Psalm 110:3
Psalm 110:3
Your troops will be willing on your day of battle. Arrayed in holy splendor, your young men will come to you like dew from the morning's womb.

When you go to war, your people will serve you willingly. You are arrayed in holy garments, and your strength will be renewed each day like the morning dew.

Your people will offer themselves freely on the day of your power, in holy garments; from the womb of the morning, the dew of your youth will be yours.

Your people will volunteer freely in the day of Your power; In holy array, from the womb of the dawn, Your youth are to You as the dew.

Thy people shall be willing in the day of thy power, in the beauties of holiness from the womb of the morning: thou hast the dew of thy youth.

Your people will volunteer on Your day of battle. In holy splendor, from the womb of the dawn, the dew of Your youth belongs to You.

Your soldiers are willing volunteers on your day of battle; in majestic holiness, from the womb, from the dawn, the dew of your youth belongs to you.

Your people willingly follow you when you go into battle. On the holy hills at sunrise the dew of your youth belongs to you.

“Your people are glorious in the day of power; in the glories of holiness from the womb, from the first, I have begotten you, Son.”

Your people will volunteer when you call up your army. Your young people will come to you in holy splendor like dew in the early morning.

Thy people shall be willing in the day of thy power, in the beauty of holiness; as the dew which falls from the womb of the morning, thus shall those who are thine be born unto thee.

Your people shall be willing in the day of your power, in the beauties of holiness from the womb of the morning: you have the dew of your youth.

Your people shall be willing in the day of your power, in the beauties of holiness from the womb of the morning: you have the dew of your youth.

Thy people offer themselves willingly In the day of thy power, in holy array: Out of the womb of the morning Thou hast the dew of thy youth.

With thee is the principality in the day of thy strength: in the brightness of the saints: from the womb before the day star I begot thee.

Thy people shall be willing in the day of thy power, in holy splendour: from the womb of the morning shall come to thee the dew of thy youth.

Thy people offer themselves willingly in the day of thy power: in the beauties of holiness, from the womb of the morning, thou hast the dew of thy youth.

Thy people shall be willing in the day of thy power, in the beauties of holiness: from the womb of the morning, thou hast the dew of thy youth.

Your people offer themselves willingly in the day of your power, in holy array. Out of the womb of the morning, you have the dew of your youth.

Thy people are free-will gifts in the day of Thy strength, in the honours of holiness, From the womb, from the morning, Thou hast the dew of thy youth.

Psalmet 110:3
Populli yt do të afrohet vullnetarisht ditën e pushtetit tënd; në madhështinë e shenjtërisë, nga gjiri i agimit, ti do të kesh vesën e rinisë sate.

ﺍﻟﻤﺰﺍﻣﻴﺮ 110:3
‎شعبك منتدب في يوم قوتك في زينة مقدسة من رحم الفجر لك طل حداثتك

D Sälm 110:3
Dein Volk ist pfrait für n Tag, wost d Macht zaigst. Dein Burschet ist dein Störchn. Wenn d Sunn aufgeet, dann trötnd s zo n Streit an. Tau, aus dyr Üecht geborn, so seind deine Röckn.

Псалми 110:3
В деня, [когато събереш] силата си, твоите люде [ще] представят себе си доброволно, в света премяна; Твоите млади [ще дойдат] при тебе [като] росата из утробата на зората.

詩 篇 110:3
當 你 掌 權 的 日 子 ( 或 譯 : 行 軍 的 日 子 ) , 你 的 民 要 以 聖 潔 的 妝 飾 為 衣 ( 或 譯 : 以 聖 潔 為 妝 飾 ) , 甘 心 犧 牲 自 己 ; 你 的 民 多 如 清 晨 的 甘 露 ( 或 譯 : 你 少 年 時 光 耀 如 清 晨 的 甘 露 ) 。

当 你 掌 权 的 日 子 ( 或 译 : 行 军 的 日 子 ) , 你 的 民 要 以 圣 洁 的 妆 饰 为 衣 ( 或 译 : 以 圣 洁 为 妆 饰 ) , 甘 心 牺 牲 自 己 ; 你 的 民 多 如 清 晨 的 甘 露 ( 或 译 : 你 少 年 时 光 耀 如 清 晨 的 甘 露 ) 。



Psalm 110:3
Spreman je tvoj narod u svetim odorama za dan tvog junaštva: kao rosa iz krila zorina uza te su mladi ratnici.

Žalmů 110:3
Lid tvůj dobrovolný v den boje tvého v ozdobě svatosti, z života hned v svitání jako rosa plod tvůj bude.

Salme 110:3
Dit Folk møder villigt frem paa din Vældes Dag; i hellig Prydelse kommer dit unge Mandskab til dig som Dug af Morgenrødens Moderskød.

Psalmen 110:3
Uw volk zal zeer gewillig zijn op den dag Uwer heirkracht, in heilig sieraad; uit de baarmoeder des dageraads zal U de dauw Uwer jeugd zijn.

תהילים 110:3
עַמְּךָ֣ נְדָבֹת֮ בְּיֹ֪ום חֵ֫ילֶ֥ךָ בְּֽהַדְרֵי־קֹ֖דֶשׁ מֵרֶ֣חֶם מִשְׁחָ֑ר לְ֝ךָ֗ טַ֣ל יַלְדֻתֶֽיךָ׃

ג עמך נדבת  ביום חילך בהדרי-קדש מרחם משחר  לך טל ילדתיך

עמך נדבת ביום חילך בהדרי־קדש מרחם משחר לך טל ילדתיך׃

Zsoltárok 110:3
A te néped készséggel siet a te sereggyûjtésed napján, szentséges öltözetekben; hajnalpir méhébõl leszen ifjaidnak harmatja.

La psalmaro 110:3
En la tago de via potenco via popolo volonte sin donas al vi en sankta ornamo. De la komenco de matenrugxo aligxas al vi la roso de via junularo.

Sinun voittos päivänä palvelee sinun kansas sinua mielellänsä pyhissä kaunistuksissa: sinun lapses synnytetään sinulle niinkuin kaste aamuruskosta.

Psaume 110:3
Ton peuple sera un peuple de franche volonté, au jour de ta puissance, en sainte magnificence. Du sein de l'aurore te viendra la rosée de ta jeunesse.

Ton peuple est plein d'ardeur, quand tu rassembles ton armée; Avec des ornements sacrés, du sein de l'aurore Ta jeunesse vient à toi comme une rosée.

Ton peuple [sera un peuple plein] de franche volonté au jour [que tu assembleras] ton armée en sainte pompe; la rosée de ta jeunesse te [sera produite] du sein de l'aube du jour.

Psalm 110:3
Nach deinem Sieg wird dir dein Volk williglich opfern in heiligem, Schmuck. Deine Kinder werden dir geboren wie der Tau aus der Morgenröte.

Nach deinem Sieg wird dir dein Volk willig opfern in heiligem Schmuck. Deine Kinder werden dir geboren wie der Tau aus der Morgenröte.

Dein Volk ist voller Willigkeit an deinem Heertag; auf heiligen Bergen, aus dem Schoße der Morgenröte kommt dir der Tau deiner jungen Mannschaft.

Salmi 110:3
Il tuo popolo s’offre volenteroso nel giorno che raduni il tuo esercito. Parata di santità, dal seno dell’alba, la tua gioventù viene a te come la rugiada.

Il tuo popolo sarà tutto volenteroso, Nel giorno che tu rassegnerai il tuo esercito, nel magnifico santuario; La rugiada della tua gioventù ti sarà prodotta dalla matrice dell’alba.

MAZMUR 110:3
Bahwa pada hari perangmu segala rakyatmu akan berhimpun kelak kepadamu dengan perhiasan yang suci; maka seperti dari pada kandungan fajar demikianlah embun segala pahlawanmu.

시편 110:3
주의 권능의 날에 주의 백성이 거룩한 옷을 입고 즐거이 헌신하니 새벽 이슬 같은 주의 청년들이 주께 나오는도다

Psalmi 110:3
(109-3) populi tui spontanei erunt in die fortitudinis tuae in montibus sanctis quasi de vulva orietur tibi ros adulescentiae tuae

Psalmynas 110:3
Savanoriškai Tavo tauta susirinks Tavo pergalės dieną šventumo grožyje. Jaunimas lyg aušros rasa Tave pasitiks.

Psalm 110:3
Ka kakama tou iwi ki te tapae atu i a ratou i te ra o tou kaha: i te ataahua o nga mea tapu, no te kopu mai o te ata, kei a koe te tomairangi o tou whanaketanga.

Salmenes 110:3
Ditt folk møter villig frem på ditt veldes dag; i hellig prydelse kommer din ungdom til dig, som dugg ut av morgenrødens skjød.

Salmos 110:3
Tu pueblo se ofrecerá voluntariamente en el día de tu poder; en el esplendor de la santidad, desde el seno de la aurora; tu juventud es para ti como el rocío.

Tu pueblo se ofrecerá voluntariamente en el día de Tu poder; En el esplendor de la santidad, desde el seno de la aurora; Tu juventud es para Ti como el rocío.

Tu pueblo estará dispuesto en el día de tu poder, en la hermosura de la santidad: desde el seno de la aurora, tienes tú el rocío de tu juventud.

Tu pueblo serálo de buena voluntad en el día de tu poder, En la hermosura de la santidad: desde el seno de la aurora, Tienes tú el rocío de tu juventud.

Tu pueblo será voluntario en el día de tu poder, en la hermosura de la santidad; como el rocío que cae de la matriz del alba, así te nacerán los tuyos.

Salmos 110:3
Teu povo se apresentará generoso, no dia da convocação. Nos montes santos, mais numerosos do que gotas de orvalho no seio da aurora, tu terás teus exércitos de jovens santos!

O teu povo apresentar-se-á voluntariamente no dia do teu poder, em trajes santos; como vindo do próprio seio da alva, será o orvalho da tua mocidade.   

Psalmi 110:3
Poporul Tău este plin de înflăcărare, cînd Îţi aduni oştirea; cu podoabe sfinte, ca din sînul zorilor, vine tineretul Tău la Tine, ca roua.

Псалтирь 110:3
(109:3) В день силы Твоей народ Твой готов во благолепии святыни; из чрева прежде денницы подобно росе рождение Твое.

(109-3) В день силы Твоей народ Твой готов во благолепии святыни; из чрева прежде денницы подобно росе рождение Твое.[]

Psaltaren 110:3
Villigt kommer ditt folk, när du samlar din här; i helig skrud kommer din unga skara inför dig, såsom daggen kommer ur morgonrodnadens sköte.

Psalm 110:3
Ang bayan mo'y naghahandog na kusa sa kaarawan ng iyong kapangyarihan, sa kagandahan ng kabanalan: mula sa bukang liwayway ng umaga, ikaw ay may hamog ng iyong kabinataan.

เพลงสดุดี 110:3
ชนชาติของพระองค์ท่านจะสมัครถวายตัวของเขาด้วยความเต็มใจ ในวันแห่งฤทธิ์อำนาจของพระองค์ท่าน ด้วยเครื่องประดับแห่งความบริสุทธิ์ จากครรภ์ของอรุโณทัย น้ำค้างแห่งวัยหนุ่มเป็นของพระองค์ท่าน

Mezmurlar 110:3
Savaşacağın gün
Gönüllü gidecek askerlerin.
Seherin bağrından doğan çiy gibi
Kutsal giysiler içinde
Sana gelecek gençlerin.[]

Thi-thieân 110:3
Trong ngày quyền thế Chúa, dân Chúa tình nguyện lại đến; Những kẻ trẻ tuổi ngươi mặc trang sức thánh cũng đến cùng ngươi Như giọt sương bởi lòng rạng đông mà ra.

Psalm 110:2
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