Romans 1:17
Romans 1:17
For in the gospel the righteousness of God is revealed--a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: "The righteous will live by faith."

This Good News tells us how God makes us right in his sight. This is accomplished from start to finish by faith. As the Scriptures say, "It is through faith that a righteous person has life."

For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith for faith, as it is written, “The righteous shall live by faith.”

For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, "BUT THE RIGHTEOUS man SHALL LIVE BY FAITH."

For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.

For in it God's righteousness is revealed from faith to faith, just as it is written: The righteous will live by faith.

For in the gospel God's righteousness is being revealed from faith to faith, as it is written, "The righteous will live by faith."

For the righteousness of God is revealed in the gospel from faith to faith, just as it is written, "The righteous by faith will live."

For the justice of God is revealed in it from faith to faith, according to that which is written: “The just one shall live by faith.”

God's approval is revealed in this Good News. This approval begins and ends with faith as Scripture says, "The person who has God's approval will live by faith."

For in him is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith, as it is written, The just shall live by faith.

For in it is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.

For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.

For therein is revealed a righteousness of God from faith unto faith: as it is written, But the righteous shall live by faith.

For the justice of God is revealed therein, from faith unto faith, as it is written: The just man liveth by faith.

for righteousness of God is revealed therein, on the principle of faith, to faith: according as it is written, But the just shall live by faith.

For therein is revealed a righteousness of God by faith unto faith: as it is written, But the righteous shall live by faith.

For in this is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.

For in the Good News a righteousness which comes from God is being revealed, depending on faith and tending to produce faith; as the Scripture has it, "The righteous man shall live by faith."

For in it is revealed God's righteousness from faith to faith. As it is written, "But the righteous shall live by faith."

For the righteousness of God in it is revealed from faith to faith, according as it hath been written, 'And the righteous one by faith shall live,'

Romakëve 1:17
Sepse drejtësia e Perëndisë është zbuluar në të nga besimi në besim siç është shkruar: ''I drejti do të jetojë me anë të besimit''.

ﺭﻭﻣﻴﺔ 1:17
لان فيه معلن بر الله بايمان لايمان كما هو مكتوب اما البار فبالايمان يحيا

որովհետեւ անով Աստուծոյ արդարութիւնը՝ որ հաւատքով է՝ կը յայտնուի հաւատքի համար, ինչպէս գրուած է. «Արդարը պիտի ապրի հաւատքով»:

Romanoetara. 1:17
Ecen Iaincoaren iustitiá hartan eracusten da fedetic federa: scribatua den beçala, Iustoa fedez vicico da.

D Roemer 1:17
Denn in dyr Guetmaer +werd ja netty goffnbart, däß dyr Herrgot von de Sünddn loosspricht, weil myn glaaubt. Es steet ja gschribn: 'Dyr Grechte gaat s Löbn habn durch seinn Glaaubn.'

Римляни 1:17
Защото в него се открива правдата, [която е] от Бога чрез вяра към вяра, както е писано: "Праведният чрез вяра ще живее".

羅 馬 書 1:17
因 為 神 的 義 正 在 這 福 音 上 顯 明 出 來 ; 這 義 是 本 於 信 , 以 致 於 信 。 如 經 上 所 記 : 義 人 必 因 信 得 生 。

因 为 神 的 义 正 在 这 福 音 上 显 明 出 来 ; 这 义 是 本 於 信 , 以 致 於 信 。 如 经 上 所 记 : 义 人 必 因 信 得 生 。





Poslanica Rimljanima 1:17
Jer pravednost se Božja od vjere k vjeri u njemu otkriva kao što je pisano: Pravednik će od vjere živjeti.

Římanům 1:17
Nebo spravedlnost Boží zjevuje se skrze ně z víry u víru, jakož psáno jest: Spravedlivý pak z víry živ bude.

Romerne 1:17
Thi deri aabenbares Guds Retfærdighed af Tro for Tro, som der er skrevet: »Men den retfærdige skal leve af Tro.«

Romeinen 1:17
Want de rechtvaardigheid Gods wordt in hetzelve geopenbaard uit geloof tot geloof; gelijk geschreven is: Maar de rechtvaardige zal uit het geloof leven.

δικαιοσύνη γὰρ Θεοῦ ἐν αὐτῷ ἀποκαλύπτεται ἐκ πίστεως εἰς πίστιν, καθὼς γέγραπται Ὁ δὲ δίκαιος ἐκ πίστεως ζήσεται.

δικαιοσύνη γὰρ θεοῦ ἐν αὐτῷ ἀποκαλύπτεται ἐκ πίστεως εἰς πίστιν, καθὼς γέγραπται Ὁ δὲ δίκαιος ἐκ πίστεως ζήσεται.

δικαιοσύνη γὰρ θεοῦ ἐν αὐτῷ ἀποκαλύπτεται ἐκ πίστεως εἰς πίστιν, καθὼς γέγραπται Ὁ δὲ δίκαιος ἐκ πίστεως ζήσεται.

Δικαιοσύνη γὰρ θεοῦ ἐν αὐτῷ ἀποκαλύπτεται ἐκ πίστεως εἰς πίστιν, καθὼς γέγραπται, Ὁ δὲ δίκαιος ἐκ πίστεως ζήσεται.

δικαιοσύνη γὰρ Θεοῦ ἐν αὐτῷ ἀποκαλύπτεται ἐκ πίστεως εἰς πίστιν, καθὼς γέγραπται· ὁ δὲ δίκαιος ἐκ πίστεως ζήσεται.

δικαιοσύνη γὰρ θεοῦ ἐν αὐτῷ ἀποκαλύπτεται ἐκ πίστεως εἰς πίστιν, καθὼς γέγραπται, ὁ δὲ δίκαιος ἐκ πίστεως ζήσεται.

δικαιοσύνη γὰρ Θεοῦ ἐν αὐτῷ ἀποκαλύπτεται ἐκ πίστεως εἰς πίστιν, καθὼς γέγραπται, Ὁ δὲ δίκαιος ἐκ πίστεως ζήσεται.

δικαιοσύνη γὰρ θεοῦ ἐν αὐτῷ ἀποκαλύπτεται ἐκ πίστεως εἰς πίστιν καθὼς γέγραπται Ὁ δὲ δίκαιος ἐκ πίστεως ζήσεται

δικαιοσυνη γαρ θεου εν αυτω αποκαλυπτεται εκ πιστεως εις πιστιν καθως γεγραπται ο δε δικαιος εκ πιστεως ζησεται

δικαιοσυνη γαρ θεου εν αυτω αποκαλυπτεται εκ πιστεως εις πιστιν καθως γεγραπται ο δε δικαιος εκ πιστεως ζησεται

δικαιοσυνη γαρ θεου εν αυτω αποκαλυπτεται εκ πιστεως εις πιστιν καθως γεγραπται ο δε δικαιος εκ πιστεως ζησεται

δικαιοσυνη γαρ Θεου εν αυτω αποκαλυπτεται εκ πιστεως εις πιστιν, καθως γεγραπται, Ο δε δικαιος εκ πιστεως ζησεται.

δικαιοσυνη γαρ θεου εν αυτω αποκαλυπτεται εκ πιστεως εις πιστιν καθως γεγραπται ο δε δικαιος εκ πιστεως ζησεται

δικαιοσυνη γαρ θεου εν αυτω αποκαλυπτεται εκ πιστεως εις πιστιν καθως γεγραπται ο δε δικαιος εκ πιστεως ζησεται

dikaiosynē gar Theou en autō apokalyptetai ek pisteōs eis pistin, kathōs gegraptai HO de dikaios ek pisteōs zēsetai.

dikaiosyne gar Theou en auto apokalyptetai ek pisteos eis pistin, kathos gegraptai HO de dikaios ek pisteos zesetai.

dikaiosynē gar theou en autō apokalyptetai ek pisteōs eis pistin, kathōs gegraptai HO de dikaios ek pisteōs zēsetai.

dikaiosyne gar theou en auto apokalyptetai ek pisteos eis pistin, kathos gegraptai HO de dikaios ek pisteos zesetai.

dikaiosunē gar theou en autō apokaluptetai ek pisteōs eis pistin kathōs gegraptai o de dikaios ek pisteōs zēsetai

dikaiosunE gar theou en autO apokaluptetai ek pisteOs eis pistin kathOs gegraptai o de dikaios ek pisteOs zEsetai

dikaiosunē gar theou en autō apokaluptetai ek pisteōs eis pistin kathōs gegraptai o de dikaios ek pisteōs zēsetai

dikaiosunE gar theou en autO apokaluptetai ek pisteOs eis pistin kathOs gegraptai o de dikaios ek pisteOs zEsetai

dikaiosunē gar theou en autō apokaluptetai ek pisteōs eis pistin kathōs gegraptai o de dikaios ek pisteōs zēsetai

dikaiosunE gar theou en autO apokaluptetai ek pisteOs eis pistin kathOs gegraptai o de dikaios ek pisteOs zEsetai

dikaiosunē gar theou en autō apokaluptetai ek pisteōs eis pistin kathōs gegraptai o de dikaios ek pisteōs zēsetai

dikaiosunE gar theou en autO apokaluptetai ek pisteOs eis pistin kathOs gegraptai o de dikaios ek pisteOs zEsetai

dikaiosunē gar theou en autō apokaluptetai ek pisteōs eis pistin kathōs gegraptai o de dikaios ek pisteōs zēsetai

dikaiosunE gar theou en autO apokaluptetai ek pisteOs eis pistin kathOs gegraptai o de dikaios ek pisteOs zEsetai

dikaiosunē gar theou en autō apokaluptetai ek pisteōs eis pistin kathōs gegraptai o de dikaios ek pisteōs zēsetai

dikaiosunE gar theou en autO apokaluptetai ek pisteOs eis pistin kathOs gegraptai o de dikaios ek pisteOs zEsetai

Rómaiakhoz 1:17
Mert az Istennek igazsága jelentetik ki abban hitbõl hitbe, miképen meg van írva: Az igaz ember pedig hitbõl él.

Al la romanoj 1:17
CXar la justeco de Dio malkasxigxas en gxi de fido al fido, kiel estas skribite:La virtulo vivos per sia fideleco.

Kirje roomalaisille 1:17
Sillä siinä se vanhurskaus, joka Jumalan edessä kelpaa, ilmoitetaan uskosta uskoon, niinkuin kirjoitettu on: vanhurskaan pitää elämän uskosta.

Romains 1:17
Car la justice de Dieu y est révélée sur le principe de la foi pour la foi, selon qu'il est écrit: "Or le juste vivra de foi".

parce qu'en lui est révélée la justice de Dieu par la foi et pour la foi, selon qu'il est écrit: Le juste vivra par la foi.

Car la justice de Dieu se révèle en lui [pleinement] de foi en foi; selon qu'il est écrit : or le juste vivra de foi.

Roemer 1:17
sintemal darinnen offenbaret wird die Gerechtigkeit, die vor Gott gilt, welche kommt aus Glauben in Glauben; wie denn geschrieben stehet: Der Gerechte wird seines Glaubens leben.

Sintemal darin offenbart wird die Gerechtigkeit, die vor Gott gilt, welche kommt aus Glauben in Glauben; wie denn geschrieben steht: "Der Gerechte wird seines Glaubens leben."

Denn Gottes Gerechtigkeit wird darin geoffenbart aus Glauben zu Glauben, wie denn geschrieben steht:

Romani 1:17
poiché in esso la giustizia di Dio è rivelata da fede a fede, secondo che è scritto: Ma il giusto vivrà per fede.

Perciocchè la giustizia di Dio è rivelata in esso, di fede in fede; secondo ch’egli è scritto: E il giusto viverà per fede.

ROMA 1:17
Karena di dalamnya itu kebenaran Allah dinyatakan daripada iman kepada iman, seperti yang telah tersurat: Bahwa orang benar itu akan hidup oleh sebab iman.

Romans 1:17
Lexbaṛ-agi n lxiṛ ibeggen-ed amek i gețțarra Sidi Ṛebbi imdanen d iḥeqqiyen s liman, axaṭer s liman kan i nezmer a nuɣal d iḥeqqiyen si tazwara alamma ț-țaggara. Akken yura di tira iqedsen : Aḥeqqi ad yidir s liman.

로마서 1:17
복음에는 하나님의 의가 나타나서 믿음으로 믿음에 이르게 하나니 기록된 바 오직 의인은 믿음으로 말미암아 살리라 함과 같으니라

Romanos 1:17
iustitia enim Dei in eo revelatur ex fide in fidem sicut scriptum est iustus autem ex fide vivit

Romiešiem 1:17
Jo tanī atklājas Dieva taisnība no ticības uz ticību, kā rakstīts: Taisnīgais dzīvo no ticības. (Hab.2,4)

Laiðkas romieèiams 1:17
Joje apsireiškia Dievo teisumas iš tikėjimo į tikėjimą, kaip parašyta: “Teisusis gyvens tikėjimu”.

Romans 1:17
A kei reira e whakakitea ana ta te Atua tika, he mea no te whakapono ki te whakapono: kua oti nei hoki te tuhituhi, ma te whakapono e ora ai te tangata tika.

Romerne 1:17
for i det åpenbares Guds rettferdighet av tro til tro, som skrevet er: Den rettferdige, ved tro skal han leve.

Romanos 1:17
Porque en el evangelio la justicia de Dios se revela por fe y para fe; como está escrito: MAS EL JUSTO POR LA FE VIVIRA.

Porque en el evangelio la justicia de Dios se revela por fe y para fe, como está escrito: MAS EL JUSTO POR LA FE VIVIRA.

Porque en él la justicia de Dios es revelada de fe en fe, como está escrito: Mas el justo por la fe vivirá.

Porque en él la justicia de Dios se descubre de fe en fe; como está escrito: Mas el justo vivirá por la fe.

Porque en él la justicia de Dios se descubre de fe en fe. Como está escrito: Mas el justo vivirá por la fe.

Romanos 1:17
visto que a justiça de Deus se revela no Evangelho, uma justiça que do princípio ao fim é pela fé, como está escrito: “O justo viverá pela fé”. A ira de Deus contra os sem fé

Porque no evangelho é revelada, de fé em fé, a justiça de Deus, como está escrito: Mas o justo viverá da fé.   

Romani 1:17
deoarece în ea este descoperită o neprihănire, pe care o dă Dumnezeu, prin credinţă şi care duce la credinţă, după cum este scris: ,,Cel neprihănit va trăi prin credinţă.``

К Римлянам 1:17
В нем открывается правда Божия от веры в веру, как написано: праведный верою жив будет.

В нем открывается правда Божия от веры в веру, как написано: праведный верою жив будет.

Romans 1:17
Nu chichamnum Yus Enentßimsamia nu Pßantaiti. J·iti: Ayatik Y·san nekas Enentßimtuiniakui Yuska "pΘnkeraitme" Tφminiaiti. Yus-Papiniumsha N·nisan tawai: "Y·san nekas Enentßimta nuna Yus "pΘnkeraitme" tutai tuke Yusjai shiir wekasattawai." Tu aarmaiti.

Romabrevet 1:17
Rättfärdighet från Gud uppenbaras nämligen däri, av tro till tro; så är ock skrivet: »Den rättfärdige skall leva av tro.»

Warumi 1:17
Kwa maana Habari Njema inaonyesha wazi jinsi Mungu anavyowakubali watu kuwa waadilifu; jambo hili hufanyika kwa imani, tangu mwanzo mpaka mwisho. Kama ilivyoandikwa: "Mwadilifu kwa imani ataishi."

Mga Taga-Roma 1:17
Sapagka't dito ang katuwiran ng Dios ay nahahayag mula sa pananampalataya hanggang sa pananampalataya: gaya ng nasusulat, Nguni't ang ganap ay mabubuhay sa pamamagitan ng pananampalataya.

โรม 1:17
เพราะว่าในข่าวประเสริฐนั้นความชอบธรรมของพระเจ้าก็ได้แสดงออก โดยเริ่มต้นก็ความเชื่อ สุดท้ายก็ความเชื่อ ตามที่มีเขียนไว้แล้วว่า `คนชอบธรรมจะมีชีวิตดำรงอยู่โดยความเชื่อ'

Romalılar 1:17
Tanrının insanı akladığı, Müjdede açıklanır. Aklanma yalnız imanla olur. Yazılmış olduğu gibi, ‹‹İmanla aklanan yaşayacaktır.››

Римляни 1:17
Правда бо Божа в йому відкриваєть ся до віри в віру, яко ж написано: Праведний вірою жив буде.

Romans 1:17
Hi Kareba Lompe' toe, Alata'ala mpo'uli' -taka beiwa ohea jadi' monoa' hi poncilo-na. Ohea-na toe muntu' ngkai pepangala' -ta hi Alata'ala-wadi, uma ria ohea ntani' -na. Hewa to te'uki' hi Buku Tomoroli' owi: "Tauna to monoa' hi poncilo Alata'ala-le, hira' -mi tauna to mporata katuwua' to lompe' ngkai pepangala' -ra."

Roâ-ma 1:17
vì trong Tin Lành nầy có bày tỏ sự công bình của Ðức Chúa Trời, bởi đức tin mà được, lại dẫn đến đức tin nữa, như có chép rằng: Người công bình sẽ sống bởi đức tin.

Romans 1:16
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