Numbers 10:35
Numbers 10:35
Whenever the ark set out, Moses said, "Rise up, LORD! May your enemies be scattered; may your foes flee before you."

And whenever the Ark set out, Moses would shout, "Arise, O LORD, and let your enemies be scattered! Let them flee before you!"

And whenever the ark set out, Moses said, “Arise, O LORD, and let your enemies be scattered, and let those who hate you flee before you.”

Then it came about when the ark set out that Moses said, "Rise up, O LORD! And let Your enemies be scattered, And let those who hate You flee before You."

And it came to pass, when the ark set forward, that Moses said, Rise up, LORD, and let thine enemies be scattered; and let them that hate thee flee before thee.

Whenever the ark set out, Moses would say: Arise, LORD! Let Your enemies be scattered, and those who hate You flee from Your presence.

Whenever the ark was ready to travel, Moses would say: "Arise, LORD, to scatter your enemies, so that whoever hates you will flee from your presence."

And when the ark traveled, Moses would say, "Rise up, O LORD! May your enemies be scattered, and may those who hate you flee before you!"

Whenever the ark started to move, Moses would say, "Arise, O LORD! Scatter your enemies! Make those who hate you run away from you!"

And it came to pass, when the ark was moved, that Moses said, Rise up, LORD, and let thine enemies be scattered, and let those that hate thee flee before thee.

And it came to pass, when the ark moved forward, that Moses said, Rise up, LORD, and let your enemies be scattered; and let them that hate you flee before you.

And it came to pass, when the ark set forward, that Moses said, Rise up, LORD, and let your enemies be scattered; and let them that hate you flee before you.

And it came to pass, when the ark set forward, that Moses said, Rise up, O Jehovah, and let thine enemies be scattered; and let them that hate thee flee before thee.

And when the ark was lifted up, Moses said: Arise, O Lord, and let thy enemies be scattered, and let them that hate thee, flee from before thy face.

And it came to pass when the ark set forward, that Moses said, Rise up, Jehovah, and let thine enemies be scattered; And let them that hate thee flee before thy face.

And it came to pass, when the ark set forward, that Moses said, Rise up, O LORD, and let thine enemies be scattered; and let them that hate thee flee before thee.

And it came to pass, when the ark moved forward, that Moses said, Arise, LORD, and let thy enemies be scattered; and let them that hate thee flee before thee.

It happened, when the ark went forward, that Moses said, "Rise up, Yahweh, and let your enemies be scattered! Let those who hate you flee before you!"

And it cometh to pass in the journeying of the ark, that Moses saith, 'Rise, O Jehovah, and Thine enemies are scattered, and those hating Thee flee from Thy presence.'

Numrat 10:35
Kur nisej arka, Moisiu thoshte; "Çohu, o Zot, me qëllim që të shkatërrohen armiqtë e tu dhe të ikin me vrap para teje ata që të urrejnë!".

ﺍﻟﻌﺪﺩ 10:35
وعند ارتحال التابوت كان موسى يقول قم يا رب فلتتبدد اعداؤك ويهرب مبغضوك من امامك.

De Zalrach 10:35
Wenn dyr Schrein aufbraach, gsait dyr Mosen: O Trechtein, stee auf! Dann flieht ünser Feind. Dyr Gögner kriegt Angst.

Числа 10:35
И когато ковчегът се дигаше на път, Моисей казваше: Стани Господи, и да се разпръснат враговете Ти, и да побягнат от пред Тебе ония, които Те мразят.

民 數 記 10:35
約 櫃 往 前 行 的 時 候 , 摩 西 就 說 : 耶 和 華 阿 , 求 你 興 起 ! 願 你 的 仇 敵 四 散 ! 願 恨 你 的 人 從 你 面 前 逃 跑 !

约 柜 往 前 行 的 时 候 , 摩 西 就 说 : 耶 和 华 阿 , 求 你 兴 起 ! 愿 你 的 仇 敌 四 散 ! 愿 恨 你 的 人 从 你 面 前 逃 跑 !



Numbers 10:35
Kad bi Kovčeg polazio, Mojsije bi rekao: "Ustani, Jahve! Neprijatelji tvoji neka se rasprše! Koji tebe mrze nek' bježe pred tobom!"

Numeri 10:35
Když pak počínali jíti s truhlou, říkával Mojžíš: Povstaniž Hospodine, a rozptýleni buďte nepřátelé tvoji, a ať utíkají před tváří tvou, kteříž tě v nenávisti mají.

4 Mosebog 10:35
Og hver Gang Arken brød op, sagde Moses: »Staa op, HERRE, at dine Fjender maa splittes og dine Avindsmænd fly for dit Aasyn!«

Numberi 10:35
Het geschiedde nu in het optrekken van de ark, dat Mozes zeide: Sta op, HEERE! en laat Uw vijanden verstrooid worden, en Uw haters van Uw aangezicht vlieden!

במדבר 10:35
וַיְהִ֛י בִּנְסֹ֥עַ הָאָרֹ֖ן וַיֹּ֣אמֶר מֹשֶׁ֑ה קוּמָ֣ה ׀ יְהוָ֗ה וְיָפֻ֙צוּ֙ אֹֽיְבֶ֔יךָ וְיָנֻ֥סוּ מְשַׂנְאֶ֖יךָ מִפָּנֶֽיךָ׃

לה ויהי בנסע הארן ויאמר משה  קומה יהוה ויפצו איביך וינסו משנאיך מפניך

ויהי בנסע הארן ויאמר משה קומה ׀ יהוה ויפצו איביך וינסו משנאיך מפניך׃

4 Mózes 10:35
Mikor pedig el akarták indítani a ládát, ezt mondja vala Mózes: Kelj fel Uram, és széledjenek el a te ellenségeid, és fussanak el elõled a te gyûlölõid.

Moseo 4: Nombroj 10:35
Kaj cxiufoje, kiam la kesto elmovigxis, Moseo diradis:Levigxu, ho Eternulo, kaj disjxetigxu Viaj malamikoj, kaj forkuru Viaj malamantoj for de Via vizagxo.

Ja koska arkki läksi matkaan, sanoi Moses: Herra nouse, että vihollises hajotettaisiin, ja ne, jotka sinua vainoovat, pakenisivat sinun edestäs.

Nombres 10:35
Et il arrivait qu'au départ de l'arche, Moïse disait: Lève-toi, Éternel! et que tes ennemis soient dispersés, et que ceux qui te haïssent s'enfuient devant toi!

Quand l'arche partait, Moïse disait: Lève-toi, Eternel! et que tes ennemis soient dispersés! que ceux qui te haïssent fuient devant ta face!

Or il arrivait qu'au départ de l'Arche, Moïse disait : Lève-toi, ô Eternel, et tes ennemis seront dispersés, et ceux qui te haïssent s'enfuiront de devant toi.

4 Mose 10:35
Und wenn die Lade zog, so sprach Mose: HERR, stehe auf, laß deine Feinde zerstreuet, und die dich hassen, flüchtig werden vor dir!

Und wenn die Lade zog, so sprach Mose: HERR, stehe auf! laß deine Feinde zerstreut und die dich hassen, flüchtig werden vor dir!

Wenn aber die Lade sich in Bewegung setzte, sprach Mose: Mache dich auf, Jahwe, damit deine Feinde zerstieben, und deine Widersacher vor dir fliehen!

Numeri 10:35
Quando l’arca partiva, Mosè diceva: "Lèvati, o Eterno, e siano dispersi i tuoi nemici, e fuggano dinanzi alla tua presenza quelli che t’odiano!"

E, quando l’Arca si moveva, Mosè diceva: Levati su, o Signore, e sieno dispersi i tuoi nemici; e quelli che ti odiano fuggiranno per la tua presenza.

Maka jadilah apabila tabut itu mulai berjalan, bahwa sembah Musa: Bangkitlah kiranya, ya Tuhan! dan biarlah segala seteru-Mu di cerai-beraikan dan segala pembenci-Mu lari dari hadapan hadirat-Mu!

민수기 10:35

Numeri 10:35
cumque elevaretur arca dicebat Moses surge Domine et dissipentur inimici tui et fugiant qui oderunt te a facie tua

Skaièiø knyga 10:35
Sandoros skrynią pakeliant kelionei, Mozė tardavo: “Viešpatie! Teišsisklaido Tavo priešai ir bėga nuo Tavo veido tie, kurie Tavęs nekenčia”.

Numbers 10:35
A ka maunu te aaka, na, ka mea a Mohi, Whakatika, e Ihowa, a kia marara ou hoariri; kia rere hoki i tou; aroaro te hunga e kino ana ki a koe.

4 Mosebok 10:35
Og når arken brøt op, sa Moses: Reis dig, Herre, så dine fiender spredes, og de som hater dig, flyr for ditt åsyn!

Números 10:35
Y sucedía que cuando el arca se ponía en marcha, Moisés decía: ¡Levántate, oh SEÑOR! y sean dispersados tus enemigos, huyan de tu presencia los que te aborrecen.

Y sucedía que cuando el arca se ponía en marcha, Moisés decía: "¡Levántate, oh SEÑOR! Y sean dispersados Tus enemigos, Huyan de Tu presencia los que Te aborrecen."

Y fue, que al moverse el arca, Moisés decía: Levántate, Jehová, y sean disipados tus enemigos, y huyan de tu presencia los que te aborrecen.

Y fué, que en moviendo el arca, Moisés decía: Levántate, Jehová, y sean disipados tus enemigos, y huyan de tu presencia los que te aborrecen.

Y fue, que al mover el arca, Moisés decía: Levántate, oh SEÑOR, y sean disipados tus enemigos, y huyan delante de tu rostro los que te aborrecen.

Números 10:35
Todas as vezes que a arca partia, Moisés orava: “Ó Yahweh, ó SENHOR, levanta-te e dispersa os teus inimigos! Que fujam da tua frente os que te odeiam!”

Quando, pois, a arca partia, dizia Moisés: Levanta-te, Senhor, e dissipados sejam os teus inimigos, e fujam diante de ti os que te odeiam.   

Numeri 10:35
Cînd pornea chivotul, Moise zicea: ,,Scoală-Te, Doamne, ca să se împrăştie vrăjmaşii Tăi, şi să fugă dinaintea Feţei Tale cei ce Te urăsc!``

Числа 10:35
Когда поднимался ковчег в путь, Моисей говорил: восстань, Господи, и рассыплются враги Твои, и побегут отлица Твоего ненавидящие Тебя!

Когда поднимался ковчег в путь, Моисей говорил: восстань, Господи, и рассыплются враги Твои, и побегут от лица Твоего ненавидящие Тебя![]

4 Mosebok 10:35
Och så ofta arken bröt upp, sade Mose: »Stå upp, HERRE; må dina fiender varda förskingrade, och må de som hata dig fly för ditt ansikte.»

Numbers 10:35
At nangyari pagka ang kaban ay isinulong na sinabi ni Moises, Bumangon ka, Oh Panginoon, at mangalat ang mga kaaway mo, at magsitakas sa harap mo ang nangapopoot sa iyo.

กันดารวิถี 10:35
ต่อมาเมื่อหีบยกออกเดินเมื่อไร โมเสสกราบทูลว่า "ข้าแต่พระเยโฮวาห์ ขอทรงลุกขึ้นเถิด ให้ศัตรูทั้งหลายของพระองค์กระจัดกระจายไป ให้ผู้ที่ชังพระองค์หลีกหนีพระองค์ไป"

Çölde Sayım 10:35
Sandık yola çıkınca Musa, ‹‹Ya RAB, kalk! Düşmanların dağılsın, Senden nefret edenler önünden kaçsın!›› diyordu.[]

Daân-soá Kyù 10:35
Khi hòm giao ước đi, thì Môi-se nói rằng: Hỡi Ðức Giê-hô-va, xin chổi dậy, để kẻ thù nghịch Ngài bị tản lạc, và kẻ nào ghét Ngài chạy trốn trước mặt Ngài!

Numbers 10:34
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