Types of Christ: Samson
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Judges 16:30
And Samson said, Let me die with the Philistines. And he bowed himself with all his might; and the house fell on the lords, and on all the people that were therein. So the dead which he slew at his death were more than they which he slew in his life.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Colossians 2:14,15
Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross;
Torrey's Topical Textbook


Faustus Denies that the Prophets Predicted Christ. Augustin Proves ...
... lion, a lamb, and a stone, are used as types of Christ ... the judges and the kings he
will see Christ and the ... Who was in Samson, when he killed the lion that met ...
/.../faustus denies that the prophets.htm

The Typical Significance of the Scriptures Declare their Divine ...
... Samson was a type of Christ"see the Book on Judges. ... There are many other Old Testament
characters who were types of Christ which we cannot now consider at ...
/.../the divine inspiration of the bible/chapter six the typical significance.htm

Subject Index
... of Ignatius to them, wherein he speaks of his bonds, of the true doctrine concerning
Christ against the ... the twelve, not types of the twelve Æons, [121]389. ...
/.../irenaeus/fragments from the lost writings of irenaeus/subject index.htm

... and Sacred Tradition are immune from these types of error ... always kept some of the
blood of Christ,"it dried up ... her of the scissors with which Samson's hair was ...
/.../emmerich/the dolorous passion of our lord jesus christ/notes.htm

Blessed and Tragic Unconsciousness
... in Samson's arm were, at the highest, but types of something ... men like that of living
near Jesus Christ, and walking ... We can only think of Samson as a 'saint' in ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture k/blessed and tragic unconsciousness.htm

Come and Welcome to Jesus Christ;
... COME AND WELCOME TO JESUS CHRIST; OR, ... "Come and welcome to Jesus Christ," is a subject
peculiarly fitted to the deep and searching experience of John Bunyan. ...
/.../bunyan/the works of john bunyan volumes 1-3/come and welcome to jesus.htm

"And for Sin Condemned Sin in the Flesh. "
... For, as the Philistines found where Samson's strength lay, and cut his hair, so
Christ hath in ... from the beginning of the world by the types of sacrifices ...
/.../binning/the works of the rev hugh binning/sermon xiii and for sin.htm

The Duty of Searching the Scriptures
... you will find him under prophesies, types, sacrifices, and ... the same intend the
Philistines brought our Samson, to make ... do my will, says Jesus Christ, "He shall ...
/.../whitefield/selected sermons of george whitefield/the duty of searching the.htm

Index of Subjects.
... Judges, types in the book of, [460]194. ... Prophets, the Hebrew, and their prophecies
respecting Christ, defended against the ... Samson and the lion, [789]193 sq. ...
/.../writings in connection with the donatist controversy /index of subjects.htm

Hebrews xi. 28-31
... much more will the blood of Christ save us ... with Paul, because he puts Barak, and
Samson, and Jephthah ... Seest thou the types which have been before sketched out ...
/.../homilies on the gospel of st john and hebrews/homily xxvii hebrews xi 28-31.htm



Types of Christ: Aaron

Types of Christ: Abel

Types of Christ: Abraham

Types of Christ: Adam

Types of Christ: Ark

Types of Christ: Ark of the Covenant

Types of Christ: Atonement, Sacrifices offered on the Day of

Types of Christ: Brazen Altar

Types of Christ: Brazen Serpent

Types of Christ: Burnt offering

Types of Christ: Cities of Refuge

Types of Christ: David

Types of Christ: Eliakim

Types of Christ: First-Fruits

Types of Christ: Golden Altar

Types of Christ: Golden Candlestick

Types of Christ: Isaac

Types of Christ: Jacob

Types of Christ: Jacob's Ladder

Types of Christ: Jonah

Types of Christ: Joseph

Types of Christ: Joshua

Types of Christ: Laver of Brass

Types of Christ: Leper's offering

Types of Christ: Man

Types of Christ: Melchizedek

Types of Christ: Mercy-Seat

Types of Christ: Morning and Evening Sacrifices

Types of Christ: Moses

Types of Christ: Noah

Types of Christ: Paschal Lamb

Types of Christ: Peace offerings

Types of Christ: Red Heifer

Types of Christ: Rock of Horeb

Types of Christ: Samson

Types of Christ: Scape Goat

Types of Christ: Sin offering

Types of Christ: Solomon

Types of Christ: Tabernacle

Types of Christ: Table and Show Bread

Types of Christ: Temple

Types of Christ: Tree of Life

Types of Christ: Trespass offering

Types of Christ: Vail of the Tabernacle and Temple

Types of Christ: Zerubbabel

Types of the Saviour

Types of the Saviour: Abel

Types of the Saviour: Adam

Types of the Saviour: David

Types of the Saviour: Eliakim

Types of the Saviour: High Priest, Typical of the Mediatorship

Types of the Saviour: Jonah

Types of the Saviour: Manna

Types of the Saviour: Melchizedek

Types of the Saviour: Moses

Types of the Saviour: Noah

Types of the Saviour: The Bronze Altar

Types of the Saviour: The Bronze Laver

Types of the Saviour: The Bronze Serpent

Types of the Saviour: The Cities of Refuge

Types of the Saviour: The Curtain

Types of the Saviour: The Institutions Ordained by Moses

Types of the Saviour: The Mercy-Seat

Types of the Saviour: The Morning and Evening Sacrifice

Types of the Saviour: The Paschal Lamb

Types of the Saviour: The Red Heifer

Types of the Saviour: The Sacrifices

Types of the Saviour: The Tree of Life

Types: Miscellaneous: Bride, a Type of the Body of Christ

Types: Miscellaneous: The Sanctuary a Type of the Heavenly Sanctuary

Types: Miscellaneous: The Saving of Noah and his Family, of the Salvation Through the Gospel

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