1514. eiréneuó
Strong's Concordance
eiréneuó: to bring to peace, to be at peace
Original Word: εἰρηνεύω
Part of Speech: Verb
Transliteration: eiréneuó
Phonetic Spelling: (i-rane-yoo'-o)
Definition: to bring to peace, to be at peace
Usage: I am peaceful, keep the peace, am at peace.
HELPS Word-studies

Cognate: 1514 eirēneúō (from 1515 /eirḗnē, "peace") – living in the condition of God's peace (gift of wholeness, integrity of being). See 1515 (eirēnē).

NAS Exhaustive Concordance
Word Origin
from eiréné
to bring to peace, to be at peace
NASB Translation
live in peace (2), peace (2).

Thayer's Greek Lexicon
STRONGS NT 1514: εἰρηνεύω

εἰρηνεύω; (εἰρήνη);

1. to make peace: 1 Macc. 6:60; Dio Cassius, 77 12, etc.

2. to cultivate or keep peace, i. e. harmony; to be at peace, live in peace: 2 Corinthians 13:11; ἐν ἀλλήλοις, Mark 9:50; ἐν ἑαυτοῖς (T Tr αὐτοῖς), 1 Thessalonians 5:13; μετά τίνος, Romans 12:18; (Plato, Theact., p. 180 b. Dio Cassius, 42, 15, etc.; the Sept.).

Strong's Exhaustive Concordance
have peace, live peaceably.

From eirene; to be (act) peaceful -- be at (have, live in) peace, live peaceably.

see GREEK eirene

Forms and Transliterations
ειρηνεύειν ειρηνευετε ειρηνεύετε εἰρηνεύετε ειρηνεύοντα ειρηνευοντες ειρηνεύοντες εἰρηνεύοντες ειρήνευσα ειρήνευσε ειρηνεύσει ειρήνευσεν ειρηνεύσουσί eireneuete eireneúete eirēneuete eirēneúete eireneuontes eireneúontes eirēneuontes eirēneúontes
Interlinear GreekInterlinear HebrewStrong's NumbersEnglishman's Greek ConcordanceEnglishman's Hebrew ConcordanceParallel Texts
Englishman's Concordance
Mark 9:50 V-PMA-2P
GRK: ἅλα καὶ εἰρηνεύετε ἐν ἀλλήλοις
NAS: in yourselves, and be at peace with one another.
KJV: yourselves, and have peace one with
INT: salt and be at peace with one another

Romans 12:18 V-PPA-NMP
GRK: πάντων ἀνθρώπων εἰρηνεύοντες
NAS: as it depends on you, be at peace with all
KJV: you, live peaceably with
INT: all men being at peace

2 Corinthians 13:11 V-PMA-2P
GRK: αὐτὸ φρονεῖτε εἰρηνεύετε καὶ ὁ
NAS: be like-minded, live in peace; and the God
KJV: mind, live in peace; and
INT: same mind [be of] be at peace and the

1 Thessalonians 5:13 V-PMA-2P
GRK: ἔργον αὐτῶν εἰρηνεύετε ἐν ἑαυτοῖς
NAS: of their work. Live in peace with one another.
KJV: work's sake. [And] be at peace among
INT: work of them Be at peace among yourselves

Strong's Greek 1514
4 Occurrences

εἰρηνεύετε — 3 Occ.
εἰρηνεύοντες — 1 Occ.

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