Ephesians 5
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1[an error occurred while processing this directive]1So be imitators of God, as his dear children.
2[an error occurred while processing this directive]2Live lovingly, just as the Messiah also loved us and gave himself for us as an offering and sacrifice, a fragrant aroma to God.
3[an error occurred while processing this directive]3Do not let sexual sin, impurity of any kind, or greed even be mentioned among you, as is proper for saints.
4[an error occurred while processing this directive]4Obscene, flippant, or vulgar talk is totally inappropriate. Instead, let there be thanksgiving.
5[an error occurred while processing this directive]5For you know very well that no immoral or impure person, or anyone who is greedy (that is, an idolater), has an inheritance in the kingdom of the Messiah and of God.
6[an error occurred while processing this directive]6Do not let anyone deceive you with meaningless words, for it is because of these things that God becomes angry with those who disobey.
7[an error occurred while processing this directive]7So do not be partners with them.
8[an error occurred while processing this directive]8For once you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light,
9[an error occurred while processing this directive]9for the fruit that the light produces consists of every form of goodness, righteousness, and truth.
10[an error occurred while processing this directive]10Determine what pleases the Lord,
11[an error occurred while processing this directive]11and have nothing to do with the unfruitful actions that darkness produces. Instead, expose them for what they are.
12[an error occurred while processing this directive]12For it is shameful even to mention what is done by these disobedient people in secret.
13[an error occurred while processing this directive]13But everything that is exposed to the light becomes visible,
14[an error occurred while processing this directive]14for the light is making everything visible. That is why it says, "Wake up, sleeper! Arise from the dead, and the Messiah will shine on you.''
15[an error occurred while processing this directive]15So, then, be careful how you live. Do not be unwise but wise,
16[an error occurred while processing this directive]16making the best use of your time because the times are evil.
17[an error occurred while processing this directive]17Therefore, do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord's will is.
18[an error occurred while processing this directive]18Stop getting drunk with wine, which leads to wild living, but keep on being filled with the Spirit.
19[an error occurred while processing this directive]19Then you will recite to one another psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs; you will sing and make music to the Lord with your hearts;
20[an error occurred while processing this directive]20you will consistently give thanks to God the Father for everything in the name of our Lord Jesus, the Messiah;
21[an error occurred while processing this directive]21and you will submit to one another out of reverence for the Messiah.
22[an error occurred while processing this directive]22Wives, submit yourselves to your husbands as to the Lord.
23[an error occurred while processing this directive]23For the husband is the head of his wife as the Messiah is the head of the church. It is he who is the Savior of the body.
24[an error occurred while processing this directive]24Indeed, just as the church is submissive to the Messiah, so wives must be submissive to their husbands in everything.
25[an error occurred while processing this directive]25Husbands, love your wives as the Messiah loved the church and gave himself for it,
26[an error occurred while processing this directive]26so that he might make it holy by cleansing it, washing it with water and the word,
27[an error occurred while processing this directive]27and might present the church to himself in all its glory, without a spot or wrinkle or anything of the kind, but holy and without fault.
28[an error occurred while processing this directive]28In the same way, husbands must love their wives as they love their own bodies. A man who loves his wife loves himself.
29[an error occurred while processing this directive]29For no one has ever hated his own body, but he nourishes and tenderly cares for it, as the Messiah does the church.
30[an error occurred while processing this directive]30For we are parts of his body—of his flesh and of his bones.
31[an error occurred while processing this directive]31"That is why a man will leave his father and mother and be united with his wife, and the two will become one flesh."
32[an error occurred while processing this directive]32This is a great secret, but I am talking about the Messiah and the church.
33[an error occurred while processing this directive]33But each individual man among you must love his wife as he loves himself; and may the wife fear her husband.
[an error occurred while processing this directive]The Holy Bible: International Standard Version® Release 2.1 Copyright © 1996-2012 The ISV Foundation
Ephesians 4
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