1Brothers, if a man should be overtaken (taken beforehand, latin-praeoccupatus sounds close to preoccupied) in some false step (falling away after being close-beside, lapse), you, the spiritual, restore such a one in a spirit of meekness (gentle-mild reserved strength), considering (skopon-scoping, latin-considerans, watching, taking heed, root has the idea of fixing the eye on a mark, take aim at a goal) yourself, lest you also be tempted (latin-tempteris).
2Take up (bear, carry) one another’s weights (heavy, burdens) and thus you will fulfill the law of Christ.
3For if anyone supposes to be something being nothing, he deceives by distortion the inner outlook (latin-seducit, deceives/deludes/distorts/seduces their perspective that regulates behavior) of himself.
4However let each approve (approve by testing, prove, latin-probet=approve) the work of himself and then unto himself alone he will have a ground of boasting and not unto another.
5For each his own load (burden which must be carried by the individual, phortion like portion) will take up (bear, carry). 6Now the one being taught (teach by word of mouth, literally sound down, instruct orally) in the word, let share with the one teaching him in all good things. 7Do not be caused to wander (caused to wander, lead astray): God is not mocked (turn up the nose, scornfully disdain, sneer at); for whatever a man might sow (spread, scatter) this also he will reap (gather). 8For the one sowing to his flesh from out of the flesh will reap corruption (decay, rottenness, deterioration, destruction), however the one sowing unto the Spirit from out of the Spirit will reap life eternal (agelong, unending, latin-aeternam). 9And we should not grow weary (faint, ekkakeo- out from and to+inner malice, latin-deficiamus like deficient) in well (kalon-winsomely good) doing; for in our own distinct time we will reap if we do not succumb (let go, loose out from). 10So then as we have an opportune time, we should work good toward all, most of all toward those of the household of faith. 11See in how large letters I have written to you with my own hard. 12As many as wish to make a good outward appearance (fair show) in the flesh, these you necessitate (compel, constrain) to be circumcised, only so that they may not be persecuted for the cross of Christ Jesus. 13For not even those being circumcised keep the law themselves, but rather they wish you to be circumcised, so that they may boast in your flesh. 14However, may it never be for me to boast, except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ through whom the world has been crucified to me and I to the world. 15For neither circumcision nor uncircumcision is anything; but rather a new creation. 16And as many as those who will walk in step by this standard, peace and mercy upon them and upon the Israel of God. 17From now on let no one give (provide, furnish) troubles (hits so hard they debilitate or weaken) to me, for I carry (take up, bear) the marks (latin and greek-stigmata, often branded as a scar) of Jesus on (in) my body. 18The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit, brothers. Amen. |