Numbers 34:15
Numbers 34:15
These two-and-a-half tribes have received their inheritance east of the Jordan across from Jericho, toward the sunrise."

on the east side of the Jordan River, across from Jericho toward the sunrise."

The two tribes and the half-tribe have received their inheritance beyond the Jordan east of Jericho, toward the sunrise.”

"The two and a half tribes have received their possession across the Jordan opposite Jericho, eastward toward the sunrising."

The two tribes and the half tribe have received their inheritance on this side Jordan near Jericho eastward, toward the sunrising.

The two and a half tribes have received their inheritance across the Jordan from Jericho, eastward toward the sunrise."

These two and a half tribes received their inheritance this side of the Jordan River, east of Jericho, facing the rising sun."

The two and a half tribes have received their inheritance on this side of the Jordan, east of Jericho, toward the sunrise."

Those two-and-a-half tribes received land east of the Jordan River across from Jericho."

The two tribes and the half tribe have received their inheritance on this side of the Jordan of Jericho eastward, toward the sunrising.

The two tribes and the half tribe have received their inheritance on this side of Jordan near Jericho eastward, toward the sun rising.

The two tribes and the half tribe have received their inheritance on this side Jordan near Jericho eastward, toward the sun rise.

the two tribes and the half-tribe have received their inheritance beyond the Jordan at Jericho eastward, toward the sunrising.

That is, two tribes and a half, have received their portion beyond the Jordan over against Jericho at the east side.

the two tribes and the half tribe have received their inheritance on this side the Jordan of Jericho eastward, toward the sun-rising.

the two tribes and the half tribe have received their inheritance beyond the Jordan at Jericho eastward, toward the sunrising.

The two tribes and the half tribe have received their inheritance on this side of Jordan near Jericho eastward, towards the sun-rising.

the two tribes and the half-tribe have received their inheritance beyond the Jordan at Jericho eastward, toward the sunrise."

the two tribes and the half of the tribe have received their inheritance beyond the Jordan, near Jericho, eastward, at the sun -rising.'

Numrat 34:15
Këto dy fise e gjysmë e kanë marrë trashëgiminë e tyre në lindje të Jordanit, mbi bregun përballë Jerikos, në drejtim të lindjes".

ﺍﻟﻌﺪﺩ 34:15
السبطان ونصف السبط قد اخذوا نصيبهم في عبر اردن اريحا شرقا نحو الشروق

De Zalrach 34:15
Die zwaiaynhalb Stämm habnd ienern Grund enter n Jordn oosterhalb Iereich kriegt.

Числа 34:15
Тия две и половина племена взеха наследството си оттатък Иордан, срещу Ерихон, на изток.

民 數 記 34:15
這 兩 個 半 支 派 已 經 在 耶 利 哥 對 面 、 約 但 河 東 、 向 日 出 之 地 受 了 產 業 。

这 两 个 半 支 派 已 经 在 耶 利 哥 对 面 、 约 但 河 东 、 向 日 出 之 地 受 了 产 业 。



Numbers 34:15
Ta dva plemena i pol primila su svoje baštine s one strane Jordana, nasuprot Jerihonu, s istočne strane."

Numeri 34:15
Půl třetího pokolení vzali dědictví své před Jordánem proti Jerichu, k straně na východ slunce.

4 Mosebog 34:15
De to Stammer og den halve Stamme har faaet deres Arvelod hinsides Jordan over for Jeriko, mod Øst, mod Solens Opgang.

Numberi 34:15
Twee stammen en een halve stam hebben hun erfenis ontvangen aan deze zijde van de Jordaan, van Jericho oostwaarts tegen den opgang.

במדבר 34:15
שְׁנֵ֥י הַמַּטֹּ֖ות וַחֲצִ֣י הַמַּטֶּ֑ה לָקְח֣וּ נַחֲלָתָ֗ם מֵעֵ֛בֶר לְיַרְדֵּ֥ן יְרֵחֹ֖ו קֵ֥דְמָה מִזְרָֽחָה׃ פ

טו שני המטות וחצי המטה  לקחו נחלתם מעבר לירדן ירחו--קדמה מזרחה  {פ}

שני המטות וחצי המטה לקחו נחלתם מעבר לירדן ירחו קדמה מזרחה׃ פ

4 Mózes 34:15
Két törzs és egy fél törzs megkapta az õ örökségét a Jordánon túl, Jérikhó ellenében napkelet felõl.

Moseo 4: Nombroj 34:15
la du triboj kaj la duontribo prenis sian parton transe de la Jerihxa Jordan, oriente, sur la flanko de sunlevigxo.

Niin ovat ne kaksi sukukuntaa, ja se puoli sukukuntaa saaneet perintöosansa tällä puolella Jordania, Jerihon kohdalle itää päin.

Nombres 34:15
Les deux tribus et la demi-tribu ont pris leur héritage en deçà du Jourdain de Jéricho, à l'orient, vers le levant.

Ces deux tribus et la demi-tribu ont pris leur héritage en deçà du Jourdain, vis-à-vis de Jéricho, du côté de l'orient.

Deux tribus, [dis-je], et la moitié d'une Tribu, ont pris leur héritage au deçà du Jourdain de Jéricho, du côté du Levant.

4 Mose 34:15
Also haben die zween Stämme und der halbe Stamm ihr Erbteil dahin dies seit des Jordans gegen Jericho, gegen dem Morgen.

Also haben zwei Stämme und der halbe Stamm ihr Erbteil dahin, diesseit des Jordans gegenüber Jericho gegen Morgen.

Die zweiundeinhalb Stämme haben ihren Erbbesitz jenseits auf der Ostseite des Jordan gegenüber Jericho erhalten.

Numeri 34:15
Queste due tribù e mezzo hanno ricevuto la loro porzione di qua dal Giordano di Gerico, dal lato d’oriente".

Queste due tribù e mezza hanno ricevuta la loro eredità di qua dal Giordano di Gerico, verso oriente.

Dua suku setengah telah beroleh bahagian pusakanya di seberang Yarden bertentangan dengan Yerikho, di sebelah timur arah ke matahari terbit.

민수기 34:15
이 두 지파와 반 지파가 여리고 맞은편 요단 건너편 곧 해 돋는 편에서 그 기업을 받았느니라'

Numeri 34:15
id est duae semis tribus acceperunt partem suam trans Iordanem contra Hiericho ad orientalem plagam

Skaièiø knyga 34:15
Dvi giminės ir pusė gavo savo dalį šioje Jordano pusėje ties Jerichu”.

Numbers 34:15
Kua whiwhi nga iwi e rua me tetahi taanga o tetahi iwi ki to ratou wahi i tenei taha o Horano, e anga ana ki Heriko whaka te rawhiti, ki te putanga mai o te ra.

4 Mosebok 34:15
disse to og en halv stamme har fått sin arv på denne side av Jordan midt imot Jeriko - mot øst, mot solens opgang.

Números 34:15
Las dos tribus y la media tribu han recibido su posesión al otro lado del Jordán, frente a Jericó, al oriente, hacia la salida del sol.

"Las dos tribus y la media tribu han recibido su posesión al otro lado del Jordán, frente a Jericó, al oriente, hacia la salida del sol."

Dos tribus y media tomaron su heredad a este lado del Jordán, frente a Jericó, al oriente, hacia el nacimiento del sol.

Dos tribus y media tomaron su heredad de esta parte del Jordán de Jericó al oriente, al nacimiento del sol.

Dos tribus y media tomaron su heredad del otro lado del Jordán de Jericó al oriente, al nacimiento del sol .

Números 34:15
Estas duas tribos e meia receberam sua herança no lado leste do Jordão, frente a Jericó, na direção do nascer do sol.”

isto é, duas tribos e meia já receberam a sua herança aquém do Jordão, na altura de Jericó, do lado oriental.   

Numeri 34:15
Aceste două seminţii şi jumătate şi-au luat moştenirea dincoace de Iordan, în faţa Ierihonului, în spre răsărit.``

Числа 34:15
два колена и половина колена получили удел свой за Иорданом против Иерихона к востоку.

два колена и половина колена получили удел свой за Иорданом против Иерихона к востоку.[]

4 Mosebok 34:15
Dessa två stammar och denna halva stam hava fått sin arvedel på andra sidan Jordan mitt emot Jeriko, österut mot solens uppgång.

Numbers 34:15
Ang dalawang lipi na ito, at ang kalahating lipi ay nagsitanggap na ng kanilang mana sa dako roon ng Jordan sa dakong silanganan ng Jerico, sa dakong sinisikatan ng araw.

กันดารวิถี 34:15
ทั้งสองตระกูลและครึ่งตระกูลนั้นได้รับมรดกของเขาที่ฟากแม่น้ำจอร์แดนข้างนี้ใกล้เมืองเยรีโคด้านตะวันออก ทางดวงอาทิตย์ขึ้น"

Çölde Sayım 34:15
Bu iki oymakla yarım oymak mülklerini Erihanın karşısındaki Şeria Irmağının doğusunda aldılar.››[]

Daân-soá Kyù 34:15
Hai chi phái và nửa chi phái nầy đã nhận lãnh sản nghiệp mình ở phía bên kia sông Giô-đanh, đối ngang Giê-ri-cô về hướng đông, tức về phía mặt trời mọc.

Numbers 34:14
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