Romans 1:16
Romans 1:16
For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.

For I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ. It is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes--the Jew first and also the Gentile.

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.

For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is God's power for salvation to everyone who believes, first to the Jew, and also to the Greek.

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is God's power for the salvation of everyone who believes, of the Jew first and of the Greek as well.

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is God's power for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.

For I am not ashamed of The Gospel, because it is the power of God for the life of all who believe in it, whether of The Judeans first, or of the Aramaeans.

I'm not ashamed of the Good News. It is God's power to save everyone who believes, Jews first and Greeks as well.

For I am not ashamed of the gospel of the Christ; for it is the power of God to give saving health to every one that believes: to the Jew first and also to the Greek.

For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believes; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.

For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God to salvation to every one that believes; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.

For I am not ashamed of the gospel: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.

For I am not ashamed of the gospel. For it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth, to the Jew first, and to the Greek.

For I am not ashamed of the glad tidings; for it is God's power to salvation, to every one that believes, both to Jew first and to Greek:

For I am not ashamed of the gospel: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.

For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God to salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.

For I am not ashamed of the Good News. It is God's power which is at work for the salvation of every one who believes--the Jew first, and then the Gentile.

For I am not ashamed of the Good News of Christ, for it is the power of God for salvation for everyone who believes; for the Jew first, and also for the Greek.

for I am not ashamed of the good news of the Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation to every one who is believing, both to Jew first, and to Greek.

Romakëve 1:16
Në fakt unë nuk kam turp për ungjillin e Krishtit, sepse ai është fuqia e Perëndisë për shpëtimin e cilitdo që beson, më parë Judeun e pastaj Grekun.

ﺭﻭﻣﻴﺔ 1:16
لاني لست استحي بانجيل المسيح لانه قوة الله للخلاص لكل من يؤمن لليهودي اولا ثم لليوناني.

Արդարեւ ես ամօթ չեմ սեպեր աւետարանը, քանի որ ան Աստուծոյ զօրութիւնն է՝ ամէն հաւատացեալի փրկութեան համար, նախ Հրեային եւ ապա Յոյնին.

Romanoetara. 1:16
Ecen eznaiz ahalque Christen Euangelioaz: ceren Iaincoaren botherea baita, sinhesten duen guciaren saluamendutan, Iuduaren lehenic eta guero Grecoaren.

D Roemer 1:16
I brauch mi ja mit dyr Froobotschaft nit schamen, denn si ist ayn Kraft von n Herrgot, dö wo aynn Iedn röttigt, zeerst aynmaal önn Judn, aber grad yso önn Haidn.

Римляни 1:16
Защото не се срамувам от благовестието [[Христово]]; понеже е Божия сила за спасение на всекиго, който вярва, първо на юдеина, а после и на езичника.

羅 馬 書 1:16
我 不 以 福 音 為 恥 ; 這 福 音 本 是 神 的 大 能 , 要 救 一 切 相 信 的 , 先 是 猶 太 人 , 後 是 希 利 尼 人 。

我 不 以 福 音 为 耻 ; 这 福 音 本 是 神 的 大 能 , 要 救 一 切 相 信 的 , 先 是 犹 太 人 , 後 是 希 利 尼 人 。





Poslanica Rimljanima 1:16
Ne stidim se, uistinu, evanđelja: ono je snaga Božja na spasenje svakomu tko vjeruje - Židovu najprije, pa Grku.

Římanům 1:16
Neboť se nestydím za evangelium Kristovo; moc zajisté Boží jest k spasení každému věřícímu, Židu předně, potom i Řeku.

Romerne 1:16
Thi jeg skammer mig ikke ved Evangeliet; thi det er en Guds Kraft til Frelse for hver den, som tror, baade for Jøde først og for Græker.

Romeinen 1:16
Want ik schaam mij des Evangelies van Christus niet; want het is een kracht Gods tot zaligheid een iegelijk, die gelooft, eerst den Jood, en ook den Griek.

οὐ γὰρ ἐπαισχύνομαι τὸ εὐαγγέλιον· δύναμις γὰρ Θεοῦ ἐστιν εἰς σωτηρίαν παντὶ τῷ πιστεύοντι, Ἰουδαίῳ τε πρῶτον καὶ Ἕλληνι.

οὐ γὰρ ἐπαισχύνομαι τὸ εὐαγγέλιον, δύναμις γὰρ θεοῦ ἐστὶν εἰς σωτηρίαν παντὶ τῷ πιστεύοντι, Ἰουδαίῳ τε πρῶτον καὶ Ἕλληνι·

οὐ γὰρ ἐπαισχύνομαι τὸ εὐαγγέλιον, δύναμις γὰρ θεοῦ ἐστὶν εἰς σωτηρίαν παντὶ τῷ πιστεύοντι, Ἰουδαίῳ τε πρῶτον καὶ Ἕλληνι·

Οὐ γὰρ ἐπαισχύνομαι τὸ εὐαγγέλιον τοῦ χριστοῦ· δύναμις γὰρ θεοῦ ἐστιν εἰς σωτηρίαν παντὶ τῷ πιστεύοντι, Ἰουδαίῳ τε πρῶτον καὶ Ἕλληνι.

οὐ γὰρ ἐπαισχύνομαι τὸ εὐαγγέλιον τοῦ Χριστοῦ· δύναμις γὰρ Θεοῦ ἐστιν εἰς σωτηρίαν παντὶ τῷ πιστεύοντι, Ἰουδαίῳ τε πρῶτον καὶ Ἕλληνι.

οὐ γὰρ ἐπαισχύνομαι τὸ εὐαγγέλιον, δύναμις γὰρ θεοῦ ἐστιν εἰς σωτηρίαν παντὶ τῷ πιστεύοντι, Ἰουδαίῳ τε πρῶτον καὶ Ἕλληνι.

οὐ γὰρ ἐπαισχύνομαι τὸ εὐαγγέλιον τοῦ Χριστοῦ· δύναμις γὰρ Θεοῦ ἐστιν εἰς σωτηρίαν παντὶ τῷ πιστεύοντι, Ἰουδαίῳ τε πρῶτον καὶ Ἕλληνι.

Οὐ γὰρ ἐπαισχύνομαι τὸ εὐαγγέλιον τοῦ Χριστοῦ·, δύναμις γὰρ θεοῦ ἐστιν εἰς σωτηρίαν παντὶ τῷ πιστεύοντι Ἰουδαίῳ τε πρῶτον καὶ Ἕλληνι

ου γαρ επαισχυνομαι το ευαγγελιον δυναμις γαρ θεου εστιν εις σωτηριαν παντι τω πιστευοντι ιουδαιω τε [πρωτον] και ελληνι

ου γαρ επαισχυνομαι το ευαγγελιον δυναμις γαρ θεου εστιν εις σωτηριαν παντι τω πιστευοντι ιουδαιω τε πρωτον και ελληνι

ου γαρ επαισχυνομαι το ευαγγελιον του χριστου δυναμις γαρ θεου εστιν εις σωτηριαν παντι τω πιστευοντι ιουδαιω τε πρωτον και ελληνι

ου γαρ επαισχυνομαι το ευαγγελιον του Χριστου· δυναμις γαρ Θεου εστιν εις σωτηριαν παντι τω πιστευοντι, Ιουδαιω τε πρωτον και Ελληνι.

ου γαρ επαισχυνομαι το ευαγγελιον του χριστου δυναμις γαρ θεου εστιν εις σωτηριαν παντι τω πιστευοντι ιουδαιω τε πρωτον και ελληνι

ου γαρ επαισχυνομαι το ευαγγελιον δυναμις γαρ θεου εστιν εις σωτηριαν παντι τω πιστευοντι ιουδαιω τε {VAR1: [πρωτον] } {VAR2: πρωτον } και ελληνι

ou gar epaischynomai to euangelion; dynamis gar Theou estin eis sōtērian panti tō pisteuonti, Ioudaiō te prōton kai Hellēni.

ou gar epaischynomai to euangelion; dynamis gar Theou estin eis soterian panti to pisteuonti, Ioudaio te proton kai Helleni.

ou gar epaischynomai to euangelion, dynamis gar theou estin eis sōtērian panti tō pisteuonti, Ioudaiō te prōton kai Hellēni;

ou gar epaischynomai to euangelion, dynamis gar theou estin eis soterian panti to pisteuonti, Ioudaio te proton kai Helleni;

ou gar epaischunomai to euangelion dunamis gar theou estin eis sōtērian panti tō pisteuonti ioudaiō te prōton kai ellēni

ou gar epaischunomai to euangelion dunamis gar theou estin eis sOtErian panti tO pisteuonti ioudaiO te prOton kai ellEni

ou gar epaischunomai to euangelion tou christou dunamis gar theou estin eis sōtērian panti tō pisteuonti ioudaiō te prōton kai ellēni

ou gar epaischunomai to euangelion tou christou dunamis gar theou estin eis sOtErian panti tO pisteuonti ioudaiO te prOton kai ellEni

ou gar epaischunomai to euangelion tou christou dunamis gar theou estin eis sōtērian panti tō pisteuonti ioudaiō te prōton kai ellēni

ou gar epaischunomai to euangelion tou christou dunamis gar theou estin eis sOtErian panti tO pisteuonti ioudaiO te prOton kai ellEni

ou gar epaischunomai to euangelion tou christou dunamis gar theou estin eis sōtērian panti tō pisteuonti ioudaiō te prōton kai ellēni

ou gar epaischunomai to euangelion tou christou dunamis gar theou estin eis sOtErian panti tO pisteuonti ioudaiO te prOton kai ellEni

ou gar epaischunomai to euangelion dunamis gar theou estin eis sōtērian panti tō pisteuonti ioudaiō te [prōton] kai ellēni

ou gar epaischunomai to euangelion dunamis gar theou estin eis sOtErian panti tO pisteuonti ioudaiO te [prOton] kai ellEni

ou gar epaischunomai to euangelion dunamis gar theou estin eis sōtērian panti tō pisteuonti ioudaiō te {WH: [prōton] } {UBS4: prōton } kai ellēni

ou gar epaischunomai to euangelion dunamis gar theou estin eis sOtErian panti tO pisteuonti ioudaiO te {WH: [prOton]} {UBS4: prOton} kai ellEni

Rómaiakhoz 1:16
Mert nem szégyenlem a Krisztus evangyéliomát; mert Istennek hatalma az minden hívõnek idvességére, zsidónak elõször meg görögnek.

Al la romanoj 1:16
CXar mi ne hontas pri la evangelio; cxar gxi estas la potenco de Dio al savo por cxiu, kiu kredas, al la Judoj unue, kaj ankaux al la Grekoj.

Kirje roomalaisille 1:16
Sillä en minä häpee Kristuksen evankeliumia; sillä se on Jumalan voima itsekullekin uskovaiselle autuudeksi. Ensin Juudalaiselle, niin myös Grekiläiselle.

Romains 1:16
Car je n'ai pas honte de l'évangile, car il est la puissance de Dieu en salut à quiconque croit, et au Juif premièrement, et au Grec.

Car je n'ai point honte de l'Evangile: c'est une puissance de Dieu pour le salut de quiconque croit, du Juif premièrement, puis du Grec,

Car je n'ai point honte de l'Evangile de Christ, vu qu'il est la puissance de Dieu en salut à tout croyant : au Juif premièrement, puis aussi au Grec.

Roemer 1:16
Denn ich schäme mich des Evangeliums von Christo nicht; denn es ist eine Kraft Gottes, die da selig machet alle, die daran glauben, die Juden vornehmlich und auch die Griechen,

Denn ich schäme mich des Evangeliums von Christo nicht; denn es ist eine Kraft Gottes, die da selig macht alle, die daran glauben, die Juden vornehmlich und auch die Griechen.

Denn ich schäme mich des Evangeliums nicht; ist es doch Gottes Kraft zum Heile jedem Glaubenden, so wie dem Juden zuerst so auch dem Griechen.

Romani 1:16
Poiché io non mi vergogno dell’Evangelo; perché esso è potenza di Dio per la salvezza d’ogni credente; del Giudeo prima e poi del Greco;

PERCIOCCHÈ io non mi vergogno dell’evangelo di Cristo; poichè esso è la potenza di Dio in salute ad ogni credente; al Giudeo imprima, poi anche al Greco.

ROMA 1:16
Karena tiadalah aku berasa malu mengaku Injil itu; karena ia itulah suatu kuasa Allah yang mendatangkan selamat kepada tiap-tiap orang yang percaya, terutama sekali kepada orang Yahudi, dan kepada orang Gerika juga.

Romans 1:16
Ur ssetḥaɣ ara s lexbaṛ-agi n lxiṛ, axaṭer ț-țazmert n Sidi Ṛebbi i leslak n kra win yumnen yis ; di tazwara i wat Isṛail, a d-ḍefṛen leǧnas nniḍen.

로마서 1:16
내가 복음을 부끄러워하지 아니하노니 이 복음은 모든 믿는 자에게 구원을 주시는 하나님의 능력이 됨이라 첫째는 유대인에게요 또한 헬라인에게로다

Romanos 1:16
non enim erubesco evangelium virtus enim Dei est in salutem omni credenti Iudaeo primum et Graeco

Romiešiem 1:16
Es nekaunos evaņģēlija, jo tas ir Dieva spēks katra ticīgā pestīšanai, vispirms jūda, tad grieķa.

Laiðkas romieèiams 1:16
Aš nesigėdiju Evangelijos, nes ji yra Dievo jėga išgelbėti kiekvienam, kuris tiki, pirma žydui, paskui graikui.

Romans 1:16
Kahore hoki oku whakama ki te rongopai: ko te kaha hoki ia o te Atua hei whakaora mo nga tangata katoa e whakapono ana; mo te Hurai ki mua, mo te Kariki ano hoki.

Romerne 1:16
For jeg skammer mig ikke ved evangeliet; for det er en Guds kraft til frelse for hver den som tror, både for jøde først og så for greker;

Romanos 1:16
Porque no me avergüenzo del evangelio, pues es el poder de Dios para la salvación de todo el que cree; del judío primeramente y también del griego.

Porque no me avergüenzo del evangelio, pues es el poder de Dios para la salvación de todo el que cree, del Judío primeramente y también del Griego.

Porque no me avergüenzo del evangelio de Cristo; porque es el poder de Dios para salvación a todo aquel que cree; al judío primeramente, y también al griego.

Porque no me avergüenzo del evangelio: porque es potencia de Dios para salud á todo aquel que cree; al Judío primeramente y también al Griego.

Porque no me avergüenzo del Evangelio del Cristo, porque es potencia de Dios para dar salud a todo aquel que cree; al judío primeramente y también al griego.

Romanos 1:16
Porquanto não me envergonho do Evangelho, porque é o poder de Deus para a salvação de todo aquele que nele crê; primeiro do judeu, assim como do grego;

Porque não me envergonho do evangelho, pois é o poder de Deus para salvação de todo aquele que crê; primeiro do judeu, e também do grego.   

Romani 1:16
Căci mie nu mi -e ruşine de Evanghelia lui Hristos; fiindcă ea este puterea lui Dumnezeu pentru mîntuirea fiecăruia care crede: întîi a Iudeului, apoi a Grecului;

К Римлянам 1:16
Ибо я не стыжусь благовествования Христова, потому что оно есть сила Божия ко спасению всякому верующему, во-первых, Иудею, потом и Еллину.

Ибо я не стыжусь благовествования Христова, потому что [оно] есть сила Божия ко спасению всякому верующему, во-первых, Иудею, [потом] и Еллину.

Romans 1:16
Nu Shiir Chicham Yusa kakarmarijiai ti kakaram asa Ashφ shuaran uwemtikramniaiti. Tuma asamtai natsantatsjai. Nekas Israer-shuarnasha tura Chφkich shuarnasha N·nisan uwemtikramniaiti.

Romabrevet 1:16
Ty jag blyges icke för evangelium; ty det är en Guds kraft till frälsning för var och en som tror, först och främst för juden, så ock för greken.

Warumi 1:16
Sioni aibu kutangaza Habari Njema; yenyewe ni nguvu ya Mungu inayowaokoa wote wanaoamini: Wayahudi kwanza, na wasio Wayahudi pia.

Mga Taga-Roma 1:16
Sapagka't hindi ko ikinahihiya ang evangelio: sapagka't siyang kapangyarihan ng Dios sa ikaliligtas ng bawa't sumasampalataya; una'y sa Judio, at gayon din sa Griego.

โรม 1:16
ด้วยว่าข้าพเจ้าไม่มีความละอายในเรื่องข่าวประเสริฐของพระคริสต์ เพราะว่าข่าวประเสริฐนั้นเป็นฤทธิ์เดชของพระเจ้า เพื่อให้ทุกคนที่เชื่อได้รับความรอด พวกยิวก่อน และพวกกรีกด้วย

Romalılar 1:16
Çünkü Müjdeden utanmıyorum. Müjde iman eden herkesin -önce Yahudilerin, sonra Yahudi olmayanların- kurtuluşu için Tanrı gücüdür.

Римляни 1:16
Бо не соромлюсь благовіствування Христового, сила бо Божа на спасенне всякому віруючому, Жидовинові перше, а потім і Грекові.

Romans 1:16
Uma kupoka'ea' ngkeni Kareba Lompe'. Apa' Kareba Lompe' toe-mi baraka' Alata'ala to mpowai' kalompea' hi hawe'ea tauna to mepangala'. Lomo' -na Kareba Lompe' raparata-raka to Yahudi, aga hewa too-toi raparata wo'o-miraka tauna to bela-ra to Yahudi.

Roâ-ma 1:16
Thật vậy, tôi không hổ thẹn về Tin Lành đâu, vì là quyền phép của Ðức Chúa Trời để cứu mọi kẻ tin, trước là người Giu-đa, sau là người Gờ-réc;

Romans 1:15
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