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3930. parecho -- to furnish, to present
... Definition: act. and mid: I offer, provide, confer, afford, give, bring, show,
cause. 3930 (from ... supplies (1). offer, show, afford. From para ...
// - 8k
Strong's Hebrew
6329. puq -- to bring out, furnish, promote
... give (1), obtain (1), obtains (2), promote (1). afford, draw out, further,
get, obtain. A primitive root (identical with puwq through ...
/hebrew/6329.htm - 6k

3027. yad -- hand
... root Definition hand NASB Word Usage abandon* (1), able (1), able* (1), addition*
(1), afford* (4), against* (3), allegiance (1), allegiance* (1), along (1 ...
/hebrew/3027.htm - 8k

5381. nasag -- to reach, overtake
... root Definition to reach, overtake NASB Word Usage able* (1), afford* (2), attained
(1), becomes sufficient (1), caught (1), find (1), insufficient (2), last ...
/hebrew/5381.htm - 6k

4672. matsa -- to attain to, find
... root Definition to attain to, find NASB Word Usage actually found (1), afford*
(1), befall (1), befallen (2), befell (1), came (2), caught (5), come (6), comes ...
/hebrew/4672.htm - 6k

5060. naga -- to touch, reach, strike
... root Definition to touch, reach, strike NASB Word Usage add (1), afford* (1), apply
(1), arrive (1), arrived (4), attained (1), attains (1), bring down (1 ...
/hebrew/5060.htm - 6k


The Sense and Certainty of this Election Afford to the Children of ...
... First Head of Doctrine. Divine Election and Reprobation Article 13 The sense and
certainty of this election afford to the children of God additional matter� ...
/.../ canons of dordt/article 13 the sense and.htm

What Comfort Does the "Resurrection of the Body" Afford Thee?
... Lord's Day 22 Question 57 What comfort does the "resurrection of the body" afford
thee? What comfort does the "resurrection of the body" afford thee? ...
/.../various/the heidelberg catechism /question 57 what comfort does.htm

Marcion's Own Antitheses, if Only the Title and Object of the Work ...
... Chapter XXIX."Marcion's Own Antitheses, If Only the Title and Object of the Work
Be Excepted, Afford Proofs of the Consistent Attributes of the True God. ...
/.../the five books against marcion/chapter xxix marcions own antitheses if.htm

To the Rev. A. Brandram
... defer for a few days communicating the particulars of my journey, though they are
not destitute of interest, having at present information to afford which I ...
/.../borrow/letters of george borrow/to the rev a brandram 25.htm

A Sermon on a Text not Found in the Bible.
... the one who has most of God in him will hurry to say, "Come, now, let us reason
together." We need not to say that common-place religion cannot afford to do ...
// bread/xli a sermon on a.htm

Our Stronghold
... the next verse" "The rich man's wealth is his strong city, and as an high wall in
his own conceit." The rich man feels that his wealth may afford him comfort ...
// on proverbs/our stronghold.htm

The Praying Christ
... lesson which Christ's prayers teach us, for we all need it, that no life is so high,
so holy, so full of habitual communion with God, that it can afford to do ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture e/the praying christ.htm

To the Rev. J. Jowett
... I now proceed to give an account of my stewardship up to the present time, which
account I humbly trust will afford perfect satisfaction to the Society which ...
/.../borrow/letters of george borrow/to the rev j jowett 7.htm

Paragraphs from Notable Speeches
... subject of complaint; and that whatever intrinsic merit parts of the book may be
supposed or even admitted to possess, such merit can afford no justification ...
/.../paragraphs from notable speeches.htm

Prudence and Faith
... There sprang up in his mind at once the cowardly and ignoble thought: 'I cannot
afford to do what is right, because it will cost me a hundred talents,' and ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture g/prudence and faith.htm

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
1. (v. t.) To give forth; to supply, yield, or produce as the natural result, fruit, or issue; as, grapes afford wine; olives afford oil; the earth affords fruit; the sea affords an abundant supply of fish.

2. (v. t.) To give, grant, or confer, with a remoter reference to its being the natural result; to provide; to furnish; as, a good life affords consolation in old age.

3. (v. t.) To offer, provide, or supply, as in selling, granting, expending, with profit, or without loss or too great injury; as, A affords his goods cheaper than B; a man can afford a sum yearly in charity.

4. (v. t.) To incur, stand, or bear without serious detriment, as an act which might under other circumstances be injurious; -- with an auxiliary, as can, could, might, etc.; to be able or rich enough.

Afford (12 Occurrences)
... 1. (vt) To give forth; to supply, yield, or produce as the natural result, fruit,
or issue; as, grapes afford wine; olives afford oil; the earth affords fruit ...
/a/afford.htm - 11k

Turtledoves (10 Occurrences)
... Leviticus 5:7 "'If he can't afford a lamb, then he shall bring his trespass offering
for that in which he has sinned, two turtledoves, or two young pigeons, to ...
/t/turtledoves.htm - 9k

Doves (25 Occurrences)
... Leviticus 5:7 "'If he can't afford a lamb, then he shall bring his trespass offering
for that in which he has sinned, two turtledoves, or two young pigeons, to ...
/d/doves.htm - 14k

Pigeons (14 Occurrences)
... Leviticus 5:7 "'If he can't afford a lamb, then he shall bring his trespass offering
for that in which he has sinned, two turtledoves, or two young pigeons, to ...
/p/pigeons.htm - 11k

Insufficient (3 Occurrences)
... Leviticus 5:11 "'But if he can't afford two turtledoves, or two young pigeons, then
he shall bring his offering for that in which he has sinned, the tenth part ...
/i/insufficient.htm - 7k

Ephah (55 Occurrences)
... Leviticus 5:11 "'But if he can't afford two turtledoves, or two young pigeons, then
he shall bring his offering for that in which he has sinned, the tenth part ...
/e/ephah.htm - 27k

Promise (112 Occurrences)
... payment of money. 6. (vt) To afford reason to expect; to cause hope or
assurance of; as, the clouds promise rain. 7. (vt) To make ...
/p/promise.htm - 42k

Flour (69 Occurrences)
... Leviticus 5:11 "'But if he can't afford two turtledoves, or two young pigeons, then
he shall bring his offering for that in which he has sinned, the tenth part ...
/f/flour.htm - 32k

... The quotations from the Gospel according to the Hebrews-the only gospel the Ebionites
received-likewise afford means of appreciating their views. ...
/e/ebionites.htm - 34k

... The quotations from the Gospel according to the Hebrews-the only gospel the Ebionites
received-likewise afford means of appreciating their views. ...
/e/ebionism.htm - 34k

Bible Concordance
Afford (12 Occurrences)

Romans 15:4 For all that was written of old has been written for our instruction, so that we may always have hope through the power of endurance and the encouragement which the Scriptures afford.

Leviticus 5:7 "'If he can't afford a lamb, then he shall bring his trespass offering for that in which he has sinned, two turtledoves, or two young pigeons, to Yahweh; one for a sin offering, and the other for a burnt offering.

Leviticus 5:11 "'But if he can't afford two turtledoves, or two young pigeons, then he shall bring his offering for that in which he has sinned, the tenth part of an ephah of fine flour for a sin offering. He shall put no oil on it, neither shall he put any frankincense on it, for it is a sin offering.

Leviticus 12:8 If she cannot afford a lamb, then she shall take two turtledoves, or two young pigeons; the one for a burnt offering, and the other for a sin offering: and the priest shall make atonement for her, and she shall be clean.'"

Leviticus 14:21 "If he is poor, and can't afford so much, then he shall take one male lamb for a trespass offering to be waved, to make atonement for him, and one tenth of an ephah of fine flour mingled with oil for a meal offering, and a log of oil;

Leviticus 14:22 and two turtledoves, or two young pigeons, such as he is able to afford; and the one shall be a sin offering, and the other a burnt offering.

Leviticus 14:30 He shall offer one of the turtledoves, or of the young pigeons, such as he is able to afford,

Leviticus 14:31 even such as he is able to afford, the one for a sin offering, and the other for a burnt offering, with the meal offering. The priest shall make atonement for him who is to be cleansed before Yahweh."

Leviticus 14:32 This is the law for him in whom is the plague of leprosy, who is not able to afford the sacrifice for his cleansing.

Leviticus 27:8 But if he is poorer than your valuation, then he shall be set before the priest, and the priest shall value him; according to the ability of him who vowed shall the priest value him.
(See NIV)

Numbers 6:21 "'This is the law of the Nazirite who vows, and of his offering to Yahweh for his separation, besides that which he is able to get. According to his vow which he vows, so he must do after the law of his separation.'"

Psalms 33:17 A horse is a vain thing for safety; Neither doth he deliver any by his great power.
(See JPS)



Related Terms

Turtledoves (10 Occurrences)

Doves (25 Occurrences)

Pigeons (14 Occurrences)

Insufficient (3 Occurrences)

Ephah (55 Occurrences)

Promise (112 Occurrences)

Flour (69 Occurrences)



Can't (180 Occurrences)

Cereal (124 Occurrences)

Tenth (89 Occurrences)

Sinned (156 Occurrences)

Trespass (101 Occurrences)

Esther (48 Occurrences)

Joseph (248 Occurrences)

Lamb (124 Occurrences)

Burnt (392 Occurrences)

Yield (78 Occurrences)

Olive (61 Occurrences)

Jubilee (25 Occurrences)

Lend (21 Occurrences)

Lydia (5 Occurrences)

Limited (5 Occurrences)

Log (12 Occurrences)

Liberty (32 Occurrences)

Gourd (4 Occurrences)

Gezer (14 Occurrences)

Wanderings (7 Occurrences)

Waved (29 Occurrences)

Iconium (6 Occurrences)

Instruction (117 Occurrences)

Infectious (19 Occurrences)

Favor (184 Occurrences)

Furnish (8 Occurrences)

Tiglathpileser (3 Occurrences)

Tiglath-pileser (6 Occurrences)

Endurance (31 Occurrences)

Dye (1 Occurrence)


Minister (150 Occurrences)

Music (143 Occurrences)


Please (324 Occurrences)

Phoenicia (6 Occurrences)

Pigeon (3 Occurrences)

Penalty (20 Occurrences)

Provide (74 Occurrences)

Partridge (2 Occurrences)

Pleasure (331 Occurrences)

Bear (425 Occurrences)

Camp (222 Occurrences)

Courts (59 Occurrences)

Cleansing (37 Occurrences)

Cherith (2 Occurrences)

Carmel (33 Occurrences)


Afforded (2 Occurrences)

Annas (4 Occurrences)

Affluence (1 Occurrence)

Allow (86 Occurrences)

Satisfy (32 Occurrences)

Soul (554 Occurrences)

Supply (40 Occurrences)


Succoth (18 Occurrences)

Shoe (13 Occurrences)

Show (1340 Occurrences)

Abijah (32 Occurrences)

Samaritan (8 Occurrences)

Haven (8 Occurrences)

Tree (245 Occurrences)


Judah (802 Occurrences)

Frankincense (22 Occurrences)

Text (5 Occurrences)


Judicial (2 Occurrences)

Jehoiachin (20 Occurrences)

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