Numbers 15:19
Numbers 15:19
and you eat the food of the land, present a portion as an offering to the LORD.

and you eat the crops that grow there, you must set some aside as a sacred offering to the LORD.

and when you eat of the bread of the land, you shall present a contribution to the LORD.

then it shall be, that when you eat of the food of the land, you shall lift up an offering to the LORD.

Then it shall be, that, when ye eat of the bread of the land, ye shall offer up an heave offering unto the LORD.

you are to offer a contribution to the LORD when you eat from the food of the land.

when you have eaten some of the bread that the land produces, you are to offer a raised offering to the LORD.

and you eat some of the food of the land, you must offer up a raised offering to the LORD.

and eat any of the food from the land, give some of it as a contribution to the LORD.

then it shall be that when ye begin to eat of the bread of the land, ye shall offer up an offering unto the LORD.

Then it shall be, that, when you eat of the bread of the land, you shall offer up a heave offering unto the LORD.

Then it shall be, that, when you eat of the bread of the land, you shall offer up an heave offering to the LORD.

then it shall be, that, when ye eat of the bread of the land, ye shall offer up a heave-offering unto Jehovah.

And shall eat of the bread of that country, you shall separate firstfruits to the Lord,

then it shall be, when ye eat of the bread of the land, that ye shall offer a heave-offering to Jehovah;

then it shall be, that, when ye eat of the bread of the land, ye shall offer up an heave offering unto the LORD.

Then it shall be, that when ye eat of the bread of the land, ye shall offer up a heave-offering to the LORD.

then it shall be that when you eat of the bread of the land, you shall offer up a wave offering to Yahweh.

then it hath been, in your eating of the bread of the land, ye heave up a heave-offering to Jehovah;

Numrat 15:19
dhe do të hani bukën e vendit, do t'i paraqisni Zotit një ofertë të lartë.

ﺍﻟﻌﺪﺩ 15:19
فعندما تأكلون من خبز الارض ترفعون رفيعة للرب.

De Zalrach 15:19
und wenntß dort yn n Land sein Broot össtß, müesstß myr öbbs abgöbn.

Числа 15:19
и ядете от хляба на земята, тогава да принесете Господу възвишаем принос;

民 數 記 15:19
吃 那 地 的 糧 食 , 就 要 把 舉 祭 獻 給 耶 和 華 。

吃 那 地 的 粮 食 , 就 要 把 举 祭 献 给 耶 和 华 。



Numbers 15:19
i budete jeli kruh te zemlje, prinesite podizanicu Jahvi.

Numeri 15:19
Tedy, když počnete jísti chléb země, obětovati budete obět vzhůru pozdvižení Hospodinu.

4 Mosebog 15:19
og spiser af Landets Brød, skal I yde HERREN en Offerydelse.

Numberi 15:19
Zo zal het geschieden, als gij van het brood des lands zult eten, dan zult gij den HEERE een hefoffer offeren.

במדבר 15:19
וְהָיָ֕ה בַּאֲכָלְכֶ֖ם מִלֶּ֣חֶם הָאָ֑רֶץ תָּרִ֥ימוּ תְרוּמָ֖ה לַיהוָֽה׃

יט והיה באכלכם מלחם הארץ--תרימו תרומה ליהוה

והיה באכלכם מלחם הארץ תרימו תרומה ליהוה׃

4 Mózes 15:19
Akkor, ha majd esztek a földnek kenyerébõl, adjatok felemelt áldozatot az Úrnak.

Moseo 4: Nombroj 15:19
kaj vi mangxos la panon de tiu lando, tiam donu oferdonon al la Eternulo.

Ja syötyänne sen maan leipää, pitää teidän antaman ylennysuhrin Herralle.

Nombres 15:19
et que vous mangerez du pain du pays, vous en offrirez à l'Éternel une offrande élevée;

et que vous mangerez du pain de ce pays, vous prélèverez une offrande pour l'Eternel.

Et que vous mangerez du pain du pays, vous en offrirez à l'Eternel une offrande élevée.

4 Mose 15:19
daß ihr esset des Brots im Lande, sollt ihr dem HERRN eine Hebe geben;

daß ihr esset von dem Brot im Lande, sollt ihr dem HERRN eine Hebe geben:

so sollt ihr, wenn ihr von dem Getreide des Landes eßt, Jahwe eine Hebe abgeben.

Numeri 15:19
e mangerete del pane di quel paese, ne preleverete un’offerta da presentare all’Eterno.

quando voi mangerete del pane del paese, offeritene un’offerta al Signore.

bahwasanya apabila kamu makan dari pada roti negeri itu, hendaklah kamu mempersembahkan persembahan tatangan kepada Tuhan.

민수기 15:19
그 땅의 양식을 먹을 때에 여호와께 거제를 드리되

Numeri 15:19
et comederitis de panibus regionis illius separabitis primitias Domino

Skaièiø knyga 15:19
ir valgysite to krašto duonos, aukokite Viešpačiui auką.

Numbers 15:19
Na e kai koutou i te taro o te whenua, me whakahere he whakahere hapahapai ki a Ihowa.

4 Mosebok 15:19
og eter av landets brød, da skal I utrede en offergave til Herren.

Números 15:19
será que cuando comáis de la comida de la tierra, elevaréis una ofrenda al SEÑOR.

será que cuando coman de la comida de la tierra, elevarán una ofrenda al SEÑOR.

será que cuando comenzareis a comer el pan de la tierra, ofreceréis ofrenda a Jehová.

Será que cuando comenzareis á comer el pan de la tierra, ofreceréis ofrenda á Jehová.

será que cuando comenzareis a comer del pan de la tierra, ofreceréis ofrenda al SEÑOR.

Números 15:19
devereis oferecer um tributo ao SENHOR, tão logo comais do pão da terra.

será que, ao comerdes do pão da terra, oferecereis ao Senhor uma oferta alçada.   

Numeri 15:19
şi cînd veţi mînca pîne din ţara aceea, să luaţi întîi un dar ridicat pentru Domnul.

Числа 15:19
и будете есть хлеб той земли, то возносите возношение Господу;

и будете есть хлеб той земли, то возносите возношение Господу;[]

4 Mosebok 15:19
skolen I, då I äten av landets bröd, giva åt HERREN en offergärd därav.

Numbers 15:19
Ay mangyayari nga, na pagkain ninyo ng tinapay sa lupain, ay maghahandog kayo ng isang handog na itinaas sa Panginoon.

กันดารวิถี 15:19
และเมื่อเจ้ารับประทานอาหารแห่งแผ่นดินนั้น เจ้าจงนำเครื่องบูชาถวายแด่พระเยโฮวาห์

Çölde Sayım 15:19
o ülkenin ekmeğinden yediğinizde, bir kısmını bana sunacaksınız.[]

Daân-soá Kyù 15:19
và ăn bánh của xứ đó, thì các ngươi phải lấy một lễ vật dâng giơ lên cho Ðức Giê-hô-va.

Numbers 15:18
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