Psalm 90:10
Psalm 90:10
Our days may come to seventy years, or eighty, if our strength endures; yet the best of them are but trouble and sorrow, for they quickly pass, and we fly away.

Seventy years are given to us! Some even live to eighty. But even the best years are filled with pain and trouble; soon they disappear, and we fly away.

The years of our life are seventy, or even by reason of strength eighty; yet their span is but toil and trouble; they are soon gone, and we fly away.

As for the days of our life, they contain seventy years, Or if due to strength, eighty years, Yet their pride is but labor and sorrow; For soon it is gone and we fly away.

The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away.

Our lives last seventy years or, if we are strong, eighty years. Even the best of them are struggle and sorrow; indeed, they pass quickly and we fly away.

We live for 70 years, or 80 years if we're healthy, yet even in the prime years there are troubles and sorrow. They pass by quickly and we fly away.

The days of our lives add up to seventy years, or eighty, if one is especially strong. But even one's best years are marred by trouble and oppression. Yes, they pass quickly and we fly away.

The days of our years with them are 70 years, or being stronger, 80 years; most of them are toil and pains, because affliction comes upon us and we are buffeted.

Each of us lives for 70 years- or even 80 if we are in good health. But the best of them [bring] trouble and misery. Indeed, they are soon gone, and we fly away.

The days of our years are seventy, and of the most valiant eighty years, yet their strength is labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away.

The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labor and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away.

The days of our years are three score years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labor and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away.

The days of our years are threescore years and ten, Or even by reason of strength fourscore years; Yet is their pride but labor and sorrow; For it is soon gone, and we fly away.

the days of our years in them are threescore and ten years. But if in the strong they be fourscore years: and what is more of them is labour and sorrow. For mildness is come upon us: and we shall be corrected.

The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if, by reason of strength, they be fourscore years, yet their pride is labour and vanity, for it is soon cut off, and we fly away.

The days of our years are threescore years and ten, or even by reason of strength fourscore years; yet is their pride but labour and sorrow; for it is soon gone, and we fly away.

The days of our years are seventy years; and if by reason of strength they are eighty years, yet is their strength labor and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away.

The days of our years are seventy, or even by reason of strength eighty years; yet their pride is but labor and sorrow, for it passes quickly, and we fly away.

Days of our years, in them are seventy years, And if, by reason of might, eighty years, Yet is their enlargement labour and vanity, For it hath been cut off hastily, and we fly away.

Psalmet 90:10
Ditët e viteve tona shkojnë deri në shtatëdhjetë vjet dhe për më të fortët në tetëdhjetë, por ajo që përbën krenarinë e tyre nuk është veçse mundim dhe dëshirë për t'u dukur, sepse kalon me të shpejtë dhe ne fluturojmë tutje.

ﺍﻟﻤﺰﺍﻣﻴﺮ 90:10
‎ايام سنينا هي سبعون سنة. وان كانت مع القوة فثمانون سنة وافخرها تعب وبلية. لانها تقرض سريعا فنطير‎.

D Sälm 90:10
Sibzg Jaar seind üns vergunnt auf dyr Erdn; guet, sollnd s achtzge sein, dös ist schoon vil. Und was haast ausser Unmueß und Hartsal? Kaaum däßst schaugst, ist s schoon wider vorbei.

Псалми 90:10
Дните на живота ни са естествено седемдесет години Или даже, гдето има сила, осемдесет години; Но и най-добрите от тях са труд и скръб, Защото скоро прехождат и ние отлитаме.

詩 篇 90:10
我 們 一 生 的 年 日 是 七 十 歲 , 若 是 強 壯 可 到 八 十 歲 ; 但 其 中 所 矜 誇 的 不 過 是 勞 苦 愁 煩 , 轉 眼 成 空 , 我 們 便 如 飛 而 去 。

我 们 一 生 的 年 日 是 七 十 岁 , 若 是 强 壮 可 到 八 十 岁 ; 但 其 中 所 矜 夸 的 不 过 是 劳 苦 愁 烦 , 转 眼 成 空 , 我 们 便 如 飞 而 去 。



Psalm 90:10
Zbroj naše dobi sedamdeset je godina, ako smo snažni, i osamdeset; a većina od njih muka je i ništavost: jer prolaze brzo i mi letimo odavle.

Žalmů 90:10
Všech dnů let našich jest let sedmdesáte, aneb jest-li kdo silnějšího přirození, osmdesát let, a i to, což nejzdárnějšího v nich, jest práce a bída, a když to pomine, tožť ihned rychle zaletíme.

Salme 90:10
Vore Livsdage er halvfjerdsindstyve Aar, og kommer det højt, da firsindstyve. Deres Herlighed er Møje og Slid, thi hastigt gaar det, vi flyver af Sted.

Psalmen 90:10
Aangaande de dagen onzer jaren, daarin zijn zeventig jaren, of, zo wij zeer sterk zijn, tachtig jaren; en het uitnemendste van die is moeite en verdriet; want het wordt snellijk afgesneden, en wij vliegen daarheen.

תהילים 90:10
יְמֵֽי־שְׁנֹותֵ֨ינוּ בָהֶ֥ם שִׁבְעִ֪ים שָׁנָ֡ה וְאִ֤ם בִּגְבוּרֹ֨ת ׀ שְׁמֹ֘ונִ֤ים שָׁנָ֗ה וְ֭רָהְבָּם עָמָ֣ל וָאָ֑וֶן כִּי־גָ֥ז חִ֝֗ישׁ וַנָּעֻֽפָה׃

י ימי-שנותינו בהם שבעים שנה  ואם בגבורת שמונים שנה-- ורהבם  עמל ואון כי-גז חיש  ונעפה

ימי־שנותינו בהם שבעים שנה ואם בגבורת ׀ שמונים שנה ורהבם עמל ואון כי־גז חיש ונעפה׃

Zsoltárok 90:10
A mi esztendeinknek napjai hetven esztendõ, vagy ha feljebb, nyolczvan esztendõ, és nagyobb részök nyomorúság és fáradság, a mely gyorsan tovatünik, mintha repülnénk.

La psalmaro 90:10
La dauxro de nia vivo estas sepdek jaroj, Kaj cxe forteco okdek jaroj; Kaj ilia tuta majesto estas penado kaj suferado, CXar gxi forkuras rapide kaj ni forflugas.

Meidän elinaikamme on seitsemänkymmentä vuotta, taikka enintään kahdeksankymmentä vuotta: ja kuin se paras on ollut, niin on se tuska ja työ ollut: sillä se leikataan pois. niinkuin me lentäisimme pois.

Psaume 90:10
Les jours de nos années montent à soixante-dix ans, et si, à cause de la vigueur, ils vont à quatre-vingt ans, leur orgueil encore est peine et vanité; car notre vie s'en va bientôt, et nous nous envolons.

Les jours de nos années s'élèvent à soixante-dix ans, Et, pour les plus robustes, à quatre-vingts ans; Et l'orgueil qu'ils en tirent n'est que peine et misère, Car il passe vite, et nous nous envolons.

Les jours de nos années reviennent à soixante et dix ans, et s'il y en a de vigoureux, à quatre-vingts ans; même le plus beau de ces jours n'est que travail et tourment; et il s'en va bientôt, et nous nous envolons.

Psalm 90:10
Unser Leben währet siebenzig Jahre, und wenn's hoch kommt, so sind's achtzig Jahre; und wenn's köstlich gewesen ist, so ist's Mühe und Arbeit gewesen; denn es fähret schnell dahin, als flögen wir davon.

Unser Leben währet siebzig Jahre, und wenn's hoch kommt, so sind's achtzig Jahre, und wenn's köstlich gewesen ist, so ist es Mühe und Arbeit gewesen; denn es fährt schnell dahin, als flögen wir davon.

Unser Leben währt siebzig Jahre, und ihr Gepränge ist Mühsal und Nichtigkeit; denn es ging eilend vorüber, und wir flogen davon.

Salmi 90:10
I giorni de’ nostri anni arrivano a settant’anni; o, per i più forti, a ottant’anni; e quel che ne fa l’orgoglio, non è che travaglio e vanità; perché passa presto, e noi ce ne voliam via.

I giorni de’ nostri anni, in alcuni non sono che settant’anni; E in altri, se ve ne sono di maggiori forze, che ottant’anni; Ed anche il fiore di quelli non è altro che travaglio e vanità; Perciocchè di subito è riciso, e noi ce ne voliam via.

MAZMUR 90:10
Adapun segala hari umur hidup kami itu tujuh puluh tahun, maka jikalau kami amat kuat delapan puluh tahun; maka kelebihannya sekalian itu susah dan kesukaran jua, karena dengan segeranya ia itu dikerat dan kamipun lenyaplah.

시편 90:10
우리의 연수가 칠십이요 강건하면 팔십이라도 그 연수의 자랑은 수고와 슬픔 뿐이요 신속히 가니 우리가 날아가나이다

Psalmi 90:10
(89-10) dies annorum nostrorum in ipsis septuaginta anni si autem multum octoginta anni et quod amplius est labor et dolor quoniam transivimus cito et avolavimus

Psalmynas 90:10
Mūsų metų skaičius yra septyniasdešimt, o stipresniųjų­aštuoniasdešimt. Dauguma jų praeina varge ir kančiose. Jie greitai praeina, ir mes išnykstame.

Psalm 90:10
Ko nga ra o o matou tau e whitu tekau tau; a ki te whai kaha, ka waru tekau tau; heoi he mahi mauiui, he pouri to ratou kaha; ka hohoro hoki te hatepea atu, a ka rere atu matou.

Salmenes 90:10
Vårt livs tid, den er sytti år og, når der er megen styrke, åtti år, og dets herlighet er møie og tomhet; for hastig blev vi drevet fremad, og vi fløi avsted.

Salmos 90:10
Los días de nuestra vida llegan a setenta años; y en caso de mayor vigor, a ochenta años. Con todo, su orgullo es sólo trabajo y pesar, porque pronto pasa, y volamos.

Los días de nuestra vida llegan a setenta años; Y en caso de mayor vigor, a ochenta años. Con todo, su orgullo es sólo trabajo y pesar, Porque pronto pasa, y volamos.

Los días de nuestra edad son setenta años; y en los más robustos son ochenta años, con todo, su fortaleza es molestia y trabajo; porque es cortado presto, y volamos.

Los días de nuestra edad son setenta años; Que si en los más robustos son ochenta años, Con todo su fortaleza es molestia y trabajo; Porque es cortado presto, y volamos.

Los días de nuestra edad son setenta años; y de los más valientes, ochenta años, y su fortaleza es molestia y trabajo; porque es cortado presto, y volamos.

Salmos 90:10
De fato, os dias de nossa vida chegam a setenta anos, ou a oitenta para os que têm mais saúde; entretanto, a maior parte dos anos é de labuta e sofrimentos, porquanto a vida passa muito depressa, e nós voamos!

A duração da nossa vida é de setenta anos; e se alguns, pela sua robustez, chegam a oitenta anos, a medida deles é canseira e enfado; pois passa rapidamente, e nós voamos.   

Psalmi 90:10
Anii vieţii noastre se ridică la şaptezeci de ani, iar, pentru cei mai tari, la optzeci de ani; şi lucrul cu care se mîndreşte omul în timpul lor nu este decît trudă şi durere, căci trece iute, şi noi sburăm.

Псалтирь 90:10
(89:10) Дней лет наших – семьдесят лет, а при большей крепости – восемьдесят лет; и самая лучшая пора их – труд и болезнь, ибо проходят быстро, и мы летим.

(89-10) Дней лет наших--семьдесят лет, а при большей крепости--восемьдесят лет; и самая лучшая пора их--труд и болезнь, ибо проходят быстро, и мы летим.[]

Psaltaren 90:10
Vårt liv varar sjuttio år eller åttio år, om det bliver långt; och när det är som bäst, är det möda och fåfänglighet, ty det går snart förbi, likasom flöge vi bort.

Psalm 90:10
Ang mga kaarawan ng aming mga taon ay pitong pung taon, o kung dahil sa kalakasan ay umaabot ng walong pung taon; gayon ma'y ang kanilang kapalaluan ay hirap at kapanglawan lamang; sapagka't madaling napapawi, at kami ay nagsisilipad.

เพลงสดุดี 90:10
กำหนดปีของข้าพระองค์ทั้งหลายคือเจ็ดสิบหรือถ้าเป็นเหตุจากมีกำลังก็ถึงแปดสิบ แต่ช่วงชีวิตนั้นมีแต่งานและความโศกเศร้า ไม่ช้าก็สูญไปและข้าพระองค์ทั้งหลายก็จากไป

Mezmurlar 90:10
Ömrümüz yetmiş yıl sürüyor,
Bilemedin seksen, o da sağlıklıysak;
En güzel yıllar da zahmetle, kederle geçiyor,
Çabucak bitiyor, uçup gidiyoruz.[]

Thi-thieân 90:10
Tuổi tác của chúng tôi đến được bảy mươi, Còn nếu mạnh khỏe thì đến tám mươi; Song sự kiêu căng của nó bất quá là lao khổ và buồn thảm, Vì đời sống chóng qua, rồi chúng tôi bay mất đi.

Psalm 90:9
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