Revelation 2:2
Revelation 2:2
I know your deeds, your hard work and your perseverance. I know that you cannot tolerate wicked people, that you have tested those who claim to be apostles but are not, and have found them false.

"I know all the things you do. I have seen your hard work and your patient endurance. I know you don't tolerate evil people. You have examined the claims of those who say they are apostles but are not. You have discovered they are liars.

“‘I know your works, your toil and your patient endurance, and how you cannot bear with those who are evil, but have tested those who call themselves apostles and are not, and found them to be false.

I know your deeds and your toil and perseverance, and that you cannot tolerate evil men, and you put to the test those who call themselves apostles, and they are not, and you found them to be false;

I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, and how thou canst not bear them which are evil: and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars:

I know your works, your labor, and your endurance, and that you cannot tolerate evil. You have tested those who call themselves apostles and are not, and you have found them to be liars.

I know what you've been doing, your toil, and your endurance. I also know that you cannot tolerate evil people. You have tested those who call themselves apostles, but are not, and have found them to be false.

I know your works as well as your labor and steadfast endurance, and that you cannot tolerate evil. You have even put to the test those who refer to themselves as apostles (but are not), and have discovered that they are false.

“I know your works, your toil and your patience, and that you cannot tolerate The Evil One, and you have tested those who claim to be Apostles, and they are not, and you have found them false.”

I know what you have done-how hard you have worked and how you have endured. I also know that you cannot tolerate wicked people. You have tested those who call themselves apostles but are not apostles. You have discovered that they are liars.

I know thy works and thy labour and thy patience and how thou canst not bear those who are evil; and thou hast tried those who say they are apostles and are not and hast found them liars,

I know your works, and your labor, and your patience, and how you can not bear them who are evil: and you have tried them who say they are apostles, and are not, and have found them liars:

I know your works, and your labor, and your patience, and how you can not bear them which are evil: and you have tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and have found them liars:

I know thy works, and thy toil and patience, and that thou canst not bear evil men, and didst try them that call themselves apostles, and they are not, and didst find them false;

I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, and how thou canst not bear them that are evil, and thou hast tried them, who say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars:

I know thy works and thy labour, and thine endurance, and that thou canst not bear evil men; and thou hast tried them who say that themselves are apostles and are not, and hast found them liars;

I know thy works, and thy toil and patience, and that thou canst not bear evil men, and didst try them which call themselves apostles, and they are not, and didst find them false;

I know thy works, and thy labor, and thy patience, and that thou canst not bear them who are evil; and thou hast tried them who say they are apostles, and are not; and hast found them liars:

I know your doings and your toil and patient suffering. And I know that you cannot tolerate wicked men, but have put to the test those who say that they themselves are Apostles but are not, and you have found them to be liars.

"I know your works, and your toil and perseverance, and that you can't tolerate evil men, and have tested those who call themselves apostles, and they are not, and found them false.

I have known thy works, and thy labour, and thy endurance, and that thou art not able to bear evil ones, and that thou hast tried those saying themselves to be apostles and are not, and hast found them liars,

Zbulesa 2:2
Unë i njoh veprat e tua, mundin tënd dhe durimin tënd edhe se ti s'mund t'i durosh të këqijtë; ti i vure në provë ata që pretendojnë se janë apostuj dhe nuk janë dhe i gjete gënjeshtarë.

ﻳﻮﺣﻨﺎ ﺭﺅﻳﺎ 2:2
انا عارف اعمالك وتعبك وصبرك وانك لا تقدر ان تحتمل الاشرار وقد جربت القائلين انهم رسل وليسوا رسلا فوجدتهم كاذبين.

Գիտե՛մ քու գործերդ, աշխատանքդ ու համբերութիւնդ, եւ թէ չես կրնար հանդուրժել չարերուն: Փորձեցիր անոնք՝ որ կը հաւաստեն թէ իրենք առաքեալ են, բայց չեն, եւ գտար թէ ստախօս են:

Apocacalypsea. 2:2
Baceaquizquiat hire obrác, eta hire trabaillua, eta hire patientiá eta nola gaichtoac ecin suffri ditzaqueán, eta experimentatu dituán Apostolu erraiten diradenac eta ezpaitirade: eta eriden duc hec diradela gueçurti.

D Offnbarung 2:2
I waiß allss, wasst tuest und wiest di müest und ausharrst. Schlechte Leut dyrpackst nit; und die haast auf de Prob gstöllt, wo si als Postln ausgöbnd und dös gar nit seind, und als Leuger haast ys überfüert.

Откровение 2:2
Зная твоите дела, труда и търпението ти, и че не можеш да търпиш злите човеци, и си изпитал ония, които наричат себе си апостоли, (а не са), и си ги намерил лъжливи;

启 示 录 2:2
我 知 道 你 的 行 為 、 勞 碌 、 忍 耐 , 也 知 道 你 不 能 容 忍 惡 人 。 你 也 曾 試 驗 那 自 稱 為 使 徒 卻 不 是 使 徒 的 , 看 出 他 們 是 假 的 來 。

我 知 道 你 的 行 为 、 劳 碌 、 忍 耐 , 也 知 道 你 不 能 容 忍 恶 人 。 你 也 曾 试 验 那 自 称 为 使 徒 却 不 是 使 徒 的 , 看 出 他 们 是 假 的 来 。





Otkrivenje 2:2
Znam tvoja djela, tvoj trud i postojanost tvoju i da ne možeš podnijeti opakih. Iskušao si one koji se prave apostolima, a nisu, i otkrio si da su lažljivci.

Zjevení Janovo 2:2
Známť skutky tvé, a práci tvou, i trpělivost tvou, a že nemůžeš trpěti zlých; a zkusil jsi těch, kteříž se praví býti apoštolé, ale nejsou, a shledals je, že jsou lháři.

Aabenbaringen 2:2
Jeg kender dine Gerninger og dit Arbejde og din Udholdenhed, og at du ikke kan fordrage de onde; og du prøvede dem, som kalde sig selv Apostle og ikke ere det, og du har fundet, at de ere Løgnere;

Openbaring 2:2
Ik weet uw werken, en uw arbeid, en uw lijdzaamheid, en dat gij de kwaden niet kunt dragen; en dat gij beproefd hebt degenen, die uitgeven, dat zij apostelen zijn, en zij zijn het niet; en hebt ze leugenaars bevonden;

Οἶδα τὰ ἔργα σου καὶ τὸν κόπον καὶ τὴν ὑπομονήν σου, καὶ ὅτι οὐ δύνῃ βαστάσαι κακούς, καὶ ἐπείρασας τοὺς λέγοντας ἑαυτοὺς ἀποστόλους καὶ οὐκ εἰσίν, καὶ εὗρες αὐτοὺς ψευδεῖς·

Οἶδα τὰ ἔργα σου, καὶ τὸν κόπον καὶ τὴν ὑπομονήν σου, καὶ ὅτι οὐ δύνῃ βαστάσαι κακούς, καὶ ἐπείρασας τοὺς λέγοντας ἑαυτοὺς ἀποστόλους, καὶ οὐκ εἰσίν, καὶ εὗρες αὐτοὺς ψευδεῖς·

Οἶδα τὰ ἔργα σου, καὶ τὸν κόπον καὶ τὴν ὑπομονήν σου, καὶ ὅτι οὐ δύνῃ βαστάσαι κακούς, καὶ ἐπείρασας τοὺς λέγοντας ἑαυτοὺς ἀποστόλους, καὶ οὐκ εἰσίν, καὶ εὗρες αὐτοὺς ψευδεῖς·

Οἴδα τὰ ἔργα σου, καὶ τὸν κόπον σου, καὶ τὴν ὑπομονήν σου, καὶ ὅτι οὐ δύνῃ βαστάσαι κακούς, καὶ ἐπείρασας τοὺς λέγοντας ἑαυτοὺς ἀποστόλους εἴναι καὶ οὐκ εἰσίν, καὶ εὗρες αὐτοὺς ψευδεῖς,

οἶδα τὰ ἔργα σου καὶ τὸν κόπον σου καὶ τὴν ὑπομονήν σου, καὶ ὅτι οὐ δύνῃ βαστάσαι κακούς, καὶ ἐπείρασας τοὺς λέγοντας ἑαυτοὺς ἀποστόλους εἶναι, καὶ οὐκ εἰσί, καὶ εὗρες αὐτοὺς ψευδεῖς·

εἴδω ὁ ἔργον σύ καί ὁ κόπος καί ὁ ὑπομονή σύ καί ὅτι οὐ δύναμαι βαστάζω κακός καί πειράζω ὁ λέγω ἑαυτοῦ ἀπόστολος καί οὐ εἰμί καί εὑρίσκω αὐτός ψευδής

Οἶδα τὰ ἔργα σου, καὶ τὸν κόπον σου, καὶ τὴν ὑπομονήν σου, καὶ ὅτι οὐ δύνῃ βαστάσαι κακούς, καὶ ἐπειράσω τοὺς φάσκοντας εἶναι ἀποστόλους καὶ οὐκ εἰσί, καὶ εὗρες αὐτοὺς ψευδεῖς,

Οἶδα τὰ ἔργα σου καὶ τὸν κόπον σου καὶ τὴν ὑπομονήν σου, καὶ ὅτι οὐ δύνῃ βαστάσαι κακούς καὶ ἐπειράσω τοὺς φάσκοντας εἶναι ἀποστόλους καὶ οὐκ εἰσίν καὶ εὗρες αὐτοὺς ψευδεῖς

οιδα τα εργα σου και τον κοπον και την υπομονην σου και οτι ου δυνη βαστασαι κακους και επειρασας τους λεγοντας εαυτους αποστολους και ουκ εισιν και ευρες αυτους ψευδεις

οιδα τα εργα σου και τον κοπον και την υπομονην σου και οτι ου δυνη βαστασαι κακους και επειρασας τους λεγοντας εαυτους αποστολους και ουκ εισιν και ευρες αυτους ψευδεις

οιδα τα εργα σου και τον κοπον σου και την υπομονην σου και οτι ου δυνη βαστασαι κακους και επειρασω τους φασκοντας ειναι αποστολους και ουκ εισιν και ευρες αυτους ψευδεις

Οιδα τα εργα σου, και τον κοπον σου, και την υπομονην σου, και οτι ου δυνη βαστασαι κακους, και επειρασω τους φασκοντας ειναι αποστολους και ουκ εισι, και ευρες αυτους ψευδεις,

οιδα τα εργα σου και τον κοπον σου και την υπομονην σου και οτι ου δυνη βαστασαι κακους και επειρασας τους λεγοντας εαυτους αποστολους ειναι και ουκ εισιν και ευρες αυτους ψευδεις

οιδα τα εργα σου και τον κοπον και την υπομονην σου και οτι ου δυνη βαστασαι κακους και επειρασας τους λεγοντας εαυτους αποστολους και ουκ εισιν και ευρες αυτους ψευδεις

Oida ta erga sou kai ton kopon kai tēn hypomonēn sou, kai hoti ou dynē bastasai kakous, kai epeirasas tous legontas heautous apostolous kai ouk eisin, kai heures autous pseudeis;

Oida ta erga sou kai ton kopon kai ten hypomonen sou, kai hoti ou dyne bastasai kakous, kai epeirasas tous legontas heautous apostolous kai ouk eisin, kai heures autous pseudeis;

Oida ta erga sou, kai ton kopon kai tēn hypomonēn sou, kai hoti ou dynē bastasai kakous, kai epeirasas tous legontas heautous apostolous, kai ouk eisin, kai heures autous pseudeis;

Oida ta erga sou, kai ton kopon kai ten hypomonen sou, kai hoti ou dyne bastasai kakous, kai epeirasas tous legontas heautous apostolous, kai ouk eisin, kai heures autous pseudeis;

oida ta erga sou kai ton kopon kai tēn upomonēn sou kai oti ou dunē bastasai kakous kai epeirasas tous legontas eautous apostolous kai ouk eisin kai eures autous pseudeis

oida ta erga sou kai ton kopon kai tEn upomonEn sou kai oti ou dunE bastasai kakous kai epeirasas tous legontas eautous apostolous kai ouk eisin kai eures autous pseudeis

oida ta erga sou kai ton kopon sou kai tēn upomonēn sou kai oti ou dunē bastasai kakous kai epeirasas tous legontas eautous apostolous einai kai ouk eisin kai eures autous pseudeis

oida ta erga sou kai ton kopon sou kai tEn upomonEn sou kai oti ou dunE bastasai kakous kai epeirasas tous legontas eautous apostolous einai kai ouk eisin kai eures autous pseudeis

oida ta erga sou kai ton kopon sou kai tēn upomonēn sou kai oti ou dunē bastasai kakous kai epeirasō tous phaskontas einai apostolous kai ouk eisin kai eures autous pseudeis

oida ta erga sou kai ton kopon sou kai tEn upomonEn sou kai oti ou dunE bastasai kakous kai epeirasO tous phaskontas einai apostolous kai ouk eisin kai eures autous pseudeis

oida ta erga sou kai ton kopon sou kai tēn upomonēn sou kai oti ou dunē bastasai kakous kai epeirasō tous phaskontas einai apostolous kai ouk eisin kai eures autous pseudeis

oida ta erga sou kai ton kopon sou kai tEn upomonEn sou kai oti ou dunE bastasai kakous kai epeirasO tous phaskontas einai apostolous kai ouk eisin kai eures autous pseudeis

oida ta erga sou kai ton kopon kai tēn upomonēn sou kai oti ou dunē bastasai kakous kai epeirasas tous legontas eautous apostolous kai ouk eisin kai eures autous pseudeis

oida ta erga sou kai ton kopon kai tEn upomonEn sou kai oti ou dunE bastasai kakous kai epeirasas tous legontas eautous apostolous kai ouk eisin kai eures autous pseudeis

oida ta erga sou kai ton kopon kai tēn upomonēn sou kai oti ou dunē bastasai kakous kai epeirasas tous legontas eautous apostolous kai ouk eisin kai eures autous pseudeis

oida ta erga sou kai ton kopon kai tEn upomonEn sou kai oti ou dunE bastasai kakous kai epeirasas tous legontas eautous apostolous kai ouk eisin kai eures autous pseudeis

Jelenések 2:2
Tudom a te dolgaidat, és a te fáradságodat és tûrésedet, és hogy a gonoszokat nem szenvedheted, és megkísértetted azokat, a kik apostoloknak mondják magokat, holott nem azok, és hazugoknak találtad õket;

Apokalipso de sankta Johano 2:2
Mi scias viajn farojn, kaj vian laboron kaj vian paciencon, kaj ke vi ne povas toleri la malbonulojn, kaj ke vi provis tiujn, kiuj nomas sin apostoloj kaj ne estas tiaj, kaj trovis ilin malveraj;

Johanneksen ilmestys 2:2
Minä tiedän sinun työs ja tekos ja sinun kärsivällisyytes, ettet sinä voi kärsiä pahoja: sinä olet niitä jo kiusannut, jotka itsensä apostoleiksi sanovat ja ei ole, ja löysit heidät valehtelioiksi.

Apocalypse 2:2
Je connais tes oeuvres, et ton travail, et ta patience, et que tu ne peux supporter les méchants; et tu as éprouvé ceux qui se disent apôtres et ne le sont pas, et tu les as trouvés menteurs;

Je connais tes oeuvres, ton travail, et ta persévérance. Je sais que tu ne peux supporter les méchants; que tu as éprouvé ceux qui se disent apôtres et qui ne le sont pas, et que tu les as trouvés menteurs;

Je connais tes œuvres, ton travail et ta patience, et [je sais] que tu ne peux souffrir les méchants, et que tu as éprouvé ceux qui se disent être apôtres, et ne le sont point, et que tu les as trouvés menteurs.

Offenbarung 2:2
Ich weiß deine Werke und deine Arbeit und deine Geduld, und daß du die Bösen nicht tragen kannst und hast versucht die, so da sagen, sie seien Apostel, und sind's nicht, und hast sie Lügner erfunden,

Ich weiß deine Werke und deine Arbeit und deine Geduld und daß du die Bösen nicht tragen kannst; und hast versucht die, so da sagen, sie seien Apostel, und sind's nicht, und hast sie als Lügner erfunden;

ich kenne deine Werke und deine Mühe und deine Geduld, und daß du Schlechte nicht tragen magst, und hast geprüft die sich selbst Apostel nennen und sind es nicht, und hast sie Lügner gefunden;

Apocalisse 2:2
Io conosco le tue opere e la tua fatica e la tua costanza e che non puoi sopportare i malvagi e hai messo alla prova quelli che si chiamano apostoli e non lo sono, e li hai trovati mendaci;

Io conosco le opere tue, e la tua fatica, e la tua sofferenza, e che tu non puoi sopportare i malvagi; ed hai provati coloro che si dicono essere apostoli, e nol sono; e li hai trovati mendaci;

Aku tahu segala perbuatanmu dan kelelahan dan sabarmu, dan Aku tahu bahwa engkau tiada boleh tahan segala orang jahat, tetapi engkau sudah mencoba orang-orang yang mengatakan dirinya rasul, tetapi bukan, dan sudah engkau dapati mereka itu pendusta;

Revelation 2:2
ssneɣ tikli-inek d lecɣal-ik, ẓriɣ leɛtab-ik d ṣṣbeṛ i tṣebṛeḍ ; ẓriɣ ur tezmireḍ ara aț-țawiḍ i yemcumen, tjeṛbeḍ wid ițțarran iman-nsen d ṛṛusul ur llin, tkecfeḍ-ten-id belli d ikeddaben i llan.

요한계시록 2:2
내가 네 행위와 수고와 네 인내를 알고 또 악한 자들을 용납지 아니한 것과 자칭 사도라 하되 아닌 자들을 시험하여 그 거짓된 것을 네가 드러낸 것과

Apocalypsis 2:2
scio opera tua et laborem et patientiam tuam et quia non potes sustinere malos et temptasti eos qui se dicunt apostolos et non sunt et invenisti eos mendaces

Atklāsmes grāmata 2:2
Es zinu tavus darbus un pūles, un tavu pacietību, un ka tu nevari paciest ļaunos un pārbaudīji tos, kas saucas par apustuļiem, bet tādi nav, un esi atradis tos par meļiem.

Apreiðkimo Jonui knyga 2:2
Aš žinau tavo darbus, tavo triūsą ir tavo kantrybę. Žinau, kad tu negali pakęsti piktųjų ir ištyrei tuos, kurie sakosi esą apaštalai, bet tokie nėra, ir radai juos esant melagius.

Revelation 2:2
Ka matau ahau ki au mahi, ki tou uaua, ki tou manawanui, e kore hoki koe e ata hanga ki te hunga kino: kua whakamatautauria hoki e koe te hunga e mea nei he apotoro ratou, a ehara, kua mau i a koe he hunga teka ratou:

Apenbaring 2:2
Jeg vet om dine gjerninger og ditt arbeid og ditt tålmod, og at du ikke kan tåle de onde; du har prøvd dem som sier de er apostler, og ikke er det, og du har funnet at de er løgnere;

Apocalipsis 2:2
`Yo conozco tus obras, tu fatiga y tu perseverancia, y que no puedes soportar a los malos, y has sometido a prueba a los que se dicen ser apóstoles y no lo son, y los has hallado mentirosos.

"Yo conozco tus obras, tu fatiga y tu perseverancia, y que no puedes soportar a los malos, y has sometido a prueba a los que se dicen ser apóstoles y no lo son, y los has hallado mentirosos (falsos).

Yo conozco tus obras, y tu trabajo, y tu paciencia; y que no puedes soportar a los malos, y has probado a los que se dicen ser apóstoles, y no lo son, y los has hallado mentirosos;

Yo sé tus obras, y tu trabajo y paciencia; y que tú no puedes sufrir los malos, y has probado á los que se dicen ser apóstoles, y no lo son, y los has hallado mentirosos;

Yo sé tus obras, y tu trabajo y paciencia; y que tú no puedes sufrir a los malos, y has probado a los que se dicen ser Apóstoles, y no lo son, y los has hallado mentirosos;

Apocalipse 2:2
Conheço as tuas obras, tanto o teu trabalho árduo como a tua perseverança, e que não podes tolerar pessoas más, e que puseste à prova aqueles que a si mesmos se declaram apóstolos mas não são, e descobriste que eram impostores.

Conheço as tuas obras, e o teu trabalho, e a tua perseverança; sei que não podes suportar os maus, e que puseste à prova os que se dizem apóstolos e não o são, e os achaste mentirosos;   

Apocalipsa 2:2
,,Ştiu faptele tale, osteneala ta şi răbdarea ta, şi că nu poţi suferi pe cei răi; că ai pus la încercare pe cei ce zic că sînt apostoli şi nu sînt, şi i-ai găsit mincinoşi.

Откровение 2:2
знаю дела твои, и труд твой, и терпение твое, и то, что ты не можешь сносить развратных, и испытал тех, которые называют себя апостолами, а онине таковы, и нашел, что они лжецы;

знаю дела твои, и труд твой, и терпение твое, и то, что ты не можешь сносить развратных, и испытал тех, которые называют себя апостолами, а они не таковы, и нашел, что они лжецы;

Revelation 2:2
Ashφ ame T·ram nuna nΘkajai. Ti kakaram takaakum katsunteamuncha nΘkajai. Yajauch shuar nawamtsuk awemaitrume. Shuar Yus akatramuitjai" ßntar tuinia nu nekaamarme. Wßitrinia nusha nΘkaitme.

Uppenbarelseboken 2:2
Jag känner dina gärningar och ditt arbete och din ståndaktighet, och jag vet att du icke kan lida onda människor; du har prövat dem som säga sig vara apostlar, men icke äro det, och har funnit dem vara lögnare.

Ufunua was Yohana 2:2
Najua mambo yako yote; najua bidii yako na uvumilivu wako. Najua kwamba huwezi kuwavumilia watu waovu, na kwamba umewapima wale wanaojisemea kuwa mitume na kumbe sio, ukagundua kwamba ni waongo.

Pahayag 2:2
Nalalaman ko ang iyong mga gawa, at ang iyong pagpapagal at pagtitiis, at hindi mo matiis ang masasamang tao, at sinubok mo ang mga nagpapanggap na apostol, at sila'y hindi gayon, at nasumpungan mo silang pawang bulaan;

วิวรณ์ 2:2
เรารู้จักแนวการกระทำของเจ้า รู้ความเหนื่อยยากและความอดทนของเจ้า และรู้ว่าเจ้าไม่สามารถทนต่อทุรชนได้ เจ้าได้ลองใจคนเหล่านั้นที่อวดว่าเขาเป็นอัครสาวก และหาได้เป็นไม่ และเจ้าก็เห็นว่าเขาเป็นคนมุสา

Vahiy 2:2
‹Yaptıklarını, çalışkanlığını, sabrını biliyorum. Kötü kişilere katlanamadığını da biliyorum. Elçi olmadıkları halde kendilerini elçi diye tanıtanları sınadın ve onları yalancı buldun.

Откровение 2:2
Знаю діла твої, і труд твій, і терпиливість твою, і що не можеш терпіти лихих, і досьвідчив тих, що зовуть себе апостолами, та ними не є, я знайшов їх ложниками,

Revelation 2:2
Na'uli': Ku'inca napa to nibabehi. Baka' -koi mpobago bago-ku, ntaha-koi ane rabalinai' sabana pepangala' -ni hi Aku'. Ku'inca kanipokahuku' -ra tauna to dada'a. Ria-ra to mpo'uli' kahira' -na suro-ku, ntaa' bela-di. Nipomonaa-mi kehi-ra pai' alaa-na nirata kaboaa' -ra.

Khaûi-huyeàn 2:2
Ta biết công việc ngươi, sự khó nhọc ngươi, sự nhịn nhục ngươi; ta biết ngươi không thể dung được những kẻ ác, lại biết ngươi đã thử những kẻ tự xưng là sứ đồ mà không phải là sứ đồ, ngươi đã rõ rằng chúng nó giả dối.

Revelation 2:1
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