Topical Encyclopedia The Altar of Incense holds a significant place in the worship practices of ancient Israel, as detailed in the Old Testament. Situated within the Holy Place of the Tabernacle, and later the Temple, the Altar of Incense was a key element in the sacrificial system established by God through Moses. It was constructed of acacia wood and overlaid with pure gold, featuring a crown of gold around its top and horns at its corners (Exodus 30:1-3).The primary function of the Altar of Incense was to burn fragrant incense before the Lord, symbolizing the prayers of the people ascending to God. The incense was to be burned every morning and evening by the priests, coinciding with the daily offerings (Exodus 30:7-8). However, the altar also played a crucial role in the annual Day of Atonement, a solemn and sacred observance in the Israelite calendar. On the Day of Atonement, known as Yom Kippur, the high priest performed a series of intricate rituals to atone for the sins of the nation. This was the only day of the year when the high priest was permitted to enter the Most Holy Place, or Holy of Holies, where the Ark of the Covenant was kept. Before entering, the high priest was required to make atonement for the Altar of Incense itself, as part of the purification process for the sanctuary and its furnishings. Leviticus 16:18-19 describes this aspect of the ritual: "Then he shall go out to the altar that is before the LORD and make atonement for it. He shall take some of the bull’s blood and some of the goat’s blood and put it on all the horns of the altar. And he shall sprinkle some of the blood on it with his finger seven times to cleanse and consecrate it from the uncleanness of the Israelites." The act of making atonement for the Altar of Incense was symbolic of the need for purification and reconciliation between God and His people. The blood applied to the altar served as a reminder of the seriousness of sin and the necessity of a sacrificial substitute to restore fellowship with God. This ritual underscored the holiness of God and the need for His people to approach Him with reverence and purity. The annual atonement for the Altar of Incense, performed by the high priest, foreshadowed the ultimate atonement made by Jesus Christ, the Great High Priest, who offered Himself as the perfect and final sacrifice for sin. As the writer of Hebrews explains, "But when this priest had offered for all time one sacrifice for sins, He sat down at the right hand of God" (Hebrews 10:12). Through Christ's atoning work, believers are granted direct access to God, with their prayers rising like incense before Him (Revelation 8:3-4). In summary, the Altar of Incense and the annual atonement made for it by the high priest highlight the centrality of atonement in the relationship between God and His people, pointing ultimately to the redemptive work of Christ. Torrey's Topical Textbook Exodus 30:10And Aaron shall make an atonement on the horns of it once in a year with the blood of the sin offering of atonements: once in the year shall he make atonement on it throughout your generations: it is most holy to the LORD. Torrey's Topical Textbook Leviticus 16:18,19 Library Fifth Sunday in Lent Scriptural Types. The Day of Atonement What is the Sanctuary? What is the Sanctuary? The Day of Atonement The Copies of Things in the Heavens The New Covenant. The Annunciation of St. John the Baptist Our Glorious Transforming Resources What does the Bible say about altar calls? Are altar calls biblical? | GotQuestions.orgWhat was the significance of the horns of the altar (Amos 3:14)? | Why was the fire in the altar to burn continuously (Leviticus 6:13)? | Altar: Dictionary and Thesaurus | Bible Concordance • Bible Dictionary • Bible Encyclopedia • Topical Bible • Bible Thesuarus Subtopics Altar in Solomon's Temple in Second Temple Altar in Solomon's Temple: Cleansed by Hezekiah Altar in Solomon's Temple: Description of Altar in Solomon's Temple: Ezekiel's Vision of Altar in Solomon's Temple: Furniture of, Taken to Babylon Altar in Solomon's Temple: Removed by Ahaz, and One of Idolatrous Fashion Substituted Altar in Solomon's Temple: Renewed by Asa Altar in Solomon's Temple: Repaired by Manasseh Altar in the Tabernacle: A Place of Refuge Altar in the Tabernacle: Constructed by Bezaleel Altar in the Tabernacle: Furniture of Altar in the Tabernacle: Horns of Altar in the Tabernacle: How Sanctified Altar in the Tabernacle: Location of Altar in the Tabernacle: Pattern of Altar in the Tabernacle: Sanctified Everything That Touched It Altar in the Tabernacle: Uses of the Horns Altar of Burnt offerings: Called Altar of God Altar of Burnt offerings: Called Altar of the Lord Altar of Burnt offerings: Called Brazen Altar Altar of Incense in Solomon's Temple Altar of Incense: A Cover Made For, of the Censers of Korah Altar of Incense: A Type of Christ Altar of Incense: Altar Before the Lord Altar of Incense: Altar of Sweet Incense Altar of Incense: Anointed With Holy Oil Altar of Incense: Atonement Made For, by the High Priest Once Every Year Altar of Incense: Called the Golden Altar Altar of Incense: Carried by Kohathites Altar of Incense: Covered by the Priest Before Removal from the Sanctuary Altar of Incense: Covered With Gold Altar of Incense: Dimensions of Altar of Incense: had Four Rings of Gold Under the Crown for the Staves Altar of Incense: How Prepared for Carrying Altar of Incense: No Strange Incense Nor Any Sacrifice to be offered On Altar of Incense: Placed Before the Vail in the Outer Sanctuary Altar of Incense: Punishment For: Offering Strange Fire On Altar of Incense: Punishment For: Unauthorised offering On Altar of Incense: Said to be Before the Lord Altar of Incense: Seen in John's Vision Altar of Incense: Staves of, Covered With Gold Altar of Incense: The Blood of all Sin offerings Put on the Horns of Altar of Incense: The Priest Burned Incense on Every Morning and Evening Altar of Incense: Top of, Surrounded With a Crown of Gold Altar used in Idolatrous Worship Altar: Built by the Reubenites and Gadites Altar: Mosaic Commandments Prescribing the Construction of The Altar of Burnt-Offering was Most Holy The Altar of Burnt-Offering: A Net-Working Grate of Brass Placed In The Altar of Burnt-Offering: A Type of Christ The Altar of Burnt-Offering: Ahaz Removed and Profaned The Altar of Burnt-Offering: All Gifts to be Presented At The Altar of Burnt-Offering: All Its Vessels of Brass The Altar of Burnt-Offering: All Sacrifices to be offered On The Altar of Burnt-Offering: Anointed and Sanctified With Holy Oil The Altar of Burnt-Offering: Called: The Altar of God The Altar of Burnt-Offering: Called: The Altar of the Lord The Altar of Burnt-Offering: Called: The Brazen Altar The Altar of Burnt-Offering: Cleansed and Purified With Blood The Altar of Burnt-Offering: Covered With Brass The Altar of Burnt-Offering: Dimensions of The Altar of Burnt-Offering: Furnished With Rings and Staves The Altar of Burnt-Offering: Horns on the Corners of The Altar of Burnt-Offering: Made After a Divine Pattern The Altar of Burnt-Offering: Nothing Polluted or Defective to be offered On The Altar of Burnt-Offering: Offering at the Dedication of The Altar of Burnt-Offering: Placed in the Court Before the Door of the Tabernacle The Altar of Burnt-Offering: Sacrifices Bound to the Horns of The Altar of Burnt-Offering: Sanctified by God The Altar of Burnt-Offering: Sanctified Whatever Touched It The Altar of Burnt-Offering: The Blood of Sacrifices Put on the Horns and Poured at The The Altar of Burnt-Offering: The Fire Upon was Continually Burning The Altar of Burnt-Offering: The Fire Upon: Came from Before the Lord The Altar of Burnt-Offering: The Fire Upon: Consumed the Sacrifices The Altar of Burnt-Offering: The Jews Condemned for Swearing Lightly By The Altar of Burnt-Offering: The Priests: Alone to Serve The Altar of Burnt-Offering: The Priests: Derived Support From Related Terms Burnt-sacrifice (13 Occurrences) Burnt-offering (205 Occurrences) Meat-offerings (10 Occurrences) |