Judges 15
Samson’s Revenge
The Strength of Samson: A Divine Vengeance

Judges 15 poignantly shows the power of divine intervention in human affairs. Despite the cycle of retribution, Samson's faith in God and God's consistent presence in his life is evident throughout. God’s supernatural provision of strength to Samson and water in his time of need shows His mercy and care for His people. It reminds us that even in the face of dire circumstances, God's power and mercy can provide rescue.

Samson's Revenge against the Philistines (Verses 1-8)

Samson goes to visit his wife in Timnah with a gift, only to find out she was given to his companion. Outraged, he catches 300 foxes, ties their tails together with torches, and releases them into the Philistines' fields, vineyards, and olive groves, setting everything ablaze. The Philistines, learning of this, burn Samson's wife and her father. Samson retaliates further by slaughtering many Philistines before escaping to hide in the cleft of the rock of Etam.

Samson against the Men of Judah and the Philistines (Verses 9-17)

The Philistines march against Judah, demanding they deliver Samson to them. Three thousand men of Judah go to Samson and bind him with new ropes to hand him over to the Philistines. However, the Spirit of the Lord comes powerfully upon Samson. He breaks free from the ropes and, using a fresh jawbone of a donkey, slays a thousand men of Philistines.

God's Intervention and Samson's Relief (Verses 18-20)

After this victory, Samson is extremely thirsty and cries out to God for help. God miraculously provides water from a hollow place in the ground at Lehi. Drinking the water, Samson is revived and named the place "En Hakkore" (caller's spring). The chapter ends by noting that Samson leads Israel for twenty years during the Philistine oppression.

Judges 15, a stirring chapter in the Book of Judges, revolves around Samson's supernatural strength given by God and his confrontations with the Philistines. This chapter presents a compelling tale of divine intervention, a cycle of vengeance, faith, and a miraculous rescue from death.
Verse by Verse

1. Divine Intervention
2. Cycle of Retribution
3. Power of Faith
4. Supernatural Strength
5. Freedom from Oppression
1. Samson's Retaliation
2. The Power of a Donkey's Jawbone
3. The Miraculous Water from the Rock
1. Samson
2. Philistines
3. Men of Judah
4. God
1. Timnah
2. Lehi
3. Etam
4. The Jawbone Hill
Bible Study Questions

1. How does Samson's reaction to his wife's betrayal reveal his character?

2. Compare and contrast the actions of the Philistines and the men of Judah. What does this tell you about their fear and their faith?

3. Samson managed to kill 1,000 men with a donkey's jawbone. What does this event suggest about the source of true power?

4. Why did Samson cry out to God after his victory over the Philistines? How does this show his dependence on God?

5. In what ways does God's provision of water for Samson demonstrate His care for His people?

6. How do you interpret the cycle of retribution present in this chapter? What does it reveal about the consequences of actions?

7. How would you apply the lessons from Samson's story to your life when faced with betrayal or injustice?

8. How does God's intervention in Samson's life encourage you in your personal journey?

9. How can we reconcile Samson's violent actions with his role as a judge of Israel?

10. How does Judges 15 challenge or confirm your understanding of God's character and His ways?

11. How would you handle a situation where you are wronged, similar to Samson's betrayal by his wife?

12. What does this chapter teach us about the consequences of anger and the desire for revenge?

13. How can we find strength in our faith during times of great trial as Samson did?

14. How would you respond if you were in the position of the men of Judah, caught between fear of the Philistines and loyalty to a fellow Israelite?

15. In what ways does Samson's journey reflect the larger story of the Israelites during this period?

16. What do Samson's actions reveal about his understanding of his divine calling?

17. How does God's provision of water from a rock reflect on His ability to provide for us in our current circumstances?

18. How does the story of Samson's supernatural strength encourage you in your own struggles?

19. In what ways can we see God's mercy in the midst of Samson's violent confrontations?

20. How does the narrative of Samson inform your understanding of God's involvement in the struggles of His people, and how can we apply this to our lives today?

Bible Hub Chapter Summaries and Bible Study Questions

Judges 14
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