krstih i Stefanin dom. Inače ne znam krstih li koga drugoga.

První Korintským 1:16
Křtilť jsem také i Štěpánovu čeled. Více nevím, abych koho jiného křtil.

1 Korinterne 1:16
Dog, jeg døbte ogsaa Stefanas's Hus; ellers ved jeg ikke, om jeg døbte nogen anden.

1 Corinthiërs 1:16
Doch ik heb ook het huisgezin van Stefanus gedoopt; voorts weet ik niet, of ik iemand anders gedoopt heb.

ἐβάπτισα δὲ καὶ τὸν Στεφανᾶ οἶκον· λοιπὸν οὐκ οἶδα εἴ τινα ἄλλον ἐβάπτισα.

ἐβάπτισα δὲ καὶ τὸν Στεφανᾶ οἶκον· λοιπὸν οὐκ οἶδα εἴ τινα ἄλλον ἐβάπτισα.

ἐβάπτισα δὲ καὶ τὸν Στεφανᾶ οἶκον· λοιπὸν οὐκ οἶδα εἴ τινα ἄλλον ἐβάπτισα.

Ἐβάπτισα δὲ καὶ τὸν Στεφανᾶ ο ἴκον· λοιπὸν οὐκ ο ἴδα εἴ τινα ἄλλον ἐβάπτισα.

ἐβάπτισα δὲ καὶ τὸν Στεφανᾶ οἶκον· λοιπὸν οὐκ οἶδα εἴ τινα ἄλλον ἐβάπτισα.

ἐβάπτισα δὲ καὶ τὸν Στεφανᾶ οἶκον· λοιπὸν οὐκ οἶδα εἴ τινα ἄλλον ἐβάπτισα.

ἐβάπτισα δὲ καὶ τὸν Στεφανᾶ οἶκον· λοιπὸν οὐκ οἶδα εἴ τινα ἄλλον ἐβάπτισα.

ἐβάπτισα δὲ καὶ τὸν Στεφανᾶ οἶκον λοιπὸν οὐκ οἶδα εἴ τινα ἄλλον ἐβάπτισα

εβαπτισα δε και τον στεφανα οικον λοιπον ουκ οιδα ει τινα αλλον εβαπτισα

εβαπτισα δε και τον στεφανα οικον λοιπον ουκ οιδα ει τινα αλλον εβαπτισα

εβαπτισα δε και τον στεφανα οικον λοιπον ουκ οιδα ει τινα αλλον εβαπτισα

εβαπτισα δε και τον Στεφανα οικον· λοιπον ουκ οιδα ει τινα αλλον εβαπτισα.

εβαπτισα δε και τον στεφανα οικον λοιπον ουκ οιδα ει τινα αλλον εβαπτισα

εβαπτισα δε και τον στεφανα οικον λοιπον ουκ οιδα ει τινα αλλον εβαπτισα

ebaptisa de kai ton Stephana oikon; loipon ouk oida ei tina allon ebaptisa.

ebaptisa de kai ton Stephana oikon; loipon ouk oida ei tina allon ebaptisa.

ebaptisa de kai ton Stephana oikon; loipon ouk oida ei tina allon ebaptisa.

ebaptisa de kai ton Stephana oikon; loipon ouk oida ei tina allon ebaptisa.

ebaptisa de kai ton stephana oikon loipon ouk oida ei tina allon ebaptisa

ebaptisa de kai ton stephana oikon loipon ouk oida ei tina allon ebaptisa

ebaptisa de kai ton stephana oikon loipon ouk oida ei tina allon ebaptisa

ebaptisa de kai ton stephana oikon loipon ouk oida ei tina allon ebaptisa

ebaptisa de kai ton stephana oikon loipon ouk oida ei tina allon ebaptisa

ebaptisa de kai ton stephana oikon loipon ouk oida ei tina allon ebaptisa

ebaptisa de kai ton stephana oikon loipon ouk oida ei tina allon ebaptisa

ebaptisa de kai ton stephana oikon loipon ouk oida ei tina allon ebaptisa

ebaptisa de kai ton stephana oikon loipon ouk oida ei tina allon ebaptisa

ebaptisa de kai ton stephana oikon loipon ouk oida ei tina allon ebaptisa

ebaptisa de kai ton stephana oikon loipon ouk oida ei tina allon ebaptisa

ebaptisa de kai ton stephana oikon loipon ouk oida ei tina allon ebaptisa

1 Korintusi 1:16
Megkereszteltem azonban Stefana házanépét is, ezenkívül nem tudom, hogy valakit mást kereszteltem volna.

Al la korintanoj 1 1:16
Kaj mi baptis ankaux la familion de Stefanas; krom tio mi ne scias, cxu mi baptis iun alian.

Ensimmäinen kirje korinttilaisille 1:16
Minä kastin myös Stephanaan perheen; sitte en minä tiedä, jos minä jonkun muun kastanut olen.

1 Corinthiens 1:16
J'ai bien aussi baptisé la maison de Stéphanas; du reste je ne sais pas si j'ai baptisé quelqu'un d'autre.

J'ai encore baptisé la famille de Stéphanas; du reste, je ne sache pas que j'aie baptisé quelque autre personne.

J'ai bien aussi baptisé la famille de Stéphanas; du reste, je ne sais pas si j'ai baptisé quelque autre.

1 Korinther 1:16
Ich habe aber auch getauft des Stephanas Hausgesinde; danach weiß ich nicht, ob ich etliche andere getauft habe.

Ich habe aber auch getauft des Stephanas Hausgesinde; weiter weiß ich nicht, ob ich etliche andere getauft habe.

ja doch, weiter habe ich noch die Leute des Stephanas getauft; sonst aber erinnere ich mich nicht, einen getauft zu haben.

1 Corinzi 1:16
Ho battezzato anche la famiglia di Stefana; del resto non so se ho battezzato alcun altro.

Ho battezzata ancora la famiglia di Stefana; nel rimanente, non so se ho battezzato alcun altro.

1 KOR 1:16
Tetapi aku juga sudah membaptiskan orang isi rumah Stepanus, maka lain daripada itu tiadalah kuingat, kalau-kalau sudah aku membaptiskan orang.

1 Corinthians 1:16
Tella daɣen twacult n Stifanas, d nekk i ț-isɣeḍsen meɛna ur ḥsiɣ ara sɣeḍseɣ yiwen nniḍen dinna.

고린도전서 1:16
내가 또한 스데바나 집 사람에게 세례를 주었고 그 외에는 다른 아무에게 세례를 주었는지 알지 못하노라

I Corinthios 1:16
baptizavi autem et Stephanae domum ceterum nescio si quem alium baptizaverim

Korintiešiem 1 1:16
Vēl es kristīju Stefanas namu, bet es nezinu, ka vēl kādu citu būtu kristījis.

Pirmasis laiðkas korintieèiams 1:16
Tiesa, pakrikštijau taip pat Stepono namus, o daugiau nežinau, ar ką pakrikštijau.

1 Corinthians 1:16
Naku ano i iriiri nga tangata o te whare o Tepana: i ko ake, kahore ahau i te mahara ki taku iriiringa i tetahi atu.

1 Korintierne 1:16
Dog har jeg også døpt Stefanas' hus; ellers vet jeg ikke av at jeg har døpt nogen annen.

1 Corintios 1:16
También bauticé a los de la casa de Estéfanas; por lo demás, no sé si bauticé a algún otro.

También bauticé a los de la casa de Estéfanas; por lo demás, no sé si bauticé a algún otro.

Y también bauticé a la familia de Estéfanas; mas no sé si bauticé a algún otro.

Y también bauticé la familia de Estéfanas: mas no sé si he bautizado algún otro.

Y también bauticé la casa de Estéfanas; mas no sé si he bautizado algún otro.

1 Coríntios 1:16
É certo que batizei também os da casa de Estéfanas; além destes, não me recordo se batizei algum outro irmão.

É verdade, batizei também a família de Estéfanas, além destes, não sei se batizei algum outro.   

1 Corinteni 1:16
Da, am mai botezat şi casa lui Stefana; încolo, nu ştiu să mai fi botezat pe altcineva.

1-е Коринфянам 1:16
Крестил я также Стефанов дом; а крестил ли еще кого, не знаю.

Крестил я также Стефанов дом; а крестил ли еще кого, не знаю.

1 Corinthians 1:16
Maa, nekas, Estepanasa shuarincha imiaimjai tura Chφkich wi imiaimiun nΘkatsjai.

1 Korinthierbrevet 1:16
Dock, jag har döpt också Stefanas' husfolk; om jag eljest har döpt någon vet jag icke.

1 Wakorintho 1:16
(Samahani, nilibatiza pia jamaa ya Stefana; lakini zaidi ya hawa, sidhani kama nilimbatiza mtu mwingine yeyote.)

1 Mga Taga-Corinto 1:16
At binautismuhan ko rin naman ang sangbahayan ni Estefanas: maliban sa mga ito, di ko maalaman kung may nabautismuhan akong iba pa.

1 โครินธ์ 1:16
ข้าพเจ้าได้ให้บัพติศมาแก่ครอบครัวของสเทฟานัสด้วย แต่นอกจากคนเหล่านั้นแล้ว ข้าพเจ้าไม่ทราบว่าข้าพเจ้าได้ให้บัพติศมาแก่ผู้ใดอีกบ้าง

1 Korintliler 1:16
Evet, bir de İstefanasın ev halkını vaftiz ettim; bunun dışında kimseyi vaftiz ettiğimi anımsamıyorum.

1 Коринтяни 1:16
Хрестив же я й СтеФанів дім; більш не знаю, чи кого другого хрестив.

1 Corinthians 1:16
(Io' mpu'u. Stefanus hantinaa-ra, aku' mpu'u-hana to mponiu' -ra. Aga ntani' -na ngkai hira' toe, uma-pi kukiwoi ba ria-ra to kuniu'.)

1 Coâ-rinh-toâ 1:16
Tôi cũng đã làm phép báp tem cho người nhà Sê-pha-na; ngoài nhà đó, tôi chẳng biết mình đã làm phép báp tem cho ai nữa.

1 Corinthians 1:15
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