Numbers 23:3
Numbers 23:3
Then Balaam said to Balak, "Stay here beside your offering while I go aside. Perhaps the LORD will come to meet with me. Whatever he reveals to me I will tell you." Then he went off to a barren height.

Then Balaam said to Balak, "Stand here by your burnt offerings, and I will go to see if the LORD will respond to me. Then I will tell you whatever he reveals to me." So Balaam went alone to the top of a bare hill,

And Balaam said to Balak, “Stand beside your burnt offering, and I will go. Perhaps the LORD will come to meet me, and whatever he shows me I will tell you.” And he went to a bare height,

Then Balaam said to Balak, "Stand beside your burnt offering, and I will go; perhaps the LORD will come to meet me, and whatever He shows me I will tell you." So he went to a bare hill.

And Balaam said unto Balak, Stand by thy burnt offering, and I will go: peradventure the LORD will come to meet me: and whatsoever he sheweth me I will tell thee. And he went to an high place.

Balaam said to Balak, "Stay here by your burnt offering while I am gone. Maybe the LORD will meet with me. I will tell you whatever He reveals to me." So he went to a barren hill.

Then Balaam instructed Balak, "Stand by your offering and leave me alone by myself. Perhaps the LORD will come to meet me. I'll tell you whatever he reveals to me." And so he went to a high place,

Balaam said to Balak, "Station yourself by your burnt offering, and I will go off; perhaps the LORD will come to meet me, and whatever he reveals to me I will tell you." Then he went to a deserted height.

Balaam said to Balak, "Stay here beside your burnt offering while I'm gone. Maybe the LORD will come and meet with me. I will tell you whatever he reveals to me." Then Balaam went off to a higher place where there were no trees.

And Balaam said unto Balak, Stand by thy burnt offering, and I will go; peradventure the LORD will come to meet me, and whatever he shows me I will tell thee. And thus he went alone.

And Balaam said unto Balak, Stand by your burnt offering, and I will go: perhaps the LORD will come to meet me: and whatsoever he shows me I will tell you. And he went to a high place.

And Balaam said to Balak, Stand by your burnt offering, and I will go: peradventure the LORD will come to meet me: and whatever he shows me I will tell you. And he went to an high place.

And Balaam said unto Balak, Stand by thy burnt-offering, and I will go: peradventure Jehovah will come to meet me; and whatsoever he showeth me I will tell thee. And he went to a bare height.

And Balaam said to Balac: Stand a while by thy burnt offering, until I go, to see if perhaps the Lord will meet me, and whatsoever he shall command, I will speak to thee.

And Balaam said to Balak, Stand by thy burnt-offering, and I will go; perhaps Jehovah will come to meet me; and whatever he shews me I will tell thee. And he went to a hill.

And Balaam said unto Balak, Stand by thy burnt offering, and I will go; peradventure the LORD will come to meet me: and whatsoever he sheweth me I will tell thee. And he went to a bare height.

And Balaam said to Balak, Stand by thy burnt-offering, and I will go: it may be the LORD will come to meet me: and whatever he showeth me I will tell thee. And he went to a high place.

Balaam said to Balak, "Stand by your burnt offering, and I will go: perhaps Yahweh will come to meet me; and whatever he shows me I will tell you." He went to a bare height.

and Balaam saith to Balak, 'Station thyself by thy burnt-offering and I go on, it may be Jehovah doth come to meet me, and the thing which He sheweth me -- I have declared to thee;' and he goeth to a high place.

Numrat 23:3
Pastaj Balaami i tha Balakut: "Qëndro pranë olokaustit tënd dhe unë do të shkoj; ndofta Zoti do të vijë të takohet me mua; dhe atë që ka për të më treguar do të ta njoftoj". Kështu ai shkoi në një bregore të zhveshur.

ﺍﻟﻌﺪﺩ 23:3
فقال بلعام لبالاق قف عند محرقتك فانطلق انا لعل الرب يوافي للقائي فمهما اراني اخبرك به. ثم انطلق الى رابية.

De Zalrach 23:3
Dann gsait dyr Pilgram zo n Bäläck: "Bleib du bei deinn Brandopfer steen! I aber ziegh mi zrugg, däß i villeicht önn Herrn trif. Was yr mi seghn laasst, tue i dyr kund." Dann gieng yr weiter eyn de kale Hoeh aufhin,

Числа 23:3
После Валаам рече на Валака: Застани близо при всеизгарянето си, и аз ще отида; може би да дойде Господ да ме посрещне; а каквото ми яви ще ти кажа. И отиде на гола височина.

民 數 記 23:3
巴 蘭 對 巴 勒 說 : 你 站 在 你 的 燔 祭 旁 邊 , 我 且 往 前 去 , 或 者 耶 和 華 來 迎 見 我 。 他 指 示 我 甚 麼 , 我 必 告 訴 你 。 於 是 巴 蘭 上 一 淨 光 的 高 處 。

巴 兰 对 巴 勒 说 : 你 站 在 你 的 燔 祭 旁 边 , 我 且 往 前 去 , 或 者 耶 和 华 来 迎 见 我 。 他 指 示 我 甚 麽 , 我 必 告 诉 你 。 於 是 巴 兰 上 一 净 光 的 高 处 。



Numbers 23:3
Potom će Bileam Balaku: "Ti stoj kod svoje paljenice, a ja idem ne bih li se sreo s Jahvom, pa što mi očituje, kazat ću ti." I ode na osamljeno mjesto.

Numeri 23:3
Řekl pak Balám Balákovi: Postůj při oběti své zápalné, a půjdu, zdali by se potkal se mnou Hospodin, a což by koli mně ukázal, povím tobě. I odšel sám.

4 Mosebog 23:3
Derpaa sagde Bileam til Balak: »Bliv staaende her ved dit Brændoffer, saa vil jeg gaa hen og se, om HERREN mulig kommer mig i Møde. Hvad han da lader mig skue, skal jeg lade dig vide.« Saa gik han op paa en nøgen Klippetop.

Numberi 23:3
Toen zeide Bileam tot Balak: Blijf staan bij uw brandoffer, en ik zal heengaan; misschien zal de HEERE mij tegemoet komen; en hetgeen Hij wijzen zal, dat zal ik u bekend maken. Toen ging hij op de hoogte.

במדבר 23:3
וַיֹּ֨אמֶר בִּלְעָ֜ם לְבָלָ֗ק הִתְיַצֵּב֮ עַל־עֹלָתֶךָ֒ וְאֵֽלְכָ֗ה אוּלַ֞י יִקָּרֵ֤ה יְהוָה֙ לִקְרָאתִ֔י וּדְבַ֥ר מַה־יַּרְאֵ֖נִי וְהִגַּ֣דְתִּי לָ֑ךְ וַיֵּ֖לֶךְ שֶֽׁפִי׃

ג ויאמר בלעם לבלק התיצב על עלתך ואלכה אולי יקרה יהוה לקראתי ודבר מה יראני והגדתי לך וילך שפי

ויאמר בלעם לבלק התיצב על־עלתך ואלכה אולי יקרה יהוה לקראתי ודבר מה־יראני והגדתי לך וילך שפי׃

4 Mózes 23:3
És monda Bálám Báláknak: Állj meg a te égõáldozatod mellett, én pedig elmegyek; talán elõmbe jõ az Úr nékem, és a mit mutat majd nékem, megjelentem néked. Elméne azért egy kopasz oromra.

Moseo 4: Nombroj 23:3
Kaj Bileam diris al Balak:Staru cxe via brulofero, kaj mi iros; eble la Eternulo venos al mi renkonte, kaj kion Li montros al mi, tion mi diros al vi. Kaj li iris sur la altajxon.

Ja Bileam sanoi Balakille: seiso polttouhris tykönä, ja minä menen tuonne. Kukaties Herra tulee minua kohtaamaan, ja mitä hän minulle tietää antaa, sen minä tahdon sinulle ilmoittaa. Ja hän meni pois korkialle paikalle.

Nombres 23:3
Et Balaam dit à Balak: Tiens-toi auprès de ton offrande, et je m'en irai; peut-être que l'Éternel viendra à ma rencontre, et ce qu'il m'aura fait voir je te le rapporterai. Et il s'en alla sur une hauteur découverte.

Balaam dit à Balak: Tiens-toi près de ton holocauste, et je m'éloignerai; peut-être que l'Eternel viendra à ma rencontre, et je te dirai ce qu'il me révélera. Et il alla sur un lieu élevé.

Puis Balaam dit à Balac : Tiens-toi auprès de ton holocauste, et je m'en irai; peut-être que l'Eternel viendra à ma rencontre, et je te rapporterai tout ce qu'il m'aura fait voir; ainsi il se retira à l'écart.

4 Mose 23:3
Und Bileam sprach zu Balak: Tritt bei dein Brandopfer; ich will hingehen, ob vielleicht mir der HERR begegne, daß ich dir ansage, was er mir zeiget. Und ging hin eilend.

Und Bileam sprach zu Balak: Tritt zu deinem Brandopfer; ich will hingehen, ob vielleicht mir der HERR begegne, daß ich dir ansage, was er mir zeigt. Und ging hin eilend.

Hierauf sprach Bileam zu Balak: Bleibe hier bei deinem Brandopfer; ich will hingehen, vielleicht wird sich Jahwe mir irgendwie offenbaren. Was er mich auch erschauen lassen wird, will ich dir dann mitteilen. Da ging er auf einen kahlen Hügel.

Numeri 23:3
E Balaam disse a Balak: "Stattene presso al tuo olocausto, e io andrò: forse l’Eterno mi verrà incontro; e quei che mi avrà fatto vedere, te lo riferirò". E se ne andò sopra una nuda altura.

E Balaam disse a Balac: Fermati presso al tuo olocausto, e io andrò; forse mi si farà il Signore incontro, e ciò ch’egli mi avrà fatto vedere, io tel rapporterò. Ed egli se ne andò sopra un’alta cima di un monte.

Maka sembah Bileam kepada Balak: Tuanku apalah berdiri hampir dengan korban bakaran tuanku, maka patik hendak pergi, barangkali patik bertemu dengan Tuhan, maka firman yang akan dinyatakan-Nya kepada patik, ia itu patik sampaikan kelak kepada tuanku. Hata, maka pergilah ia ke tempat yang tinggi.

민수기 23:3
발람이 발락에게 이르되 `당신의 번제물 곁에 서소서 나는 저리로 갈지라 여호와께서 혹시 오셔서 나를 만나시리니 그가 내게 지시하시는 것은 다 당신에게 고하리이다'하고 사태난 산에 이른즉

Numeri 23:3
dixitque Balaam ad Balac sta paulisper iuxta holocaustum tuum donec vadam si forte occurrat mihi Dominus et quodcumque imperaverit loquar tibi

Skaièiø knyga 23:3
Balaamas tarė Balakui: “Pastovėk prie savo deginamosios aukos, o aš pasitrauksiu ir lauksiu Viešpaties žodžio: aš tau pasakysiu, ką Jis lieps”. Jis nuėjo į nuošalią aukštumą.

Numbers 23:3
Na ka mea a Paraama ki a Paraka, E tu ki te taha o tau tahunga tinana, a ka haere ahau: tera pea a Ihowa e tupono mai ki ahau: a me korero atu e ahau ki a koe te kupu e whakakitea mai e ia ki ahau. Na ka haere ia ki tetahi puke hamore.

4 Mosebok 23:3
Så sa Bileam til Balak: Bli stående her ved ditt brennoffer, så vil jeg gå bort en stund; kanskje Herren kommer mig i møte, og hvad han lar mig skue, det skal jeg la dig få vite. Så gikk han op på en bar høide.

Números 23:3
Entonces Balaam dijo a Balac: Ponte junto a tu holocausto, y yo iré; quizá el SEÑOR venga a mi encuentro, y lo que me manifieste te lo haré saber. Y se fue a un cerro pelado.

Luego Balaam dijo a Balac: "Ponte junto a tu holocausto, y yo iré; quizá el SEÑOR venga a mi encuentro, y lo que me manifieste te lo haré saber." Y se fue a un cerro sin vegetación.

Y Balaam dijo a Balac: Ponte junto a tu holocausto, y yo iré: quizá Jehová vendrá a encontrarme, y cualquier cosa que Él me muestre, te la haré saber. Y se fue a un monte.

Y Balaam dijo á Balac: Ponte junto á tu holocausto, y yo iré: quizá Jehová me vendrá al encuentro, y cualquiera cosa que me mostrare, te la noticiaré. Y así se fué solo.

Y Balaam dijo a Balac: Ponte junto a tu holocausto, y yo iré; por ventura el SEÑOR me vendrá al encuentro, y cualquiera cosa que me mostrare, te la noticiaré. Y así se fue solo.

Números 23:3
Aí Balaão disse a Balaque: “Permanece aqui, de pé, próximo dos teus holocaustos, enquanto eu vou até ali. Talvez o SENHOR me permita encontrá-lo. Aquilo que Ele me revelar, de igual modo te farei saber”. E retirou-se para o alto de uma colina desnuda.

Então Balaão disse a Balaque: Fica aqui em pé junto ao teu holocausto, e eu irei; porventura o Senhor me sairá ao encontro, e o que ele me mostrar, eu to direi. E foi a um lugar alto.   

Numeri 23:3
Balaam a zis lui Balac: ,,Stai lîngă arderea ta de tot, şi eu mă voi depărta de ea; poate că Domnul îmi va ieşi înainte; şi ce-mi va descoperi, îţi voi spune.`` Şi s'a dus pe un loc înalt.

Числа 23:3
И сказал Валаам Валаку: постой у всесожжения твоего, а я пойду; может быть, Господь выйдет мне навстречу, и что Он откроет мне, я объявлю тебе. И пошел на возвышенное место.

И сказал Валаам Валаку: постой у всесожжения твоего, а я пойду; может быть, Господь выйдет мне навстречу, и что Он откроет мне, я объявлю тебе. И пошел на возвышенное место.[]

4 Mosebok 23:3
Därefter sade Bileam till Balak »Stanna kvar vid ditt brännoffer; jag vill gå bort och se om till äventyrs HERREN visar sig för mig; och vad helst han uppenbarar för mig, det skall jag förkunna för dig.» Och han gick upp på en kal höjd.

Numbers 23:3
At sinabi ni Balaam kay Balac, Tumayo ka sa tabi ng iyong handog na susunugin, at ako'y yayaon; marahil ang Panginoon ay paririto na sasalubungin ako: at anomang bagay na kaniyang ipakita sa akin ay aking sasaysayin sa iyo. At siya'y naparoon sa isang dakong mataas na walang tanim.

กันดารวิถี 23:3
แล้วบาลาอัมพูดกับบาลาคว่า "จงยืนอยู่ใกล้เครื่องเผาบูชาของท่านแล้วข้าพเจ้าจะไป ชะรอยพระเยโฮวาห์จะเสด็จมาหาข้าพเจ้า และสิ่งใดที่พระองค์สำแดงแก่ข้าพเจ้า ข้าพเจ้าจะบอกท่าน" แล้วเขาก็ขึ้นไปยังที่สูง

Çölde Sayım 23:3
Sonra Balam Balaka, ‹‹Ben az öteye gideceğim, sen yakmalık sununun yanında bekle›› dedi, ‹‹Olur ki, RAB karşıma çıkar. Bana ne açıklarsa, sana bildiririm.›› Sonra çıplak bir tepeye çıktı.[]

Daân-soá Kyù 23:3
Ðoạn, Ba-la-am nói cùng Ba-lác rằng: Vua hãy đứng gần của lễ thiêu của vua, tôi sẽ đi; có lẽ Ðức Giê-hô-va sẽ hiện ra cùng tôi chăng, tôi sẽ thuật lại cùng vua điều chi Ngài cho tôi thấy. Người đi lên một nơi cao trống trải.

Numbers 23:2
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