Romans 3:28
Romans 3:28
For we maintain that a person is justified by faith apart from the works of the law.

So we are made right with God through faith and not by obeying the law.

For we hold that one is justified by faith apart from works of the law.

For we maintain that a man is justified by faith apart from works of the Law.

Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law.

For we conclude that a man is justified by faith apart from the works of the law.

For we maintain that a person is justified by faith apart from the actions prescribed by the Law.

For we consider that a person is declared righteous by faith apart from the works of the law.

We determine therefore that by faith a man is made righteous and not by the works of The Written Law.

We conclude that a person has God's approval by faith, not by his own efforts.

Therefore, we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law.

Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law.

Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law.

We reckon therefore that a man is justified by faith apart from the works of the law.

For we account a man to be justified by faith, without the works of the law.

for we reckon that a man is justified by faith, without works of law.

We reckon therefore that a man is justified by faith apart from the works of the law.

Therefore we conclude, that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law.

For we maintain that it is as the result of faith that a man is held to be righteous, apart from actions done in obedience to Law.

We maintain therefore that a man is justified by faith apart from the works of the law.

therefore do we reckon a man to be declared righteous by faith, apart from works of law.

Romakëve 3:28
Ne, pra, konkludojmë se njeriu është i shfajësuar nëpërmjet besimit pa veprat e ligjit.

ﺭﻭﻣﻴﺔ 3:28
اذا نحسب ان الانسان يتبرر بالايمان بدون اعمال الناموس.

որովհետեւ մենք կը հետեւցնենք թէ մարդ կ՚արդարանայ հաւատքով՝ առանց Օրէնքին գործերուն:

Romanoetara. 3:28
Concluditzen dugu beraz, fedez iustificatzen dela guiçona Leguearen obrác gabe.

D Roemer 3:28
Dös haisst für mi, däß myn durch n +Glaaubn loosgsprochen werd, nit öbby, weil myn s Gsötz haltt.

Римляни 3:28
И така, ние заключаваме, че човек се оправдава чрез вяра, без делата на закона.

羅 馬 書 3:28
所 以 ( 有 古 卷 : 因 為 ) 我 們 看 定 了 : 人 稱 義 是 因 著 信 , 不 在 乎 遵 行 律 法 。

所 以 ( 有 古 卷 : 因 为 ) 我 们 看 定 了 : 人 称 义 是 因 着 信 , 不 在 乎 遵 行 律 法 。





Poslanica Rimljanima 3:28
Smatramo zaista da se čovjek opravdava vjerom bez djela Zakona.

Římanům 3:28
Protož za to máme, že člověk bývá spravedliv učiněn věrou bez skutků Zákona.

Romerne 3:28
Vi holde nemlig for, at Mennesket bliver retfærdiggjort ved Tro, uden Lovens Gerninger.

Romeinen 3:28
Wij besluiten dan, dat de mens door het geloof gerechtvaardigd wordt, zonder de werken der wet.

λογιζόμεθα γὰρ δικαιοῦσθαι πίστει ἄνθρωπον χωρὶς ἔργων νόμου.

λογιζόμεθα γὰρ δικαιοῦσθαι πίστει ἄνθρωπον χωρὶς ἔργων νόμου.

λογιζόμεθα γὰρ δικαιοῦσθαι πίστει ἄνθρωπον χωρὶς ἔργων νόμου.

Λογιζόμεθα οὖν πίστει δικαιοῦσθαι ἄνθρωπον, χωρὶς ἔργων νόμου.

λογιζόμεθα οὖν πίστει δικαιοῦσθαι ἄνθρωπον χωρὶς ἔργων νόμου.

λογιζόμεθα γὰρ δικαιοῦσθαι πίστει ἄνθρωπον χωρὶς ἔργων νόμου.

λογιζόμεθα οὖν πίστει δικαιοῦσθαι ἄνθρωπον, χωρὶς ἔργων νόμου.

λογιζόμεθα οὖν πίστει δικαιοῦσθαι ἄνθρωπον χωρὶς ἔργων νόμου

λογιζομεθα γαρ δικαιουσθαι πιστει ανθρωπον χωρις εργων νομου

λογιζομεθα γαρ δικαιουσθαι πιστει ανθρωπον χωρις εργων νομου

λογιζομεθα ουν πιστει δικαιουσθαι ανθρωπον χωρις εργων νομου

λογιζομεθα ουν πιστει δικαιουσθαι ανθρωπον, χωρις εργων νομου.

λογιζομεθα ουν πιστει δικαιουσθαι ανθρωπον χωρις εργων νομου

λογιζομεθα γαρ δικαιουσθαι πιστει ανθρωπον χωρις εργων νομου

logizometha gar dikaiousthai pistei anthrōpon chōris ergōn nomou.

logizometha gar dikaiousthai pistei anthropon choris ergon nomou.

logizometha gar dikaiousthai pistei anthrōpon chōris ergōn nomou.

logizometha gar dikaiousthai pistei anthropon choris ergon nomou.

logizometha gar dikaiousthai pistei anthrōpon chōris ergōn nomou

logizometha gar dikaiousthai pistei anthrOpon chOris ergOn nomou

logizometha oun pistei dikaiousthai anthrōpon chōris ergōn nomou

logizometha oun pistei dikaiousthai anthrOpon chOris ergOn nomou

logizometha oun pistei dikaiousthai anthrōpon chōris ergōn nomou

logizometha oun pistei dikaiousthai anthrOpon chOris ergOn nomou

logizometha oun pistei dikaiousthai anthrōpon chōris ergōn nomou

logizometha oun pistei dikaiousthai anthrOpon chOris ergOn nomou

logizometha gar dikaiousthai pistei anthrōpon chōris ergōn nomou

logizometha gar dikaiousthai pistei anthrOpon chOris ergOn nomou

logizometha gar dikaiousthai pistei anthrōpon chōris ergōn nomou

logizometha gar dikaiousthai pistei anthrOpon chOris ergOn nomou

Rómaiakhoz 3:28
Azt tartjuk tehát, hogy az ember hit által igazul meg, a törvény cselekedetei nélkül.

Al la romanoj 3:28
Ni do konkludas, ke homo pravigxas per fido, ekster la faroj de la legxo.

Kirje roomalaisille 3:28
Niin me siis sen siksi pidämme, että ihminen tulee vanhurskaaksi uskon kautta, ilman lain töitä.

Romains 3:28
car nous concluons que l'homme est justifié par la foi, sans oeuvres de loi.

Car nous pensons que l'homme est justifié par la foi, sans les oeuvres de la loi.

[Dieu] est-il seulement le Dieu des Juifs? ne l'est-il pas aussi des Gentils? certes il l'est aussi des Gentils.

Roemer 3:28
So halten wir es nun, daß der Mensch gerecht werde ohne des Gesetzes Werke, allein durch den Glauben.

So halten wir nun dafür, daß der Mensch gerecht werde ohne des Gesetzes Werke, allein durch den Glauben.

Denn wir schließen, daß der Mensch durch Glauben gerechtfertigt werde ohne Gesetzeswerke.

Romani 3:28
poiché noi riteniamo che l’uomo è giustificato mediante la fede, senza le opere della legge.

Noi adunque conchiudiamo che l’uomo è giustificato per fede senza le opere della legge.

ROMA 3:28
Sebab itu kami sifatkan, bahwa orang dibenarkan oleh iman, bukan dengan melakukan syariat Taurat.

Romans 3:28
Nukni neẓra amdan ad yuɣal d aḥeqqi zdat Ṛebbi s liman-ines mačči s wayen i d-tenna ccariɛa.

로마서 3:28
그러므로 사람이 의롭다 하심을 얻는 것은 율법의 행위에 있지 않고 믿음으로 되는 줄 우리가 인정하노라

Romanos 3:28
arbitramur enim iustificari hominem per fidem sine operibus legis

Romiešiem 3:28
Jo mēs esam pārliecināti, ka cilvēks tiek attaisnots ticībā bez likuma darbiem.

Laiðkas romieèiams 3:28
Mes įsitikinę, kad žmogus išteisinamas tikėjimu, be įstatymo darbų.

Romans 3:28
Koia matou ka mea ai, kei te whakapono he tika mo te tangata, motu ke i nga mahi o te ture.

Romerne 3:28
For vi holder for at mennesket blir rettferdiggjort ved troen, uten lov-gjerninger.

Romanos 3:28
Porque concluimos que el hombre es justificado por la fe aparte de las obras de la ley.

Porque concluimos que el hombre es justificado por la fe aparte de las obras de la Ley.

Concluimos, pues, que el hombre es justificado por fe sin las obras de la ley.

Así que, concluímos ser el hombre justificado por fe sin las obras de la ley.

Así que, concluimos que el hombre es justificado por fe sin las obras de la ley.

Romanos 3:28
Concluímos, portanto, que o ser humano é justificado pela fé, independentemente da obediência à Lei!

concluímos pois que o homem é justificado pela fé sem as obras da lei.   

Romani 3:28
Pentrucă noi credem că omul este socotit neprihănit prin credinţă, fără faptele Legii.

К Римлянам 3:28
Ибо мы признаем, что человек оправдывается верою, независимо от дел закона.

Ибо мы признаём, что человек оправдывается верою, независимо от дел закона.

Romans 3:28
Nujai Pßantaiti. Akupkamu umirtsuk aya Jesukrφstu shiir Enentßimtakrin Yus "pΘnkeraitme" T·ramminiaitji.

Romabrevet 3:28
Vi hålla nämligen före att människan bliver rättfärdig genom tro, utan laggärningar.

Warumi 3:28
Maana mtu hukubaliwa kuwa mwadilifu kwa imani, wala si kwa kutimiza matakwa ya Sheria.

Mga Taga-Roma 3:28
Kaya nga maipasisiya natin na ang tao ay inaaring-ganap sa pananampalataya na hiwalay sa mga gawa ng kautusan.

โรม 3:28
เหตุฉะนั้นเราทั้งหลายสรุปได้ว่า คนหนึ่งคนใดจะเป็นคนชอบธรรมได้ก็โดยอาศัยความเชื่อนอกเหนือการประพฤติตามพระราชบัญญัติ

Romalılar 3:28
Çünkü insanın, Yasanın gereklerini yaparak değil, iman ederek aklandığı kanısındayız.

Римляни 3:28
Думаємо оце, що чоловік оправ дуєть ся вірою, без учинків по закону.

Romans 3:28
Apa' toi-mi poko lolita-ku: kita' jadi' monoa' hi poncilo Alata'ala ngkai pepangala' -ta, bela ngkai po'ingku-ta to lompe' mpotuku' Atura Pue'.

Roâ-ma 3:28
vì chúng ta kể rằng người ta được xưng công bình bởi đức tin, chớ không bởi việc làm theo luật pháp.

Romans 3:27
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