1LORD JEHOVAH, you have searched me and you have known me. 2You know my sitting and my rising; you have understood my reasonings from the high place. 3You know my way and my steps and you have investigated all my ways. 4If there is an alteration in my language, you, LORD JEHOVAH, know all these things. 5For from the beginning to the end you have formed me, and you have set your hand upon me. 6The knowledge and the wonder are stronger than I and I could not master them. 7Where shall I go from your Spirit and where shall I hide from before you? 8If I shall ascend to Heaven, there you are, and if I would descend to Sheol, you are there also! 9If I shall lift my wings like an Eagle's and dwell at the end of the Sea 10There also your hand will hold me and your right hand will lead me. 11You have said, "The darkness will shine to me and the night will shine upon my face." 12And the darkness will not darken from you, the night will shine like the day and the darkness as the light. 13Because you have prepared my kidneys and you have carried me from the womb of my mother. 14I shall give thanks to you because of the wonders that you have done, for your works are exalted and my soul knows it well. 15And my bones were not hidden from you; when I was made in secret, I went down to the lower parts of the earth. 16And my eyes saw my germination upon your Scriptures; all these things were written; behold, the days were cut short, and there was no person in them. 17But your friends are very precious to me, oh, God, and they have strengthened their rulers greatly. 18I shall count them and they will be multiplied more than the sand; I awoke and again I am with you! 19Surely you will kill the sinners, oh God, and men of blood will pass from me! 20Because they have spoken against you and they have taken your city without a cause! 21I hate those who hate you, LORD JEHOVAH, and I am enraged against those who stand against you! 22I have hated them with a complete hatred and they are enemies to me. 23Search me, oh God, and know my heart, and prove me and know my steps 24And see if there is a way of lies in me; lead me in your eternal way! The Peshitta Holy Bible Translated Translated by Glenn David Bauscher Glenn David Bauscher Lulu Publishing Copyright © 2018 Lulu Publishing 3rd edition Copyright © 2019 |