Matthew 11:25
Matthew 11:25
At that time Jesus said, "I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children.

At that time Jesus prayed this prayer: "O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, thank you for hiding these things from those who think themselves wise and clever, and for revealing them to the childlike.

At that time Jesus declared, “I thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that you have hidden these things from the wise and understanding and revealed them to little children;

At that time Jesus said, "I praise You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that You have hidden these things from the wise and intelligent and have revealed them to infants.

At that time Jesus answered and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes.

At that time Jesus said, "I praise You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because You have hidden these things from the wise and learned and revealed them to infants.

At that time Jesus said, "I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from wise and intelligent people and have revealed them to infants.

At that time Jesus said, "I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and intelligent, and revealed them to little children.

At that time Yeshua answered and said, “I thank you my Father, Lord of Heaven and Earth, that you have hidden these things from the wise and the intelligent and you have revealed them to infants.

At that time Jesus said, "I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, for hiding these things from wise and intelligent people and revealing them to little children.

At that time Jesus answered and said, I praise thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and understanding and hast revealed them unto children.

At that time Jesus answered and said, I thank you, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hid these things from the wise and prudent, and have revealed them unto babes.

At that time Jesus answered and said, I thank you, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hid these things from the wise and prudent, and have revealed them to babes.

At that season Jesus answered and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that thou didst hide these things from the wise and understanding, and didst reveal them unto babes:

At that time Jesus answered and said: I confess to thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them to the little ones.

At that time, Jesus answering said, I praise thee, Father, Lord of the heaven and of the earth, that thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them to babes.

At that season Jesus answered and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that thou didst hide these things from the wise and understanding, and didst reveal them unto babes:

At that time Jesus answered and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them to babes.

About that time Jesus exclaimed, "I heartily praise Thee, Father, Lord of Heaven and of earth, that Thou hast hidden these things from sages and men of discernment, and hast unveiled them to babes.

At that time, Jesus answered, "I thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that you hid these things from the wise and understanding, and revealed them to infants.

At that time Jesus answering said, 'I do confess to Thee, Father, Lord of the heavens and of the earth, that thou didst hide these things from wise and understanding ones, and didst reveal them to babes.

Mateu 11:25
Në atë kohë Jezusi nisi të thotë: ''Unë të lavdëroj, o Atë, Zot i qiellit dhe i dheut, sepse ua fshehe këto gjëra të urtit dhe të mençurit, dhe ua zbulove fëmijëve të vegjël.

ﻣﺘﻰ 11:25
في ذلك الوقت اجاب يسوع وقال احمدك ايها الآب رب السماء والارض لانك اخفيت هذه عن الحكماء والفهماء واعلنتها للاطفال.

Այդ ատեն Յիսուս ըսաւ. «Կը ներբողեմ քեզ, ո՛վ Հայր, Տէր երկինքի ու երկրի, որ այս բաները ծածկեցիր իմաստուններէն եւ խելացիներէն, ու յայտնեցիր երախաներո՛ւն:

Euangelioa S. Mattheuen araura.  11:25
Dembora hartan ihardesten çuela Iesusec erran ceçan, Aitá, ceruco eta lurreco Iauná, esquerrac rendatzen drauzquiát, ceren estali baitrauztec gauça hauc çuhurréy eta adituey, eta manifestatu baitrauztec haour chipiey.

Dyr Mathäus 11:25
Dyrselbn spraach dyr Iesen: "I preis di, Vater, Herr von n Himml und dyr Erdn, weilst dös allss yn de ganz de Gscheidn verborgn, yn de Aimetn aber goffnbart haast.

Матей 11:25
В онова време Исус проговори, казвайки: Благодаря Ти, Отче, Господи на небето и земята, за гдето си утаил това от мъдрите и разумните, а си го открил на младенците.

馬 太 福 音 11:25
那 時 , 耶 穌 說 : 父 阿 , 天 地 的 主 , 我 感 謝 你 ! 因 為 你 將 這 些 事 向 聰 明 通 達 人 就 藏 起 來 , 向 嬰 孩 就 顯 出 來 。

那 时 , 耶 稣 说 : 父 阿 , 天 地 的 主 , 我 感 谢 你 ! 因 为 你 将 这 些 事 向 聪 明 通 达 人 就 藏 起 来 , 向 婴 孩 就 显 出 来 。





Evanðelje po Mateju 11:25
U ono vrijeme reče Isus: Slavim te, Oče, Gospodaru neba i zemlje, što si ovo sakrio od mudrih i umnih, a objavio malenima.

Matouš 11:25
V ten čas odpověděv Ježíš, řekl: Chválím tě, Otče, Pane nebe i země, že jsi skryl tyto věci před moudrými a opatrnými, a zjevil jsi je maličkým.

Matthæus 11:25
Paa den Tid udbrød Jesus og sagde: »Jeg priser dig, Fader, Himmelens og Jordens Herre! fordi du har skjult dette for vise og forstandige og aabenbaret det for umyndige.

Mattheüs 11:25
In diezelve tijd antwoordde Jezus en zeide: Ik dank U, Vader! Heere des hemels en der aarde! dat Gij deze dingen voor de wijzen en verstandigen verborgen hebt, en hebt dezelve den kinderkens geopenbaard.

Ἐν ἐκείνῳ τῷ καιρῷ ἀποκριθεὶς ὁ Ἰησοῦς εἶπεν Ἐξομολογοῦμαί σοι, Πάτερ, Κύριε τοῦ οὐρανοῦ καὶ τῆς γῆς, ὅτι ἔκρυψας ταῦτα ἀπὸ σοφῶν καὶ συνετῶν, καὶ ἀπεκάλυψας αὐτὰ νηπίοις·

Ἐν ἐκείνῳ τῷ καιρῷ ἀποκριθεὶς ὁ Ἰησοῦς εἶπεν Ἐξομολογοῦμαί σοι, πάτερ κύριε τοῦ οὐρανοῦ καὶ τῆς γῆς, ὅτι ἔκρυψας ταῦτα ἀπὸ σοφῶν καὶ συνετῶν, καὶ ἀπεκάλυψας αὐτὰ νηπίοις·

Ἐν ἐκείνῳ τῷ καιρῷ ἀποκριθεὶς ὁ Ἰησοῦς εἶπεν Ἐξομολογοῦμαί σοι, πάτερ κύριε τοῦ οὐρανοῦ καὶ τῆς γῆς, ὅτι ἔκρυψας ταῦτα ἀπὸ σοφῶν καὶ συνετῶν, καὶ ἀπεκάλυψας αὐτὰ νηπίοις·

Ἐν ἐκείνῳ τῷ καιρῷ ἀποκριθεὶς ὁ Ἰησοῦς εἴπεν, Ἐξομολογοῦμαί σοι, πάτερ, κύριε τοῦ οὐρανοῦ καὶ τῆς γῆς, ὅτι ἀπέκρυψας ταῦτα ἀπὸ σοφῶν καὶ συνετῶν, καὶ ἀπεκάλυψας αὐτὰ νηπίοις.

Ἐν ἐκείνῳ τῷ καιρῷ ἀποκριθεὶς ὁ Ἰησοῦς εἶπεν· Ἐξομολογοῦμαί σοι, πάτερ, Κύριε τοῦ οὐρανοῦ καὶ τῆς γῆς, ὅτι ἀπέκρυψας ταῦτα ἀπὸ σοφῶν καὶ συνετῶν, καὶ ἀπεκάλυψας αὐτὰ νηπίοις·

Ἐν ἐκείνῳ τῷ καιρῷ ἀποκριθεὶς ὁ Ἰησοῦς εἶπεν· ἐξομολογοῦμαί σοι, πάτερ, κύριε τοῦ οὐρανοῦ καὶ τῆς γῆς, ὅτι ἔκρυψας ταῦτα ἀπὸ σοφῶν καὶ συνετῶν, καὶ ἀπεκάλυψας αὐτὰ νηπίοις·

Ἐν ἐκείνῳ τῷ καιρῷ ἀποκριθεὶς ὁ Ἰησοῦς εἶπεν, Ἐξομολογοῦμαί σοι, πάτερ, κύριε τοῦ οὐρανοῦ καὶ τῆς γῆς, ὅτι απέκρυψας ταῦτα ἀπὸ σοφῶν καὶ συνετῶν, καὶ ἀπεκάλυψας αὐτὰ νηπίοις·

Ἐν ἐκείνῳ τῷ καιρῷ ἀποκριθεὶς ὁ Ἰησοῦς εἶπεν Ἐξομολογοῦμαί σοι πάτερ κύριε τοῦ οὐρανοῦ καὶ τῆς γῆς ὅτι απέκρυψας ταῦτα ἀπὸ σοφῶν καὶ συνετῶν καὶ ἀπεκάλυψας αὐτὰ νηπίοις·

εν εκεινω τω καιρω αποκριθεις ο ιησους ειπεν εξομολογουμαι σοι πατερ κυριε του ουρανου και της γης οτι εκρυψας ταυτα απο σοφων και συνετων και απεκαλυψας αυτα νηπιοις

εν εκεινω τω καιρω αποκριθεις ο ιησους ειπεν εξομολογουμαι σοι πατερ κυριε του ουρανου και της γης οτι εκρυψας ταυτα απο σοφων και συνετων και απεκαλυψας αυτα νηπιοις

εν εκεινω τω καιρω αποκριθεις ο ιησους ειπεν εξομολογουμαι σοι πατερ κυριε του ουρανου και της γης οτι απεκρυψας ταυτα απο σοφων και συνετων και απεκαλυψας αυτα νηπιοις

Εν εκεινω τω καιρω αποκριθεις ο Ιησους ειπεν, Εξομολογουμαι σοι, πατερ, κυριε του ουρανου και της γης, οτι απεκρυψας ταυτα απο σοφων και συνετων, και απεκαλυψας αυτα νηπιοις·

εν εκεινω τω καιρω αποκριθεις ο ιησους ειπεν εξομολογουμαι σοι πατερ κυριε του ουρανου και της γης οτι απεκρυψας ταυτα απο σοφων και συνετων και απεκαλυψας αυτα νηπιοις

εν εκεινω τω καιρω αποκριθεις ο ιησους ειπεν εξομολογουμαι σοι πατερ κυριε του ουρανου και της γης οτι εκρυψας ταυτα απο σοφων και συνετων και απεκαλυψας αυτα νηπιοις

En ekeinō tō kairō apokritheis ho Iēsous eipen Exomologoumai soi, Pater, Kyrie tou ouranou kai tēs gēs, hoti ekrypsas tauta apo sophōn kai synetōn, kai apekalypsas auta nēpiois;

En ekeino to kairo apokritheis ho Iesous eipen Exomologoumai soi, Pater, Kyrie tou ouranou kai tes ges, hoti ekrypsas tauta apo sophon kai syneton, kai apekalypsas auta nepiois;

En ekeinō tō kairō apokritheis ho Iēsous eipen Exomologoumai soi, pater kyrie tou ouranou kai tēs gēs, hoti ekrypsas tauta apo sophōn kai synetōn, kai apekalypsas auta nēpiois;

En ekeino to kairo apokritheis ho Iesous eipen Exomologoumai soi, pater kyrie tou ouranou kai tes ges, hoti ekrypsas tauta apo sophon kai syneton, kai apekalypsas auta nepiois;

en ekeinō tō kairō apokritheis o iēsous eipen exomologoumai soi pater kurie tou ouranou kai tēs gēs oti ekrupsas tauta apo sophōn kai sunetōn kai apekalupsas auta nēpiois

en ekeinO tO kairO apokritheis o iEsous eipen exomologoumai soi pater kurie tou ouranou kai tEs gEs oti ekrupsas tauta apo sophOn kai sunetOn kai apekalupsas auta nEpiois

en ekeinō tō kairō apokritheis o iēsous eipen exomologoumai soi pater kurie tou ouranou kai tēs gēs oti apekrupsas tauta apo sophōn kai sunetōn kai apekalupsas auta nēpiois

en ekeinO tO kairO apokritheis o iEsous eipen exomologoumai soi pater kurie tou ouranou kai tEs gEs oti apekrupsas tauta apo sophOn kai sunetOn kai apekalupsas auta nEpiois

en ekeinō tō kairō apokritheis o iēsous eipen exomologoumai soi pater kurie tou ouranou kai tēs gēs oti apekrupsas tauta apo sophōn kai sunetōn kai apekalupsas auta nēpiois

en ekeinO tO kairO apokritheis o iEsous eipen exomologoumai soi pater kurie tou ouranou kai tEs gEs oti apekrupsas tauta apo sophOn kai sunetOn kai apekalupsas auta nEpiois

en ekeinō tō kairō apokritheis o iēsous eipen exomologoumai soi pater kurie tou ouranou kai tēs gēs oti apekrupsas tauta apo sophōn kai sunetōn kai apekalupsas auta nēpiois

en ekeinO tO kairO apokritheis o iEsous eipen exomologoumai soi pater kurie tou ouranou kai tEs gEs oti apekrupsas tauta apo sophOn kai sunetOn kai apekalupsas auta nEpiois

en ekeinō tō kairō apokritheis o iēsous eipen exomologoumai soi pater kurie tou ouranou kai tēs gēs oti ekrupsas tauta apo sophōn kai sunetōn kai apekalupsas auta nēpiois

en ekeinO tO kairO apokritheis o iEsous eipen exomologoumai soi pater kurie tou ouranou kai tEs gEs oti ekrupsas tauta apo sophOn kai sunetOn kai apekalupsas auta nEpiois

en ekeinō tō kairō apokritheis o iēsous eipen exomologoumai soi pater kurie tou ouranou kai tēs gēs oti ekrupsas tauta apo sophōn kai sunetōn kai apekalupsas auta nēpiois

en ekeinO tO kairO apokritheis o iEsous eipen exomologoumai soi pater kurie tou ouranou kai tEs gEs oti ekrupsas tauta apo sophOn kai sunetOn kai apekalupsas auta nEpiois

Máté 11:25
Abban az idõben szólván Jézus, monda: Hálákat adok néked, Atyám, mennynek és földnek Ura, hogy elrejtetted ezeket a bölcsek és az értelmesek elõl, és a kisdedeknek megjelentetted.

La evangelio laŭ Mateo 11:25
En tiu tempo Jesuo ekparolis kaj diris:Mi Vin gloras, ho Patro, Sinjoro de la cxielo kaj la tero, ke tion Vi kasxis for de sagxuloj kaj prudentuloj, kaj malkasxis al infanoj;

Evankeliumi Matteuksen mukaan 11:25
Sillä ajalla vastasi Jesus ja sanoi: minä kiitän sinua, Isä, taivaan ja maan Herra, ettäs olet kätkenyt nämät viisailta ja toimellisilta, ja olet ne ilmoittanut pienille.

Matthieu 11:25
En ce temps-là, Jésus répondit et dit: Je te loue, ô Père, Seigneur du ciel et de la terre, parce que tu as caché ces choses aux sages et aux intelligents, et que tu les as révélées aux petits enfants.

En ce temps-là, Jésus prit la parole, et dit: Je te loue, Père, Seigneur du ciel et de la terre, de ce que tu as caché ces choses aux sages et aux intelligents, et de ce que tu les as révélées aux enfants.

En ce temps-là Jésus prenant la parole dit : je te célèbre, ô mon Père! Seigneur du ciel et de la terre, de ce que tu as caché ces choses aux sages et aux intelligents, et que tu les as révélées aux petits enfants.

Matthaeus 11:25
Zu derselbigen Zeit antwortete Jesus und sprach: Ich preise dich, Vater und HERR Himmels und der Erde, daß du solches den Weisen und Klugen verborgen hast und hast es den Unmündigen offenbaret.

Zu der Zeit antwortete Jesus und sprach: Ich preise dich, Vater und HERR Himmels und der Erde, daß du solches den Weisen und Klugen verborgen hast und hast es den Unmündigen offenbart.

In jener Zeit nahm Jesus das Wort und sprach: Ich danke dir, Vater, Herr des Himmels und der Erde, daß du dieses verborgen hast vor Weisen und Verständigen, und hast es Unmündigen geoffenbaret;

Matteo 11:25
In quel tempo Gesù prese a dire: Io ti rendo lode, o Padre, Signor del cielo e della terra, perché hai nascoste queste cose ai savi e agli intelligenti, e le hai rivelate ai piccoli fanciulli.

IN quel tempo Gesù prese a dire: Io ti rendo gloria e lode, o Padre, Signor del cielo e della terra, che tu hai nascoste queste cose a’ savi e intendenti, e le hai rivelate a’ piccoli fanciulli.

MATIUS 11:25
Pada waktu itu berkatalah Yesus demikian, "Ya Bapa, Tuhan langit dan bumi! Aku memuji Engkau sebab Engkau melindungkan perkara ini daripada orang budiman dan berpengetahuan, dan menyatakan dia kepada kanak-kanak.

Matthew 11:25
Di lweqt-nni, Sidna Ɛisa inṭeq yenna : Ḥemmdeɣ-k a Baba Ṛebbi, a Bab igenwan d lqaɛa, imi i d tessekneḍ i imecṭaḥ ayen i teffreḍ i imusnawen d lɛuqal.

마태복음 11:25
그 때에 예수께서 대답하여 가라사대 천지의 주재이신 아버지여 ! 이것을 지혜롭고 슬기 있는 자들에게는 숨기시고 어린 아이들에게는 나타내심을 감사하나이다

Matthaeus 11:25
in illo tempore respondens Iesus dixit confiteor tibi Pater Domine caeli et terrae quia abscondisti haec a sapientibus et prudentibus et revelasti ea parvulis

Sv. Matejs 11:25
Tanī laikā Jēzus atbildēdams sacīja: Es godinu Tevi, Tēvs, debess un zemes Kungs, ka Tu noslēpi to mācītiem un gudriem, bet atklāji to mazajiem.

Evangelija pagal Matà 11:25
Anuo metu Jėzus kalbėjo: “Aš šlovinu Tave, Tėve, dangaus ir žemės Viešpatie, kad paslėpei tai nuo išmintingųjų ir gudriųjų, o apreiškei mažutėliams.

Matthew 11:25
I taua wa ka oho a Ihu, ka mea, He whakawhetai atu taku ki a koe, e Pa, e te Ariki o te rangi o te whenua, no te mea kua huna e koe enei mea i te hunga matau, i te hunga mahara, a hurahia ana ki nga kohungahunga.

Matteus 11:25
På den tid tok Jesus til orde og sa: Jeg priser dig, Fader, himmelens og jordens herre, fordi du har skjult dette for de vise og forstandige, og åpenbaret det for de umyndige;

Mateo 11:25
En aquel tiempo, hablando Jesús, dijo: Te alabo, Padre, Señor del cielo y de la tierra, porque ocultaste estas cosas a sabios e inteligentes, y las revelaste a los niños.

En aquel tiempo, Jesús dijo: "Te alabo, Padre, Señor del cielo y de la tierra, porque ocultaste estas cosas a sabios e inteligentes, y las revelaste a los niños.

En aquel tiempo, respondió Jesús y dijo: Te doy gracias, Padre, Señor del cielo y de la tierra, porque escondiste estas cosas de los sabios y de los entendidos, y las revelaste a los niños.

En aquel tiempo, respondiendo Jesús, dijo: Te alabo, Padre, Señor del cielo y de la tierra, que hayas escondido estas cosas de los sabios y de los entendidos, y las hayas revelado á los niños.

En aquel tiempo, respondiendo Jesús, dijo: Te alabo, Padre, Señor del cielo y de la tierra, que hayas escondido esto de los sabios y de los entendidos, y lo hayas revelado a los niños.

Mateus 11:25
Naquela ocasião, em resposta, Jesus proclamou: “Graças te dou, ó Pai, Senhor dos céus e da terra, pois escondeste estas coisas dos sábios e cultos, e as revelaste aos pequeninos.

Naquele tempo falou Jesus, dizendo: Graças te dou, ó Pai, Senhor do céu e da terra, porque ocultaste estas coisas aos sábios e entendidos, e as revelaste aos pequeninos.   

Matei 11:25
În vremea aceea, Isus a luat cuvîntul şi a zis: ,,Te laud, Tată, Doamne al cerului şi al pămîntului, pentrucă ai ascuns aceste lucruri de cei înţelepţi şi pricepuţi, şi le-ai descoperit pruncilor.

От Матфея 11:25
В то время, продолжая речь, Иисус сказал: славлю Тебя, Отче, Господи неба и земли, что Ты утаил сие от мудрых и разумных и открыл то младенцам;

В то время, продолжая речь, Иисус сказал: славлю Тебя, Отче, Господи неба и земли, что Ты утаил сие от мудрых и разумных и открыл то младенцам;

Matthew 11:25
Nuyß Jesus Tφmiayi "Shiir Enentßimtajme, Aparu, Ashφ nayaimpisha nunkasha uuntrinme. Tuma asam Ame T·ram nu ti unuimiaru Enentßimtumainia Nuyß ·ukuitme antsu uchichia ainis nankaamantu Enentßimtumainiatsna N· shuar paant awajtusuitme.

Matteus 11:25
Vid den tiden talade Jesus och sade: »Jag prisar dig, Fader, du himmelens och jordens Herre, för att du väl har dolt detta för de visa och kloka, men uppenbarat det för de enfaldiga.

Matayo 11:25
Wakati huo Yesu alisema, "Nakushukuru ee Baba, Bwana wa mbingu na dunia, maana umewaficha wenye hekima mambo haya, ukawafumbulia watoto wadogo.

Mateo 11:25
Nang panahong yaon ay sumagot si Jesus at sinabi, Ako'y nagpapasalamat sa iyo, Oh Ama, Panginoon ng langit at ng lupa, na iyong inilihim ang mga bagay na ito sa mga pantas at matatalino, at ipinahayag mo sa mga sanggol:

มัทธิว 11:25
ขณะนั้นพระเยซูทูลตอบว่า "ข้าแต่พระบิดา ผู้เป็นเจ้าแห่งฟ้าสวรรค์และแผ่นดิน ข้าพระองค์ขอขอบพระคุณพระองค์ ที่พระองค์ได้ทรงปิดบังสิ่งเหล่านี้ไว้จากผู้มีปัญญาและผู้ฉลาด และได้สำแดงให้ผู้น้อยรู้

Matta 11:25
İsa bundan sonra şöyle dedi: ‹‹Baba, yerin ve göğün Rabbi! Bu gerçekleri bilge ve akıllı kişilerden gizleyip küçük çocuklara açtığın için sana şükrederim.

Матей 11:25
І озвав ся Ісус того часу знов і рече: Хвалю Тебе, Отче, Господи неба й землї, що Ти втаїв се від премудрих і розумних, а відкрив сеє те недоліткам.

Matthew 11:25
Nto'u toe, Yesus mosampaya, na'uli': "O Mama, Pue' langi' pai' dunia'! Mpo'uli' -a tarima kasi, apa' hawe'ea toe lau nupopohiloi-raka tauna to uma pe'incai, tapi' nuwunii' -raka tauna to nginca pai' tauna to pante,

Ma-thi-ô 11:25
Lúc đó, Ðức Chúa Jêsus nói rằng: Hỡi Cha! là Chúa của trời đất, tôi ngợi khen Cha, vì Cha đã giấu những điều này với kẻ khôn ngoan, người sáng dạ, mà tỏ ra cho những con trẻ hay.

Matthew 11:24
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