Types of Christ: Joseph
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Genesis 50:19,20
And Joseph said to them, Fear not: for am I in the place of God?
Torrey's Topical Textbook


Types of the Death of Christ Isaac; Joseph; Jacob against Simeon ...
... Types of the Death of Christ Isaac; Joseph; Jacob Against Simeon and Levi;
Moses Praying Against Amalek; The Brazen Serpent. [3343] ...
/.../tertullian/the five books against marcion/chapter xviii name of the.htm

The Fact of the Redeemer's Return was Typified in the Lives of ...
... Old Testament characters were remarkable types of Christ ... great High Priest; in Joshua,
Christ conducting His ... typical personages of the Old Testament is Joseph. ...
//christianbookshelf.org/pink/the redeemers return/4 the fact of the.htm

Faustus Denies that the Prophets Predicted Christ. Augustin Proves ...
... on this; for they must understand that the sun, as also a lion, a lamb, and a stone,
are used as types of Christ ... 28. Christ appears to me in Joseph, who was ...
/.../faustus denies that the prophets.htm

The Taxing. --Birth of Christ at Bethlehem.
... [43] Joseph and Mary belonged ... At that time men were accustomed to find every where
in the Old Testament predictions and types of Christ, whether warranted ...
/.../section 15 the taxing birth of.htm

Proofs of Jesus Christ
... Why did He cause Himself to be foretold in types? ... Jesus Christ does not say that
He is not of Nazareth, in ... in their blindness; nor that He is not Joseph's son. ...
//christianbookshelf.org/pascal/pensees/section xii proofs of jesus.htm

The Typical Significance of the Scriptures Declare their Divine ...
... Subsequently Joseph became known to his brethren, and in fulfillment of what ... There
are many other Old Testament characters who were types of Christ which we ...
/.../the divine inspiration of the bible/chapter six the typical significance.htm

Of the Imposition of Hands. Types of the Deluge and the Dove.
... Types of the Deluge and the Dove. ... in which Jacob blessed his grandsons, born of Joseph,
Ephrem [8603 ... one over the other, that, by delineating Christ, they even ...
/.../tertullian/on baptism/chapter viii of the imposition of.htm

... Conclusion of Joseph's History (50:15-26). ... of interpretation we do not question the
validity of the interpretation that sees types of Christ in outstanding ...
/...//christianbookshelf.org/leupold/exposition of genesis volume 1/introduction.htm

Interpretation of Holy Scripture. --Inspired Interpretation. --The ...
... Pearson; and will be constrained to admit that Isaac and Joseph,"the wave-sheaf
and the Paschal Lamb,"may well be types of Christ; and that, thus lightly ...
/.../burgon/inspiration and interpretation/sermon v interpretation of holy.htm

Interruption of the visions of the Passion by the Appearance of St ...
The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ. ... Joseph appeared under the form of
a child, and that it ... no less than in humanity at large, prophetic types may be ...
/.../chapter xxiv interruption of the.htm



Types of Christ: Aaron

Types of Christ: Abel

Types of Christ: Abraham

Types of Christ: Adam

Types of Christ: Ark

Types of Christ: Ark of the Covenant

Types of Christ: Atonement, Sacrifices offered on the Day of

Types of Christ: Brazen Altar

Types of Christ: Brazen Serpent

Types of Christ: Burnt offering

Types of Christ: Cities of Refuge

Types of Christ: David

Types of Christ: Eliakim

Types of Christ: First-Fruits

Types of Christ: Golden Altar

Types of Christ: Golden Candlestick

Types of Christ: Isaac

Types of Christ: Jacob

Types of Christ: Jacob's Ladder

Types of Christ: Jonah

Types of Christ: Joseph

Types of Christ: Joshua

Types of Christ: Laver of Brass

Types of Christ: Leper's offering

Types of Christ: Man

Types of Christ: Melchizedek

Types of Christ: Mercy-Seat

Types of Christ: Morning and Evening Sacrifices

Types of Christ: Moses

Types of Christ: Noah

Types of Christ: Paschal Lamb

Types of Christ: Peace offerings

Types of Christ: Red Heifer

Types of Christ: Rock of Horeb

Types of Christ: Samson

Types of Christ: Scape Goat

Types of Christ: Sin offering

Types of Christ: Solomon

Types of Christ: Tabernacle

Types of Christ: Table and Show Bread

Types of Christ: Temple

Types of Christ: Tree of Life

Types of Christ: Trespass offering

Types of Christ: Vail of the Tabernacle and Temple

Types of Christ: Zerubbabel

Types of the Saviour

Types of the Saviour: Abel

Types of the Saviour: Adam

Types of the Saviour: David

Types of the Saviour: Eliakim

Types of the Saviour: High Priest, Typical of the Mediatorship

Types of the Saviour: Jonah

Types of the Saviour: Manna

Types of the Saviour: Melchizedek

Types of the Saviour: Moses

Types of the Saviour: Noah

Types of the Saviour: The Bronze Altar

Types of the Saviour: The Bronze Laver

Types of the Saviour: The Bronze Serpent

Types of the Saviour: The Cities of Refuge

Types of the Saviour: The Curtain

Types of the Saviour: The Institutions Ordained by Moses

Types of the Saviour: The Mercy-Seat

Types of the Saviour: The Morning and Evening Sacrifice

Types of the Saviour: The Paschal Lamb

Types of the Saviour: The Red Heifer

Types of the Saviour: The Sacrifices

Types of the Saviour: The Tree of Life

Types: Miscellaneous: Bride, a Type of the Body of Christ

Types: Miscellaneous: The Sanctuary a Type of the Heavenly Sanctuary

Types: Miscellaneous: The Saving of Noah and his Family, of the Salvation Through the Gospel

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