Psalm 31:22
Psalm 31:22
In my alarm I said, "I am cut off from your sight!" Yet you heard my cry for mercy when I called to you for help.

In panic I cried out, "I am cut off from the LORD!" But you heard my cry for mercy and answered my call for help.

I had said in my alarm, “I am cut off from your sight.” But you heard the voice of my pleas for mercy when I cried to you for help.

As for me, I said in my alarm, "I am cut off from before Your eyes"; Nevertheless You heard the voice of my supplications When I cried to You.

For I said in my haste, I am cut off from before thine eyes: nevertheless thou heardest the voice of my supplications when I cried unto thee.

In my alarm I had said," I am cut off from Your sight." But You heard the sound of my pleading when I cried to You for help.

When I said in my panic, "I have been cut off in your sight," then you surely heard the voice of my prayer in my plea to you for help.

I jumped to conclusions and said, "I am cut off from your presence!" But you heard my plea for mercy when I cried out to you for help.

I have said in my haste, “I am destroyed from before your eyes”, and you heard the voice of my prayer when I cried out to you.

When I was panic-stricken, I said, "I have been cut off from your sight." But you heard my pleas for mercy when I cried out to you for help.

For I said in my haste, I am cut off from before thine eyes; nevertheless thou hast heard the voice of my supplications when I cried unto thee.

For I said in my haste, I am cut off from before your eyes: nevertheless you heard the voice of my supplications when I cried unto you.

For I said in my haste, I am cut off from before your eyes: nevertheless you heard the voice of my supplications when I cried to you.

As for me, I said in my haste, I am cut off from before thine eyes: Nevertheless thou heardest the voice of my supplications When I cried unto thee.

But I said in the excess of my mind: I am cast away from before thy eyes. Therefore thou hast heard the voice of my prayer, when I cried to thee.

As for me, I said in my haste, I am cut off from before thine eyes; nevertheless thou heardest the voice of my supplications when I cried unto thee.

As for me, I said in my haste, I am cut off from before thine eyes: nevertheless thou heardest the voice of my supplications when I cried unto thee.

For I said in my haste, I am cut off from before thy eyes: nevertheless thou heardest the voice of my supplications when I cried to thee.

As for me, I said in my haste, "I am cut off from before your eyes." Nevertheless you heard the voice of my petitions when I cried to you.

And I -- I have said in my haste, 'I have been cut off from before Thine eyes,' But Thou hast heard the voice of my supplications, In my crying unto Thee.

Psalmet 31:22
Kurse unë, në hutimin tim, thoja: "Më kanë larguar nga prania jote"; por ti dëgjove zërin e lutjeve të mia kur të klitha ty.

ﺍﻟﻤﺰﺍﻣﻴﺮ 31:22
‎وانا قلت في حيرتي اني قد انقطعت من قدام عينيك. ولكنك سمعت صوت تضرعي اذ صرخت اليك

D Sälm 31:22
Du haetst mi schoon abgschribn, gmain i vor Angst. Doch dann ghoerst mein Fleehen, wie i di um Hilf anrief.

Псалми 31:22
А в тревогата си аз бях рекъл: Отлъчен съм от очите Ти: Обаче Ти послуша гласа на молбите ми, Когато извиках към Тебе.

詩 篇 31:22
至 於 我 , 我 曾 急 促 地 說 : 我 從 你 眼 前 被 隔 絕 。 然 而 , 我 呼 求 你 的 時 候 , 你 仍 聽 我 懇 求 的 聲 音 。

至 於 我 , 我 曾 急 促 地 说 : 我 从 你 眼 前 被 隔 绝 。 然 而 , 我 呼 求 你 的 时 候 , 你 仍 听 我 恳 求 的 声 音 。



Psalm 31:22
U tjeskobi svojoj već mišljah: Odbačen sam od pogleda tvoga. Ali ti si čuo glas mog zaziva dok sam tebi vapio.

Žalmů 31:22
Já zajisté když jsem pospíchal, řekl jsem: Zavrženť jsem od očí tvých, ale ty jsi vyslyšel hlas pokorných modliteb mých, když jsem k tobě volal.

Salme 31:22
Og jeg, som sagde i min Angst: »Jeg er bortstødt fra dine Øjne!« Visselig, du hørte min tryglende Røst, da jeg raabte til dig.

Psalmen 31:22
Ik zeide wel in mijn haasten: Ik ben afgesneden van voor Uw ogen; dan nog hoordet Gij de stem mijner smekingen, als ik tot U riep.

תהילים 31:22
וַאֲנִ֤י ׀ אָ֘מַ֤רְתִּי בְחָפְזִ֗י נִגְרַזְתִּי֮ מִנֶּ֪גֶד עֵ֫ינֶ֥יךָ אָכֵ֗ן מַעְתָּ קֹ֥ול תַּחֲנוּנַ֗י בְּשַׁוְּעִ֥י אֵלֶֽיךָ׃

כג ואני אמרתי בחפזי--  נגרזתי מנגד עיניך אכן--שמעת קול תחנוני  בשועי אליך

ואני ׀ אמרתי בחפזי נגרזתי מנגד עיניך אכן מעת קול תחנוני בשועי אליך׃

Zsoltárok 31:22
Én ugyan azt gondoltam ijedtemben: Elvettettem szemeid elõl; de mégis, meghallgattad esedezéseimnek szavát, mikor kiáltottam hozzád.

La psalmaro 31:22
Kaj mi diris en mia konfuzigxo: Mi estas forpusxita for de Viaj okuloj; Tamen Vi auxskultis la vocxon de mia pregxo, kiam mi vokis al Vi.

Sillä minä sanoin pikaisuudessani: minä olen sinun silmäis edestä sysätty pois: kuitenkin kuulit sinä rukoukseni äänen, koska minä sinun tykös huusin.

Psaume 31:22
Et moi, je disais en mon agitation: Je suis retranché de devant tes yeux. Néanmoins tu as entendu la voix de mes supplications, quand j'ai crié à toi.

Je disais dans ma précipitation: Je suis chassé loin de ton regard! Mais tu as entendu la voix de mes supplications, Quand j'ai crié vers toi.

Je disais en ma précipitation : je suis retranché de devant tes yeux; et néanmoins tu as exaucé la voix de mes supplications, quand j'ai crié à toi.

Psalm 31:22
Gelobet sei der HERR, daß er hat eine wunderliche Güte mir bewiesen in einer festen Stadt!

Denn ich sprach zu meinem Zagen: Ich bin von deinen Augen verstoßen. Dennoch hörtest du meines Flehens Stimme, da ich zu dir schrie.

Ich aber dachte in meiner Bestürzung: ich bin abgeschnitten vom Bereiche deiner Augen! Aber du hast mein lautes Flehen gehört, als ich zu dir schrie.

Salmi 31:22
Quanto a me, nel mio smarrimento, dicevo: Io son reietto dalla tua presenza; ma tu hai udita la voce delle mie supplicazioni, quand’ho gridato a te.

Ora, quant’è a me, nel mio smarrimento, dissi: Io son riciso d’innanzi al tuo cospetto Ma pur tu hai udita la voce delle mie supplicazioni, Quando io ho gridato a te.

MAZMUR 31:22
Sesungguhnya dengan telanjurku aku telah berkata demikian: Bahwa aku telah terkerat dari hadapan mata-Mu; tetapi Engkau juga telah mendengar akan bunyi pohonku, apabila aku berseru kepada-Mu.

시편 31:22
내가 경겁한 중에 말하기를 주의 목전에서 끊어졌다 하였사오나 내가 주께 부르짖을 때에 주께서 나의 간구하는 소리를 들으셨나이다

Psalmi 31:22
(30-23) ego autem dixi in stupore meo proiectus sum de conspectu oculorum eius ergone audisti vocem deprecationis meae cum clamarem ad te

Psalmynas 31:22
Nes aš skubotai tariau: “Esu atskirtas nuo Tavo akių”. Tačiau Tu išgirdai mano maldavimą, kai šaukiausi Tavęs.

Psalm 31:22
I ki hoki ahau i toku potatutatunga, Kua motuhia mai ahau i mua i ou kanohi: ahakoa ra i rongo koe ki toku reo inoi i taku karangatanga ki a koe.

Salmenes 31:22
Og jeg, jeg sa i min angst: Jeg er revet bort fra dine øine. Dog hørte du mine inderlige bønners røst, da jeg ropte til dig.

Salmos 31:22
Y yo alarmado, decía: ¡Cortado soy de delante de tus ojos! Empero tú oíste la voz de mis súplicas cuando a ti clamaba.

Y yo alarmado, decía: "¡Cortado soy de delante de Tus ojos!" Sin embargo Tú oíste la voz de mis súplicas Cuando a Ti clamaba.

Y decía yo en mi premura: Cortado soy de delante de tus ojos; mas tú oíste la voz de mis súplicas, cuando a ti clamé.

Y decía yo en mi premura: Cortado soy de delante de tus ojos: Tú empero oíste la voz de mis ruegos, cuando á ti clamaba.

Y decía yo en mi premura: cortado soy de delante de tus ojos; mas tú ciertamente oíste la voz de mis ruegos, cuando a ti clamaba.

Salmos 31:22
Em meu desespero, pensei: Fui excluído da tua presença! Contudo, tu ouviste as minhas súplicas quando clamei por teu socorro.

Eu dizia no meu espanto: Estou cortado de diante dos teus olhos; não obstante, tu ouviste as minhas súplicas quando eu a ti clamei.   

Psalmi 31:22
În pornirea mea nechibzuită, ziceam: ,,Sînt izgonit dinaintea Ta!`` Dar Tu ai auzit glasul rugăciunilor mele, cînd am strigat spre Tine.

Псалтирь 31:22
(30:23) В смятении моем я думал: „отвержен я от очей Твоих"; но Ты услышал голос молитвы моей, когда я воззвал к Тебе.

(30-23) В смятении моем я думал: `отвержен я от очей Твоих`; но Ты услышал голос молитвы моей, когда я воззвал к Тебе.[]

Psaltaren 31:22
Ty väl sade jag i min ångest: »Jag är bortdriven från dina ögon.» Likväl hörde du mina böners ljud, när jag ropade till dig.

Psalm 31:22
Tungkol sa akin, sinabi ko sa aking pagmamadali, nahiwalay ako sa harap ng iyong mga mata: gayon ma'y dininig mo ang tinig ng aking mga pamanhik, nang ako'y dumaing sa iyo.

เพลงสดุดี 31:22
ด้วยข้าพระองค์กล่าวอย่างรีบร้อนว่า "ข้าพระองค์ถูกตัดขาดไปพ้นสายพระเนตรของพระองค์แล้ว" แต่พระองค์ยังทรงได้ยินเสียงแห่งคำวิงวอนของข้าพระองค์ เมื่อข้าพระองค์ร้องทูลขอต่อพระองค์

Mezmurlar 31:22
Telaş içinde demiştim ki,
‹‹Huzurundan atıldım!››
Ama yardıma çağırınca seni,
Yalvarışımı işittin.[]

Thi-thieân 31:22
Trong cơn bối rối tôi nói rằng: Tôi bị truất khỏi trước mặt Chúa. Nhưng khi tôi kêu cầu cùng Chúa, Chúa bèn nghe tiếng nài xin của tôi.

Psalm 31:21
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