Psalm 49:14
Psalm 49:14
They are like sheep and are destined to die; death will be their shepherd (but the upright will prevail over them in the morning). Their forms will decay in the grave, far from their princely mansions.

Like sheep, they are led to the grave, where death will be their shepherd. In the morning the godly will rule over them. Their bodies will rot in the grave, far from their grand estates.

Like sheep they are appointed for Sheol; death shall be their shepherd, and the upright shall rule over them in the morning. Their form shall be consumed in Sheol, with no place to dwell.

As sheep they are appointed for Sheol; Death shall be their shepherd; And the upright shall rule over them in the morning, And their form shall be for Sheol to consume So that they have no habitation.

Like sheep they are laid in the grave; death shall feed on them; and the upright shall have dominion over them in the morning; and their beauty shall consume in the grave from their dwelling.

Like sheep they are headed for Sheol; Death will shepherd them. The upright will rule over them in the morning, and their form will waste away in Sheol, far from their lofty abode.

Like sheep, they are destined for the realm of the dead, with death as their shepherd. The upright will have dominion over them in the morning; their strength will be consumed in the afterlife, so that they have no home.

They will travel to Sheol like sheep, with death as their shepherd. The godly will rule over them when the day of vindication dawns; Sheol will consume their bodies and they will no longer live in impressive houses.

They will be given up to Sheol and death will feed on them, and the upright will rule over them in the morning, and Sheol will consume their form and they shall be cast out from their glory.

Like sheep, they are driven to hell with death as their shepherd. (Decent people will rule them in the morning.) Their forms will decay in the grave, far away from their comfortable homes.

Like sheep they are laid in Sheol; death shall feed on them, and the upright shall have dominion over them in the morning, and their beauty shall be consumed in the grave from their dwelling.

Like sheep they are laid in the grave; death shall feed on them; and the upright shall have dominion over them in the morning; and their beauty shall consume in the grave from their dwelling.

Like sheep they are laid in the grave; death shall feed on them; and the upright shall have dominion over them in the morning; and their beauty shall consume in the grave from their dwelling.

They are appointed as a flock for Sheol; Death shall be their shepherd; And the upright shall have dominion over them in the morning; And their beauty shall be for Sheol to consume, That there be no habitation for it.

They are laid in hell like sheep: death shall feed upon them. And the just shall have dominion over them in the morning; and their help shall decay in hell from their glory.

Like sheep are they laid in Sheol: Death feedeth on them; and the upright shall have dominion over them in the morning; and their comeliness shall be for Sheol to consume, that there be no habitation for them.

They are appointed as a flock for Sheol; death shall be their shepherd: and the upright shall have dominion over them in the morning; and their beauty shall be for Sheol to consume, that there be no habitation for it.

Like sheep they are laid in the grave; death shall feed on them; and the upright shall have dominion over them in the morning; and their beauty shall consume in the grave from their dwelling.

They are appointed as a flock for Sheol. Death shall be their shepherd. The upright shall have dominion over them in the morning. Their beauty shall decay in Sheol, far from their mansion.

As sheep for Sheol they have set themselves, Death doth afflict them, And the upright rule over them in the morning, And their form is for consumption. Sheol is a dwelling for him.

Psalmet 49:14
Shtyhen si dele në drejtim të Sheolit; vdekja do t'i përpijë dhe në mëngjes njerëzit e drejtë do të sundojnë mbi ta. Luksi i tyre do të marrë fund në Sheol, larg banesës së tyre.

ﺍﻟﻤﺰﺍﻣﻴﺮ 49:14
‎مثل الغنم للهاوية يساقون. الموت يرعاهم ويسودهم المستقيمون‎. ‎غداة وصورتهم تبلى. الهاوية مسكن لهم‎.

D Sälm 49:14
Freun tuet si dyr Baindlkraamer; abhin mueß allss eyn s Reich von n Tood. Daa hilfft nix meer, wenn s haisst: "Aus ist s!": Zfäuln tuend s, und dös wär s dann gwösn.

Псалми 49:14
Назначават се като овце за преизподнята; Смъртта ще им бъде овчар; И праведните ще ги обладаят призори; И красотата им ще овехтее, Като остава преизподнята жилище на всеки един от тях.

詩 篇 49:14
他 們 如 同 羊 群 派 定 下 陰 間 ; 死 亡 必 作 他 們 的 牧 者 。 到 了 早 晨 , 正 直 人 必 管 轄 他 們 ; 他 們 的 美 容 必 被 陰 間 所 滅 , 以 致 無 處 可 存 。

他 们 如 同 羊 群 派 定 下 阴 间 ; 死 亡 必 作 他 们 的 牧 者 。 到 了 早 晨 , 正 直 人 必 管 辖 他 们 ; 他 们 的 美 容 必 被 阴 间 所 灭 , 以 致 无 处 可 存 。



Psalm 49:14
Poput stada redaju se u Podzemlju, smrt im je pastir, a dobri njima vladaju. Njihova će lika brzo nestati, Podzemlje će im biti postojbina.

Žalmů 49:14
Jako hovada v pekle skladeni budou, smrt je žráti bude, ale upřímí panovati budou nad nimi v jitře; způsob pak oněchno aby zvetšel, z příbytku svého octnou se v hrobě.

Salme 49:14
I Dødsriget drives de ned som Faar, deres Hyrde skal Døden være; de oprigtige træder paa dem ved Gry, deres Skikkelse gaar Opløsning i Møde, Dødsriget er deres Bolig.

Psalmen 49:14
Men zet hen als schapen in het graf, de dood zal hen afweiden; en de oprechten zullen over hen heersen in dien morgenstond; en het graf zal hun gedaante verslijten, elk uit zijn woning.

תהילים 49:14
כַּצֹּ֤אן ׀ לִֽשְׁאֹ֣ול שַׁתּוּ֮ מָ֤וֶת יִ֫רְעֵ֥ם וַיִּרְדּ֘וּ בָ֤ם יְשָׁרִ֨ים ׀ לַבֹּ֗קֶר [וְצִירָם כ] (וְ֭צוּרָם ק) לְבַלֹּ֥ות שְׁאֹ֗ול מִזְּבֻ֥ל לֹֽו׃

טו כצאן לשאול שתו--  מות ירעם וירדו בם ישרים לבקר--וצירם (וצורם) לבלות שאול  מזבל לו

כצאן ׀ לשאול שתו מות ירעם וירדו בם ישרים ׀ לבקר [וצירם כ] (וצורם ק) לבלות שאול מזבל לו׃

Zsoltárok 49:14
Mint juhok, a Seolra vettetnek, a halál legelteti õket, és az igazak uralkodnak rajtok reggel; alakjokat elemészti a Seol, távol az õ lakásuktól.

La psalmaro 49:14
Kiel sxafoj ili estos metataj en SXeolon; La morto ilin pasxtos; Kaj matene virtuloj ilin ekposedos, Kaj ilia bildo pereos en SXeol, perdinte logxejon.

He makaavat helvetissä niinkuin lampaat, kuolema heitä kalvaa; mutta hurskasten pitää varhain heitä hallitseman, ja heidän öykkäyksensä pitää hukkuman, ja heidän täytyy jäädä helvettiin.

Psaume 49:14
Ils gisent dans le shéol comme des brebis: la mort se repaît d'eux, et au matin les hommes droits domineront sur eux; et leur beauté va se consumer dans le shéol, sans qu'ils aient plus de demeure.

Comme un troupeau, ils sont mis dans le séjour des morts, La mort en fait sa pâture; Et bientôt les hommes droits les foulent aux pieds, Leur beauté s'évanouit, le séjour des morts est leur demeure.

Ils seront mis au sépulcre comme des brebis; la mort se repaîtra d'eux, et les hommes droits auront domination sur eux au matin, et leur force sera le sépulcre pour les y faire consumer, chacun d'eux étant transporté hors de son domicile.

Psalm 49:14
Dies ihr Tun ist eitel Torheit; noch loben's ihre Nachkommen mit ihrem Munde Sela.

Sie liegen in der Hölle wie Schafe, der Tod weidet sie; aber die Frommen werden gar bald über sie herrschen, und ihr Trotz muß vergehen; in der Hölle müssen sie bleiben.

Wie Schafe sinken sie hinab in die Unterwelt, der Tod weidet sie, so daß am Morgen die Frommen über sie herrschen. Und ihre Gestalt ist zum Verzehren bestimmt; die Unterwelt wird ihr zur Wohnung.

Salmi 49:14
Son cacciati come pecore nel soggiorno de’ morti; la morte è il loro pastore; ed al mattino gli uomini retti li calpestano. La lor gloria ha da consumarsi nel soggiorno de’ morti, né avrà altra dimora.

Saranno posti sotterra, come pecore; La morte li pasturerà; E gli uomini diritti signoreggeranno sopra loro in quella mattina; E il sepolcro consumerà la lor bella apparenza, Che sarà portata via dal suo abitacolo.

MAZMUR 49:14
Seperti domba mereka itupun dimasukkan ke dalam kubur dan maut itulah gembalanya! Pada pagi hari itulah orang benar akan memerintahkan mereka itu dan kubur itu akan membusukkan rupanya daru dalam tempat diamnya.

시편 49:14
양 같이 저희를 음부에 두기로 작정되었으니 사망이 저희 목자일 것이라 정직한 자가 아침에 저희를 다스리리니 저희 아름다움이 음부에서 소멸하여 그 거처조차 없어지려니와

Psalmi 49:14
(48-15) quasi grex in inferno positi sunt mors pascet eos et subicient eos recti in matutino et figura eorum conteretur in inferno post habitaculum suum

Psalmynas 49:14
Mirtis juos ganys kaip avis. Josios buveinei jie skirti ir į ją nužengs. Jų kūnas sunyks, pavidalas sudūlės; mirusiųjų buveinė bus jų namai.

Psalm 49:14
Kei te hipi te rite: ko te wahi mo ratou ko te reinga; ko te mate hei hepara mo ratou, hei rangatira ano te hunga tika mo ratou i te ata; ko to ratou ataahua ma te reinga e whakamoti, kia kore ai he whare mona.

Salmenes 49:14
Som en fårehjord føres de ned i dødsriket, døden vokter dem, og de opriktige hersker over dem, når morgenen bryter frem, og deres skikkelse blir ødelagt av dødsriket, så de ikke har nogen bolig mere.

Salmos 49:14
Como ovejas son destinados para el Seol, la muerte los pastoreará, los rectos los regirán por la mañana; su forma será para que el Seol la consuma, de modo que no tienen morada.

Como ovejas son destinados para el Seol, La muerte los pastoreará, Los rectos los regirán por la mañana; Su forma será para que el Seol la consuma, De modo que no tienen morada.

Como rebaños serán puestos en la sepultura; la muerte se cebará en ellos; y los rectos señorearán sobre ellos por la mañana; y su buen parecer se consumirá en el sepulcro de su morada.

Como rebaños serán puestos en la sepultura; La muerte se cebará en ellos; Y los rectos se enseñorearán de ellos por la mañana: Y se consumirá su bien parecer en el sepulcro de su morada.

Como ovejas son puestos en la sepultura; la muerte los pastorea; y los rectos se enseñorearán de ellos por la mañana; y se consumirá su bien parecer en la sepultura de su morada.

Salmos 49:14
Como ovelhas estão destinados à sepultura, e os justos terão domínio sobre eles; sua beleza e sua força se consumirão e somente a profundeza do Sheol será sua morada!

Como ovelhas são arrebanhados ao Seol; a morte os pastoreia; ao romper do dia os retos terão domínio sobre eles; e a sua formosura se consumirá no Seol, que lhes será por habitação.   

Psalmi 49:14
Sînt duşi ca o turmă în locuinţa morţilor, îi paşte moartea, şi în curînd oamenii fără prihană îi calcă în picioare: li se duce frumuseţa, şi locuinţa morţilor le este locaşul.

Псалтирь 49:14
(48:15) Как овец, заключат их в преисподнюю; смерть будет пасти их, и наутро праведники будут владычествовать над ними; сила их истощится; могила – жилище их.

(48-15) Как овец, заключат их в преисподнюю; смерть будет пасти их, и наутро праведники будут владычествовать над ними; сила их истощится; могила--жилище их.[]

Psaltaren 49:14
Såsom en fårhjord drivas de ned till dödsriket, där döden bliver deras herde. Så få de redliga makt över dem, när morgonen gryr, medan deras skepnader förtäras av dödsriket och ej få annan boning.

Psalm 49:14
Sila'y nangatakda sa Sheol na parang kawan; kamatayan ay magiging pastor sa kanila: at ang matuwid ay magtataglay ng kapangyarihan sa kanila sa kinaumagahan; at ang kanilang kagandahan ay mapapasa Sheol upang matunaw, upang mawalan ng tahanan.

เพลงสดุดี 49:14
ดังแกะ เขาถูกกำหนดไว้ให้แก่แดนผู้ตาย มัจจุราชจะเป็นเมษบาลของเขา คนเที่ยงธรรมจะมีอำนาจเหนือเขาทั้งหลายในเวลาเช้า และความงามของเขาจะเปื่อยสิ้นไปในแดนผู้ตายซึ่งคือที่อาศัยของเขา

Mezmurlar 49:14
Sürü gibi ölüler diyarına sürülecekler,
Ölüm güdecek onları.
Tan ağarınca doğrular onlara egemen olacak,
Cesetleri çürüyecek,
Ölüler diyarı onlara konut olacak.[]

Thi-thieân 49:14
Chúng nó bị định xuống âm phủ như một bầy chiên; Sự chết sẽ chăn giữ chúng nó: Sáng ngày người ngay thẳng sẽ quản hạt chúng nó; Sự đẹp đẽ chúng nó bị tiêu diệt trong âm phủ, Hầu cho chúng nó chẳng còn nơi ở nào nữa.

Psalm 49:13
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