The next day he came upon two Israelites who were fighting, and he tried to reconcile them, saying, 'Men, you are brothers. Why are you mistreating each other?' Sermons I. A MOMENT ARRIVES, CHARGED WITH A STRONG IMPULSE TO FIND A NEW POINT OF DEPARTURE FOR LIFE AND WHATEVER IS ITS CHIEF MEANING. 1. The impulse comes. It "came into his heart." It comes, and it comes very much as matter of feeling - out of his heart as surely as into it. 2. It comes under some comparatively unpretentious guise. Moses has a prompting to "visit his brethren the children of Israel." Out of sight is not out of mind with him, where it would have been so in a million of cases to one. He does not despise, forget, or ignore as much as possible poor relations. His heart is toward them, and perhaps at the time conscious of nothing else, he will "visit" them and throw in his lot with them. 3. The impulse is of uncommon strength. (1) It asked for the decision of a moral question, and "refusing to be called" what he was not (Hebrews 11:24); he quickly settled that. (2) It encountered the adopting of a lot of "affliction," and a share of suffering, in place of pride, wealth, luxury, and power (Hebrews 11:25); and the choice was unhesitatingly made. (3) It asked force and perspicuity of spiritual vision, and that far sight that can not merely see afar, but that will find "a hand to reach through time," to catch the "far-off interest of tears "-that genuine ,'recompense of reward" (Hebrews 11:26). (4) Lastly, it dares to face the wrath of a foster father king, a despot, whose will, whose whim, whose passion, whose cruelty would not stop at anything that crossed his purposes; but "they feared not" (Hebrews 11:27), for "he endured as seeing" the King eternal, immortal, and "invisible." These things all help to speak a reality and a strength in the impulse, which promise well to make the prophet master of the man, and which will fit the theory of a born reformer, while yet it is matter of theory. II. TWO SUCCEEDING DAYS REVEAL MOSES - THE ONE IN THE CAPACITY OF A WRESTLER, AND VERY SUCCESSFUL ONE; THE OTHER CLOTHING HIMSELF IN THE AUTHORITY OF A JUDGE AND ARBITER; IN BOTH CASES UNSOLICITED. His action on either day is spontaneous. It was doubtless as great a surprise to the brother he would befriend as to his adversary for the time. Yet in either case Moses steps into the various arena, as though to the manner born. 1. This stepping boldly into action is very noticeable. How wide often the gulf that separates thought, feeling, wish, conviction, and even resolution from action itself! 2. Much more significant is the stepping from Egypt's court and palace and lap of luxury into practical conflict of this kind. It meant something unusual, and something unworldly and of the right sort unusual. It was the kind of thing to hold men who didn't like it spell-bound for at all events twenty-four hours. It provoked the question, "From whence hath this man" this authority and these mighty deeds (vers. 22, 28)? It meant a "new man" (Luther's hymn) on the spot. III. A GREAT MARK OF A BORN REFORMER APPEARS NOW IN MOSES, IN THE ABSENCE OF SELF-CONSCIOUSNESS WHICH HE BETRAYS. What he did, what he said, what he tried to work, all came to thought, heart, and hand, as things under existing circumstances the most natural in the world. He saw himself only in the light of an instrument in the hand of God, and took for granted that his brethren would see him and all else in the same light. Probably his eye did not look on himself at all at the time; probably at the time, even what "he supposed" about his brethren understanding his mission on their behalf, was an utterly unconscious supposing. For it is the historian afterwards whose language is here read, and it was probably when Moses first received a check, and was taken aback by it, that his "supposing" precipitated itself. Circumstances, opposition, persecution, do not fail soon to open the eyes of almost any reformer, specially of any reformer in matter moral, but it is of the born reformer to plunge prompt, fearless, nothing hesitating, in medias res. And Moses did just this. The pain and the smart and their useful lessons were yet to come. IV. IT REMAINS NO POOR SIGN OF THE BORN REFORMER THAT AT FIRST MOSES OVERSTEPS THE MARK. For exceptions to this experience are few. Even in a delicious unconsciousness and simplicity and naturalness lurks that very thing nature, human nature, and too much of it; self, and too much of it. God would not have overstepped the mark - never does. All his work fits perfectly to time, to place, to issue. Yet he who holds the threads of all human things in his fingers, and rules the mysterious vicissitude of human history, makes allowance beforehand for their error in his most faithful, most willing servants. Their pace must be moderated, and his purpose will not be lost, nor so much as suffer. More haste, worse speed for Moses - for the precipitancy of two days relegates him to forty years' absence from the scene and the holy enterprise into which he had flung himself with zeal so passionate. What will forty years do for him? What will they make of him? They will temper him, subdue much the confidence of self, and will make him more meet for the Master's service, at the very time that he shall appear less zealous for it. - B.
And when he was full forty years old, it came into his heart to visit his brethren. I. LONG NURSED — "forty years."1. Inspired by his mother. The precious time during which he was entrusted by the princess to the care of his nurse, Jochebed, would, we may be sure, be well employed, and subsequent opportunities would be utilised for reminding him of who he was, and of his possible destiny as the leader of his race. No throne in the universe is so potent as the mother's knee for good or evil. 2. Cherished among smothering influences. (1) (2) (3) II. PREMATURELY EXHIBITED. 1. Without a Divine call. Moses acted on the spasmodic impulse of the moment. Here was a palpable opportunity — the first which presented itself — of showing his long-nursed patriotism, and the ill-usage of his brethren acted like a spark on a train of gunpowder. Many men call themselves to rectify certain evils, and mistake a seeming opportunity for the voice of God. Passion, however noble, is not inspiration. This is seen in its effects. That which leads to murder, however great the provocation, as in the case of Moses and the French Revolution, is manifestly not from heaven. When the hour comes the man will be inspired; let the man, then, wait for the hour. 2. Without the least .chance of success. What was one man, even suppose that he was sure of the loyalty of the unorganised slaves, against the disciplined might of Egypt? This has been the mistake of well-meaning but impulsive patriots all through history, and the results have ever been fatal to the interests of those whom they would have served. III. EVENTUALLY RECTIFIED. Moses soon saw that force was no remedy, and that his people were hardly fit for immediate emancipation. What chance of liberation for a people divided amongst themselves? Union is strength; and Moses began to educate the people in the two great unifying principles — 1. Fraternity. "Sirs, ye are brethren." Moses saw that the only hope for Israel was the cultivation of brotherly feeling. Other ties without this are ropes of sand. 2. Justice. "Why do ye wrong?" The fetters of internal wrong-doing are far stronger than those imposed from without. Tyrants are safe when their subjects are depraved. If a community would successfully resist the iniquities of the powers that be, they must be law-abiding themselves. Agitators are at length recognising this principle, and passionately appeal to their followers not to break the law. IV. UNGRATEFULLY REPUDIATED. When Moses smote the Egyptian no protest was raised; but on attempting to sow the seeds of self-deliverance he met with the fate of many reformers. Most people are willing to be helped; but when urged to help themselves, the whole situation is often changed. They had no objection to Moses being a ruler and a judge when he assailed the oppressor; but when he advised the oppressed to follow a more successful but prosaic and unromantic course, the worst feelings of jealousy were aroused. The public sentiment towards Cromwell was very different when he was driving out the Stuarts from that which was expressed when reducing the chaotic national elements to order. V. SUDDENLY ABANDONED. "Then fled Moses." 1. Not, we may well believe, through sheer cowardice. Fear of Pharaoh had something to do with it, no doubt; but this was the fear of a man who felt that he would have to encounter the monarch alone. The cause was hopeless; he would have no following; it was useless to throw his life away. 2. Disgust, we may believe, had something to do with it. Why should he sacrifice himself for a people who would not even treat him with common gratitude. "Those who would be free must themselves strike the blow." Moses adopted the right course. He accepted the inevitable. The time was not ripe, nor was he — a lesson for all would-be patriots and reformers. VI. DIVINELY REVIVED. That his patriotism died out in Midian is obvious from his reluctance to embark on the mission when the time had come. By minding other people's business he had lost everything; henceforth he would mind his own, And he did so for forty years. But all this time he was being Divinely qualified. His character matured, his old impulsiveness was gone. Cool reason took the place of spasmodic passion. He became familiar with habits and scenes which stood him in good stead for the next forty years. The time came, and when it came the fire of the bush laid hold of his soul, and the Divinely-inspired leader went to beard Pharaoh and to lead his brethren out of the house of bondage. (J. W. Burn.) Homilist. These words were spoken by the Christian martyr, Stephen, when he was standing before the Jewish council. He was accused of seeking to overthrow the institutions of Moses, and his mind not unnaturally reverted to the time when Moses himself was an innovator, and repelled by the ancestors of the very men who now taxed Stephen with seeking to change the customs which he had delivered to them. The passage in the life of Moses which Stephen relates gives us an example of —I. THE TRUE LEADER'S INSTINCT. He went to see his brethren, and to look on their burdens. This is the instinct of a true leader. He does it from policy; for how can the general regulate the marches unless he knows how much the soldier has to carry? Or how can he prescribe methods of lightening burdens unless he knows of what they consist? But not only from policy; from piety and humanity. The true leader's nature comprises the true shepherd's nature — not the robber's or the mere hireling's. II. THE TRUE LEADER'S MISTAKE. He supposed the people would understand. A superiorly-gifted mind often finds a peculiar difficulty in judging of average human nature, and its calculations may prove to be ill-founded. III. THE TRUE LEADER'S AIM. It is to cause unity to be recognised; for what but unity can give the power which it is his nature and his function to wield? Here there was no absence of natural grounds of union. They had two of the strongest — oneness of race and a common oppressor. IV. THE TRUE LEADER'S DISAPPOINTMENT. That his efforts to promote union were in vain. But in the case of the Israelites, blindness was combined with jealousy. They saw in Moses only a man of their own order. "His own received him not." Stephen might well recall these circumstances when he was standing before that tribunal of his countrymen, which was perpetrating a still greater refusal. The repulse was a personal one; but the disappointment was far from being merely personal. (Homilist.) People Aaron, David, Egyptians, Emmor, Hamor, Haran, Isaac, Israelites, Jacob, Joseph, Joshua, Molech, Pharaoh, Saul, Solomon, Stephen, SychemPlaces Babylon, Canaan, Egypt, Haran, Jerusalem, Mesopotamia, Midian, Mount Sinai, Red Sea, ShechemTopics Appeared, Brethren, Brothers, Compelled, Constrained, Contending, Endeavoured, Fight, Fighting, Fought, Hurt, Injure, Injustice, Morrow, Peace, Quarreling, Reconcile, Reconciled, Saying, Shewed, Showed, Sirs, Striving, Strove, Succeeding, Tried, Urged, Wherefore, Wrong, WrongingOutline 1. Stephen, permitted to answer to the accusation of blasphemy,2. shows that Abraham worshipped God rightly, and how God chose the fathers, 20. before Moses was born, and before the tabernacle and temple were built; 37. that Moses himself witnessed of Christ; 44. and that all outward ceremonies were ordained to last but for a time; 51. reprehending their rebellion, and murdering of Christ, whom the prophets foretold. 54. Whereupon they stone Stephen to death, 59. who commends his soul to Jesus, and humbly prays for them. Dictionary of Bible Themes Acts 7:20-29Library Stephen's vision'Behold, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of man standing on the right hand of God'--ACTS vii. 56. I. The vision of the Son of Man, or the abiding manhood of Jesus. Stephen's Greek name, and his belonging to the Hellenistic part of the Church, make it probable that he had never seen Jesus during His earthly life. If so, how beautiful that he should thus see and recognise Him! How significant, in any case, is it he should instinctively have taken on his lips that name, 'the Son of Man,' to designate … Alexander Maclaren—Expositions of Holy Scripture: The Acts The Young Saul and the Aged Paul [Footnote: to the Young. ] The Death of the Master and the Death of the Servant The Prayer of Stephen. Our Lord Appears after his Ascension. Letter iv. You Reply to the Conclusion of My Letter: "What have we to do with Routiniers?... St. Stephen's Day and Stephen, Full of Faith and Power, did Great Wonders and Miracles among the People. . . . Then they Stirred up the People. . . . And Caught Him, and Set up False Witnesses against Him. The Death of Stephen. Acts 7:54-60 Whether in Christ There was the Gift of Prophecy? Whether those who are not Practiced in Keeping the Commandments Should Enter Religion? Whether the Old Law was Given through the Angels? Whether Christ's Birth Should have Been Manifested by Means of the Angels and the Star? Whether it is Fitting that Christ Should Sit at the Right Hand of God the Father? Whether Judgment is Rendered Perverse by Being Usurped? In Process of Tithe, that is to Say, in the Tenth Generation after the Flood... And Jacob, when He Went into Mesopotamia, Saw Him in a Dream... The Law Given, not to Retain a People for Itself, but to Keep Alive the Hope of Salvation in Christ Until his Advent. Wisdom and Revelation. As God in his Word Enjoins Common Prayer, So Public Temples are the Places Destined... A Glorious vision. It Follows in the Creed, "And in the Holy Ghost. ... The Secret of Its Greatness From Egypt to Sinai. The Son of Man Links Acts 7:26 NIVActs 7:26 NLT Acts 7:26 ESV Acts 7:26 NASB Acts 7:26 KJV Acts 7:26 Bible Apps Acts 7:26 Parallel Acts 7:26 Biblia Paralela Acts 7:26 Chinese Bible Acts 7:26 French Bible Acts 7:26 German Bible Acts 7:26 Commentaries Bible Hub |