1282. diaprió
Strong's Concordance
diaprió: to saw asunder, cut to the heart
Original Word: διαπρίω
Part of Speech: Verb
Transliteration: diaprió
Phonetic Spelling: (dee-ap-ree'-o)
Definition: to saw asunder, cut to the heart
Usage: (lit: I saw through), I cut to the quick (with indignation and envy).
HELPS Word-studies

1282 diapríō (from 1223 /diá, "through" and priō, "cut with a saw") – properly, cut all the way through; (figuratively) emotionally "sawn asunder," as when the heart is "ripped in two" ("cut to the quick") – i.e. when a person is "split down the center" (emotionally) when overcome with indignation (envy, outrage).

NAS Exhaustive Concordance
Word Origin
from dia and the same as prizó
to saw asunder, cut to the heart
NASB Translation
cut (1), cut to the quick (1).

Thayer's Greek Lexicon
STRONGS NT 1282: διαπρίω

διαπρίω: imperfect passive διεπριομην; to saw asuuder or in twain, to divide by a saw: 1 Chronicles 20:3; Plato, conv., p. 193 a.; Aristophanes eqq. 768, and elsewhere. Passive tropically, to be sawn through mentally, i. e. to be rent with vexation (A. V. cut to the heart), Acts 5:33; with the addition ταῖς καρδίαις αὐτῶν, Acts 7:54 (cf. Luke 2:35); μεγάλως ἐχαλεπαινον καί διεπρίοντο καθ' ἡμῶν, Eusebius, h. e. 5, 1, 6 (15, Heinich. edition; cf. Gataker, Advers. misc. col. 916 g.).

Strong's Exhaustive Concordance
cut to the heart.

From dia and the base of prizo; to saw asunder, i.e. (figuratively) to exasperate -- cut (to the heart).

see GREEK dia

see GREEK prizo

Forms and Transliterations
διαπτώσει διαπτώσεως διάπτωσις διαρπαγή διαρπαγήν διεπριοντο διεπρίοντο διέπρισε dieprionto diepríonto
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Englishman's Concordance
Acts 5:33 V-IIM/P-3P
GRK: δὲ ἀκούσαντες διεπρίοντο καὶ ἐβούλοντο
NAS: But when they heard this, they were cut to the quick and intended
KJV: they heard [that], they were cut [to the heart], and
INT: and having heard they were cut [to the heart] and intended

Acts 7:54 V-IIM/P-3P
GRK: δὲ ταῦτα διεπρίοντο ταῖς καρδίαις
NAS: this, they were cut to the quick,
KJV: these things, they were cut to the heart,
INT: moreover these things they were cut in the quick

Strong's Greek 1282
2 Occurrences

διεπρίοντο — 2 Occ.

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