Nazarites: On Completion of Vow: To Shave Their Heads
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Numbers 6:18
And the Nazarite shall shave the head of his separation at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation, and shall take the hair of the head of his separation, and put it in the fire which is under the sacrifice of the peace offerings.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Acts 18:18
And Paul after this tarried there yet a good while, and then took his leave of the brothers, and sailed there into Syria, and with him Priscilla and Aquila; having shorn his head in Cenchrea: for he had a vow.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Acts 21:24
Them take, and purify yourself with them, and be at charges with them, that they may shave their heads: and all may know that those things, whereof they were informed concerning you, are nothing; but that you yourself also walk orderly, and keep the law.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


Paul in Jerusalem.
... for persons, who had not come under this vow, to assist the Nazarites in defraying ...
of the head was an expression used to denote the completion of the vow. ...
/.../dick/lectures on the acts of the apostles/lecture xxv paul in jerusalem.htm

One Argument which Has Been Much Relied Upon but not More than Its ...
... he also ordered a good number of Nazarites to be shaved ... for those who were under
the Nazaritic vow the expenses which attended its completion; and that ...
/.../paley/evidences of christianity/chapter vi one argument which.htm



Nazarites: Christ

Nazarites: Defiled During Vow: To Bring Two Turtle Doves for a Burnt offering

Nazarites: Defiled During Vow: To Recompense Their Vow With a Trespass offering

Nazarites: Defiled During Vow: To Shave the Head the Seventh Day

Nazarites: Different Kinds of by a Particular Vow

Nazarites: Different Kinds of from the Womb

Nazarites: Esteemed Pure

Nazarites: On Completion of Vow: To be Brought to Tabernacle Door

Nazarites: On Completion of Vow: To Have the Left Shoulder of the Ram of the Peace offering

Nazarites: On Completion of Vow: To offer Sacrifices

Nazarites: On Completion of Vow: To Shave Their Heads

Nazarites: Persons Separated to the Service of God

Nazarites: Prohibited From: Cutting or Shaving the Head

Nazarites: Prohibited From: Defiling Themselves by the Dead

Nazarites: Prohibited From: Grapes or Anything Made from the Vine

Nazarites: Prohibited From: Wine or Strong Drink

Nazarites: Raised up for Good of the Nation

Nazarites: Required to be Holy

Nazarites: Saints

Nazarites: Ungodly Jews Tried to Corrupt

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