Romans 3:21
Romans 3:21
But now apart from the law the righteousness of God has been made known, to which the Law and the Prophets testify.

But now God has shown us a way to be made right with him without keeping the requirements of the law, as was promised in the writings of Moses and the prophets long ago.

But now the righteousness of God has been manifested apart from the law, although the Law and the Prophets bear witness to it—

But now apart from the Law the righteousness of God has been manifested, being witnessed by the Law and the Prophets,

But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets;

But now, apart from the law, God's righteousness has been revealed--attested by the Law and the Prophets

But now, apart from the Law, God's righteousness is revealed and is attested by the Law and the Prophets—

But now apart from the law the righteousness of God (which is attested by the law and the prophets) has been disclosed--

But now the justice of God has been revealed without The Written Law and The Written Law and The Prophets testify of it.

Now, the way to receive God's approval has been made plain in a way other than Moses' Teachings. Moses' Teachings and the Prophets tell us this.

But now, without the law, the righteousness of God has been manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets:

But now the righteousness of God apart from the law is manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets;

But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets;

But now apart from the law a righteousness of God hath been manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets;

But now without the law the justice of God is made manifest, being witnessed by the law and the prophets.

But now without law righteousness of God is manifested, borne witness to by the law and the prophets;

But now apart from the law a righteousness of God hath been manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets;

But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested, being testified by the law and the prophets;

But now a righteousness coming from God has been brought to light apart from any Law, both Law and Prophets bearing witness to it--

But now apart from the law, a righteousness of God has been revealed, being testified by the law and the prophets;

And now apart from law hath the righteousness of God been manifested, testified to by the law and the prophets,

Romakëve 3:21
Por tani, pavarësisht nga ligji, është manifestuar drejtësia e Perëndisë, për të cilën dëshmojnë ligji dhe profetët,

ﺭﻭﻣﻴﺔ 3:21
واما الآن فقد ظهر بر الله بدون الناموس مشهودا له من الناموس والانبياء.

Բայց հիմա՝ առանց Օրէնքին՝ Աստուծոյ արդարութիւնը բացայայտ եղած է, վկայուած ըլլալով Օրէնքէն ու Մարգարէներէն.

Romanoetara. 3:21
Baina orain Leguea gabe Iaincoaren iustitiá manifestatu içan da, Leguearen eta Prophetén testimoniagea duela.

D Roemer 3:21
Ietz aber ist d Loosspröchung durch n Herrgot kemmen, wie s bei n Mosenn und de Weissagn bezeugt ist; und dö höngt +nit daa dran, däß myn s Gsötz haltt,

Римляни 3:21
А сега и независимо от закон се яви правдата от Бога, за която свидетелствуват законът и пророците,

羅 馬 書 3:21
但 如 今 , 神 的 義 在 律 法 以 外 已 經 顯 明 出 來 , 有 律 法 和 先 知 為 證 :

但 如 今 , 神 的 义 在 律 法 以 外 已 经 显 明 出 来 , 有 律 法 和 先 知 为 证 :





Poslanica Rimljanima 3:21
Sada se pak izvan Zakona očitovala pravednost Božja, posvjedočena Zakonom i Prorocima,

Římanům 3:21
Ale nyní bez Zákona spravedlnost Boží zjevena jest, osvědčená Zákonem i Proroky,

Romerne 3:21
Men nu er uden Lov Guds Retfærdighed aabenbaret, om hvilken der vidnes af Loven og Profeterne,

Romeinen 3:21
Maar nu is de rechtvaardigheid Gods geopenbaard geworden zonder de wet, hebbende getuigenis van de wet en de profeten:

Νυνὶ δὲ χωρὶς νόμου δικαιοσύνη Θεοῦ πεφανέρωται, μαρτυρουμένη ὑπὸ τοῦ νόμου καὶ τῶν προφητῶν,

νυνὶ δὲ χωρὶς νόμου δικαιοσύνη θεοῦ πεφανέρωται, μαρτυρουμένη ὑπὸ τοῦ νόμου καὶ τῶν προφητῶν,

νυνὶ δὲ χωρὶς νόμου δικαιοσύνη θεοῦ πεφανέρωται, μαρτυρουμένη ὑπὸ τοῦ νόμου καὶ τῶν προφητῶν,

Νυνὶ δὲ χωρὶς νόμου δικαιοσύνη θεοῦ πεφανέρωται, μαρτυρουμένη ὑπὸ τοῦ νόμου καὶ τῶν προφητῶν·

Νυνὶ δὲ χωρὶς νόμου δικαιοσύνη Θεοῦ πεφανέρωται, μαρτυρουμένη ὑπὸ τοῦ νόμου καὶ τῶν προφητῶν,

Νυνὶ δὲ χωρὶς νόμου δικαιοσύνη θεοῦ πεφανέρωται, μαρτυρουμένη ὑπὸ τοῦ νόμου καὶ τῶν προφητῶν,

νυνὶ δὲ χωρὶς νόμου δικαιοσύνη Θεοῦ πεφανέρωται, μαρτυρουμένη ὑπὸ τοῦ νόμου καὶ τῶν προφητῶν·

Νυνὶ δὲ χωρὶς νόμου δικαιοσύνη θεοῦ πεφανέρωται μαρτυρουμένη ὑπὸ τοῦ νόμου καὶ τῶν προφητῶν

νυνι δε χωρις νομου δικαιοσυνη θεου πεφανερωται μαρτυρουμενη υπο του νομου και των προφητων

νυνι δε χωρις νομου δικαιοσυνη θεου πεφανερωται μαρτυρουμενη υπο του νομου και των προφητων

νυνι δε χωρις νομου δικαιοσυνη θεου πεφανερωται μαρτυρουμενη υπο του νομου και των προφητων

νυνι δε χωρις νομου δικαιοσυνη Θεου πεφανερωται, μαρτυρουμενη υπο του νομου και των προφητων·

νυνι δε χωρις νομου δικαιοσυνη θεου πεφανερωται μαρτυρουμενη υπο του νομου και των προφητων

νυνι δε χωρις νομου δικαιοσυνη θεου πεφανερωται μαρτυρουμενη υπο του νομου και των προφητων

Nyni de chōris nomou dikaiosynē Theou pephanerōtai, martyroumenē hypo tou nomou kai tōn prophētōn,

Nyni de choris nomou dikaiosyne Theou pephanerotai, martyroumene hypo tou nomou kai ton propheton,

nyni de chōris nomou dikaiosynē theou pephanerōtai, martyroumenē hypo tou nomou kai tōn prophētōn,

nyni de choris nomou dikaiosyne theou pephanerotai, martyroumene hypo tou nomou kai ton propheton,

nuni de chōris nomou dikaiosunē theou pephanerōtai marturoumenē upo tou nomou kai tōn prophētōn

nuni de chOris nomou dikaiosunE theou pephanerOtai marturoumenE upo tou nomou kai tOn prophEtOn

nuni de chōris nomou dikaiosunē theou pephanerōtai marturoumenē upo tou nomou kai tōn prophētōn

nuni de chOris nomou dikaiosunE theou pephanerOtai marturoumenE upo tou nomou kai tOn prophEtOn

nuni de chōris nomou dikaiosunē theou pephanerōtai marturoumenē upo tou nomou kai tōn prophētōn

nuni de chOris nomou dikaiosunE theou pephanerOtai marturoumenE upo tou nomou kai tOn prophEtOn

nuni de chōris nomou dikaiosunē theou pephanerōtai marturoumenē upo tou nomou kai tōn prophētōn

nuni de chOris nomou dikaiosunE theou pephanerOtai marturoumenE upo tou nomou kai tOn prophEtOn

nuni de chōris nomou dikaiosunē theou pephanerōtai marturoumenē upo tou nomou kai tōn prophētōn

nuni de chOris nomou dikaiosunE theou pephanerOtai marturoumenE upo tou nomou kai tOn prophEtOn

nuni de chōris nomou dikaiosunē theou pephanerōtai marturoumenē upo tou nomou kai tōn prophētōn

nuni de chOris nomou dikaiosunE theou pephanerOtai marturoumenE upo tou nomou kai tOn prophEtOn

Rómaiakhoz 3:21
Most pedig törvény nélkül jelent meg az Istennek igazsága, a melyrõl tanúbizonyságot tesznek a törvény és a próféták;

Al la romanoj 3:21
Sed nun, ekster la legxo, justeco de Dio montrigxis, atestata per la legxo kaj la profetoj;

Kirje roomalaisille 3:21
Mutta nyt on se vanhurskaus, joka Jumalan edessä kelpaa, ilman lakia julistettu, lain ja prophetain kautta todistettu;

Romains 3:21
Mais maintenant, sans loi, la justice de Dieu est manifestée, témoignage lui étant rendu par la loi et par les prophètes,

Mais maintenant, sans la loi est manifestée la justice de Dieu, à laquelle rendent témoignage la loi et les prophètes,

Mais maintenant la justice de Dieu est manifestée sans la Loi, lui étant rendu témoignage par la Loi, et par les Prophètes.

Roemer 3:21
Nun aber ist ohne Zutun des Gesetzes die Gerechtigkeit, die vor Gott gilt, offenbaret und bezeuget durch das Gesetz und die Propheten.

Nun aber ist ohne Zutun des Gesetzes die Gerechtigkeit, die vor Gott gilt, offenbart und bezeugt durch das Gesetz und die Propheten.

Nun aber ist Gottes Gerechtigkeit offenbar geworden außerhalb des Gesetzes, wiewohl bezeugt von dem Gesetz und den Propheten,

Romani 3:21
Ora, però, indipendentemente dalla legge, è stata manifestata una giustizia di Dio, attestata dalla legge e dai profeti:

MA ora, senza la legge, la giustizia di Dio è manifestata, alla quale rendon testimonianza la legge ed i profeti;

ROMA 3:21
Tetapi sekarang dengan tiada bertaurat sudah dinyatakan kebenaran Allah, yang disaksikan oleh Taurat dan nabi-nabi,

Romans 3:21
Tura Sidi Ṛebbi isbeggen-aɣ-d amek ara nuɣal d iḥeqqiyen zdat-es mbla ccariɛa. Ayagi yella di ccariɛa n Musa akk-d tektabin n lenbiya.

로마서 3:21
이제는 율법 외에 하나님의 한 의가 나타났으니 율법과 선지자들에게 증거를 받은 것이라

Romanos 3:21
nunc autem sine lege iustitia Dei manifestata est testificata a lege et prophetis

Romiešiem 3:21
Bet tagad Dieva taisnība atklājusies neatkarīgi no likuma; to apliecina bauslība un pravieši.

Laiðkas romieèiams 3:21
Bet dabar, nepriklausomai nuo įstatymo, yra apreikštas Dievo teisumas, kurį paliudijo Įstatymas ir Pranašai,­

Romans 3:21
Otiia kua whakakitea inaianei he tika a te Atua, motu ke i te ture, he mea whakaatu na te ture, na nga poropiti;

Romerne 3:21
Men nu er Guds rettferdighet, som loven og profetene vidner om, åpenbaret uten loven,

Romanos 3:21
Pero ahora, aparte de la ley, la justicia de Dios ha sido manifestada, atestiguada por la ley y los profetas;

Pero ahora, aparte de la Ley, la justicia de Dios ha sido manifestada, confirmada por la Ley y los Profetas.

Mas ahora, aparte de la ley, la justicia de Dios es manifestada, siendo testificada por la ley y los profetas;

Mas ahora, sin la ley, la justicia de Dios se ha manifestado, testificada por la ley y por los profetas:

Pero ahora, sin la ley, la justicia de Dios se ha manifestado, testificada por la ley y por los profetas;

Romanos 3:21
Entretanto, nesses últimos tempos, se manifestou uma justiça proveniente de Deus, independente da Lei, mas da qual testemunham a Lei e os Profetas;

Mas agora, sem lei, tem-se manifestado a justiça de Deus, que é atestada pela lei e pelos profetas;   

Romani 3:21
Dar acum s'a arătat o neprihănire (Greceşte: dreptate), pe care o dă Dumnezeu, fără lege-despre ea mărturisesc Legea şi proorocii-

К Римлянам 3:21
Но ныне, независимо от закона, явилась правда Божия, о которой свидетельствуют закон и пророки,

Но ныне, независимо от закона, явилась правда Божия, о которой свидетельствуют закон и пророки,

Romans 3:21
Yus-Chicham yaunchu aarmanum itiura Yus iin "pΘnkeraitme" T·ramminiaitiaj nuna paant tawai. Kame akupkamujainchuiti.

Romabrevet 3:21
Men nu har, utan lag, en rättfärdighet från Gud blivit uppenbarad, en som lagen och profeterna vittna om,

Warumi 3:21
Lakini sasa, njia ya Mungu ya kuwakubali watu kuwa waadilifu imekwisha dhihirishwa, tena bila kutegemea Sheria. Sheria na manabii hushuhudia jambo hili.

Mga Taga-Roma 3:21
Datapuwa't ngayon bukod sa kautusan ay ipinahahayag ang isang katuwiran ng Dios, na sinasaksihan ng kautusan at ng mga propeta;

โรม 3:21
แต่บัดนี้ได้ปรากฏแล้วว่าความชอบธรรมของพระเจ้านั้นปรากฏนอกเหนือพระราชบัญญัติ ซึ่งพระราชบัญญัติกับพวกศาสดาพยากรณ์เป็นพยานอยู่

Romalılar 3:21
Ama şimdi Yasadan bağımsız olarak Tanrının insanı nasıl aklayacağı açıklandı. Yasa ve peygamberler buna tanıklık ediyor.

Римляни 3:21
Тепер же окреме закону правда Божа явилась, сьвідкована від закону й пророків;

Romans 3:21
Tapi' tempo toi, Alata'ala mpopehuwu-mitaka beiwa ohea-na manusia' ma'ala jadi' monoa' hi poncilo-na. Hi rala Buku Atura Pue' pai' sura nabi-nabi owi telowa ami' -mi beiwa ohea-na Alata'ala mpomonoa' -ta. Aga uma-ta jadi' monoa' hi poncilo Alata'ala ngkai kampotuku' -ta Atura Pue'.

Roâ-ma 3:21
Nhưng hiện bây giờ, sự công bình của Ðức Chúa Trời, mà luật pháp và các đấng tiên tri đều làm chứng cho, đã bày tỏ ra ngoài luật pháp;

Romans 3:20
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