Matthew 27:27
Matthew 27:27
Then the governor's soldiers took Jesus into the Praetorium and gathered the whole company of soldiers around him.

Some of the governor's soldiers took Jesus into their headquarters and called out the entire regiment.

Then the soldiers of the governor took Jesus into the governor’s headquarters, and they gathered the whole battalion before him.

Then the soldiers of the governor took Jesus into the Praetorium and gathered the whole Roman cohort around Him.

Then the soldiers of the governor took Jesus into the common hall, and gathered unto him the whole band of soldiers.

Then the governor's soldiers took Jesus into headquarters and gathered the whole company around Him.

Then the governor's soldiers took Jesus into the imperial headquarters and gathered the whole company of soldiers around him.

Then the governor's soldiers took Jesus into the governor's residence and gathered the whole cohort around him.

Then the soldiers of the Governor led Yeshua to the Praetorium, and they gathered the whole regiment around him.

Then the governor's soldiers took Jesus into the palace and gathered the whole troop around him.

Then the soldiers of the governor took Jesus into the common hall and gathered unto him the whole band of soldiers.

Then the soldiers of the governor took Jesus into the common hall, and gathered unto him the whole band of soldiers.

Then the soldiers of the governor took Jesus into the common hall, and gathered to him the whole band of soldiers.

Then the soldiers of the governor took Jesus into the Praetorium, and gathered unto him the whole band.

Then the soldiers of the governor taking Jesus into the hall, gathered together unto him the whole band;

Then the soldiers of the governor, having taken Jesus with them to the praetorium, gathered against him the whole band,

Then the soldiers of the governor took Jesus into the palace, and gathered unto him the whole band.

Then the soldiers of the governor took Jesus into the common hall, and gathered to him the whole band of soldiers.

Then the Governor's soldiers took Jesus into the Praetorium, and called together the whole battalion to make sport of Him.

Then the governor's soldiers took Jesus into the Praetorium, and gathered the whole garrison together against him.

then the soldiers of the governor having taken Jesus to the Praetorium, did gather to him all the band;

Mateu 27:27
Atëherë ushtarët e guvernatorit, mbasi e çuan Jezusin në pretoriumin e guvernatorit, mblodhën rreth tij gjithë kohortën.

ﻣﺘﻰ 27:27
فاخذ عسكر الوالي يسوع الى دار الولاية وجمعوا عليه كل الكتيبة.

Այն ատեն՝ կառավարիչին զինուորները առին Յիսուսը պալատէն ներս, ու զինուորներուն ամբողջ գունդը հաւաքեցին անոր շուրջ:

Euangelioa S. Mattheuen araura.  27:27
Orduan gobernadorearen gendarmeséc eramanic Iesus pretoriora, bil ceçaten haren aitzinera banda gucia.

Dyr Mathäus 27:27
Yn n Pflöger seine Harstner gfüernd aft önn Iesenn eyn s Richthaus ab und pfiffend de gantze Rott ausher.

Матей 27:27
Тогава войниците на управителя заведоха Исуса в преторията, и събраха около Него цялата дружина.

馬 太 福 音 27:27
巡 撫 的 兵 就 把 耶 穌 帶 進 衙 門 , 叫 全 營 的 兵 都 聚 集 在 他 那 裡 。

巡 抚 的 兵 就 把 耶 稣 带 进 衙 门 , 叫 全 营 的 兵 都 聚 集 在 他 那 里 。





Evanðelje po Mateju 27:27
Onda vojnici upraviteljevi uvedoše Isusa u dvor upraviteljev i skupiše oko njega cijelu četu.

Matouš 27:27
Tedy žoldnéři hejtmanovi, vzavše Ježíše do radného domu, shromáždili k němu všecku svou rotu.

Matthæus 27:27
Da toge Landshøvdingens Stridsmænd Jesus med sig ind i Borgen og samlede hele Vagtafdelingen omkring ham.

Mattheüs 27:27
Toen namen de krijgsknechten des stadhouders Jezus met zich in het rechthuis, en vergaderden over Hem de ganse bende.

Τότε οἱ στρατιῶται τοῦ ἡγεμόνος παραλαβόντες τὸν Ἰησοῦν εἰς τὸ πραιτώριον συνήγαγον ἐπ’ αὐτὸν ὅλην τὴν σπεῖραν.

Τότε οἱ στρατιῶται τοῦ ἡγεμόνος παραλαβόντες τὸν Ἰησοῦν εἰς τὸ πραιτώριον συνήγαγον ἐπ' αὐτὸν ὅλην τὴν σπεῖραν.

Τότε οἱ στρατιῶται τοῦ ἡγεμόνος παραλαβόντες τὸν Ἰησοῦν εἰς τὸ πραιτώριον συνήγαγον ἐπ' αὐτὸν ὅλην τὴν σπεῖραν.

Tότε οἱ στρατιῶται τοῦ ἡγεμόνος, παραλαβόντες τὸν Ἰησοῦν εἰς τὸ πραιτώριον, συνήγαγον ἐπ’ αὐτὸν ὅλην τὴν σπεῖραν·

Τότε οἱ στρατιῶται τοῦ ἡγεμόνος παραλαβόντες τὸν Ἰησοῦν εἰς τὸ πραιτώριον συνήγαγον ἐπ’ αὐτὸν ὅλην τὴν σπεῖραν·

Τότε οἱ στρατιῶται τοῦ ἡγεμόνος παραλαβόντες τὸν Ἰησοῦν εἰς τὸ πραιτώριον συνήγαγον ἐπ’ αὐτὸν ὅλην τὴν σπεῖραν.

Τότε οἱ στρατιῶται τοῦ ἡγεμόνος, παραλαβόντες τὸν Ἰησοῦν εἰς τὸ πραιτώριον, συνήγαγον ἐπ’ αὐτὸν ὅλην τὴν σπεῖραν·

Τότε οἱ στρατιῶται τοῦ ἡγεμόνος παραλαβόντες τὸν Ἰησοῦν εἰς τὸ πραιτώριον συνήγαγον ἐπ' αὐτὸν ὅλην τὴν σπεῖραν

τοτε οι στρατιωται του ηγεμονος παραλαβοντες τον ιησουν εις το πραιτωριον συνηγαγον επ αυτον ολην την σπειραν

τοτε οι στρατιωται του ηγεμονος παραλαβοντες τον ιησουν εις το πραιτωριον συνηγαγον επ αυτον ολην την σπειραν

τοτε οι στρατιωται του ηγεμονος παραλαβοντες τον ιησουν εις το πραιτωριον συνηγαγον επ αυτον ολην την σπειραν

Τοτε οι στρατιωται του ηγεμονος, παραλαβοντες τον Ιησουν εις το πραιτωριον, συνηγαγον επ αυτον ολην την σπειραν·

τοτε οι στρατιωται του ηγεμονος παραλαβοντες τον ιησουν εις το πραιτωριον συνηγαγον επ αυτον ολην την σπειραν

τοτε οι στρατιωται του ηγεμονος παραλαβοντες τον ιησουν εις το πραιτωριον συνηγαγον επ αυτον ολην την σπειραν

Tote hoi stratiōtai tou hēgemonos paralabontes ton Iēsoun eis to praitōrion synēgagon ep’ auton holēn tēn speiran.

Tote hoi stratiotai tou hegemonos paralabontes ton Iesoun eis to praitorion synegagon ep’ auton holen ten speiran.

Tote hoi stratiōtai tou hēgemonos paralabontes ton Iēsoun eis to praitōrion synēgagon ep' auton holēn tēn speiran.

Tote hoi stratiotai tou hegemonos paralabontes ton Iesoun eis to praitorion synegagon ep' auton holen ten speiran.

tote oi stratiōtai tou ēgemonos paralabontes ton iēsoun eis to praitōrion sunēgagon ep auton olēn tēn speiran

tote oi stratiOtai tou Egemonos paralabontes ton iEsoun eis to praitOrion sunEgagon ep auton olEn tEn speiran

tote oi stratiōtai tou ēgemonos paralabontes ton iēsoun eis to praitōrion sunēgagon ep auton olēn tēn speiran

tote oi stratiOtai tou Egemonos paralabontes ton iEsoun eis to praitOrion sunEgagon ep auton olEn tEn speiran

tote oi stratiōtai tou ēgemonos paralabontes ton iēsoun eis to praitōrion sunēgagon ep auton olēn tēn speiran

tote oi stratiOtai tou Egemonos paralabontes ton iEsoun eis to praitOrion sunEgagon ep auton olEn tEn speiran

tote oi stratiōtai tou ēgemonos paralabontes ton iēsoun eis to praitōrion sunēgagon ep auton olēn tēn speiran

tote oi stratiOtai tou Egemonos paralabontes ton iEsoun eis to praitOrion sunEgagon ep auton olEn tEn speiran

tote oi stratiōtai tou ēgemonos paralabontes ton iēsoun eis to praitōrion sunēgagon ep auton olēn tēn speiran

tote oi stratiOtai tou Egemonos paralabontes ton iEsoun eis to praitOrion sunEgagon ep auton olEn tEn speiran

tote oi stratiōtai tou ēgemonos paralabontes ton iēsoun eis to praitōrion sunēgagon ep auton olēn tēn speiran

tote oi stratiOtai tou Egemonos paralabontes ton iEsoun eis to praitOrion sunEgagon ep auton olEn tEn speiran

Máté 27:27
Akkor a helytartó vitézei elvivék Jézust az õrházba, és oda gyûjték hozzá az egész csapatot.

La evangelio laŭ Mateo 27:27
Tiam la soldatoj de la provincestro, kondukinte Jesuon en la palacon, kolektis al li la tutan kohorton.

Evankeliumi Matteuksen mukaan 27:27
Silloin maaherran huovit veivät Jesuksen raastupaan, ja kokosivat hänen tykönsä kaiken joukon.

Matthieu 27:27
Alors les soldats du gouverneur, ayant emmené Jésus au prétoire, assemblèrent contre lui toute la cohorte.

Les soldats du gouverneur conduisirent Jésus dans le prétoire, et ils assemblèrent autour de lui toute la cohorte.

Et les soldats du Gouverneur amenèrent Jésus au Prétoire, et assemblèrent devant lui toute la cohorte.

Matthaeus 27:27
Da nahmen die Kriegsknechte des Landpflegers Jesum zu sich in das Richthaus und sammelten über ihn die ganze Schar.

Da nahmen die Kriegsknechte des Landpflegers Jesus zu sich in das Richthaus und sammelten über ihn die ganze Schar

Hierauf nahmen die Soldaten des Statthalters Jesus, brachten ihn in das Prätorium, und versammelten um ihn die ganze Cohorte,

Matteo 27:27
Allora i soldati del governatore, tratto Gesù nel pretorio, radunarono attorno a lui tutta la coorte.

Allora i soldati del governatore, avendo tratto Gesù dentro al pretorio, raunarono attorno a lui tutta la schiera.

MATIUS 27:27
Kemudian daripada itu maka laskar pemerintah itu pun membawa Yesus ke dalam balai pengadilan, lalu dihimpunkannya kepada-Nya segenap pasukan laskar itu.

Matthew 27:27
Iɛsekṛiyen n lḥakem ssufɣen Sidna Ɛisa ɣer ufrag, snejmaɛen-d akk iɛsekṛiyen nniḍen, zzin-as.

마태복음 27:27
이에 총독의 군병들이 예수를 데리고 관정 안으로 들어가서 온 군대를 그에게로 모으고

Matthaeus 27:27
tunc milites praesidis suscipientes Iesum in praetorio congregaverunt ad eum universam cohortem

Sv. Matejs 27:27
Tad pārvaldnieka kareivji ņēma Jēzu tiesas namā un sapulcināja pie Viņa visu pulku.

Evangelija pagal Matà 27:27
Valdytojo kareiviai nusivedė Jėzų į pretorijų ir surinko aplink jį visą kuopą.

Matthew 27:27
Katahi ka mauria a Ihu e nga hoia a te kawana ki te whare whakawa, a whakaminea ana ki a ia te ropu katoa.

Matteus 27:27
Da tok landshøvdingens stridsmenn Jesus med sig inn i borgen og samlet hele vakten omkring ham.

Mateo 27:27
Entonces los soldados del gobernador llevaron a Jesús al Pretorio, y reunieron alrededor de El a toda la cohorte romana.

Entonces los soldados del gobernador llevaron a Jesús al Pretorio (Palacio), y reunieron alrededor de El a toda la tropa Romana.

Entonces los soldados del gobernador llevaron a Jesús al pretorio, y reunieron alrededor de Él a toda la cuadrilla;

Entonces los soldados del presidente llevaron á Jesús al pretorio, y juntaron á él toda la cuadrilla;

Entonces los soldados del gobernador llevaron a Jesús al pretorio, y juntaron a él toda la cuadrilla;

Mateus 27:27
E sucedeu que os soldados do governador conduziram Jesus ao Pretório e agruparam toda a tropa ao redor dele.

Nisso os soldados do governador levaram Jesus ao pretório, e reuniram em torno dele toda a coorte.   

Matei 27:27
Ostaşii dregătorului au dus pe Isus în pretoriu, şi au adunat în jurul Lui toată ceata ostaşilor.

От Матфея 27:27
Тогда воины правителя, взяв Иисуса в преторию, собрали на Него весь полк

Тогда воины правителя, взяв Иисуса в преторию, собрали на Него весь полк

Matthew 27:27
Nuyß akupin pujutai jeanam akupniu suntari Jesusan J·kiar Ashφ suntaraim irunturarmiayi.

Matteus 27:27
Då togo landshövdingens krigsmän Jesus med sig in i pretoriet och församlade hela den romerska vakten omkring honom.

Matayo 27:27
Kisha askari wa mkuu wa mkoa wakamwingiza Yesu ndani ya ikulu, wakamkusanyikia kikosi kizima.

Mateo 27:27
Nang magkagayo'y dinala si Jesus ng mga kawal ng gobernador sa Pretorio, at nagkatipon sa kaniya ang buong pulutong.

มัทธิว 27:27
พวกทหารของเจ้าเมืองจึงพาพระเยซูไปไว้ในศาลาปรีโทเรียม แล้วก็รวมทหารทั้งกองล้อมพระองค์ไว้

Matta 27:27
Sonra valinin askerleri İsayı vali konağına götürüp bütün taburu başına topladılar.

Матей 27:27
Тоді воїни ігемонові, взявши Ісуса на судище, зібрали на Него всю роту.

Matthew 27:27
Oti toe, tantara Gubernur mpokeni Yesus mesua' hi rala tomi Gubernur, pai' -ra mpokio' hawe'ea doo-ra tumai mpotipuhi-i.

Ma-thi-ô 27:27
Lính của quan tổng đốc bèn đem Ðức Chúa Jêsus vào công đường, và nhóm cả cơ binh vây lấy Ngài.

Matthew 27:26
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