Psalm 108:7
Psalm 108:7
God has spoken from his sanctuary: "In triumph I will parcel out Shechem and measure off the Valley of Sukkoth.

God has promised this by his holiness: "I will divide up Shechem with joy. I will measure out the valley of Succoth.

God has promised in his holiness: “With exultation I will divide up Shechem and portion out the Valley of Succoth.

God has spoken in His holiness: "I will exult, I will portion out Shechem And measure out the valley of Succoth.

God hath spoken in his holiness; I will rejoice, I will divide Shechem, and mete out the valley of Succoth.

God has spoken in His sanctuary:" I will triumph! I will divide up Shechem. I will apportion the Valley of Succoth.

God had promised in his sanctuary: "I will triumph and divide Shechem, then I will measure the valley of Succoth!

God has spoken in his sanctuary: "I will triumph! I will parcel out Shechem, the valley of Succoth I will measure off.

God has spoken in his Holiness: “I shall glory and I shall divide Shechem and I shall measure the Valley of Succoth.”

God has promised the following through his holiness: "I will triumph! I will divide Shechem. I will measure the valley of Succoth.

God has spoken in his holiness; I will rejoice, I will divide Shechem and mete out the valley of Succoth.

God has spoken in his holiness; I will rejoice, I will divide up Shechem, and portion out the valley of Succoth.

God has spoken in his holiness; I will rejoice, I will divide Shechem, and mete out the valley of Succoth.

God hath spoken in his holiness: I will exult; I will divide Shechem, and mete out the valley of Succoth.

God hath spoken in his holiness. I will rejoice, and I will divide Sichem and I will mete out the vale of tabernacles.

God hath spoken in his holiness: I will exult, I will divide Shechem, and mete out the valley of Succoth.

God hath spoken in his holiness; I will exult: I will divide Shechem, and mete out the valley of Succoth.

God hath spoken in his holiness; I will rejoice, I will divide Shechem, and measure out the valley of Succoth.

God has spoken from his sanctuary: "In triumph, I will divide Shechem, and measure out the valley of Succoth.

God hath spoken in His holiness: I exult, I apportion Shechem, And the valley of Succoth I measure,

Psalmet 108:7
Perëndia ka folur në shenjtërinë e tij: "Unë do të triumfoj, do ta ndaj Sikemin dhe do të mas luginën e Sukothit.

ﺍﻟﻤﺰﺍﻣﻴﺮ 108:7
الله قد تكلم بقدسه. ابتهج اقسم شكيم واقيس وادي سكوت‎.

D Sälm 108:7
Dyr Herrgot haat gsprochen, dyrselbn in dyr Lostat: "Bal i signumft, tailt Sichham i auf, und s Suckotttal werd glüsst.

Псалми 108:7
Бог говори със светостта Си; [затова], аз ще тържествувам; Ще разделя Сихем, ще размеря долината Сокхот;

詩 篇 108:7
  神 已 經 指 著 他 的 聖 潔 說 ( 說 : 或 譯 應 許 我 ) : 我 要 歡 樂 ; 我 要 分 開 示 劍 , 丈 量 疏 割 谷 。

  神 已 经 指 着 他 的 圣 洁 说 ( 说 : 或 译 应 许 我 ) : 我 要 欢 乐 ; 我 要 分 开 示 剑 , 丈 量 疏 割 谷 。



Psalm 108:7
Bog reče u svom Svetištu: Šekem ću razdijelit' kličući, dolinu ću Sukot izmjeriti.

Žalmů 108:7
Bůh mluvil skrze svatost svou; veseliti se budu, že budu děliti Sichem, a údolí Sochot že rozměřím.

Salme 108:7
Gud talede i sin Helligdom: »Jeg vil udskifte Sikem med Jubel, udmaale Sukkots Dal;

Psalmen 108:7
God heeft gesproken in Zijn heiligdom, dies zal ik van vreugde opspringen; ik zal Sichem delen, en het dal van Sukkoth zal ik afmeten.

תהילים 108:7
אֱלֹהִ֤ים ׀ דִּבֶּ֥ר בְּקָדְשֹׁ֗ו אֶעְלֹ֥זָה אֲחַלְּקָ֥ה שְׁכֶ֑ם וְעֵ֖מֶק סֻכֹּ֣ות אֲמַדֵּֽד׃

ח אלהים דבר בקדשו--אעלזה  אחלקה שכם ועמק סכות אמדד

אלהים ׀ דבר בקדשו אעלזה אחלקה שכם ועמק סכות אמדד׃

Zsoltárok 108:7
Az õ szentélyében szólott az Isten: Örvendezek, hogy eloszthatom Sikhemet, és felmérhetem Sukkothnak völgyét.

La psalmaro 108:7
Dio diris en Sia sanktejo:Mi triumfos; Mi dividos SXehxemon, kaj la valon Sukot Mi mezuros.

Jumala on puhunut pyhässänsä, siitä minä iloitsen: minä jaan Sikemin, ja mittaan Sukkotin laakson.

Psaume 108:7
Dieu a parlé dans sa sainteté: je me réjouirai; je partagerai Sichem et je mesurerai la vallée de Succoth.

Dieu a dit dans sa sainteté: Je triompherai, Je partagerai Sichem, je mesurerai la vallée de Succoth;

Dieu a parlé en son Sanctuaire; je me réjouirai; je partagerai Sichem, et mesurerai la vallée de Succoth.

Psalm 108:7
auf daß deine lieben Freunde erlediget werden. Hilf mit deiner Rechten und erhöre mich!

Gott redete in seinem Heiligtum, des bin ich froh, und will Sichem teilen und das Tal Sukkoth abmessen.

Gott hat in seinem Heiligtume geredet: "Ich will frohlocken! "Ich will Sichem verteilen und das Thal Sukkoth ausmessen.

Salmi 108:7
Iddio ha parlato nella sua santità: Io trionferò, spartirò Sichem e misurerò la valle di Succot.

Iddio ha parlato per la sua santità; io trionferò, Io spartirò Sichem, e misurerò la valle di Succot.

MAZMUR 108:7
Bahwa Allah telah berfirman dalam tempat kesucian-Nya, maka sebab itu berbangkitlah rindu hati-Ku; bahwa Aku akan membahagi Sikhem serta mengukur lembah Sukot.

시편 108:7
하나님이 그 거룩하심으로 말씀하시되 내가 뛰놀리라 내가 세겜을 나누며 숙곳 골짜기를 척량하리라

Psalmi 108:7
(107-7) ut liberentur dilecti tui salva dextera tua et exaudi me

Psalmynas 108:7
Dievas kalbėjo savo šventume: “Aš džiūgausiu ir išdalinsiu Sichemą, paskirstysiu Sukotų slėnį.

Psalm 108:7
Kua korero te Atua i runga i tona tapu: Ka hari ahau, ka kotikoti i Hekeme, ka roherohe i te raorao o Hukota.

Salmenes 108:7
Gud har talt i sin hellighet. Jeg vil fryde mig; jeg vil utskifte Sikem og opmåle Sukkots dal.

Salmos 108:7
Dios ha hablado en su santuario: Me alegraré, repartiré a Siquem y mediré el valle de Sucot.

Dios ha hablado en Su santuario: "Me alegraré, repartiré a Siquem Y mediré el Valle de Sucot.

Dios dijo en su santuario; me alegraré, repartiré a Siquem, y mediré el valle de Sucot.

Dios habló por su santuario: alegraréme, Repartiré á Sichêm, y mediré el valle de Succoth.

Dios juró por su santuario, me alegraré; repartiré a Siquem, y mediré el valle de Sucot.

Salmos 108:7
Em sua santidade, Deus declarou: “No meu triunfo dividirei Siquém e repartirei o vale de Sucote.

Deus falou no seu santuário: Eu me regozijarei; repartirei Siquém, e medirei o vale de Sucote.   

Psalmi 108:7
Dumnezeu a vorbit în sfinţenia Lui: ,,Voi birui, voi împărţi Sihemul, voi măsura valea Sucot;

Псалтирь 108:7
(107:8) Бог сказал во святилище Своем: „восторжествую, разделю Сихем и долину Сокхоф размерю;

(107-8) Бог сказал во святилище Своем: `восторжествую, разделю Сихем и долину Сокхоф размерю;[]

Psaltaren 108:7
Gud har talat i sin helgedom: »Jag skall triumfera, jag skall utskifta Sikem och skall avmäta Suckots dal.

Psalm 108:7
Nagsalita ang Dios sa kaniyang kabanalan; ako'y magsasaya: aking hahatiin ang Sichem, at susukatin ko ang libis ng Sucoth.

เพลงสดุดี 108:7
พระเจ้าได้ตรัสด้วยความบริสุทธิ์ของพระองค์ว่า "เราจะปิติยินดี เราจะแบ่งเมืองเชเคม และแบ่งหุบเขาเมืองสุคคทออก

Mezmurlar 108:7
Tanrı şöyle konuştu kutsal yerinde:
‹‹Şekemi sevinçle bölüştürecek,
Sukkot Vadisini ölçeceğim.[]

Thi-thieân 108:7
Ðức Chúa Trời đã phán trong sự thánh Ngài rằng: Ta sẽ hớn hở; Ta sẽ chia Si-chem và đo trũng Su-cốt.

Psalm 108:6
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