Altar of Incense: Punishment For: Offering Strange Fire On
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Leviticus 10:1,2
And Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron, took either of them his censer, and put fire therein, and put incense thereon, and offered strange fire before the LORD, which he commanded them not.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


Strange Fire
... Unquestionably, their punishment was awfully severe. ... that it means fire not taken
from the altar. ... at an unauthorised time, or offering incense not compounded ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture k/strange fire.htm

With what virtuous Feelings the Fathers of Old Hid the Sacred ...
... slavery (which is harder for freemen to bear than any punishment), 'midst the ... brought
into it the tabernacle, the ark, and the altar of incense, and closed ...
/.../ambrose/works and letters of st ambrose/chapter xvii with what virtuous.htm

Brief Directions How to Read the Holy Scriptures once Every Year ...
... a sin; and what fearful examples of God's punishment or vengeance ... Nadab and Abihu,
for offering to him incense with strange ... offer up to God from the altar of a ...
/.../bayly/the practice of piety/brief directions how to read.htm

The Second Commandment
... there is no mercy from God without the incense of Christ's ... beg that it may burn upon
the altar of your ... thing, and this not through fear of punishment, but for ...
/.../watson/the ten commandments/2 2 the second commandment.htm

Letter cxxx. To Demetrias.
... the Holy of Holies and the altar of incense, I have ... of a brief rest to pass from
that altar to this ... for four I will not turn away the punishment thereof." [3693 ...
/.../jerome/the principal works of st jerome/letter cxxx to demetrias.htm

Thankfulness for Mercies Received, a Necessary Duty
... And we generally find, when God sent any remarkable punishment upon a particular ...
Israel, to be my priest, to offer upon mine altar, to burn incense, and to ...
/.../selected sermons of george whitefield/thankfulness for mercies received a.htm

Introduction to Oration ii.
... little ones [2547] will incur the severest punishment at the ... will have the ministers
of the altar lament under ... field is wasted, and the meat-offering and the ...
/.../cyril/lectures of s cyril of jerusalem/introduction to oration ii.htm

The Prophet Amos.
... of Scripture on the point, which is always consistent in ascribing the punishment
of the ... That it was this altar, and not the altar of incense before the ...
/.../hengstenberg/christology of the old testament/the prophet amos.htm

Ninth Sunday after Trinity Carnal Security and Its vices.
... He builds an altar to it and causes to be ... Turk's desolating hand, and instead of
the incense of Christianity ... Great and terrible was the punishment of the Jewish ...
/.../luther/epistle sermons vol iii/ninth sunday after trinity carnal.htm

Concerning Persecution
... His death was a freewill offering (Luke 12:50 ... against persecutors that they might
read their sin in their punishment. ... He may set up an altar, but he will never ...
/.../the beatitudes an exposition of matthew 51-12/21 concerning persecution.htm



Altar in Solomon's Temple in Second Temple

Altar in Solomon's Temple: Cleansed by Hezekiah

Altar in Solomon's Temple: Description of

Altar in Solomon's Temple: Ezekiel's Vision of

Altar in Solomon's Temple: Furniture of, Taken to Babylon

Altar in Solomon's Temple: Removed by Ahaz, and One of Idolatrous Fashion Substituted

Altar in Solomon's Temple: Renewed by Asa

Altar in Solomon's Temple: Repaired by Manasseh

Altar in the Tabernacle: A Place of Refuge

Altar in the Tabernacle: Constructed by Bezaleel

Altar in the Tabernacle: Furniture of

Altar in the Tabernacle: Horns of

Altar in the Tabernacle: How Sanctified

Altar in the Tabernacle: Location of

Altar in the Tabernacle: Pattern of

Altar in the Tabernacle: Sanctified Everything That Touched It

Altar in the Tabernacle: See

Altar in the Tabernacle: Uses of the Horns

Altar of Burnt offerings: Called Altar of God

Altar of Burnt offerings: Called Altar of the Lord

Altar of Burnt offerings: Called Brazen Altar

Altar of Incense in Solomon's Temple

Altar of Incense: A Cover Made For, of the Censers of Korah

Altar of Incense: A Type of Christ

Altar of Incense: Altar Before the Lord

Altar of Incense: Altar of Sweet Incense

Altar of Incense: Anointed With Holy Oil

Altar of Incense: Atonement Made For, by the High Priest Once Every Year

Altar of Incense: Called the Golden Altar

Altar of Incense: Carried by Kohathites

Altar of Incense: Constructed

Altar of Incense: Covered by the Priest Before Removal from the Sanctuary

Altar of Incense: Covered With Gold

Altar of Incense: Dimensions of

Altar of Incense: had Four Rings of Gold Under the Crown for the Staves

Altar of Incense: How Prepared for Carrying

Altar of Incense: Location of

Altar of Incense: No Strange Incense Nor Any Sacrifice to be offered On

Altar of Incense: Pattern of

Altar of Incense: Placed Before the Vail in the Outer Sanctuary

Altar of Incense: Punishment For: Offering Strange Fire On

Altar of Incense: Punishment For: Unauthorised offering On

Altar of Incense: Said to be Before the Lord

Altar of Incense: Seen in John's Vision

Altar of Incense: Staves of, Covered With Gold

Altar of Incense: The Blood of all Sin offerings Put on the Horns of

Altar of Incense: The Priest Burned Incense on Every Morning and Evening

Altar of Incense: Top of, Surrounded With a Crown of Gold

Altar of Incense: Uses of

Altar used in Idolatrous Worship

Altar: Built by Abraham

Altar: Built by Balaam

Altar: Built by David

Altar: Built by Elijah

Altar: Built by Gideon

Altar: Built by Isaac

Altar: Built by Jacob

Altar: Built by Joshua

Altar: Built by Moses

Altar: Built by Noah

Altar: Built by Samuel

Altar: Built by Saul

Altar: Built by the Reubenites and Gadites

Altar: Mosaic Commandments Prescribing the Construction of

Altar: See

The Altar of Burnt-Offering was Most Holy

The Altar of Burnt-Offering: A Net-Working Grate of Brass Placed In

The Altar of Burnt-Offering: A Type of Christ

The Altar of Burnt-Offering: Ahaz Removed and Profaned

The Altar of Burnt-Offering: All Gifts to be Presented At

The Altar of Burnt-Offering: All Its Vessels of Brass

The Altar of Burnt-Offering: All Sacrifices to be offered On

The Altar of Burnt-Offering: Anointed and Sanctified With Holy Oil

The Altar of Burnt-Offering: Called: The Altar of God

The Altar of Burnt-Offering: Called: The Altar of the Lord

The Altar of Burnt-Offering: Called: The Brazen Altar

The Altar of Burnt-Offering: Cleansed and Purified With Blood

The Altar of Burnt-Offering: Covered With Brass

The Altar of Burnt-Offering: Dimensions of

The Altar of Burnt-Offering: Furnished With Rings and Staves

The Altar of Burnt-Offering: Horns on the Corners of

The Altar of Burnt-Offering: Made After a Divine Pattern

The Altar of Burnt-Offering: Nothing Polluted or Defective to be offered On

The Altar of Burnt-Offering: Offering at the Dedication of

The Altar of Burnt-Offering: Placed in the Court Before the Door of the Tabernacle

The Altar of Burnt-Offering: Sacrifices Bound to the Horns of

The Altar of Burnt-Offering: Sanctified by God

The Altar of Burnt-Offering: Sanctified Whatever Touched It

The Altar of Burnt-Offering: The Blood of Sacrifices Put on the Horns and Poured at The

The Altar of Burnt-Offering: The Fire Upon was Continually Burning

The Altar of Burnt-Offering: The Fire Upon: Came from Before the Lord

The Altar of Burnt-Offering: The Fire Upon: Consumed the Sacrifices

The Altar of Burnt-Offering: The Jews Condemned for Swearing Lightly By

The Altar of Burnt-Offering: The Priests: Alone to Serve

The Altar of Burnt-Offering: The Priests: Derived Support From

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