Romans 3:9
Romans 3:9
What shall we conclude then? Do we have any advantage? Not at all! For we have already made the charge that Jews and Gentiles alike are all under the power of sin.

Well then, should we conclude that we Jews are better than others? No, not at all, for we have already shown that all people, whether Jews or Gentiles, are under the power of sin.

What then? Are we Jews any better off? No, not at all. For we have already charged that all, both Jews and Greeks, are under sin,

What then? Are we better than they? Not at all; for we have already charged that both Jews and Greeks are all under sin;

What then? are we better than they? No, in no wise: for we have before proved both Jews and Gentiles, that they are all under sin;

What then? Are we any better? Not at all! For we have previously charged that both Jews and Gentiles are all under sin,

What, then, does this mean? Are we Jews any better off? Not at all! For we have already accused everyone, both Jews and Greeks, of being under the power of sin.

What then? Are we better off? Certainly not, for we have already charged that Jews and Greeks alike are all under sin,

What, then? Are we held to be greater because we have precedence? We have determined about the Jews and about the Aramaeans that they are all under sin,

What, then, is the situation? Do we have any advantage? Not at all. We have already accused everyone (both Jews and Greeks) of being under the power of sin,

What then? Are we better than they? No, in no wise; for we have before proved both Jews and Gentiles that they are all under sin;

What then? are we better than they? No, in no way: for we have before proved both Jews and Greeks, that they are all under sin;

What then? are we better than they? No, in no wise: for we have before proved both Jews and Gentiles, that they are all under sin;

What then? are we better than they? No, in no wise: for we before laid to the charge both of Jews and Greeks, that they are all under sin;

What then? Do we excel them? No, not so. For we have charged both Jews, and Greeks, that they are all under sin.

What then? are we better? No, in no wise: for we have before charged both Jews and Greeks with being all under sin:

What then? are we in worse case than they? No, in no wise: for we before laid to the charge both of Jews and Greeks, that they are all under sin;

What then? are we better than they? No, in no wise: for we have before proved both Jews and Gentiles, that they are all under sin;

What then? Are we Jews more highly estimated than they? Not in the least; for we have already charged all Jews and Gentiles alike with being in thraldom to sin.

What then? Are we better than they? No, in no way. For we previously warned both Jews and Greeks, that they are all under sin.

What, then? are we better? not at all! for we did before charge both Jews and Greeks with being all under sin,

Romakëve 3:9
E çfarë pra? A kemi ne ndonjë epërsi? Aspak! E kemi treguar në fakt që më përpara se si Judenjtë ashtu edhe Grekët janë të gjithë nën mëkat,

ﺭﻭﻣﻴﺔ 3:9
فماذا اذا. أنحن افضل. كلا البتة. لاننا قد شكونا ان اليهود واليونانيين اجمعين تحت الخطية

Ուրեմն ա՛լ ի՞նչ ըսենք, գերազա՞նց ենք հեթանոսներէն: Ո՛չ մէկ կերպով. որովհետեւ նախապէս մեղադրեցինք Հրեաները եւ Յոյները, թէ բոլո՛րը մեղքի տակ են,

Romanoetara. 3:9
Cer bada? excellentago gara? Eceinere maneraz: ecen aitzinetic raçoinac emanic eracutsi dugu, ecen guiciac hambat Iuduac nola Grecoac, bekatuaren azpian diradela.

D Roemer 3:9
Auf was laaufft ietz dös aushin? Seind ietz mir Judn bösser dran wie de Andern? Schoon gar nit aau! I haan y schoon aufzaigt, däß allsand, Judn wie Haidn, d Sündd föst in de Krälln haat.

Римляни 3:9
Тогава що [следва]? Имаме ли ние някакво предимство [над езичниците]? Никак; защото вече обвинихме юдеи и гърци, че те всички са под грях.

羅 馬 書 3:9
這 卻 怎 麼 樣 呢 ? 我 們 比 他 們 強 麼 ? 決 不 是 的 ! 因 我 們 已 經 證 明 , 猶 太 人 和 希 利 尼 人 都 在 罪 惡 之 下 。

这 却 怎 麽 样 呢 ? 我 们 比 他 们 强 麽 ? 决 不 是 的 ! 因 我 们 已 经 证 明 , 犹 太 人 和 希 利 尼 人 都 在 罪 恶 之 下 。





Poslanica Rimljanima 3:9
Što dakle? Imamo li prednost? Ne baš! Jer upravo optužismo sve, i Židove i Grke, da su pod grijehom,

Římanům 3:9
Což tedy? My převyšujeme pohany? Nikoli, nebo jsme již prve dokázali toho, že jsou, i Židé i Řekové, všickni pod hříchem,

Romerne 3:9
Hvad da? have vi noget forud? Aldeles ikke; vi have jo ovenfor anklaget baade Jøder og Grækere for alle at være under Synd,

Romeinen 3:9
Wat dan? Zijn wij uitnemender? Ganselijk niet; want wij hebben te voren beschuldigd beiden Joden en Grieken, dat zij allen onder de zonde zijn;

Τί οὖν; προεχόμεθα; οὐ πάντως· προῃτιασάμεθα γὰρ Ἰουδαίους τε καὶ Ἕλληνας πάντας ὑφ’ ἁμαρτίαν εἶναι,

Τί οὖν; προεχόμεθα; οὐ πάντως, προῃτιασάμεθα γὰρ Ἰουδαίους τε καὶ Ἕλληνας πάντας ὑφ' ἁμαρτίαν εἶναι,

Τί οὖν; προεχόμεθα; οὐ πάντως, προῃτιασάμεθα γὰρ Ἰουδαίους τε καὶ Ἕλληνας πάντας ὑφ' ἁμαρτίαν εἶναι,

Tί οὖν; Προεχόμεθα; Οὐ πάντως· προῃτιασάμεθα γὰρ Ἰουδαίους τε καὶ Ἕλληνας πάντας ὑφ’ ἁμαρτίαν εἴναι,

Τί οὖν; προεχόμεθα; οὐ πάντως· προῃτιασάμεθα γὰρ Ἰουδαίους τε καὶ Ἕλληνας πάντας ὑφ’ ἁμαρτίαν εἶναι,

Τί οὖν; προεχόμεθα; οὐ πάντως, προῃτιασάμεθα γὰρ Ἰουδαίους τε καὶ Ἕλληνας πάντας ὑφ’ ἁμαρτίαν εἶναι,

Τί οὖν; προεχόμεθα; οὐ πάντως· προῃτιασάμεθα γὰρ Ἰουδαίους τε καὶ Ἕλληνας πάντας ὑφ’ ἁμαρτίαν εἶναι,

Τί οὖν προεχόμεθα οὐ πάντως· προῃτιασάμεθα γὰρ Ἰουδαίους τε καὶ Ἕλληνας πάντας ὑφ' ἁμαρτίαν εἶναι

τι ουν προεχομεθα ου παντως προητιασαμεθα γαρ ιουδαιους τε και ελληνας παντας υφ αμαρτιαν ειναι

τι ουν προεχομεθα ου παντως προητιασαμεθα γαρ ιουδαιους τε και ελληνας παντας υφ αμαρτιαν ειναι

τι ουν προεχομεθα ου παντως προητιασαμεθα γαρ ιουδαιους τε και ελληνας παντας υφ αμαρτιαν ειναι

Τι ουν; προεχομεθα; ου παντως· προητιασαμεθα γαρ Ιουδαιους τε και Ελληνας παντας υφ αμαρτιαν ειναι,

τι ουν προεχομεθα ου παντως προητιασαμεθα γαρ ιουδαιους τε και ελληνας παντας υφ αμαρτιαν ειναι

τι ουν προεχομεθα ου παντως προητιασαμεθα γαρ ιουδαιους τε και ελληνας παντας υφ αμαρτιαν ειναι

Ti oun? proechometha? ou pantōs; proētiasametha gar Ioudaious te kai Hellēnas pantas hyph’ hamartian einai,

Ti oun? proechometha? ou pantos; proetiasametha gar Ioudaious te kai Hellenas pantas hyph’ hamartian einai,

Ti oun? proechometha? ou pantōs, proētiasametha gar Ioudaious te kai Hellēnas pantas hyph' hamartian einai,

Ti oun? proechometha? ou pantos, proetiasametha gar Ioudaious te kai Hellenas pantas hyph' hamartian einai,

ti oun proechometha ou pantōs proētiasametha gar ioudaious te kai ellēnas pantas uph amartian einai

ti oun proechometha ou pantOs proEtiasametha gar ioudaious te kai ellEnas pantas uph amartian einai

ti oun proechometha ou pantōs proētiasametha gar ioudaious te kai ellēnas pantas uph amartian einai

ti oun proechometha ou pantOs proEtiasametha gar ioudaious te kai ellEnas pantas uph amartian einai

ti oun proechometha ou pantōs proētiasametha gar ioudaious te kai ellēnas pantas uph amartian einai

ti oun proechometha ou pantOs proEtiasametha gar ioudaious te kai ellEnas pantas uph amartian einai

ti oun proechometha ou pantōs proētiasametha gar ioudaious te kai ellēnas pantas uph amartian einai

ti oun proechometha ou pantOs proEtiasametha gar ioudaious te kai ellEnas pantas uph amartian einai

ti oun proechometha ou pantōs proētiasametha gar ioudaious te kai ellēnas pantas uph amartian einai

ti oun proechometha ou pantOs proEtiasametha gar ioudaious te kai ellEnas pantas uph amartian einai

ti oun proechometha ou pantōs proētiasametha gar ioudaious te kai ellēnas pantas uph amartian einai

ti oun proechometha ou pantOs proEtiasametha gar ioudaious te kai ellEnas pantas uph amartian einai

Rómaiakhoz 3:9
Micsoda tehát? Különbek vagyunk-é? Semmiképen nem. Mert az elébb megmutattuk nyilván, hogy zsidók és görögök mindnyájan bûn alatt vannak;

Al la romanoj 3:9
Kio do? cxu ni nin senkulpigas? Tute ne:cxar ni jam akuzis egale Judojn kaj Grekojn, ke cxiuj estas sub peko;

Kirje roomalaisille 3:9
Mitäs siis? Olemmeko me paremmat kuin he? Emme ensinkään; sillä me olemme ennen osoittaneet, että sekä Juudalaiset ja Grekiläiset ovat kaikki synnin alla,

Romains 3:9
Quoi donc? Sommes-nous plus excellents? Nullement. Car nous avons ci-devant accusé et Juifs et Grecs d'être tous sous le péché, selon qu'il est écrit:

Quoi donc! sommes-nous plus excellents? Nullement. Car nous avons déjà prouvé que tous, Juifs et Grecs, sont sous l'empire du péché,

Quoi donc! sommes-nous plus excellents? Nullement. Car nous avons ci-devant convaincu que tous, tant Juifs que Grecs, sont assujettis au péché.

Roemer 3:9
Was sagen wir denn nun? Haben wir einen Vorteil? Gar keinen. Denn wir haben droben bewiesen daß beide, Juden und Griechen, alle unter der Sünde sind,

Was sagen wir denn nun? Haben wir einen Vorteil? Gar keinen. Denn wir haben droben bewiesen, daß beide, Juden und Griechen, alle unter der Sünde sind,

Wie so? Schieben wir da etwas vor? Keineswegs. Denn wir haben ja zuvor schon die Klage gestellt gegen Juden so gut wie Griechen: daß sie alle unter der Sünde seien,

Romani 3:9
Che dunque? Abbiam noi qualche superiorità? Affatto; perché abbiamo dianzi provato che tutti, Giudei e Greci, sono sotto il peccato,

CHE dunque? abbiamo noi qualche eccellenza? del tutto no; poichè innanzi abbiamo convinti tutti, così Giudei, come Greci, ch’essi sono sotto peccato;

ROMA 3:9
Sekarang bagaimanakah? Adakah kita orang Yahudi menaruh suatu kelebihan? Sekali-kali tidak, karena dahulu kami sudah menyalahkan orang Yahudi dan juga orang Gerika, bahwa mereka itu sekalian tertakluk ke bawah dosa;

Romans 3:9
Amek ihi ? Eɛni Nukni s wat Isṛail axiṛ n wiyaḍ ? Xaṭi ! Nniɣ-ed yakan belli am wat Isṛail am leǧnas nniḍen, d aklan n ddnub meṛṛa.

로마서 3:9
그러면 어떠하뇨 우리는 나으뇨 결코 아니라 유대인이나 헬라인이나 다 죄 아래 있다고 우리가 이미 선언하였느니라

Romanos 3:9
quid igitur praecellimus eos nequaquam causati enim sumus Iudaeos et Graecos omnes sub peccato esse

Romiešiem 3:9
Kā tad ir? Vai mums ir priekšrocības? Nekādā ziņā, jo mēs jau pierādījām, ka visi, tiklab jūdi, kā grieķi, ir zem grēka,

Laiðkas romieèiams 3:9
Tai ką gi? Ar mes turime pirmenybę? Visai ne! Juk jau įrodėme, kad žydai ir pagonys­visi yra nuodėmės valdžioje,

Romans 3:9
He aha koia? he pai ake ranei to matou wahi i to ratou? Kahore ra hoki: kua oti hoki te whakapa e matou i mua he he ki nga Hurai, ki nga Kariki, kei raro katoa ratou i te hara;

Romerne 3:9
Hvad da? har vi nogen fordel? Nei, aldeles ikke; vi har jo før anklaget både jøder og grekere for at de alle sammen er under synd,

Romanos 3:9
¿Entonces qué? ¿Somos nosotros mejores que ellos ? De ninguna manera; porque ya hemos denunciado que tanto judíos como griegos están todos bajo pecado;

¿Entonces qué? ¿Somos nosotros mejores que ellos ? ¡De ninguna manera! Porque ya hemos denunciado que tanto Judíos como Griegos están todos bajo pecado.

¿Qué, pues? ¿Somos mejores que ellos? En ninguna manera; porque ya hemos acusado a judíos y a gentiles, que todos están bajo pecado.

¿Qué pues? ¿Somos mejores que ellos? En ninguna manera: porque ya hemos acusado á Judíos y á Gentiles, que todos están debajo de pecado.

¿Qué pues? ¿Somos mejores que ellos? En ninguna manera, porque ya hemos comprobado a judíos y a griegos, que todos están bajo pecado.

Romanos 3:9
Qual a conclusão? Estamos nós em posição de vantagem? Não! Já demonstramos que tanto judeus quanto gentios estão todos subjugados pelo pecado.

Pois quê? Somos melhores do que eles? De maneira nenhuma, pois já demonstramos que, tanto judeus como gregos, todos estão debaixo do pecado;   

Romani 3:9
Ce urmează atunci? Sîntem noi mai buni decît ei? Nicidecum. Fiindcă am dovedit că toţi, fie Iudei, fie Greci, sînt supt păcat,

К Римлянам 3:9
Итак, что же? имеем ли мы преимущество? Нисколько. Ибо мы уже доказали, что как Иудеи, так и Еллины, все под грехом,

Итак, что же? имеем ли мы преимущество? Нисколько. Ибо мы уже доказали, что как Иудеи, так и Еллины, все под грехом,

Romans 3:9
Nuikia Israer-shuartikia chikichjai nankaamas ┐pΘnkerkaitiaj~i? Penkesha. Warφ, Israer-shuartisha Israer-shuarchajaisha Ashφ mΘtekrak tunaan T·rin ainiawai. N·naka J· aarmajai paant awajsaitjai.

Romabrevet 3:9
Huru är det alltså? Äro vi då något förmer än de andra? Ingalunda. Redan härförut har jag ju måst anklaga både judar och greker för att allasammans vara under synd.

Warumi 3:9
Tuseme nini, basi? Je, sisi Wayahudi ni bora zaidi kuliko wengine? Hata kidogo! Kwa maana nimekwisha bainisha hapo mwanzoni kwamba Wayahudi na watu wa mataifa mengine wote wako chini ya utawala wa dhambi.

Mga Taga-Roma 3:9
Ano nga? tayo baga'y lalong mabuti kay sa kanila? Hindi, sa anomang paraan: sapagka't ating kapuwa isinasakdal na muna ang mga Judio at ang mga Griego, na silang lahat ay nangasa ilalim ng kasalanan;

โรม 3:9
ถ้าเช่นนั้นจะเป็นอย่างไร พวกเราจะได้เปรียบกว่าพวกเขาหรือ เปล่าเลย เพราะเราได้ชี้แจงให้เห็นแล้วว่า ทั้งพวกยิวและพวกต่างชาติต่างก็อยู่ใต้อำนาจของบาปทุกคน

Romalılar 3:9
Şimdi ne diyelim? Biz Yahudiler öteki uluslardan üstün müyüz? Elbette değiliz. İster Yahudi ister Grek olsun, daha önce herkesi günahın denetiminde olmakla suçladık.

Римляни 3:9
Що ж? ми луччі? Ніяк (не луччі); попереду бо укорили ми й Жидів і Греків, що вони всі під гріхом,

Romans 3:9
Jadi' lolita powoe-na hewa toi: kita' to Yahudi uma meliu kalompe' -ta ngkai tau ntani' -na. Apa' hewa to ku'uli' we'i, hawe'ea manusia' bate masala' apa' topojeko' omea-ta, lompe' to Yahudi lompe' tau ntani' -na.

Roâ-ma 3:9
Thế nào! Chúng ta có điều gì hơn chăng? Chẳng có, vì chúng ta đã tỏ ra rằng người Giu-đa và người Gờ-réc thảy đều phục dưới quyền tội lỗi,

Romans 3:8
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