Romans 2:25
Romans 2:25
Circumcision has value if you observe the law, but if you break the law, you have become as though you had not been circumcised.

The Jewish ceremony of circumcision has value only if you obey God's law. But if you don't obey God's law, you are no better off than an uncircumcised Gentile.

For circumcision indeed is of value if you obey the law, but if you break the law, your circumcision becomes uncircumcision.

For indeed circumcision is of value if you practice the Law; but if you are a transgressor of the Law, your circumcision has become uncircumcision.

For circumcision verily profiteth, if thou keep the law: but if thou be a breaker of the law, thy circumcision is made uncircumcision.

For circumcision benefits you if you observe the law, but if you are a lawbreaker, your circumcision has become uncircumcision.

For circumcision is valuable if you observe the Law, but if you break the Law, your having been circumcised has no more value than if you were uncircumcised.

For circumcision has its value if you practice the law, but if you break the law, your circumcision has become uncircumcision.

For circumcision is beneficial, if you will perfectly observe The Written Law, but if you depart from The Written Law, your circumcision becomes uncircumcision.

For example, circumcision is valuable if you follow Moses' laws. If you don't follow those laws, your circumcision amounts to uncircumcision.

For circumcision verily profits if thou keep the law, but if thou art a rebel to the law, thy circumcision is made into a foreskin.

For circumcision verily profits, if you keep the law: but if you are a breaker of the law, your circumcision is made uncircumcision.

For circumcision truly profits, if you keep the law: but if you be a breaker of the law, your circumcision is made uncircumcision.

For circumcision indeed profiteth, if thou be a doer of the law: but if thou be a transgressor of the law, thy circumcision is become uncircumcision.

Circumcision profiteth indeed, if thou keep the law; but if thou be a transgressor of the law, thy circumcision is made uncircumcision.

For circumcision indeed profits if thou keep the law; but if thou be a law-transgressor, thy circumcision is become uncircumcision.

For circumcision indeed profiteth, if thou be a doer of the law: but if thou be a transgressor of the law, thy circumcision is become uncircumcision.

For circumcision verily profiteth, if thou keepest the law; but if thou art a breaker of the law, thy circumcision is made uncircumcision.

Circumcision does indeed profit, if you obey the Law; but if you are a Law-breaker, the fact that you have been circumcised counts for nothing.

For circumcision indeed profits, if you are a doer of the law, but if you are a transgressor of the law, your circumcision has become uncircumcision.

For circumcision, indeed, doth profit, if law thou mayest practise, but if a transgressor of law thou mayest be, thy circumcision hath become uncircumcision.

Romakëve 2:25
Sepse rrethprerja është e dobishme në qoftë se ti respekton ligjin, por në qoftë se je shkelës i ligjit, rrethprerja jote bëhet mosrrethprerje.

ﺭﻭﻣﻴﺔ 2:25
فان الختان ينفع ان عملت بالناموس. ولكن ان كنت متعديا الناموس فقد صار ختانك غرلة.

Արդարեւ թլփատութիւնը շահ կ՚ունենայ՝ եթէ կիրարկես Օրէնքը. իսկ եթէ յանցաւոր ես Օրէնքին դէմ, քու թլփատութիւնդ կ՚ըլլայ անթլփատութիւն:

Romanoetara. 2:25
Ecen eguia duc, circoncisionea probetchable dela, baldin Leguea beguira badeçac: baina baldin Leguearen hautsle bahaiz, hire circoncisionea preputio bilhatzen duc.

D Roemer 2:25
De Beschneidung ist recht und schoen, wennst s Mosenngsötz aau +einhaltst. Übertritst ys aber, dann bist aau nit bösser als wie ainer, wo allss dran haat.

Римляни 2:25
Понеже обрязването наистина ползува, ако изпълняваш закона; но ако си престъпник на закона, тогава твоето обрязване става необрязване.

羅 馬 書 2:25
你 若 是 行 律 法 的 , 割 禮 固 然 於 你 有 益 ; 若 是 犯 律 法 的 , 你 的 割 禮 就 算 不 得 割 禮 。

你 若 是 行 律 法 的 , 割 礼 固 然 於 你 有 益 ; 若 是 犯 律 法 的 , 你 的 割 礼 就 算 不 得 割 礼 。





Poslanica Rimljanima 2:25
Da, obrezanje koristi ako vršiš Zakon; ako pak kršiš Zakon, obrezanje tvoje postalo je neobrezanje.

Římanům 2:25
Obřezáníť zajisté prospěje, budeš-li Zákon plniti; pakli budeš přestupitelem Zákona, obřezání tvé učiněno jest neobřezáním.

Romerne 2:25
Thi vel gavner Omskærelse, om du holder Loven; men er du Lovens Overtræder, da er din Omskærelse bleven til Forhud.

Romeinen 2:25
Want de besnijdenis is wel nut, indien gij de wet doet; maar indien gij een overtreder der wet zijt, zo is uw besnijdenis voorhuid geworden.

περιτομὴ μὲν γὰρ ὠφελεῖ ἐὰν νόμον πράσσῃς· ἐὰν δὲ παραβάτης νόμου ᾖς, ἡ περιτομή σου ἀκροβυστία γέγονεν.

περιτομὴ μὲν γὰρ ὠφελεῖ ἐὰν νόμον πράσσῃς· ἐὰν δὲ παραβάτης νόμου ᾖς, ἡ περιτομή σου ἀκροβυστία γέγονεν.

περιτομὴ μὲν γὰρ ὠφελεῖ ἐὰν νόμον πράσσῃς· ἐὰν δὲ παραβάτης νόμου ᾖς, ἡ περιτομή σου ἀκροβυστία γέγονεν.

Περιτομὴ μὲν γὰρ ὠφελεῖ, ἐὰν νόμον πράσσῃς· ἐὰν δὲ παραβάτης νόμου ᾖς, ἡ περιτομή σου ἀκροβυστία γέγονεν.

περιτομὴ μὲν γὰρ ὠφελεῖ, ἐὰν νόμον πράσσῃς. ἐὰν δὲ παραβάτης νόμου ᾖς, ἡ περιτομή σου ἀκροβυστία γέγονεν.

περιτομὴ μὲν γὰρ ὠφελεῖ ἐὰν νόμον πράσσῃς· ἐὰν δὲ παραβάτης νόμου ᾖς, ἡ περιτομή σου ἀκροβυστία γέγονεν.

περιτομὴ μὲν γὰρ ὠφελεῖ, ἐὰν νόμον πράσσῃς· ἐὰν δὲ παραβάτης νόμου ᾖς, ἡ περιτομή σου ἀκροβυστία γέγονεν.

περιτομὴ μὲν γὰρ ὠφελεῖ ἐὰν νόμον πράσσῃς· ἐὰν δὲ παραβάτης νόμου ᾖς ἡ περιτομή σου ἀκροβυστία γέγονεν

περιτομη μεν γαρ ωφελει εαν νομον πρασσης εαν δε παραβατης νομου ης η περιτομη σου ακροβυστια γεγονεν

περιτομη μεν γαρ ωφελει εαν νομον πρασσης εαν δε παραβατης νομου ης η περιτομη σου ακροβυστια γεγονεν

περιτομη μεν γαρ ωφελει εαν νομον πρασσης εαν δε παραβατης νομου ης η περιτομη σου ακροβυστια γεγονεν

περιτομη μεν γαρ ωφελει, εαν νομον πρασσης· εαν δε παραβατης νομου ης, η περιτομη σου ακροβυστια γεγονεν.

περιτομη μεν γαρ ωφελει εαν νομον πρασσης εαν δε παραβατης νομου ης η περιτομη σου ακροβυστια γεγονεν

περιτομη μεν γαρ ωφελει εαν νομον πρασσης εαν δε παραβατης νομου ης η περιτομη σου ακροβυστια γεγονεν

peritomē men gar ōphelei ean nomon prassēs; ean de parabatēs nomou ēs, hē peritomē sou akrobystia gegonen.

peritome men gar ophelei ean nomon prasses; ean de parabates nomou es, he peritome sou akrobystia gegonen.

peritomē men gar ōphelei ean nomon prassēs; ean de parabatēs nomou ēs, hē peritomē sou akrobystia gegonen.

peritome men gar ophelei ean nomon prasses; ean de parabates nomou es, he peritome sou akrobystia gegonen.

peritomē men gar ōphelei ean nomon prassēs ean de parabatēs nomou ēs ē peritomē sou akrobustia gegonen

peritomE men gar Ophelei ean nomon prassEs ean de parabatEs nomou Es E peritomE sou akrobustia gegonen

peritomē men gar ōphelei ean nomon prassēs ean de parabatēs nomou ēs ē peritomē sou akrobustia gegonen

peritomE men gar Ophelei ean nomon prassEs ean de parabatEs nomou Es E peritomE sou akrobustia gegonen

peritomē men gar ōphelei ean nomon prassēs ean de parabatēs nomou ēs ē peritomē sou akrobustia gegonen

peritomE men gar Ophelei ean nomon prassEs ean de parabatEs nomou Es E peritomE sou akrobustia gegonen

peritomē men gar ōphelei ean nomon prassēs ean de parabatēs nomou ēs ē peritomē sou akrobustia gegonen

peritomE men gar Ophelei ean nomon prassEs ean de parabatEs nomou Es E peritomE sou akrobustia gegonen

peritomē men gar ōphelei ean nomon prassēs ean de parabatēs nomou ēs ē peritomē sou akrobustia gegonen

peritomE men gar Ophelei ean nomon prassEs ean de parabatEs nomou Es E peritomE sou akrobustia gegonen

peritomē men gar ōphelei ean nomon prassēs ean de parabatēs nomou ēs ē peritomē sou akrobustia gegonen

peritomE men gar Ophelei ean nomon prassEs ean de parabatEs nomou Es E peritomE sou akrobustia gegonen

Rómaiakhoz 2:25
Mert használ ugyan a körülmetélkedés, ha a törvényt megtartod; de ha a törvényt áthágod, a te körülmetélkedésed körülmetéletlenséggé lett.

Al la romanoj 2:25
CXar cirkumcido vere utilas, se vi estas faranto de la legxo; sed se vi estas pekanto kontraux la legxo, via cirkumcido farigxas necirkumcido.

Kirje roomalaisille 2:25
Sillä ympärileikkaus kelpaa, jos sinä lain pidät; mutta jos sinä olet lain rikkoja, niin sinun ympärileikkaukses on esinahaksi tullut.

Romains 2:25
Car en effet la circoncision est profitable si tu accomplis la loi; mais si tu es transgresseur de la loi, ta circoncision est devenue incirconcision.

La circoncision est utile, si tu mets en pratique la loi; mais si tu transgresses la loi, ta circoncision devient incirconcision.

Or il est vrai que la Circoncision est profitable, si tu gardes la Loi; mais si tu es transgresseur de la Loi, ta Circoncision devient prépuce.

Roemer 2:25
Die Beschneidung ist wohl nütz wenn du das Gesetz hältst; hältst du aber das Gesetz nicht, so ist deine Beschneidung schon eine Vorhaut worden.

Die Beschneidung ist wohl nütz, wenn du das Gesetz hältst; hältst du das Gesetz aber nicht, so bist du aus einem Beschnittenen schon ein Unbeschnittener geworden.

Ja, die Beschneidung ist eine gute Sache, wenn du das Gesetz thust: bist du aber ein Uebertreter des Gesetzes, so ist dir deine Beschneidung zum Gegenteil ausgeschlagen.

Romani 2:25
Infatti ben giova la circoncisione se tu osservi la legge; ma se tu sei trasgressore della legge, la tua circoncisione diventa incirconcisione.

Perciocchè ben giova la circoncisione, se tu osservi la legge; ma, se tu sei trasgreditor della legge, la tua circoncisione divien incirconcisione.

ROMA 2:25
Adapun sunat itu sebenarnya berfaedah juga, jikalau engkau mengikut hukum Taurat itu; tetapi jikalau engkau menjadi pelanggar hukum Taurat, maka sunatmu itu pun menjadi batal.

Romans 2:25
?-țideț, ṭṭhaṛa tenfeɛ ma yella tettabaɛeḍ ccariɛa, meɛna ma yella ur txeddmeḍ ara ayen i d-tenna ccariɛa, am akken ur teḍhiṛeḍ ara.

로마서 2:25
네가 율법을 행한즉 할례가 유익하나 만일 율법을 범한즉 네 할례가 무할례가 되었느니라

Romanos 2:25
circumcisio quidem prodest si legem observes si autem praevaricator legis sis circumcisio tua praeputium facta est

Romiešiem 2:25
Apgraizīšanai ir nozīme, ja tu izpildi likumu, bet ja tu esi likuma pārkāpējs, tad tava apgraizīšana ir kļuvusi neapgraizīšana.

Laiðkas romieèiams 2:25
Apipjaustymas, tiesa, naudingas, jei vykdai įstatymą. O jeigu esi įstatymo laužytojas, tavo apipjaustymas tampa neapipjaustymu.

Romans 2:25
E whai tikanga ana hoki te kotinga, ki te mahia e koe te ture: tena ki te takahi koe i te ture, ka riro tou kotinga hei kotingakore.

Romerne 2:25
For omskjærelsen har vel sin nytte om du holder loven; men er du en lov-bryter, da er din omskjærelse blitt til forhud.

Romanos 2:25
Pues ciertamente la circuncisión es de valor si tú practicas la ley, pero si eres transgresor de la ley, tu circuncisión se ha vuelto incircuncisión.

Pues ciertamente la circuncisión es de valor si tú practicas la Ley, pero si eres transgresor de la Ley, tu circuncisión se ha vuelto incircuncisión.

Pues la circuncisión ciertamente aprovecha si guardas la ley; pero si eres transgresor de la ley, tu circuncisión es hecha incircuncisión.

Porque la circuncisión en verdad aprovecha, si guardares la ley; mas si eres rebelde á la ley, tu circuncisión es hecha incircuncisión.

Porque la circuncisión en verdad aprovecha, si guardares la ley; pero si eres rebelde a la ley, tu circuncisión es hecha prepucio.

Romanos 2:25
Porquanto, a circuncisão tem valor se obedecerdes a Lei, mas, se tu não observares a Lei, a tua circuncisão já se tornou em incircuncisão.

Porque a circuncisão é, na verdade, proveitosa, se guardares a lei; mas se tu és transgressor da lei, a tua circuncisão tem-se tornado em incircuncisão.   

Romani 2:25
Tăierea împrejur, negreşit, este de folos, dacă împlineşti Legea; dar dacă tu calci Legea, tăierea ta împrejur ajunge netăiere împrejur.

К Римлянам 2:25
Обрезание полезно, если исполняешь закон; а если ты преступник закона, то обрезание твое стало необрезанием.

Обрезание полезно, если исполняешь закон; а если ты преступник закона, то обрезание твое стало необрезанием.

Romans 2:25
Muisais akupkamia nu Ashφ umireakmeka nii timia N·nismek tsupirnaktin pΘnkeraiti. Tura takamtsuk umireachkumka tsupirnakcha N·nisketme.

Romabrevet 2:25
Ty väl är omskärelse till gagn, om du håller lagen; men om du är en lagöverträdare, så är du med din omskärelse dock oomskuren.

Warumi 2:25
Kutahiriwa kwako kutakuwa na maana kama ukiitii Sheria. Lakini kama unaivunja Sheria, basi, ni afadhali ungalibaki bila kutahiriwa.

Mga Taga-Roma 2:25
Sapagka't ang pagtutuli'y tunay na pinakikinabangan, kung tinutupad mo ang kautusan; datapuwa't kung ikaw ay masuwayin sa kautusan, ang iyong pagtutuli ay nagiging di pagtutuli.

โรม 2:25
ถ้าท่านประพฤติตามพระราชบัญญัติ พิธีเข้าสุหนัตก็เป็นประโยชน์จริง แต่ถ้าท่านละเมิดพระราชบัญญัติ การที่ท่านเข้าสุหนัตนั้นก็เหมือนกับว่าไม่ได้เข้าเลย

Romalılar 2:25
Kutsal Yasayı yerine getirirsen, sünnetin elbet yararı vardır. Ama Yasaya karşı gelirsen, sünnetli olmanın hiçbir anlamı kalmaz.

Римляни 2:25
З обрізання бо є користь, коли чиниш закон; коли ж ти переступник закону, обрізанне твоє сталось необрізаннєм.

Romans 2:25
Kita' to Yahudi mpo'uli' ria kalaua-na ada petini' -ta ntuku' Atura Pue'. Pai' ria mpu'u kalaua-na karatini' -ta toe, asala tatuku' mpu'u wa Atura Pue'. Aga ane tatiboki Atura Pue', uma ntoto ria kalaua-ta ratini'.

Roâ-ma 2:25
Thật thế, nếu ngươi làm theo luật pháp, thì phép cắt bì có ích; còn nếu ngươi phạm luật pháp, thì dầu chịu cắt bì cũng như không.

Romans 2:24
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