Trumpet: Miracles Connected With: Heard at Mount Sinai at Giving of the Law
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Exodus 19:16
And it came to pass on the third day in the morning, that there were thunders and lightning, and a thick cloud on the mount, and the voice of the trumpet exceeding loud; so that all the people that was in the camp trembled.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Exodus 20:18
And all the people saw the thunder, and the lightning, and the noise of the trumpet, and the mountain smoking: and when the people saw it, they removed, and stood afar off.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


An Essay on the Scriptural Doctrine of Immortality.
... mentioned dogmas, and the forms of worship connected with them ... of the voice of the
seventh trumpet, when he ... who, after having proved by his miracles that he had ...
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The Reaction against Egypt
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Argseus, looks down ... Two groups of heights, imperfectly connected with the ...
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The Hebrews and the Philistines --Damascus
... Assembling all his people at the call of the trumpet, Jerubbaal chose ... As soon as
he heard of the election of Abimelech, he ascended Mount Gerizim, and ...
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part ii
... Teacher, my Healer, my Worker of miracles, my Saviour ... Glory to Thy life-giving and
terrible Mysteries, O ... heart is difficult, because it is connected with great ...
// life in christ/part ii.htm



Trumpet by Gideon's Soldiers

Trumpet in the Siege of Jericho

Trumpet in War, of Abijah

Trumpet in Worship

Trumpet used at Mount Sinai

Trumpet used for Assembling the People to War

Trumpet used for Blowing at all Religious Processions and Ceremonies

Trumpet used for Blowing Over the Sacrifices on the Feast Day

Trumpet used for Calling Assemblies

Trumpet used for Giving Alarm in Cases of Danger

Trumpet used for Proclaiming Kings

Trumpet used for Regulating the Journeys of the Children of Israel

Trumpet used for Sounding for a Memorial when the People Went Into Battle

Trumpet used in War

Trumpet: An Instrument of Music

Trumpet: At Jehoshaphat's Triumph

Trumpet: At the Anointing of Kings

Trumpet: At the Bringing up of the Ark of the Covenant from the Household of Obed-Edom

Trumpet: At the Dedication of Solomon's Temple

Trumpet: At the Dedication of the Wall

Trumpet: At the Foundation of the Second Temple

Trumpet: At the Jubilee

Trumpet: Called the Trump

Trumpet: Figurative

Trumpet: Made of Ram's Horn

Trumpet: Made of Rams' Horns

Trumpet: Made of Silver

Trumpet: Miracles Connected With: Confusion Produced in the Camp of the Midianites by Sound

Trumpet: Miracles Connected With: Falling of the Walls of Jericho

Trumpet: Miracles Connected With: Heard at Mount Sinai at Giving of the Law

Trumpet: Moses Commanded to Make Two, for the Tabernacle

Trumpet: On the Great Day of Atonement

Trumpet: Required to Give an Intelligible and Understood Sound

Trumpet: Solomon Made a Great Many, for the Service of the Temple

Trumpet: Sounded in Time of Danger

Trumpet: Sounding of, Illustrative of God's Power to Raise the Dead

Trumpet: Sounding of, Illustrative of The Bold and Faithful Preaching of Ministers

Trumpet: Sounding of, Illustrative of The Latter Day Judgments

Trumpet: Sounding of, Illustrative of The Proclamation of the Gospel

Trumpet: Symbolical

Trumpet: The Feast of Trumpets Celebrated by Blowing of

Trumpet: The Jubilee Introduced by Blowing of

Trumpet: The Priests to Blow the Sacred

Trumpet: The War-Horse Acquainted With the Sound of

Trumpet: To Summon Soldiers by Absalom

Trumpet: To Summon Soldiers by Ehud

Trumpet: To Summon Soldiers by Gideon

Trumpet: To Summon Soldiers by Joab

Trumpet: To Summon Soldiers by Nehemiah

Trumpet: To Summon Soldiers by Phinehas

Trumpet: To Summon Soldiers by Saul

Trumpet: To Summon Soldiers by Sheba

Trumpet: Uses of, Prescribed by Moses

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